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Chapter 192 Uncle Dong is very happy that you can make this call, but Uncle Dong does not like the tone of your speech


Bai Ye coughed.

Barbossa reacted immediately.

He wanted to trick Will Turner onto the ship because in order to break the curse of everyone on the Black Pearl crew, in addition to finding all the Aztec gold coins, he also needed something-blood.

Because the only way to lift the curse is to pay for the debt with blood. Not only must the gold coins be returned, but everyone who has used the gold coins must pay with their own blood.

It's just that the crew of the Black Pearl have become immortal and have no blood. The shoelace king Bill Turner is dead (sold his soul to Jones), but his son Will Turner has his blood and can replace him.

His father paid with blood.

When he heard Bai Ye coughing, Barbossa suddenly realized that he was no longer the captain of the Black Pearl, Bai Ye was!

In other words, he did not have the right to let people board the Black Pearl at will in front of Bai Ye.

This is an offense to the identity of Captain White Night.

"Chairman, please listen to my explanation."

Barbossa quickly approached Bai Ye and said:

"This thing is...ahhhh!!"

Barbossa was dancing in a blue light, and even his bones were highlighted in front of everyone.

a long time.

Bai Ye stopped his hand:

"Don't call me Chairman, call me Marshal!"

Barbossa: "Yes, Marshal!"

Bai Ye patted Barbossa on the shoulder:

"You can ask me for my opinion, Marshal. I'm very happy, Marshal, but I don't like the name you just called me, Marshal!"

Barbossa: "..."

Jack Sparrow looked at Bai Ye in surprise.

He now understood why despicable and shameless pirates like Barbossa would obey Bai Ye, a seemingly thin man, because the other party was not an ordinary person at all, but a wizard with extraordinary power!

"My father was really a crew member of the Black Pearl?"

Although Will Turner was surprised by Bai Ye's ability, he wanted to know more about what kind of person his father was.

"Sao Nian, you should work hard at home as a blacksmith, a promising job. Being a pirate... is not suitable for you."

Bai Ye said calmly:

"It doesn't matter what your father is like, because he is already dead. He has been dead for more than ten years. The living are always more important than the dead. Just stay in Port Royal."

Barbossa was a little anxious, but he didn't dare to disobey Bai Ye's order anymore, so he could only hold it in.


Will Turner struggled in his mind.

On the one hand, he wanted to stay in Port Royal and protect the goddess Elizabeth in his heart, but on the other hand, he did not let go of his father's affairs so easily.

Very contradictory!

"Hey, brother, don't you want my compass? I can give it to you, but can you listen to a few words from me..."

Jack Sparrow smiled charmingly.


Bai Ye looked at Jack Sparrow.

Jack Sparrow's mind was running wildly: "Shoelace Bill and I used to be very good friends..."

He wanted to borrow the compass, negotiate terms with Bai Ye, and bring Will Turner aboard the Black Pearl.

Because there was a ghost on board the Black Pearl who was his sworn enemy, and there was the wizard Bai Ye. It would be too difficult for him to jump back on the Black Pearl. If he had Will Turner as a helper, he might be able to do it.

It's possible.

First of all, Will Turner is a master of swordsmanship and has good martial arts, and Will Turner has a mortal enemy with Barbossa and others. Bill Turner was tied to a copper pillar by Barbossa and others, and then

sunk to the bottom of the sea.

Taking Will Turner aboard the Black Pearl would give him a powerful helper. Why wouldn't he do it?

His main worry now is how to convince Bai Ye to agree to his request, because Bai Ye seems... too self-righteous.

Just when Jack Sparrow was still organizing his words, there was suddenly a sound of shouting and killing.

Everyone looked up and saw Commodore Norrington coming back with a team of navy.

Norrington didn't want to be so violent, but he saw that his fiancée Elizabeth was also captured by these damn pirates.

How could he endure it?

If he doesn't rescue his fiancée and falls into the hands of those pirates, then his head will become a green grassland.

"Commander, please leave quickly. We will deal with these little guys."

Barbossa held his sword across his chest, looking loyal to Bai Ye:

"Pingte, and Jaredi, please escort the commander back to the Black Pearl as soon as possible. I'll take care of it here."

——Pint is the fat pirate, and Jeretti is the thin pirate.

Before Gerardi could react, Pingte was very clever and struck him with an elbow:

"Why are you so stunned? Hurry up and escort the commander away!"

"oh oh!"

The fat and thin pirate asked Bai Ye to leave quickly with a charming smile on his face.

Bai Ye glanced at the loyal Barbossa and didn't care, so let's leave first.

He was too lazy to meet the British Navy. Let the navy and pirates resolve this war on their own.

Jack Sparrow: "Why...why did the handsome old man leave?"

"Jack Sparrow, you are still such an idiot." Barbossa snorted coldly and said, "The Marshal has left, and am I the one who has the final say here?"

"So that's it..." Jack Sparrow suddenly realized: "It's you, the old guy, who is so cunning!"

Jack Sparrow wants to get Will Turner aboard the Black Pearl, but why doesn't Barbossa want to?

Will Turner is the hope of the crew of the Black Pearl to solve the curse. If they can keep Will Turner on the ship, it will be much easier for them to solve the curse.

Bai Ye returned to the Black Pearl.

"How's it going?" Angelica immediately came up and asked, "You're not in any danger, are you?"

"What danger could there be?" Bai Ye smiled softly and said, "They are just a group of ordinary people who only know how to use firearms and cold weapons."

Angelica: "Did you find the target?"

"Yes!" Bai Ye nodded and said, "Jack Sparrow was found from the prison in Port Royal. He is now with Barbossa and should be captured soon."

"That bastard!"

Angelica still gritted her teeth when she mentioned Jack Sparrow:

"When he gets on the boat, I will make him regret messing with me in his life!"

On the way to Aruba, Angelica took the initiative to tell Bai Ye about it.

About two years ago, Jack Sparrow wanted to steal a treasure belonging to her father, Blackbeard, and was caught by Blackbeard. Jack Sparrow deceived her as an ignorant girl.

She was ignorant and in love at that time, so she believed Jack Sparrow, the sixth child, and secretly let Jack Sparrow go at the risk of angering her father, Blackbeard.

Before Jack Sparrow left, he promised her that when he became rich, he would come to pick her up one year later. Together, they could escape from Blackbeard's control and live a happy and free life.

She believed it.

So even though Blackbeard imprisoned her for a long time after learning that she had released Jack Sparrow, Angelica still felt that her sacrifice was worth it.

She is quite beautiful herself!

After all, Angelica is Blackbeard's daughter and his only blood relative. After being imprisoned for a while, she was released by Blackbeard.

Since then, she has been looking forward to the arrival of Jack Sparrow every day.

But the promised day has arrived.

Angelica awaits the arrival of Jack Sparrow with great anticipation.

But she waited from early morning to midnight without eating or drinking, but she didn't wait until Jack Sparrow.

Angelica's burning heart turned into full of grievances.

But at this time, Angelica was still trying to excuse Jack Sparrow, thinking that Jack Sparrow might have been in big trouble, so he didn't come to her in time.

Angelica felt that she could not wait any longer, so she chose to take the initiative, so she secretly escaped from her father Blackbeard's Queen Anne's Revenge and ran to the sea to look for traces of Jack Sparrow.

This is going to be a big deal now.

Just after leaving the protection of Blackbeard and coming to the real world of pirates, Angelica randomly asked someone about Jack Sparrow. She immediately heard that Jack Sparrow was despicable, despicable and of low character.

, worse than animals, unsightly, fighting hand to hand...

The most important thing is that Jack Sparrow's lace news is well-known in almost the entire pirate world.

Perhaps not many people have seen Jack Sparrow in person, but few people in the entire sea don’t know Jack Sparrow’s name—of course, it’s a nickname.

Angelica also inquired that Jack Sparrow had no intention of returning to the Queen Anne's Revenge after he left the Queen Anne's Revenge. Instead, he left prostitutes all over the world spreading rumors about his merits.

Angelica immediately exploded!

In the past, she was just innocent, but not stupid, so she naturally understood that Jack Sparrow was just trying to escape and lie to her.

For a simple little girl, how much psychological damage can such deception cause?

Angelica immediately turned black.

She searched all over the sea for traces of Jack Sparrow, but she didn't want to become a couple with him, but she wanted to kill him to avenge her ignorant self.

Standing on the deck.

White night looking in the direction of Port Royal:

"They're back."

Angelica rubbed shoulders and hands, her eyes flashing with a cold light, just waiting for that bastard Jack Sparrow to come to her door.

"Commander, the villain fulfilled his mission, repelled Norrington and others, and returned successfully."

Barbossa still looked humble, returned to the Black Pearl, and reported to Bai Ye.

Bai Ye's eyes moved towards Will Turner and Elizabeth:

"What's going on with the two of them?"

Barbossa hesitated for a while:

"This...it's a long story."

"Then keep your story short!"

"It's like this. When Norrington attacked us, he found this kid with us. He thought that this kid provided intelligence and colluded with us to attack Port Royal. I think Norrington's motive is not pure.

It's very insidious, he obviously wants to take advantage of this to kill this kid and eliminate a powerful love rival."

Barbossa said:

"But Will, this young man, is the son of Shoelace Bill, our best friend on the crew of the Black Pearl. Can we watch Will being bullied by Norrington at will? We just said a few good words to Will, who knows?

He made Norrington anxious, saying that in the future, as long as he was around in Port Royal, if Will dared to go back, he would hang him on the tower and dry him into a mummy to deter those who dared to collude with pirates.


Bai Ye nodded slightly.

You probably understand that Barbossa and Jack Sparrow, fearing that the world would not be in chaos, drove Will Turner to a dead end with a few words and committed suicide in Port Royal. They had no other choice but to become a pirate.

"There is no other way, we have to bring this boy Will back." Barbossa said: "But we still follow the command of the commander-in-chief. As long as you give an order, we will throw this boy Will away immediately."

To the sea.”

"never mind."

Bai Ye waved his hand and said:

"Since he still wants to be a pirate, let's give him a chance."

As for Elizabeth, there is no need to say more.

A good girl who has been a good girl to her parents for a long time, once she becomes rebellious, she is rebellious to the point of death. If her repressed nature rebounds, it will be fatal.

Just like Pan Jinlian, before marrying Wu Dalang, she was an honest maid. After marrying Wu Dalang, she was peaceful for a long time, but once she met Ximen Qing, she turned into a dragon.

Eh...something seems wrong?

White Night Silence: If Elizabeth is compared to Pan Jinlian, I seem to be the Ximen Qing... Norrington is the Wu Dalang?

"Jack Sparrow!"

The Black Pearl roared like a lion.

As early as when they boarded the Black Pearl, Jack Sparrow discovered Angelica's existence and quietly shrank behind everyone.

But how could this stop Angelica, who had been searching for him on the sea for two years, thinking about revenge all the time?

"Suffer death!"

Angelica held a slender and sharp sword, with a cold light and an extremely cold gaze, and walked quickly towards Jack Sparrow.

"Sister, have you recognized the wrong person?" Jack Sparrow screamed in horror and fled in all directions. However, the rope tied to his body had not been untied at this time: "I am not Jack Sparrow.

Luo, I am just an admirer of his. I admire him very much, so I made a look like his. You see clearly, Jack Sparrow is so handsome, he is the most handsome guy in the Caribbean, and I am just a

They’re just ugly, there’s no way they’re the same person!”

Bai Ye just stood in the distance, smiling and watching the show. Anyway, Jack Sparrow only deceived Angelica's feelings, but he didn't have time to deceive Angelica... With Bai Ye's eyes that have read countless women,

Of course it can be seen that Angelica is still a girl.

"Brother Shen!"


When Shen Changqing walks on the road and meets familiar people, he will say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who it is.

There is no unnecessary expression on everyone's face, as if they are indifferent to everything.

Regarding this.

Shen Changqing has become accustomed to it.

Because this is the Demon Suppression Division, an organization that maintains the stability of the Qin Dynasty. Its main responsibility is to kill monsters and monsters. Of course, it also has some other side jobs.

It can be said.

Everyone in the Demon Suppression Division has a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but he got used to it over time.

The Demon-Suppressing Division is huge.

Those who can stay in the Demon Suppressing Division are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Demon Suppressor Division is divided into two professions, one is the Guardian Envoy and the other is the Demon Slayer.

Anyone who enters the Demon Slayer Department starts from the lowest level as a demon slayer.

Then he will be promoted step by step, and eventually he is expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee demon slayer in the Demon Suppression Division, and he was also the lowest level among the demon slayers.

Possess the memory of the previous life.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Demon Suppression Division.

It didn't take long for Shen Changqing to stop in front of a loft.

Unlike other places in the Demon Suppressing Division that are full of chills, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd, showing a different kind of tranquility in the bloody Demon Suppressing Division.

At this time, the attic door was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing only hesitated for a moment before stepping in.

Enter the attic.

The environment just changes in vain.

The aroma of ink mixed with the faint smell of blood hit his face, causing him to frown instinctively, but then relaxed it quickly.

There is almost no way to cleanse away the smell of blood on everyone in the Zhenmo Division.

To provide you with the fastest traveling frog: dawdling in the Marvel world update, Chapter 192. Uncle Dong is very happy that you can make this call, but the tone of your words, Uncle Dong does not like free reading.

This chapter has been completed!
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