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Chapter Nineteen: It's Not Good!

"Hey, silly boy, come here! Eat some!"

Mo Yang searched around and found no one in Reed. Just as he was about to go up to the second floor, he heard a familiar Trump sound among the noisy people.

Suddenly, the restaurant became quiet, and then a burst of good-natured laughter broke out.

Mo Yang's cheeks turned red. He followed the sound and saw that at an inconspicuous table in the back, Reed, who was full of oil, was holding up chopsticks and waving to him.

"Good guy, not only did you eat hot pot, but you also talked about Trump. Grandpa Reed, you really do as the Romans do!" Mo Yang walked towards Reed with a look of helplessness on his face.

"Oh! Yang!"

"Look, it's Yang, our Leeds United hero!"

"It's really Yang, I bought it!"


At this moment, several Leeds locals in the store suddenly recognized Mo Yang, exclaimed and stopped Mo Yang directly.

Immediately, all the foreigners in the store gathered around Mo Yang, asking for Mo Yang's autograph.

This scene was seen by many Chinese people in the store. They were so surprised that they all asked their companions about it.

At one of the tables of international students from China, a fat young man wearing glasses looked disgusted.

Being surrounded by more than a dozen people, Mo Yang's face turned even redder. He never thought that he would actually become famous in Leeds.

After signing one by one, Mo Yang was let go and smoothly walked to Reed and sat down.


As soon as I sat down, I saw someone opposite Reed. It was Reed's relative who stole the Buddha and jumped over the wall.

However, this guy looked a little miserable at this time. Not only did he have two swollen bumps on his bald head, but he also had several bruises on his forehead and cheeks.

"Hiss! Grandpa Reed is so cruel!" Mo Yang sighed in his heart.

After Mo Yang sat down, Reed and Pere just pretended that Mo Yang didn't exist. They both lowered their heads and competed with the red oil hotpot on the table. Their mouths were full of oil and sweat while they ate, and they couldn't even fasten their fingers while looking at Mo Yang.

Big move.

He had not returned to China for three or four years. Smelling the smell of his hometown, Mo Yang's eyes turned a little red and he forcibly looked away.

Raising his hand to call the waiter, Mo Yang said with a smile: "Hello, a portion of boiled chicken breast and a bowl of white rice. Just put a few grains of salt on the chicken breast, or not, thank you!"

After the waiter left with a weird look on his face, Pere raised his head and looked at Mo Yang, his eyes filled with admiration. This was really a big treasure that he picked up.

After the game last night, he immediately contacted Reed and began to get to know Mo Yang.

From Reed's description, he had a general impression of Mo Yang, and self-discipline was one of them.

But I didn't expect that Mo Yang could be so self-disciplined in this kind of situation, instead of using various excuses to indulge himself, which is very valuable.

In the history of football, there are endless talents with amazing talents, but some stars cannot restrain themselves well at all, and in the end they destroy themselves.

There are talented players of the same generation as Best, Garrincha, and Pele, but in the end they were ruined by beauty and alcohol.

The closest one is Ronaldinho, who is known as the wizard on the green field. After becoming famous, he acted arbitrarily and his form plummeted before he reached the age of 30. He had to bid farewell to the top league early and ruined himself. It is regrettable.

After a while, all three of them were full, and it was time to talk about business.

Reed wiped his mouth, picked his teeth with a toothpick, stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers at Pere.

Pere understood, and calmly took out a document from his bag and handed it to Mo Yang with a smile.

Mo Yang took it blankly, looked down and frowned, seeing that it was an agent's contract.

"I've checked it for you, sign it, no problem." Reed glanced sideways at Pere, "If this kid dares to trick you, I'll shoot him with my shotgun!"

"Okay, Reed!"

Mo Yang was about to look through the contract when he heard Reed say this. He was stunned for a moment and then laughed. Without saying anything, he turned to the back of the contract and signed his name.

Perret was stunned. He looked at Reed, who was full and stretched out, and then at Mo Yang, who was smiling naively. He had an unreal feeling. He didn't expect Mo Yang to agree so happily.

After Mo Yang signed the contract, he began to read the contract carefully. It wasn't that he couldn't trust Grandpa Reed, but that he was afraid that Grandpa Reed's eyesight would be dim and he would be deceived by the bald man.

All aspects of the contract are very detailed, and Perre is responsible for all matters related to Moyang's transfer and business.

There was a 10% commission for transfers and endorsements, and a symbolic 1% commission for Perret's annual salary or weekly salary, and then nothing. The generosity of this contract shocked Mo Yang.

In the contract, Mo Yang also noticed a clause, which probably meant that Mo Yang had the initiative and he could terminate the contract with Pere at any time if he wanted to.

Mo Yang has learned about agents before. For example, Cristiano Ronaldo, a superstar of his level, has his agent Mendes take a commission of 2.75% on his huge annual salary. Perret’s

This contract is full of sincerity.

Mo Yang knew that Grandpa Reed definitely contributed here, otherwise Pere would never give in to this point.

"Um, Grandpa Reed is probably using a gun again!"

The image of a ferocious-looking Reed pointing a shotgun at Pere's bare head suddenly appeared in Mo Yang's mind, and the aggrieved Pere had to agree to various unequal treaties. He suddenly felt excited in his heart. It was definitely possible.

With Grandpa Reed's strong character, he can definitely do this.

Mo Yang now very much suspected that the injury on Pere's face was the work of Grandpa Reed.

Pere sat opposite, looking at Mo Yang with dull eyes and daydreams, and felt happy.

But when he looked at Reed, who was looking at him meaningfully next to him, his anus suddenly tightened.

Thinking of the harmonious scene between the two of them negotiating at noon, Perret's little heart fluttered. This old guy is so scary!

No one carries a gun on their shoulder when negotiating a contract. Whenever something goes wrong, the muzzle of the gun becomes erratic, scaring him so much that he almost pees.

In fact, the contract he originally planned to give to Mo Yang was similar to this one.

In that contract, the commission is 14% for transfers and 15% for commercial advertising, but Moyang does not take a commission on his weekly or annual salary. This contract is very generous for a newcomer.

In the end, the indifferent old man refused to agree, and in the end he had no choice but to compromise, because he found that the erratic muzzle of the gun was almost reaching his forehead.

And he didn't sign Mo Yang just for money. He wanted to make Mo Yang's operation a signature in his hands, just like the Portuguese Mendes.

Mo Yang is his Ronaldo!

Next, under the watchful supervision of Reed, Perret and Mo Yang began to discuss some specific matters.

Mo Yang said that apart from playing football, he left all other matters to Pere.

Perret was extremely happy and told Mo Yang one by one some of the interest items that could easily lead to disputes with the club, telling Mo Yang to pay attention.

Although Mo Yang heard it in confusion, he remembered everything. He believed that the person introduced to him by Grandpa Reed was not wrong.

"Yang, can you tell me why you left Chelsea?" Perey asked the question he discovered a few days ago. He had to know.

If there is any dispute between Mo Yang and Chelsea, he should be mentally prepared.

After all, football is not a holy land. Some clubs are willing to do all kinds of dirty things for the sake of profit.

"Actually, there was something wrong with my health at that time, and they misdiagnosed me." Mo Yang smiled bitterly and told the whole story.

"I'm kind of looking forward to it now. When you become famous, the Russian's face will turn ugly!" Perey laughed hard after hearing this. He didn't suspect that Mo Yang was lying, because Mo Yang's ability to sign for Leeds United proved that he was in good health.

Mo Yang smiled and said nothing. In fact, he didn't have any resentment towards Chelsea.

On the contrary, I am still a little grateful. It was indeed his health that year. Strictly speaking, Chelsea was not misdiagnosed, but the system was to blame.

Moreover, after Chelsea persuaded him to quit, they did not record that he had a heart problem on his personal file, otherwise it would have a great impact on his schooling and job hunting. Mo Yang was grateful for this.

"Yang, your current weekly salary is 5,000 pounds, right?" Perey suddenly asked again.

"Yes!" Mo Yang looked very satisfied, "My weekly salary is quite high!"

Mo Yang is really satisfied. Twenty thousand pounds a month, converted into RMB, is a full 180,000 pounds, which is already very high.

"Uh!" Pere touched his bald head and felt a little headache. I couldn't answer what you said. He turned to look at Reed, only to see the old man looking at Mo Yang happily.

Pere finally understood why Reed liked Mo Yang so much. Who wouldn't like such a simple and honest child?

Forget it, Pere told the truth and said: "Yang, I will renegotiate your contract with the club after a while, so you need to perform as well as possible during this period of time. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Well, this is not good!" Mo Yang blushed again and looked a little embarrassed. As soon as Pere said this, he knew what this guy was going to do.

"Yang, business is business, don't mix it with emotions, that's inappropriate!" Reed suddenly interrupted with a smile.

Perret nodded and agreed: "You don't have to worry about this, it has nothing to do with the players, you just need to show your best condition on the field, and I don't need to tell you when the time comes, they will be willing to pay you a high salary!


Mo Yang nodded and smiled. To be honest, he was quite excited. After all, he and Qian had no grudge, so he could afford to find a professional training coach.

But I just feel that this league has just started, so I am a bit too eager and shameless to ask for a salary increase. I am embarrassed.

This chapter has been completed!
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