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Chapter 7: New Season Opener

"Mo Yang is selected as the European Golden Boy, and there is a high probability that he will get the European Golden Boy goal!" - Baidu Hot Search

"Turin Sports News' evaluation of Mo Yang is surprisingly high, and Mo Yang's name is ranked at the top of the list, followed closely by Mbappe! Is this a sign of something?" - Weibo hot search

Less than an hour after the announcement of the Golden Boy Award shortlist, the news was reported back to China by major domestic media outlets.

The Internet immediately became abuzz, and Mo Yang was on the hot searches in minutes.

Countless sensational headlines appeared on the Internet, causing some fans who didn't know the truth to think that Mo Yang had won the Golden Boy Award.

The Golden Boy Award, such a distant award, is a first for Chinese fans, but now it falls on the heads of their own players.

Although he may not be able to land Mo Yang, being included in the big list has proved how strong Mo Yang's potential is.

Taking a closer look at the previous Golden Boy Award winners, which one finally redeemed his talent and became a world-famous star.

Even if they fail to redeem their talents due to injuries or other reasons, they are far from being comparable to ordinary players.

"Turin Sports News":

"Yang is the well-deserved number one midfielder in the Premier League. He has shown dominance in the Premier League and Europa League this season. Even De Bruyne and David Silva failed to defeat him. I

I believe every fan who has watched Yang Yang's game will have the same thought, that is, this Chinese is 'as strong as a monster, he can do anything'."

"Brothers, when I saw this evaluation of Brother Yang by the Turin newspaper, I felt as if I had drunk a bottle of fake wine from 1982. I was so light that I was actually a little drunk!"

"This is a very high praise. I carefully read all the player evaluations given by Turin Sports News, and Mo Yang's word count is the longest."

"It seems that this year's Golden Boy Award is either Mo Yang or Mbappe's turtle!"

"I hope it's Mo Yang!"

"It must be Mo Yang!"


While domestic fans are waiting for the match between Liverpool and Arsenal, they are having heated discussions on Tieba or Weibo.

When they thought that Mo Yang might win the Golden Boy Award, these fans suddenly became extremely excited.

What a surprise!

Ever since Mo Yang appeared in their sight two years ago, their expectations for Mo Yang have been constantly rising.

At first, they just hoped that Mo Yang could establish himself in the British Championship, and they would not mind even if he could only play as a substitute.

But when Mo Yang showed extraordinary strength, they had new expectations.

I hope Mo Yang can start in the starting lineup at Leeds United and become a core player of Leeds United.

Soon, this somewhat extravagant wish in the eyes of the fans came true.

Mo Yang has become Leeds United's core midfielder and a well-deserved commander.

After getting what they wanted, they started thinking about whether Mo Yang could log into the Premier League.

Can he start in the starting lineup at Liverpool, and look forward to Mo Yang's debut in the European war, etc.

Mo Yang has lived up to their expectations and has gradually reached his current position as the indispensable core of Liverpool's team.

Not only did they win the Premier League championship, they also won the Europa League.

Now that the Golden Boy Award is coming, many people suddenly realize that Mo Yang has reached such a high position without knowing it.

"Qiao, don't be too sad, we are all human beings and cannot be compared with monsters like Yang and the others!"

"Alisson is right, you are still young. Yang will be 21 years old next year. He will not be able to win the Golden Boy Award. Then your chance will come!"

"Oh! That's right! It's possible! It's absolutely possible!"

"Shut up you two idiots, Qiao Biyang is three months older!"


Hearing Henderson's scolding, the funny pair of Salah and Alisson looked at each other and covered their faces. Everyone was immediately amused.

Gomez was also laughing, and he didn't care at all about Salah and Alisson's teasing.

Although he was still a little disappointed, he knew very well that he was just running with him, and he had always known that there were levels among geniuses.

In Gomez's eyes, Mo Yang is not only a good teammate, but also a desperate genius.

Mo Yang looked at his playful teammates with a smile, a faint smile on his face.

He has been receiving congratulatory calls since noon.

To be honest, he was really surprised to be selected for the Golden Boy Award.

I was really excited at first, but I quickly calmed down. Although I was a little proud, that was all.

Ibrahimovic, who was sitting next to Mo Yang, looked at Mo Yang with a smile on his lips.

He likes the atmosphere of Liverpool's dressing room more and more.

He has stayed in many wealthy clubs, and this is the first time he has experienced this kind of alternative wealthy locker room atmosphere.

There are no intrigues, no mutual hostility, and no various gang circles.

"Hey! Guys, it's time to play!"

After a while, Pete pushed open the locker room door, clapped his hands and greeted everyone.

"Yang! Golden boy!"

"Yang! Golden boy!"

"Yang! Golden boy!"

"Yang! Golden boy!"

Players from both sides followed the referee Oliver onto the court.

As soon as Mo Yang walked out of the players tunnel, there was a tsunami-like shout from the stands around the Wembley Stadium, causing the players from both teams to look at Mo Yang one after another. Everyone's eyes were very complicated.

Especially Xhaka.

He came to the Premier League with Mo Yang, and they both joined wealthy teams.

But a season later, the development trajectories of the two are completely opposite.

Mo Yang completely conquered Liverpool fans in just half a season and helped Liverpool win the first Premier League and Europa League titles in team history.

And what about him?

There was nothing. He was accompanied by endless abuse from fans throughout the season.

The media also compares him with Mo Yang from time to time, criticizing him as another failed signing by Wenger in the transfer market and a big parallel import.

Mo Yang wore a bright smile that came from the heart. As he was walking in the queue, he suddenly raised his right arm and pointed his index finger at the sky.

This familiar way of declaration immediately made Wembley Stadium roar with cheers.

The Red Army fans who received Mo Yang's promise were extremely excited, and some of them had already begun to stamp their feet.

They have 100% trust in Mo Yang, because this guy has never failed to live up to their expectations and trust.

"Mo Yang's popularity in England is getting more and more terrifying! I didn't expect that there are so many non-Liverpool Club fans now!"

In the LeTV live broadcast room, Zhan Jun looked at the broadcast screen with emotion on his face.

"What the hell!" Zhang Lu answered with a smile, "Ever since Mo Yang scored that earth-shattering long-distance free kick in the Europa League, he has become the darling of mainstream sports media from all over the world.

, now Mo Yang’s popularity is rising rapidly in European football.”

"Now Mo Yang is only one short of a top honor to soar into the sky. There is a high probability that Liverpool will compete in the Champions League this season. Once Mo Yang gets the top honor of the Champions League, then this kid will be golden!"

"You really dare to think about it, but it's too difficult!" Zhan Jun said with a smile on his face, "Based on Liverpool's performance in the warm-up match, I guess this year's Champions League is still not enough! This top-level event really requires players' game experience!"

This chapter has been completed!
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