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Chapter 91 I am Thor, the god of thunder, for the glory of the northern god

"Let's get high-!"

Tony finished introducing White Night.

A percussion sound with a strong rhythm started to sound.

Frenetic atmosphere.

Models in hot clothes.

Sexy and beautiful lady.

Just after Tony walked away from Bai Ye, a bunch of women came over, squeezing Bai Ye without leaving any space.

"Wait a minute!"

The white night was overwhelmed by the crowd:

"There are too many people, please give me some space... Uh-huh!"

Although Bai Ye had also thought about a life surrounded by beauties, it was definitely not like this.

What can you do when a beautiful woman is like a swamp and you are trapped in it, your body is touched by countless hands in an instant, and even breathing becomes difficult?

"white night!"

Audrey was originally standing next to Bai Ye, but when she saw a group of beauties suddenly rushing in, Bai Ye disappeared.


That bitch, Tony Stark, why did he introduce Bai Ye like that and let all those bitches focus on him?

It’s okay now, Dinghaishen needle has turned into a water pipe...

It's all Tony Stark's fault.

"But Bai Ye has always kept his integrity and kept his peace, so he will definitely not act recklessly. How could those Xiao Bichi succeed?"

Audrey thought.

Then I thought about it.

"When he said he was in a relationship with Tony Stark before, I thought he was joking. Now it seems that they have a really good relationship, so feel free to joke about each other?"

Audrey is happy for Bai Ye again. In this case, Bai Ye doesn't have to grovel to do anything, right?

Billings, who was beside Audrey, looked embarrassed.

After Tony introduced Bai Ye, he really wanted to say a few words to Bai Ye and apologize for speaking too loudly just now.

But seeing this scene, he had no choice but to take Audrey and leave first.

——An apology is an apology, but it is impossible for him to keep his wife!

After squeezing around Bai Ye's girl for a long time, I suddenly realized that Bai Ye was missing?

"What the hell!"

Bai Ye hid in the corner:

"If this woman is too enthusiastic, she will be terrible!"

This feeling is no longer the joy he felt when he went whoring, but the discomfort that made him feel as if he was being whored...

The experience is too bad.

Tony, this bitch, is really hurting me!

If Tony didn't introduce him and he could just look for the target on his own, the experience might be much better.

Now, it's all destroyed.

"Mr. Bai Ye, why are you here?"

Another female voice sounded from behind Bai Ye.

He turned around and saw Shelley, wearing a bunny girl's costume, looking sexy and seductive, looking at him curiously.

"Uh, Shelley, why is it you?" Bai Ye smiled awkwardly: "Are you working as a waiter here?"

"Yeah." Shelley nodded: "I just saw you, Mr. Bai Ye, and wanted to say hello to you, but there were too many women around you. After thinking about it, I couldn't squeeze in at all, so I just

Just keep doing your own thing."

"Oh, I've always been a very low-key person, but when I got messed with by that bitch Tony, I didn't even know what to do."

Bai Ye spread his hands and said:

"Did you also see how crazy those women were? I was almost squeezed into a meat pie by them."

"Then Mr. Bai Ye..." Shelley bit her lip and thought for a while, then said, "How about I take you to a quieter place to hide?"


Bai Ye nodded repeatedly and said:

"It's best to hurry up, otherwise if I'm discovered by those women again, it will be another turbulent disaster."

Ever since, Bai Ye followed Shelley and ran to a quieter and more remote place.

have to say.

In the dim light, there were already many dog-men who looked at each other, hugging each other and nibbling each other.

Act wildly.

No matter they have a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife, at this time they just want to have some fun, without responsibility or commitment, and they are all enjoying themselves in time.

This is the national condition of the United States.

"Okay, Mr. Bai Ye, please stay here now. I have to go back to work."

Shelley set up Bai Ye and prepared to leave.

After all, she is a waitress here. If she is caught slacking off, her wages will be deducted.

"Don't leave in a hurry. I'm here alone and I'm not familiar with the place. Why don't you stay with me?"

Bai Ye said softly.

"Ah, this..." Shelley was a little confused and said, "My job..."

"You are working with me too!" Bai Ye said: "Look, Tony paid you waiters to come here, is it to serve us guests?"

"That's right."

"I'm a good friend of that bitch Tony. It can be said that there are few people in this place who are more important to Tony than me, right?"

"That's right."

"So, as long as you serve me well, you will have completed the job you came for, and even exceeded it!"

Shelley's not-so-smart brain seemed to have a short-circuit, and he looked confused.

"Don't think too much, just listen to me, that's right!"

Bai Ye patted Shelley on the shoulder and said.

Since Bai Ye said so, Shelley won't leave - Mr. Bai Ye is a big shot, he shouldn't lie to her, right?

"Shelley, why are you working as a waiter here?"

Bai Ye asked curiously.

With Shelley's identity, it feels more reasonable to be one of those models out there.

"Because you told me before, Mr. Bai Ye, that if you serve someone with sex, your love will fade away if your love fades, and your love will fade away if your love fades; if you serve someone with virtue, your kindness will last forever... I think it makes sense." Shelley said.

: "So I stopped doing the kind of work I did before. But I maxed out my credit card and needed to pay it back, so I tried to do some waiter work. Although it was very tiring, very undignified, and I made less money, but

The money I make this way is very solid and enough to pay off my credit card.”

Bai Ye asked: "Then you're not going to do your job as a dormitory manager?"

Shelley: "Of course not. Housekeeping is my job. I get along very well with those female college students and are best friends! It's just that the salary of the dormitory is a little low. I can work part-time as a waiter to earn some money."

Money to supplement the household income.”

Speaking of this, she felt a little embarrassed:

“After all, I kind of like spending money!”

"What's the matter? Everyone likes to spend money, as long as it doesn't go too far!" Bai Ye: "You're fine as you are now. You can walk on two feet, which is very stable!"

People in the United States are all the same, they like to consume ahead of schedule and only eat to make ends meet.

This is not only personal hedonism, but also related to the political system and financial system of the United States. The country was founded on finance... The culprit is Wall Street. Only when all the people are in debt can Wall Street make money.

Various financial innovations tap into people's potential for advanced consumption.

"But you still have to learn to save an unexpected fund for yourself. Otherwise, if something unexpected happens, you will easily go bankrupt."

Bai Ye reminded.

Millions of people in the United States go bankrupt every year, and the main reason for their bankruptcy is excessive credit card consumption.

Many of these bankrupt people have completely fallen to the bottom of society and become homeless, and it is difficult to get up again.

There are approximately 553,000 homeless people in the United States, and 1.7 out of every 1,000 people are homeless.

The seemingly glamorous middle class may not be able to survive a month of unemployment.

Many people, who one day have luxury homes, luxury cars, fancy clothes and fine food, may be living on the streets with no fixed abode the next day.

Because I like to max out my credit card in advance to buy things, but I don’t save money. Everything from houses and cars to lipstick and perfume can be paid for in installments with a credit card.

Statistics show that the average American spends as much as $18,000 on non-necessities every year.

According to data released by the Federal Reserve:

Nearly 40% of Americans cannot afford an emergency cash of $400.

Those who live on their own are those who are thrifty and thrifty. Americans who really dare to spend money would dare to spend $2,000 on limited-edition sneakers even if they earn $1,000 a month.

Excessive consumption is like walking on a tightrope. Once your foot slips, you will fall into a bottomless abyss.

His house was confiscated by the bank, and he had no extra savings to rent a house. The former bright middle class finally ended up living on the streets.

Many people may have doubts. Although the house has been confiscated, one can still afford to rent a cheap house and not live on the street, right?

But you must know that in the United States, due to strict legal regulations, people who cannot pay back their credit loans or tenants who have been evicted by their landlords will be recorded by the judicial agencies.

These records will be available in federal government systems 10 years later.

These people with bad records always live with their past records and find it difficult to find a new place to live.

In fact, whether you are looking for a job, renting a house, buying a car, buying a house, getting a loan, or applying for a credit card, you need to check your credit history.

Once there is a problem with your credit record, you will be excluded from society.

This is a web from which there is no escape.


Shelley listened with serious expression.

Because Bai Ye is as rich as Tony and very knowledgeable, it must be right to listen to his words.

The beauties who were originally surrounding Bai Ye soon discovered that the handsome guy who couldn't close his legs was missing.

They all looked around quickly.

But where is the trace?

In this way, the beauties could only disperse with regret.

Their time is very precious!

Nowadays, so many billionaires and celebrities are hunting targets.

It's just that Bai Ye must be very rich and has such good looks, so the price/performance ratio is the best.

Audrey followed Billings for the time being.

But he has also been paying attention to the information from Bai Ye.

Then I heard that Bai Ye had disappeared.

Audrey nodded with satisfaction.

That is to say, if Bai Ye keeps a clean mind, how could he hang out with those little bitches?

After socializing with Billings for a short while, Audrey was too lazy to do such superficial things anymore, so she made an excuse and left Billings' sight.

Audrey took out her phone and sent a message to Bai Ye:

"Bai Ye, where are you?"

Bai Ye: "The situation in front was too crazy, so I found a quiet place to play games by myself! Do you want to come?"

Audrey: "Playing games? No..."

Bai Ye: "Originally, I didn't want to come to this kind of party. It's not interesting at all, but that bitch Tony invited me over and over again, and I couldn't help but come. Now that I look at it, I'm still not suitable for this kind of environment!"

Audrey: "That's right. Wherever you are, I'll come find you!"

Bai Ye: "Ah, this...okay!"

Sanqing Buddha, you all have heard it. Audrey wanted to come on her own, so I asked her to come!

[Bai Ye: I have never seen such a request in my life! 】

Audrey saw Bai Ye's news that he was in the bathroom, so she went there happily.

Just arrived at the bathroom door.

She vaguely heard some video game sound effects.

"what happened!?"

Audrey felt weird.

Didn't Bai Ye say he was in the bathroom? Why is there the sound of others playing video games here?

It's impossible for Bai Ye to play games with other people, right?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

"Maybe someone else happened to run here, right?"

Audrey comforted herself in this way.

The facts make sense.

After all, the party held by Tony was so grand and there were people everywhere. It was completely reasonable for other people to run to the bathroom and play games like Bai Ye did.

Ever since.

Audrey mustered up her courage and walked into the bathroom.

She called Bai Ye's name softly.


There's no after that.

Just for a moment, the electronic sound effects of Audrey playing games could be heard in the bathroom.

Well, Bai Ye is dragging Audrey and Shelley to play large-scale online games together.

The more people there are, the more fun it is, and the more fun you can have.

Otherwise, if no one plays, it will be a dead server!

Billings followed some donors and had a good chat with his friends.

Audrey has been missing for a long time without even realizing it.

He drank a lot of wine to socialize, and his cheeks were a little red.

Just as he was talking happily, Billings frowned and felt a little tempted to let go.

no way.

I had no choice but to say goodbye, walking slowly, and always maintaining my attitude as an upper-class person.

Along the way, he also saw many men and women hugging each other and nibbling each other.

I don't even know how to cover it up.

Just seeing him hardened his fists.

As a congressman who pleads for the people, I really want to give them a few punches and let them know what it means to be honest!

——Billionaires and the like can blend into this atmosphere and have fun, but politicians like him definitely can't follow suit, otherwise it will become a scandal if they are not careful.

Billings found the bathroom.

Just standing outside the bathroom, he heard the sound effects of a video game.


Billings couldn't help but curse.

At the banquet hosted by Tony Stark, there were really all kinds of weird people, and they were actually playing games in the bathroom... Video games are spiritual opiates? How old are you, and you still play this, and you are spoiling your children?

What to do with the children?

Go into the bathroom.

Billings could clearly tell that it was three people playing a large-scale online game that was very popular recently.

But he was too lazy to meddle in other people's business. After all, he was not in charge of education, so he just had to do his own thing.

Just about to leave.


Billings suddenly stopped and frowned:

"Among the people playing the game, there is a person whose voice sounds so much like Audrey's?"

But the next moment Billings' brows relaxed and he smiled:

"It's impossible. Audrey is so noble. How could she go to a place like the bathroom to play games with a few other people? Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"There must be someone with a voice that looks a bit like Audrey. The world is full of wonders, and some people are obviously not twins, but they still look very similar, not to mention their voices?"

Billings patted his head and said with a smile:

"It's also funny. How could I suspect Audrey? It seems like I drank too much."

He walked out of the bathroom with some staggering steps.

Two hours later.

Bai Ye walked out of the bathroom refreshed.

It is said that playing games can make people addicted. Playing for a long time can make people depressed and mentally decadent.

But the dopamine produced by playing games makes people really happy!

The party is still going on.

He took a glass of wine from a waiter's tray.

After playing the game for two hours, it is inevitable that you will feel a little thirsty.

Just when Bai Ye is drinking wine to replenish water.

Billings came over with a goblet in hand and showed the gentlest and most sincere smile:

"Mr. Baiye!"

During the two hours of playing games in the white night, many of the upper class people had left, but Billings was the only one who stayed.

Because he still remembers to apologize to Bai Ye!

Is it better to dissolve enemies than to make enemies?

There is no need to offend a top dignitary to death just for the sake of a quick verbal exchange.

"You are..." Bai Ye took a look and suddenly realized: "You are Audrey's husband!"

"Yes, it's me!" Billings looked very humble: "Mr. Bai Ye, I'm sorry, I had some minor conflicts with Audrey recently and had a quarrel, so I accidentally vented my anger on you.


"To apologize, I did it!"

He raised the wine glass and drank the full wine in one gulp.

"It's all small things, we can just talk about it." Bai Ye smiled: "I did it too!"

Bai Ye also drank all the wine in his glass.

"Mr. Bai Ye, you are indeed bold and generous!"

Billings praised Bai Ye.

After drinking, the grudges were settled, and Billings took his leave, preparing to leave.

He hadn't seen Audrey for a long time, so he asked Natasha, Tony's secretary who was maintaining order, and heard that Audrey had left in anger and alone, and Natasha sent someone to deliver her.

Therefore, Billings no longer had to wait for Audrey to disappear and could leave on his own.

"I have sent those two women away for you."

Natasha didn't know the time and walked up to Bai Ye.

"Oh." Bai Ye said, "That's good. You don't know, Natasha, the two of them came to me for a drink, and accidentally got drunk. They were so drunk that they even tore some of their clothes...


Natasha glanced at Bai Ye with disdain:

"Mr. Bai Ye, do you think I am a fool!?"


Bai Ye coughed twice:

"Okay, if a hero doesn't mention his bravery in the past, he won't mention the past. Natasha, help me arrange a car, I'm ready to leave."

"Let's go?" Natasha looked at Bai Ye in surprise and said, "I can arrange a room for you here."

"Look at Tony, that bitch is having so much fun, with the music turned up so loud, can I sleep here?"

Bai Ye said:

"I have something else to do tomorrow morning, so I won't stay here."

Well, everything in New York has been arranged, and Bai Ye is planning to take a flight from Los Angeles tomorrow to go back to China to visit.

We also have to feed the fish in the Huaxia fish pond, so of course we can’t throw all the bait here!

Let's go back to the hotel, have a good night's rest, and recharge our batteries.

Natasha had no choice but to send someone to take Bai Ye to the designated hotel - she wanted to send Bai Ye herself to deepen the relationship, but she was the one who maintained order in Tony's place! There were many people who couldn't stay up late and left.

, but most of the people who can play all night are still here, and they probably have to play with Tony all night.

Bai Ye returned to the hotel he had booked in advance.

Took a bath.

Wearing a bath towel and walking out of the room.


[Frog Cub’s friends come to visit, please pay attention to receive them in time.]

As a space vortex appeared.

A Shiba Inu holding a hammer and a serious expression appeared in front of Bai Ye.

Big eyes and small eyes.

The Shiba Inu stared at Bai Ye solemnly, and after a moment, he reached out and pressed the button on his body:

"I am Thor!"

"For the glory of the Northern God!"

This chapter has been completed!
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