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Chapter 130 Madam, you don't want your husband to lose his job, do you?

At Aoki's request, John McClain chose to give in and let Hans free the passage to leave the office. However, he still did not put down Krog in his hand. Otherwise, Hans would turn his gun and give him a shot.

What to do with the gun? He has no intention of dying for the capitalists.

Yashida Shingen looked old-fashioned and calm.

Even if a gun is pressed to the temple.

Yashida Shingen has received strict education from Yashida Ichiro since he was a child. He is proficient in swordsmanship and fighting, and can remain calm and collected in any situation.

His footsteps followed Hans, but he was always looking for Hans's flaws, trying to counterattack in one fell swoop.

To be honest, Yashida Shingen felt that he was really unlucky.

If this robbery had happened in Japan, it would definitely not have evolved into what it is now. And if it weren't for the big business with Psylocke, he wouldn't have ignored the security issue. The bodyguards didn't have suitable weapons, samurai swords and

Firearms and the like, otherwise, he wouldn't be caught so easily.

Moreover, he really did not expect that Hans and others would find him and Aoki, not for blackmail or as a shield, but to ask for Aoki's computer password, and if they don't give it, they will kill... These big grievances, could they?

I don’t know, if you kidnap Yashida Shingen and then ask Yashida Industries to extort money, can you extort at least 100 million US dollars?

Many accidents led him to believe that Shida Shingen, as the heir to Japan's top chaebol, ended up in such a tragic situation.

"white night!"

Mariko nervously grabbed Byakuya's arm.

Watching her father being kidnapped by the robbers, Mariko couldn't help but feel that there was a high possibility that her father would become cold.

Because people like Hans are not ordinary little thieves, but real gangsters, possessing various heavy weapons and high-tech combat items. If Yashida Shingen falls into their hands, the probability of survival is probably not as good as that of a sudden attack in the white night.

There is a high probability that an illegitimate child of several years old will appear.

"Don't worry, it's okay."

Bai Ye patted Mariko's smooth little hand.

Although killing Yashida Shingen, the old father-in-law, is obviously more beneficial to Mariko, Baiye knows that Mariko's grandfather Yashida Ichiro is not a good person, so when Yashida Shingen dies, then Yashida Ichiro's malicious intentions

, it is estimated that they are all targeting Mariko, so it is better to keep Yashida Shingen alive and continue to defend Mariko against thunder.

"You don't have to be so nervous. I will release Mr. Shingen when I am safe. After all, we don't want to offend Yashida Industries, a behemoth that is famous all over the world."

Hans also spoke words of comfort.

He hid his head in the blind spot between Bai Ye and John McClane, moved carefully step by step, and soon arrived at the door of the office.

Perhaps because he felt that the escape route was right in front of him, Hans decided to show off before leaving:

"The plan we carefully prepared for a year was ruined like this. The NYPD police officers and Mr. Phil Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D. will definitely pay off next time, haha!"

The next second.

Yashida Shingen's eyes flashed.

The opportunity has come.

In the past, because Hans was also proficient in fighting and firearms, Yashida Shingen did not dare to act rashly despite his abilities. However, Hans's nonsense with Bai Ye and John McClane distracted his attention.

The chance to counterattack that Yashida Shingen had been waiting for was finally given to him.

He moved in an instant and swung his arm towards Hans' gun-holding wrist.

It can be said that if Hans did not have a gun in his hand and the two of them fought with bare hands, he would be confident that he would beat Hans to death.

Hans seemed not to have thought that the young master he was holding hostage was actually a master. He showed a look of astonishment and his movements were stiff for a moment.

Bai Ye raised a smile on his lips, flicked his arm, and a bullet was shot out of the barrel of the gun, drawing an arc and passing through Yashida Shingen who was blocking Hans. Under the disbelief eyes of everyone, he was deeply

The bullet pierced Hans's eye, the bullet passed through, and the eyeball fragments and blood spattered.

Hans died suddenly and violently on the spot.

Many people think that if the bullet hits the heart, they will die immediately. In fact, after the bullet hits the heart, the blood pressure in the blood drops rapidly, and the eyes will be temporarily blinded due to low blood pressure, but the oxygen and adenosine triphosphate in the blood can still be maintained for about 7 to 10

seconds, and some can even last for twenty seconds.

After hitting the eye, the bullet will instantly penetrate the eye socket, which has only one layer of skin, and pierce the brain - the autonomic nerves controlled by the brain stem, such as subconscious breathing, heart beating, and gastrointestinal motility. Therefore, after hitting the brain stem, the person will

Die instantly without even a struggle!

The scene fell into silence for a moment.

Yashida Shingen, who was hit by Byakuya's bullet and left a deep blood mark on his face, was stunned.

The bullet just now was only 0.01 centimeters away from blowing up his head... There was once a perfect security system placed in front of me, but I didn't cherish it. I regretted it when I lost it. It's the most painful thing in the world.

Nothing more than this. If God can give me another chance, I will say three words to the gunman just now: I will hate you forever. If I have to add a deadline to this hatred, I hope it is...

a thousand years.

"Bai, Byakuya..." Mariko was stunned for a moment and said, "If I read it correctly just now, did the bullet you fired turn a corner?"

John McClane also looked shocked. Although he thought that his cousin's friend must be not simple, he did not expect that this friend was not simple and could actually turn a bullet?

Is this manipulation of overturning Newton's coffin really something that normal people can do?

"Obviously, yes." Bai Ye blew the smoke from his gun and said very calmly: "This is called arc shooting, which can also be called gun fighting. It is a fusion of martial arts, swordsmanship, and spearmanship.

A powerful shooting ability. After many shooting experiments and analysis and statistical principles, the ballistics and enemy positions in gun battles can be summarized by statistical models. So based on this, including shooting, kendo and physical skills

The art of gun fighting was born."

"Using precise movement calculations, launch the maximum damage attack at the position with the least damage to yourself. You can shoot to the blind spot anywhere around you, increasing the power of the bullet by 20%. With your own body as the center, the prototype geometry is the plane reference.

All positions around you that can be attacked will be calculated, and every possible attack position around the body will be shot, and it can exist as both attack and defense at the same time."

"In layman's terms, the moment the bullet comes out of the gun, the shooter shakes his wrist rapidly to bend the bullet. This is the legendary gun fighting technique!"

In this world, Bai Ye has an ex-girlfriend named Fire Fox. He learned and practiced gun fighting from Fire Fox, but he didn't seem to have the talent in this area, so he couldn't learn it. But after eating the Thunder Fruit, Bai Ye

He tried to practice arc shooting, and when he wrapped the lightning around the fired bullet, he was able to shoot in an arc in a different way.

——Well, it’s not quite accurate to say that Huohu is his ex-girlfriend, because before Bai Ye met Huohu, Huohu seemed to have a husband.

"Byakuya, is there really such a thing as gun fighting in this world?" Mariko said, "Could it be some kind of superpower?"

Byakuya: "Mariko, if you use Yashida Industries' resources to investigate an organization called the Assassin's League, then you will know that arc shooting is the Assassin's League's signature trick and is very famous in the underground world."

Yashida Shingen broke free from the state of soullessness, looking quite embarrassed:

"Mariko, this gentleman is right. In the underground world, there is indeed a killer organization called the Assassin's League. They are good at using marksmanship that can bend bullets. I didn't expect this gentleman to be able to do it."

John McClane was a little depressed. Could it be that the people his cousin often came into contact with were of this level? No wonder his cousin was always so energetic and energetic.

"Come and look, the police car is coming!"

Aoki, who was standing by the window, suddenly said.

Gu Rui

So Mariko stopped asking, and came to the edge of the window with Byakuya, looking at the NYPD running over.

Because John McClane threw the body of a robber downstairs, the case suddenly became at least a murder case, so it attracted the NYPD's great attention.

A lot of people came.

Under the order of the on-site commander, a team of ESU launched an attack.

——When it comes to SWAT, many people will think of the Los Angeles Police Department’s (LAPD) SWAT team, and the New York Police Department (NYPD) also has its own SWAT team called the Emergency Service Unit, or ESU for short.

In addition to performing anti-terrorist missions, ESU also provides rescue and emergency medical services, such as major car accidents and collapsed buildings. It was formerly the city's machine gun unit, with a history that can be traced back to before and after World War II. It is a special branch of the New York City Police Department.

Action department.


John McClane hammered the floor-to-ceiling window in front of him:

"I've told them that there are at least forty or fifty robbers here, and they are well-trained special forces with heavy firepower. So they sent these ten ESU members to attack? This is to let them go

Go to death!"

Sure enough, as soon as the ESU arrived in front of the building, they were ambushed by the robbers. They used heavy firepower, firearms, grenades, and even C4 bombs. In less than a moment, the entire ESU team was killed by the robbers.

John McClane scratched his hair hard.

What the heck, a team of pig teammates can’t even be brought along!

"Is this the only capability of the New York City Police Department?" Yashida Shingen also felt ridiculous: "It was so easily defeated by robbers. It seems that I have to reconsider Yashida Industries' investment in New York City."

"Look, there's an armored vehicle!"

Mariko's eyes lit up, she pointed at the NYPD team and said.

Bai Ye said: "It's useless, the robbers still have a lot of RPGs in their hands, and the armored vehicles are also very dangerous..."

Just before Bai Ye finished speaking, a line of fire was fired from underneath the building, directly hitting the armored vehicle.


John Maclean couldn't help but yelled:

"Are those on-site conductors full of shit? Idiots, a bunch of big idiots."


Several more PRGs were fired, hitting the armored vehicle.

As a result, armored vehicles rushed into the street.


"It seems that we can't count on the NYPD to rescue us. If we want to escape, we still have to look at ourselves!"

Yashida Shingen picked up a shotgun from the ground and said with a stern face.

"That's right, counting on them is better than counting on pigs flying in the sky!" John McClane held the gun in his hand and said: "We have to rely on our own strength to defeat the remaining robbers and rescue those imprisoned.


The ESU team at the scene could only rely on sacrificing their lives to attract the attention of the robbers, but there was no hope for the rest.

"OK, let's go together."

Bai Ye nodded and expressed his approval.

Most of the people kidnapped by the robbers were innocent employees. The only two evil capitalists among them were Mariko and her old father-in-law, and Lingdie on the other. The palms and backs of these hands were full of flesh, so Bai Ye could not

Just mind your own business.

"Mariko, follow Aoki and hide, we will be back soon!"

Yashida Shingen said.

Mariko is Yashida Shingen's only heir. Even if he is not too close to Mariko, he cannot let Mariko die for no reason.

As for following Byakuya and John McClane to rescue the hostages, in Yashida Shingen's opinion, the chances of winning are very high and there shouldn't be much of a problem.

First of all, John McClane is one of the best in a hundred, while Byakuya is more like the one in a million. With such two amazing teammates, Yashida Shingen feels that he is sure of himself.

Secondly, among the hostages, there is his stand-in bodyguard. Now he is trapped because he does not carry a weapon. Once the weapon is taken away and given to him, he will immediately form a powerful fighting force.

Finally, Yashida Shingen claims to be a master of firearms and fighting, so it is not a big problem to compare one to ten.

After all, he is a man who can stand up to Wolverine!

How can one be timid and fearful of things?

"No!" Mariko shook her head and said, "I want to be with you, and I can also help fight."


Yashida Shingen frowned.

"Okay, okay, it's time like this, let's stop arguing." Bai Ye said: "Mr. Shingen, let Mariko follow us. I am confident to ensure her safety."

Yashida Shingen had to swallow the scolding words on his lips, not only because Byakuya had just saved his life, but also because Byakuya was their biggest thigh now, and he would definitely not be able to do it without it.

Ever since.

Byakuya, John McClane, Yashida Shingen, Aoki, and Mariko went forward together, preparing to rescue the trapped hostages.

After Hans and other leaders were caught off guard and killed by Bai Ye and others, the robbers were obviously a little panicked in their arrangements. However, they were not sure of the situation of Hans and others, and did not dare to suddenly detonate without an order.

The C4 bomb placed in the building, otherwise, they themselves would have to stay here.

After killing two patrol teams, Baiye and the others approached the hall where the hostages were trapped.

Bai Ye saw Psylocke in the dark, and also saw John McClane's wife Holly for the first time.

As far as Holly's appearance is concerned, she is not a peerless beauty, but she is also a very attractive beauty. Indeed, it can easily make people think of the situation of "Madam, you don't want your husband to lose his job"...

This chapter has been completed!
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