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Chapter 23 The Blogger

After learning about Entubao, Bai Ye contacted Coulson and gave Botu's information.

This bitch, Botu, is also a real dog.

In order to expand his power, he deceived people like Colleen, first taught them martial arts, and then dispersed them all over the world to screen out those orphans who were living in poverty and no one cared about them.

After they laid the foundation for the orphans, they took them over themselves, trained them further, and finally joined his Hand assassin group.

It’s like a pyramid scheme!



Labor and capital cannot kill you!

At night, the stars are so bright that the earth is covered with a silvery glow, making it look extremely gorgeous.

But under this beautiful night scene, there is a hidden murderous intention.

Botu's hometown is a manor located in a relatively low-lying area of ​​New York.

Because you want to deceive others!

But this also facilitates SHIELD's operations.

SHIELD's action team is armed and ready.

Colson is in charge.

He looked at the time on his watch and when he saw the scheduled time, he waved his hand:


Coulson was also fully armed in the command vehicle.

He has an MP5-K hanging on his body. Once the people in Botu Manor show extraordinary abilities and are surrounded by conflicts, he will also go to the battlefield.

Although Coulson looks gentle on the surface, he is an agent!

The killer is an agent who shows no mercy!

The combat effectiveness is no worse than that of the SHIELD action team members, and is even slightly better.

Coulson was also extremely angry about the practice of Bo disciples constantly recruiting orphans for training and then using them as cannon fodder for the assassin group.

If SHIELD had known about this, they would have taken action against Botu long ago, even if it had nothing to do with Hydra.

Following Coulson's order, nine Black Hawk helicopters took off and blocked Botu's manor from all directions.

On the ground, more than two dozen military Humvees and soldiers disembarking from more than a dozen SUVs started the operation.

Near Botu, there are many vehicle-mounted Gatling guns aimed at them. If Botu's people can rush out, they will probably be greeted by a storm of bullets.

The snipers first killed the guards of Botu Manor.

Even creatures like the Dark Whistle are useless in front of thermal imaging cameras.

The ground troops moved forward in a standard combat search formation, moving towards the target established in the combat plan.

“Da da da da da—!”

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s full firepower caught Botu by surprise, and soon he was invaded inside Botu's manor.

The people of Botu Manor could not sleep with their heads covered at this time, so they quickly organized a counterattack against S.H.I.E.L.D.

It is true that the Hand is a killer group, but the killers follow the established special forces to compete in war technology...


A large number of Hand members were killed.

Can you believe that a ninja holding a katana and a hidden weapon like a kunai would fight with a soldier holding an M4A1, wearing a super-thick body armor, and armed to the teeth?

All I can say is that the killers of the Hand are really brave!

"The armed forces launched a devastating attack on us, but you didn't get any information?"

Botu stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the police who kept breaking into the factory. He hung up the phone call he just made. His face suddenly became ferocious. He turned around suddenly and looked at his men:

"What on earth do you do for food? Are the money given to those policemen and congressmen a free meal for them?"

"Sir..." his subordinate said solemnly: "These are not people from the NYPD, nor the FBI, nor the CIA... but the legendary S.H.I.E.L.D.!!"


Botu also knows about this organization.


What he wants now is not to know who is attacking him, but how to fight off these sons of bitches.

The subordinates murmured for a while and said: There is no way!

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s action team is definitely the elite among the elite, and will never be worse than the SEALs.

These killers of the Hand usually receive combat training. They are good at katana and kunai, but not so good with firearms.

Moreover, there are not many heavy weapons for use in Botu Manor.


Botu's skinny figure showed explosive power that was completely inconsistent with his appearance. In just a blink of an eye, he arrived in front of his men.

There was a "click" and his neck was broken.

He took out a towel, wiped his hands, and threw it on the body of his subordinate. He looked at the SHIELD action team with angry eyes and some confusion at the same time:

"Even if it is SHIELD, it is impossible to carry out such a precise attack on me, right? Could it be that... there are undercover agents installed by SHIELD in the manor?"

"Forget it, what's the use of pursuing this now!"

He shook his head:

"It seems that I need to leave the United States for a while to avoid the limelight."

Botu looked at his manor. It took him more than ten years to build it, but it was destroyed in just one night...

It’s easier to destroy than to build!

The figure of the Botu was hidden in the dark shadows.

SHIELD's invasion was extremely fast, and a large number of Hand members were killed.

A very small number of people broke out of the encirclement, but they were even more desperate because they were greeted by Gatlin...

When the battle came to an end, another emergency occurred in the manor.

At this time, the orphans and teenagers taken in by Botu launched an attack on SHIELD with the same hatred as the members of the Hand.

S.H.I.E.L.D. still has a reputation, and it is impossible to say that it is completely ruthless and ruthless to kill these children who have been deceived.

But if they don't kill people, others will kill him.

A little tricky.

However, Coulson and the others had already made plans for this obstacle.

That's a lot of flash bombs, tear gas and stun guns.

How can these children bear it?

His morale was shattered by the sudden wave of attack, and he quickly ran away in panic.

After killing more than a hundred Hand members, Coulson and the others successfully occupied the Botu Manor.

"Has anyone seen the gangster leader?"

Unfortunately, no team members saw Botu.

"He actually escaped?"

The disciple that Colson had never forgotten was flying up and running wildly on the buildings outside the manor. He was more agile and fluent than the craziest extreme athletes, and he was flying away from the manor at a high speed.

Just when he jumped up and was about to cross the gap between the two buildings...


A sniper bullet aimed at his heart and shot out.

Botu, however, had good senses and sensed fatal danger. He was able to twist in mid-air and avoid a fatal blow to the heart, but was shot through the right chest by a sniper bullet.

Sniper point.

Bai Ye chewed gum: "I've already guessed that Colson, that loser, can't take you down, so I've been waiting for you, you piece of shit!"

This chapter has been completed!
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