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Chapter 62: Nothing Yang can't do!

Mourinho looked stunned for a long time, and when he came to his senses, he looked up to the sky and sighed.

What a hell!

It was obviously an accidental pass, but this kid turned the accident into a goal.

On the field, Pogba stood in front of the penalty area with his hands on his hips and looked at Mo Yang who was surrounded, with a look of displeasure on his face.

He doesn't think it's strange to stop the ball like that, because he can stop it himself.

But how on earth did the kid see him and Herrera pass from behind?

Pogba can't figure it out even if he tries to break through it!

But soon, he had no time to think anymore, Liverpool started to attack!

After the game restarted, Liverpool's offense was like a surging wave, rushing into Manchester United's penalty area one after another.

Manchester United, on the other hand, built two tight lines of defense inside and outside the penalty area, with nine players defending! They still took their time and insisted on defending against counterattacks.

At this point in the game, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Liverpool is now playing in Manchester United's half.

And Mo Yang is the commander in the center.

Under Mo Yang's coordination and command, the ball kept moving back and forth from left to right and from right to left, constantly making trouble in the two ribs.

The game lasts for 75 minutes!

Mo Yang, who was on the right at the top of the arc, received the transfer ball from Coutinho, suddenly passed the ball to Arnold who was on the right, and then immediately moved forward.

After Arnold caught the ball, he lowered his head and headed toward the baseline with the ball.

Blind was so frightened that he immediately broke away from the defense and followed.

But as soon as Blind left, Salah got into the penalty area from this position.

At the same time, Arnold, who had been stuck on the outside, saw that he was about to be forced to the bottom line. He had an idea, slowed down, and suddenly passed an inverted triangle back into the penalty area.

Blind was so frightened that he immediately abandoned Arnold and ran into the penalty area.

"Good opportunity! Arnold's inverted triangle pass into the penalty area!"


"This is a good opportunity. Because of Blind's departure, there is a small gap in Manchester United's left penalty area."


Berglin's voice suddenly became louder and louder in the commentary stand.

But what made Berglin dumbfounded was that Salah did not catch the pass. Instead, he jumped up deftly and passed the ball.

On Manchester United's side, after seeing Salah's threat, Smalling, Pogba in the penalty area, and Ashley Young on the penalty area line formed a three-legged siege and rushed towards Salah.


But these three people never expected that the ball would be missed by Salah, and they were all stunned.

But when they saw Mo Yang coming in from the top left position to catch the missed ball, everyone was scared to death.


"It's Yang! Salah's ball leaked beautifully! He did it on purpose!"

"Oh! My! God!"

"Salah is so smart. He used himself as bait and instantly attracted the attention of three Manchester United defensive players to create space for Yang to break into the penalty area! Great! This is a perfect and tacit cooperation!"

At this time, Mo Yang was like a cold sharp blade, piercing directly through the weak spot of Manchester United's defense.

Mo Yang caught the ball at the end line of the penalty area, and he didn't even slow down much.

While running, he raised his left foot and touched the ball rolling from the right with his toes. The ball immediately changed direction and rolled towards the direction he was going.

In the Manchester United penalty area, Mo Yang was seen dribbling the ball in.

Suddenly everyone was in confusion!

At this moment, it doesn't matter whether there are loopholes in the defense. Everyone just wants to get this kid out, or kick the ball out of the baseline, or just knock this bastard down directly. De Gea can save it anyway.


In the field of vision of the fans at the scene, Mo Yang, who was facing the left side of the goal, was completely surrounded by Manchester United defensive players.

On the right side of Mo Yang are Pogba, Smalling and the returning Blinder, and on the left are Herrera and Bailly. Even Valencia is leaning over to prevent Mo Yang from passing the ball to the other side.


If these six people are connected in a line, they will form an irregular hexagonal prism, and Mo Yang is the turtle in the center, and he will be caught sooner or later.

Under the gaze of everyone, they saw that Mo Yang did not hesitate at all. He directly raised his right foot, opened his bow and nocked an arrow, and assumed a posture to shoot.

Bailly couldn't believe it and fell to the ground in an instant, stretching his legs into the path of Mo Yang's shot into the far corner.

Herrera on Bailly's right also raised his left foot to block Moyang's path across the left penalty area. Gu

As a result, both of them were fooled!

Mo Yang's lifting of his foot was not a fake move. His right foot did touch the ball, but after he kicked the ball out, it hit his left foot.

Suddenly the ball suddenly changed direction and rolled directly towards the baseline on the left side of the goal.

And Mo Yang also took advantage of the situation and rushed out of the circle formed by these six people.

But at this time, Mo Yang, who was facing De Gea, had arrived on the sideline of the small penalty area. Next to it was the baseline. He had no shooting angle at all.

The angle on the other side of the cross was also blocked by Valencia.

Mourinho could no longer sit still on the sidelines. He rushed to the coaching area in an instant and almost gave Mo Yang a heart attack.

This kid is so scary! I can think of ways to pass it on to myself!

Mourinho felt relieved when he saw that Mo Yang had forced himself into a corner in the penalty area and had no shooting angle at all.

But at this moment, Mourinho's eyes suddenly widened.

In the penalty area, Mo Yang forced himself back to face the goal during the breakthrough, so he is now a little unbalanced and his body is tilted towards the baseline.

The Liverpool fans at the scene were horrified and understood that the goal would probably be lost.

But they don’t blame Mo Yang either!

Watching this great drama made them excited! It was already worth the price of admission!

But at this moment, before Mo Yang completely lost his balance and fell to the ground, he suddenly raised his left foot and rubbed it against the bottom of the ball.

De Gea reacted subconsciously and waved his right hand in the path of the ball, but grabbed several handfuls of air.


The Manchester United players in the penalty area were collectively petrified. They stared blankly at Mo Yang's sudden shot. It drew an arc in front of the goal, then hit the upper corner of the goal on the other side and bounced into their own goal.

That crisp sound of impact! Like a hammer, it hits the heart of every Manchester United player hard! It makes them lose their minds! They feel like they are falling into the abyss!

After Mo Yang shot the ball, he fell down and rolled several times.

Seeing the ball bouncing in the Manchester United goal, Mo Yang quickly got up and charged directly towards Klopp.

Anfield was silent for two seconds!

There was a sudden boom and huge cheers! The terrifying sound made people feel like the whole stadium came alive.

It's moving!

In the stands, every Liverpool fan was like crazy. Drinks were flying in the air, flags were waving, and they were shouting hysterically!



In the commentary stand, Berglin didn't want to say anything at this time. He just wanted to roar to vent the energy brought by the boiling blood in his body!

Berglin's eyes were bloodshot and he kept waving the Liverpool flag, showing signs of madness.

The assistant next to him was sweating profusely, fearing that his boss would jump off the stand if he got excited. That would be great fun!

On the pitch, the Liverpool players also collectively went crazy!

Salah and the others played rugby, and Mo Yang was the one carrying the ball, and was chased and intercepted by Salah and the others.

Mo Yang was so excited that he took off his jersey and waved it all the way, laughing very wildly.

The fans at the scene were also driven crazy by Mo Yang!

They rarely see Mo Yang celebrating with such passion!

Klopp is crazy too!

This guy ran up to the fans' stand, waving his fists constantly, his blond hair flying freely, and every move made the fans scream in excitement.

Previously, Klopp also thought that Mo Yang’s ball was gone!

As a result, I never expected that even though the angle was zero, Mo Yang could still rub it in!

But after a while, Klopp, who was flushed, turned to face the court.

He saw a group of people headed by Mo Yang rushing towards him.

Klopp was stunned, and immediately took a kick from Mo Yang, and then was knocked down, and then Salah and the others pressed up one by one.

This scene made the Liverpool fans at the scene burst into laughter.

Some fans even planned to leave the stadium in person, but were blocked by the security personnel who were strictly on guard.

This chapter has been completed!
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