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Chapter 189 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

Bai Ye looked at Angelica and said:

"I'm going to have some fun together, will you go?"

As Barbossa said, he could choose to go ashore or not, and the pirates would definitely figure out what he told them.

But how to say...

These pirates accepted his order and ran ashore. There was nothing wrong with them going to fight the British navy. But if these pirates ran to ordinary people's homes to burn, kill and loot, then he would have to bear a share of the sin.


So of course he had to go ashore to take a look and prevent these pirates from messing around.

If Barbossa is asked to be a supervisor, it would be strange if this guy doesn't join in the trouble.

"Then you go." Angelica said: "What if we both leave and the remaining bastards on the ship take the Black Pearl away?"

Bai Ye thought for a while.

Not to mention, this is indeed something that these bastards on the Black Pearl can do.

In order to get rid of him, the devil who could kill them all at any time, these people on the ship chose to abandon Barbossa and the rest of his companions. It was a very reasonable thing.

But with Angelica here, those bastards would never be able to reach a consensus in a short time and choose to rebel.

But in fact, Bai Ye left the coordinates of [Dimensional Phalanx Shangri-La] on the Black Pearl. If these bastards dare to escape, Bai Ye can catch them back at any time.

"Okay, let me go and take a look."

Bai Ye smiled and said.

"Okay!" Angelica warned: "Be careful yourself!"

"Don't worry!" Bai Ye smiled softly and said, "If you can kill me, you haven't even been born in this world yet!"

Ever since, Bai Ye took Barbossa and a group of skeleton pirates to Aruba.

A large number of pirates broke into Aruba, which has been peaceful for a long time.

Ordinary people can only close their doors and shiver at home.

Most of the pirates still obeyed Bai Ye's orders and did not harass ordinary people. They were just busy fighting the navy.

But there are always disobedient people.

Walking on the street.

Bai Ye saw two skeleton pirates at the door of a shop, their bodies stained with blood, excitedly carrying a box of gold coins out of the shop.

"Hahaha, we are getting rich, we are getting rich..."

As soon as the two people came out of the door, they saw Bai Ye and Barbossa's group, and the smiles on their faces suddenly froze.

"Captain, please listen to our explanation..."

The two of them immediately knelt down and said to Bai Ye in panic:


With a fake smile on his face, Bai Ye took a deep breath and said:

"I have already said, don't call me captain, call me chairman. Don't you have ears? In that case..."

A blue light flashed in Bai Ye's eyes:

"I will let you be reincarnated as humans and grow a new pair of ears!"

next moment.

Dark clouds gather in the sky, and electromagnetic flashes occur.


With a roar, a huge thunder like a giant python fell from the sky, wrapping the two skeleton pirates and bathing them in the blue thunder light.



a long time.

The screams stopped.

The smoke and dust dispersed.

The bodies of the two skeleton pirates were chopped into powder and scattered in the wind. The curse of immortality was understood in this way.

The skeleton pirates following Bai Ye could not help but remain silent. No one dared to make Bai Ye angry at this time. Otherwise, wouldn't it be his or her turn next?

Even Barbossa was in a cold sweat.

The captain in front of me may have never been a pirate, but seeing how he kills people so decisively, he definitely wasn't a good guy before!

I got this kind of boss for no reason... life is getting more and more difficult!

"Let's go!"

Bai Ye took Barbosa and others and continued walking forward.


After all, there are very few pirates who ignore Bai Ye's words. Most of them still think that life is quite important.

In prison.

A group of disheveled pirates approached the fence and were seducing a dog in front of them.

"Good dog, do you smell it? Come here quickly, there are meat bones here!"

"Come here, look at these delicious bones, come here!"

"Be good, come here, come here quickly, good dog!"

On that dog's body was the key that opened the prison door.

Probably because the prison director likes dogs.

Lying in the innermost part of the prison was a pirate who was wearing a dark red turban, dreadlocks, and Gothic makeup. He behaved quite strangely and said lazily: "It's useless for you to do this. Then A dog will never come here!"

Jack Sparrow!

It was Barbossa's former captain, the original owner of the Black Pearl, and the lucky man in the Caribbean, Jack Sparrow.

"You have to try, right? Otherwise, we will be on the gallows tomorrow!"

"Ignore him. When he goes to the execution ground, he will know that he is afraid."

Jack Sparrow was about to chat with the idiot pirates in front of him. Suddenly, a huge cannon shot interrupted Jack Sparrow's words.

He looked solemn, stood up quickly, patted the grass residue on his butt, and came to the skylight of the prison to observe the outside world:

"It's the Black Pearl!"

As the former captain of the Black Pearl, Jack Sparrow is naturally very familiar with the Black Pearl. Even if the Black Pearl can fart, then Jack Sparrow on the eighth floor thinks that the farts of the Black Pearl are all delicious. , so after they launched the attack in the white night, Jack Sparrow quickly recognized the enemy in Port Royal as the Black Pearl.

"The Black Pearl? I have heard its story. It has been burning, killing and looting on the sea for more than ten years, and there has never been a single survivor who encountered it."

A disdainful smile appeared on Jack Sparrow's lips:

"There were no survivors? So where did these stories come from?"

Only he, who is closely connected with the Black Pearl, knows what is going on up there - it is just a group of cursed ghosts. Apart from being able to remain immortal, their combat effectiveness is not much better than that of ordinary pirates. It's just that most people are timid and are simply frightened by the direct confrontation and cannot muster their fighting power.

However, Jack Sparrow felt that this time might not be an opportunity for him to recapture the Black Pearl.

Port Royal was suddenly attacked, and with Commodore Norrington stationed here focusing all his attention on love, it is estimated that Port Royal would most likely not be able to withstand the Black Pearl's attack.

So as long as he can take advantage of the chaos and take advantage of the situation, he can take advantage of the situation and take advantage of the situation. It is really possible to seize chestnuts from the fire and get back his own Black Pearl!

"It's just...how to escape from the prison now?"

Jack Sparrow glanced up and down, looking for opportunities.

He is now more anxious than the pirates in the same prison.


Bai Ye walked halfway, his brows suddenly furrowed and he said:

"Didn't I tell you beforehand to look for Jack Sparrow? If you don't go to the prison, tavern, and brothel that I specifically told you to go to, where would those people in front of you go?"

"Ah this..."

The pirates following Bai Ye looked at each other and didn't dare to say anything nonsense.


At Bai Ye's fingertips, a beam of thunder quickly gathered.

Seeing the faint blue light, Barbosa's body shivered involuntarily. It wasn't because he was afraid, but because it was a conditioned reflex.

"Chairman..." Although Barbosa didn't dare to touch Bai Ye's brow, he was called by Bai Ye. He definitely couldn't pretend not to hear. In this case, the end would definitely be worse: "Those people have probably forgotten Chairman

At your command, I ran off to find the last Aztec gold coin."

"Aztec gold coins..."

Bai Ye rubbed his eyebrows.

This group of pirates on the Black Pearl is really not easy to worry about.

People along the way didn't see anyone running around. He thought it was because of his great authority that those people didn't dare to disobey his orders.

The result was unexpected...

These bastards are still thinking about the curse on themselves, so what they do immediately after landing is not what Bai Ye ordered, but they rush to do their own things.

What the hell!

Fortunately, I came with him, otherwise, with the nature of these bastards, I don’t know how much trouble they would have caused!

"Follow me!"

Bai Ye said with a serious face.

We can't let these bastards cause trouble.

So he had no choice but to put Jack Sparrow and the Compass of Desire aside, go to these bastards first, and get the Aztec gold coins in his hands.

He didn't believe it. From now on, with the Aztec gold coins in his hands, it would be up to him whether he could break the curse for them or not. How dare these bastards disobey his orders.

A stick in one hand and a carrot in the other.

I'm afraid this is the only way to completely suppress this gang of killers!

Governor's Palace.

Elizabeth Swann's Room.

The maid added charcoal to the heater in the room:

"Miss, what happened today must have shocked you, right?"

Elizabeth was wearing a nightgown, lying on the boat, holding a book in her hand, and said:

"I had expected that Commodore Norrington would propose to me, but I was still unprepared..."

"Brigadier General Norrington finally proposed to you? How enviable!" the maid said: "With all due respect, you are really talented and handsome!"

"We are indeed, he is a good man, a good man that any woman would want to marry, but..."

Elizabeth frowned slightly.

"But that Will Turner isn't bad either?"

The maid said playfully.

Elizabeth glared at the maid.

"I'm sorry, Miss, I was wrong." The maid apologized with a smile, and quickly changed the subject and said, "I heard, Miss, that you were kidnapped by that pirate? That sounds terrible!"


Elizabeth recalled her previous memories:

"That's really scary..."

While chatting with the maid, Elizabeth's hand involuntarily touched the necklace around her neck.

Attached to the necklace is a gold coin.

Aztec gold coins.

She had received a gold coin after rescuing Will Turner who was drifting at sea, but Elizabeth didn't know why. She reached for the gold coin but didn't tell anyone.


The sudden sound of shelling interrupted Elizabeth's conversation with the maid. She quickly ran to the balcony of the Governor's Palace and looked towards the port, only to see that there was already smoke rising everywhere.

"how so?"

Elizabeth said in disbelief.

She didn't understand why Port Royal, which had always been very peaceful and heavily garrisoned, was facing such a fierce attack today.

After the skeleton pirates defeated the first navy on the Port Royal tower, many skeleton pirates came towards the Governor's Palace.

Because they sensed the location of the last Aztec gold coin.

As long as the curse on them can be solved, and with the wealth they have gained from burning, killing and looting for more than ten years, everyone can live a prosperous and happy life for the rest of their lives.

"Miss Swan, run!" The maid covered her mouth and came to Elizabeth in panic: "They are here to kidnap you, because you are the governor's daughter!"

The fat and thin pirate acted as the vanguard and broke into the Governor's Mansion first.

"Brothers, if we find that gold coin, we will be completely liberated."

"This time has finally arrived. We have been waiting for more than ten years!"

"Hoo ho——!"

A group of people rushed into the Governor's Palace.

"I can already smell the gold coins, and there he is!"

The steward of the Governor's Mansion saw this and wanted to stop these pirates from breaking in.

A burly pirate raised his ax and wanted to give the butler a blow.

"Wait a moment!"

The fat pirate as the little boss stopped people:

"Have you forgotten the captain's order? Do not harm civilians who are unable to resist!"

Only then did everyone remember Bai Ye's order. The burly pirate did not dare to disobey Bai Ye's order. He just punched the butler and knocked him out.

Next, everyone found Aztec gold coins in the room.

at last.

The fat and thin pirate, who was still the little boss, followed the scent of Aztec gold coins and found Elizabeth in her wardrobe.

Seeing these two ferocious pirates in front of her, Elizabeth quickly said:



"Negotiate, I request the right to negotiate. According to the pirate code established by Morgan and Bartholomew, you must take me to see your captain!"

Fat Pirate: "I've heard of the Pirate Code..."

Elizabeth said quickly: "If the captive asks for negotiation, the pirates cannot harm her until the negotiation is over and the ceremony is over!"

Skinny Pirate: "To hell with the Pirate Code!"

The fat pirate stopped him:

"She wants to see the captain, so no one can stop her from fighting. We must abide by the code!"

The group of people took Elizabeth to the door of the Governor's Palace. At this time, they happened to bump into the oncoming white night.

Elizabeth's eyes couldn't help but light up when she saw Bai Ye's extremely handsome appearance.

When the pirates saw Bai Ye, they felt the terrifying aura exuding from Bai Ye, as well as the gathering of dark clouds, thunder and lightning in the sky, and their bodies suddenly started to tremble.

Bai Ye's face was expressionless as he slowly walked in. With every step he took, the pressure of thunder in the sky became stronger.

He smiled coldly:

"Your unruly appearance... really makes me angry!"

This chapter has been completed!
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