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Chapter 135: Brutal penalty shootout

"Van Dijk handled this ball so smartly, it was amazing!"

"What he wants from pressing Martial is for Martial to pass the ball to Lingard."

"Van Dijk knows very well that in terms of shooting skills, Lingard is not as good as Martial!"

"And the final step to block Lingard's right-footed shot was perfectly timed. Not only did Lingard have to hit the short corner, but he was also forced into a panic, and in the end he could only kick off hastily!


“It’s really amazing!”

"Klopp has really great vision! Not only did he bring Mo Yang to Liverpool, he also dug up such a world-class central defender!"

In the LeTV live broadcast room, watching the replay of Van Dyke's successful one-on-one defense and two-shot shot, Zhan Jun and Zhang Lu were shocked by Van Dyke.

When Mo Yang saw Van Dyke's unparalleled world-class one-two defense, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

If this goal was scored, he would have a big responsibility. Van Dijk can be said to have saved him, otherwise he might be immersed in regret this holiday.

On the sidelines, Klopp looked extremely excited and kept jumping around the coaching area, waving his hands up and down, inciting the fans to give Van Dijk warm applause.

At this moment, Klopp was extremely excited. This is why he values ​​Van Dijk. He was right, he is a world-class central defender.

In front of the goal, Alisson jumped directly on Van Dijk's back, as happy as a fat baby.

He really didn't expect that Van Dyke actually did it!

Everyone came up and touched Van Dyke's head to show encouragement. This return to defense was so beautiful.

Van Dijk is going to become famous in Europe!

At this moment, countless Red Army fans are also glad that Liverpool can have Van Dijk and cheering for Van Dijk's amazing defense.

I have completely forgotten that at the beginning they thought that the transfer fee of 75 million was not worth it, saying that Van Dijk was a parallel import.

They are happy this season.

Klopp brought them a magical monster midfielder and helped them win the first Premier League championship in team history.

Now it seems that the German has found a mountain for them in defense that makes it difficult for their opponents to cross.

With Van Dijk's Liverpool defense, the performance in the second half of the league was completely different from the first half.

Now these fans suddenly discovered that, unknowingly, Klopp not only solved the team's mediocre midfield problem, but also completely solved the hidden dangers in the defense.

As time passed, the game came to the last minute of overtime.

During this period, both parties were extremely physically exhausted.

After Manchester United's counterattack in the first half of overtime, Liverpool also appropriately shrunk its defense to avoid repeating the same mistake.

Klopp also made adjustments on the sidelines, allowing Mo Yang to focus on stability.

After a while, the referee Skomina blew the whistle for the end of the game, officially declaring that the Europa League final had entered a brutal penalty shootout.

After arranging the order of penalty kicks, the Liverpool and Manchester United players lined up in a row, holding each other's shoulders, waiting for the fate of the decision.

After guessing the coin, Manchester United kicked first.

At this moment, everyone watching this game has their hearts in their throats.

For Mourinho, winning this game will not only allow Manchester United to play in the Champions League next year, but also keep his coaching position. Otherwise, he will most likely leave.

The pressure on Klopp is relatively small. He has handed over an answer sheet that is extremely satisfactory to Liverpool's senior management this season, and he can already sit back and relax.

"Okay, it's Rashford who takes the first penalty kick for Manchester United!"

"I don’t know what Mourinho’s intention is in arranging the young Rashford. The pressure on the first and last players is actually quite high. If the first one can score, it will inspire the teammates behind him.

, but missing the kick will have a huge impact on morale!" Zhang Lu said eloquently.

Rashford slowly walked towards the penalty spot holding the ball, straightened the ball and then straightened up. He kept wiping his hands on the jersey and seemed a little nervous.

Alisson stood in front of the goal, taking a proud little step, and his chubby face set off by the beard he had grown for a few months looked a little fierce, as if he was about to eat Rashford.


Skomina's whistle sounded, Rashford took a run-up, and there was a change of pace, which deceived Alisson and succeeded easily from the left side.

After scoring the goal, Rashford looked very excited and waved his fist.

Next it's Liverpool's turn.

"The first penalty kicker arranged by Klopp is Salah. His thinking seems to be opposite to Mourinho's." Seeing that Klopp did not take risks, Zhan Jun's tone became much more relaxed.

The game has reached this point. As a Red Army fan, he hopes that Liverpool will win the Europa League and become a well-deserved double champion.

Salah stood in front of the penalty spot with his arms akimbo. Without any hesitation, he waited for the whistle to run directly and hit the ball in the lower left corner of the goal in one go.


Seeing De Gea jump in the right direction, the fans at the scene let out a short exclamation.

But fortunately, although De Gea pounced in the right direction, Salah's ball was too tricky and it still missed the post and rolled into the goal.

Suddenly the pressure returned to Manchester United!

Alisson returned to the door and saw Lingard. He suddenly thought of this guy's hasty anti-aircraft kick just now, so he got a little smart.

Lingard stood in front of the ball and saw Alisson taking a small step, but his eyes would glance to the right from time to time, and his heart suddenly moved.

He felt that the Brazilian was cheating him and wanted him to kick to the left.

He won't be fooled, he will kick to the right, just in time to get the trick.

When the whistle sounded, Lingard took a run and hit the ball directly on the right side of the goal.

On the goal line, Alisson was like a fat rabbit, pounced directly on the same side, and saved the ball in mid-air and out of the baseline.


After scoring the goal, Alisson quickly got up, bent down, clenched his fists, and roared at his teammates in the frontcourt. His face was rosy. This guy had an orgasm!

Lingard held his head in his hands. Only belatedly did he realize that he had been fooled. This cunning Brazilian did it on purpose!

On the sidelines, Mourinho held his head in his hands, as if his father had died.

Klopp was so excited that he directly used three farmer's punches to hit Mourinho.

"Firmino, left! The ball is in!"

"De Gea is indeed a world-class goalkeeper. He judged the right direction both times. Unfortunately, Salah and Fimi both had very tricky angles with their kicks."

Zhan Jun shouted that it was a pity, but there was some gloating on his face, which made Zhang Lu grin.

"The ball is in! Martial, a clever pause, he deceived Alisson."

Next, Lallana and Van Dijk both lived up to the fans' expectations and scored penalty kicks.

But what is frightening is that De Gea made three of the four saves in the right direction. This is the strength of a world-class goalkeeper.

As for Alisson, his results are no worse than De Gea's.

Although he missed two of Manchester United's four penalty kicks, he saved one and the other bounced off the goalpost. Otherwise, he could have saved it, which shows his excellence.

"Yang! Are you nervous?" Salah, who was holding Mo Yang's shoulders, asked with a smile.

"It's okay!" Mo Yang smiled, not looking nervous at all.

But it would be strange not to be nervous. After Pogba finishes playing, once he scores, the pressure will be all on him.

He just hopes that Alisson can save one more time and it will save him trouble.

In front of the goal, after the whistle sounded, Pogba's ecstatic and slow pace was really torturous.

Even Mo Yang wanted to run over and kick this guy's big ass when he saw those slow little steps. The grinding was not like a man's.

In the end, Alisson misjudged the direction and allowed Pogba to succeed.

Hearing the cheers of the Red Army fans at the scene, Mo Yang slowly walked towards the penalty spot holding the ball and expressed his gratitude to Alexander.






The fans at the scene kept cheering Mo Yang!

But after shouting for a few seconds, he suddenly fell silent. It seemed that he was afraid of bringing pressure to Mo Yang. What a considerate group of guys!

This chapter has been completed!
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