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Chapter 135 Don't bully the poor young, don't bully the poor middle-aged, don't bully the poor old, the dead are the big ones

Well, even without Bai Ye, Xia Tian is definitely a rich woman. She can't even be said to be rich and powerful, but if she raises a little puppy, it won't be a big problem.

"I won't raise you!"

Xia Tian snorted lightly and said:

"When you go bankrupt, I will watch you starve to death and not give you food to prevent you from bullying me all day long."

"Why are you bullying you?" Bai Ye said with an innocent face, "I love you, okay?"

"And...I don't believe you would be willing to watch me die!"

Xia Tian glared at Bai Ye:

"You've been so glib all day, I really don't know how to say you're good."

She led Bai Ye to sit down on the sofa and poured Bai Ye a cup of tea.

Xia Tian's skin is white and crystal clear, and her clean face is extremely beautiful, especially her black gem-like eyes, which are like bright stars and seem to be full of enchanting magic, making people unable to help but be deeply attracted.

"No way!" Bai Ye hugged Xia Tian's slender waist, stretched out his hand, and pulled her into his arms, saying: "You call me a 'greasy mouth', I can barely accept it, but a 'slippery tongue'... This seems to be



Xia Tian spat and beat Bai Ye a few more times:

"You're the one with the slippery tongue! It's you, the bad guy! Not me!"

"OK OK, it's not you, it's me, it's me, okay?"

Bai Ye smiled evilly.

"By the way, today is the weekend, Diana isn't at home, right?" Bai Yetan looked over and said.

"Of course not, otherwise, how dare I let you come."

Xia Tian said:

"She went out to play with her classmates early in the morning. I don't know when she will come back. But as usual, I guess she won't come back unless she plays until dark."

"Children today are really happy!" Bai Ye sighed and said, "I thought about the time we were about to take the college entrance examination, but we really didn't even have enough time to sleep, and Diana and the others didn't have enough time to play.

too much."

"Times are changing, and the national conditions are also different." Xia Tian said: "And Bai Ye, do you know what the most important thing is?"

Bai Ye wondered: "What?"

Xia Tian: "The important thing is that your IQ is not as high as Diana's, so she can easily master those things and can relax in her spare time, while you can only grind it out bit by bit as you are too stupid!"

white night:"……"

"You actually said that my IQ is low?" Bai Ye was furious, and immediately started to punish Xia Tian - tickling her, and said: "You make it sound like you have a high IQ. At that time, you were probably not as good as us!"

"Don't...haha, I was wrong...wrong, really wrong!"

In terms of playfulness, Xia Tian, ​​who was thin and thin, was definitely no match for Bai Ye. Bai Ye pinned her down on the sofa and bullied her for a while.

Bai Ye also has to say that her skin is really well maintained in the summer. It is as soft and soft as cotton candy. It is not an exaggeration to say that her hands are like catkins and her skin is like gelatin.

It was just a fuss, and the two looked at each other.

Xia Tian's clear eyes were already covered with a layer of mist.

With gentle eyes, Bai Ye gently kissed Xia Tian's moist lips.

The sound of the TV series in front of the sofa covered up the sound of a pair of doggy men and women rubbing their temples together.

a long time.

Summer is like a ravaged little white rabbit, curled up in the arms of Bai Ye:

"You're a bad guy, you just know how to bully me!"

"What's wrong with bullying you?" Bai Ye gently took a bite of Xia Tian's crystal clear ear and said, "Others want me to bully you, but I don't want it!"

"Do you think I will believe your lies?" Xia Tian pinched the soft flesh around Bai Ye's waist and said, "You are a bad guy, if someone bullies you, it will definitely be like a meat bun beating a dog, and there will be no return!"

Bai Ye slapped Xia Tian's butt hard and said with a smile:

"You are not scolding me, but you are scolding yourself. If I were a dog, then what are you now?"

"You are trying to change your concept!" Xia Tian Yingya bit Bai Ye's arm and said angrily: "And you hit me and hurt me. Don't you know the severity of your attack?"

"Okay, I'll be gentler next time."

Bai Ye said.

"That's not right." Xia Tian reacted, and she almost got caught by Bai Ye again: "There's no next time! I'm only allowed to hit you, and you're not allowed to hit me."

"Are you so domineering?" Bai Ye said with a smile: "What a pity, don't you know that this world is dominated by the jungle? You can't beat me, but you still want to negotiate terms with me? You see that you are so weak, I can bully you as much as I want.

bully you!"

"Just wait for me, and one day I will learn Sanda, boxing, etc., and then I will educate you!"

Xia Tian proudly said:

"I tell you, don't bully a girl into poverty! You will pay the price for your recklessness!"

"You are still a girl, you are already an aunt!" Bai Ye said disdainfully: "And I can give you a very concise definition of your life - don't bully young girls who are poor, I don't want to read it anymore, don't bully

A middle-aged woman is poor, I can't help it, don't bully the old woman to be poor, I can't live anymore, people will eventually get ahead before they die, and the dead are the worst!"

"You bastard, you are the one who wants to die!" Xia Tian pinched Bai Ye for a while: "I'm not an aunt, I'm a sister! I'm still a girl!"

"Okay, okay, you are a girl and I am an aunt. Is this okay?"

Bai Ye said helplessly.

"How are you going to repay auntie like this?" Xia Tian stopped, smiled, and said: "If you give it to others, I'm afraid no one will want it!"

Fuck for a while.

Xia Tian got down to business: "Your factory has been opened, and it is doing as you arranged. It is a clothing business. We will focus on the low-end market for the time being. When the business is stable, we will try to enter the high-end market."

"Well, it's up to you. I don't know much about business matters." Bai Ye lit a cigarette for himself and said, "Where's the Stark Group?"

Xia Tian said: "Stark Group gave us a board seat, but, Stark Group's stock is still at a historical low, and there is no sign of turning..."

Bai Ye: "You don't have to worry too much about this. Stark Group is Tony's family business. For us, it's just a financial investment, so he must value it much more than us, and he will definitely find a way to solve it."

of these things.”

Xia Xia said: "Actually... after getting to know the Stark Group carefully, I am more optimistic about the shares of the Stark Group, so I bought some myself. It's not because you gave me the shares to hold on my behalf, but because Tony...

Stark is known as one of the smartest people in the world and a top capitalist. What is the most important thing in the 21st century? Talent! Tony Stark is a talent! Therefore, even if the Stark Group does not research and develop

Weapons, I also think that Stark has a great chance of Nirvana and rebirth. If you take a gamble at this time, you have a great chance of winning."

"Tch, if that bitch Tony can be considered a talent, then I can be considered a genius."

Bai Ye said.

"There's just one more 'two' than talent..." Xia Tian slapped Bai Ye's head in a funny way, and said, "You really don't mind being sour, you're jealous of everything!"

"Okay, it's almost noon, what are you going to eat, I'll make it for you!"

Xia Tian said with a smile.

Valley rhenium

"Hmm..." Bai Ye hugged Xia Tian's slender waist, thought for a moment, and said, "How about paella?"

Well, Bai Ye still thinks paella made in summer is the most delicious, especially sea clams. Moreover, this food is rich in nutrients, rich in high-quality protein and amino acids, crispy and tender, and has good health effects on the human body. It can clear away heat and brighten the day.

It has the functions of improving eyesight and strengthening bones.

Moreover, sea clams also have another nickname that is especially suitable for summer, Xi Shi Tongue - Legend has it that Gou Jian, the king of Yue, tasted gallbladder while lying on the firewood, and offered Xi Shi to the king of Wu.

She was not as beautiful as Xi Shi, so she became jealous and resentful. One day, she finally took a murderous step. She sent someone to trick Xi Shi out, tied her body with stones, and sank her into the sea. From then on, she

A kind of sea clam that looks like a human tongue grows on the coastal beaches, which is called Xishi tongue.

Xia Tian glared at Bai Ye and said:

"If you really want to eat it, then I will cook it for you! But I can't guarantee that it will be delicious!"

"Anyway, I've never cooked seafood before."

Maybe it's a matter of personal taste. Xia Tian and her daughter Diana don't really like seafood. I've tried it but didn't think it was very delicious.

So naturally we seldom cook seafood in summer.

"As long as it's the seafood you...cooked, then I like to eat it!"

Bai Yeruo said pointedly.

Xia Tian was defeated. She really couldn't resist. Bai Ye smelled fishy when she opened her mouth. The main reason was that she was far less thick-skinned than Bai Ye. In this thing, whoever is thin-skinned would suffer!

Since I have to eat paella during the day, I’ll do it in the summer.

Prepare the ingredients first, soak the sea clams in light salt water for about 2 hours, spit out sand, and wash them thoroughly.

Put water in the pot, add ginger slices and cooking wine and bring to a boil. Blanch the clams until they open completely to remove impurities. Remove and drain slightly.

Rinse with running water, chop the ginger, green onions and garlic, separate the green onions and leaves. Heat the oil in a pan and sauté the ginger, garlic and green onions until fragrant. Add the clams and stir-fry.

Then add cooked rice and fry together.

Finally, the paella with distinct grains is ready, with fragrant and soft rice and delicious seafood. The rice and seafood are served in one pot, and the aroma fills the room.

During the whole process, Bai Ye also helped Xia Tian a lot, because Bai Ye's cooking skills are also quite good. This is a skill he learned when he was the king of the sea - if he wants to capture a woman's heart, he must first capture her stomach.

"Don't tell me, the paella made like this tastes pretty good." Xia Tian took a bite and said.


Bai Ye smiled and said:

"Anyway, I think as long as it's the seafood you handle in summer, the quality will definitely be the same."

The two were playing around and eating lunch.

It's just that the paella made in the summer didn't seem very filling. Bai Ye was still hungry after eating the food on the table, so he wanted to eat the food outside the table.

However, in summer, I feel that it is not good to be so extravagant in the white night, and the price of seafood is not cheap.

It's a pity that how can we survive the white night in summer?

So, Bai Ye picked up another huge bowl of seafood and put it on the dining table, ready to taste it.

"Mom, are you at home? I'm back!"

A sudden sound from outside the house interrupted Bai Ye and Xia Tian's movements.

The two looked at each other.

Bai Ye quickly put down the huge bowl of seafood rice in his hand.

Well, after all, Bai Ye is a guest of Xia Tian's family. It would not be good for Diana to see Bai Ye being so disrespectful and disrespectful to his image as a stepfather.

"Didn't you say that Diana won't come back until dark?"

Bai Ye said softly.

"How is this accurate?" Xia Tian hurriedly straightened the folds on her skirt and said, "Diana is going out to play, not on a mission!"


When Xia Tian was making paella, she had already changed into a black dress. Otherwise, it would have been really difficult to deal with the trouble she and Bai Ye had made.

If Diana sees it, there's no telling what will happen!

Bai Ye sighed helplessly and helped Xia Tian tidy up the house as quickly as possible.

"Mom, are you at home?"

Diana stood outside the house, feeling a little strange, and asked again.

"I'm at home!" Xia Tian quickly replied, "Wait a minute, I'll open the door for you right away."

When everything is about the same.

Xia Tian finally opened the door for Diana:

"Why did you come back so early today?"

"Michaela encountered something today, so we separated first..."

Diana walked into the room and was talking when she suddenly paused and widened her eyes:

"Uncle Baiye!?"

When they were at school, Diana and Michaela had met Bai Ye together and accidentally spilled their drinks on Bai Ye. This also made the two sisters see Bai Ye's perfect figure and have a little fantasy.

Diana also thought about whether something interesting could happen with Uncle Bai Ye?

After all, Bai Ye has top-notch looks, a great figure, and a very good personality. He is simply the Prince Charming that girls have always dreamed of!

It's just that as a Chinese-American, Diana's personality is still relatively reserved, and she is far less proactive than Michaela.

"Why are you at my house?"

"Uh..." Bai Ye touched the tip of his nose and said, "Well, your mother and I are good friends, so I'm here today..."

Xia Tian looked at Bai Ye and then at Diana, her eyebrows raised:

"Bai Ye, do you know Diana?"

This makes Xia Tian see some kind of danger!

Bai Ye, this piece of shit...

He doesn’t just want to eat seafood rice, he also wants to eat seafood rice bowl, right?

"We know each other." Bai Ye said awkwardly: "Some time ago, I went to Diana's school once, and then by accident, we met. But at the time, I didn't know that it was Diana's school..."

"Yes." Diana also said: "Uncle Bai Ye, he went to our school to do social research..."

"You have a nephew?"

Xia Xiaxu squinted his eyes and looked at Bai Ye.

"Uh..." Bai Ye: "Diana, Xia Tian, ​​um... I suddenly remembered that there seems to be something going on in my family..."

This chapter has been completed!
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