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Chapter 26: I can't stop Jesus when Bai Lele runs!

At around eight o'clock the next morning, the entire Leeds United training base was shrouded in white mist, like a fairy tale world in a dream.

In the club director's office, Bielsa was lying on the sofa with a tired face, and Victor's tired eyes were bloodshot.

"God! This guy is finally gone. How did Yang find this guy!" Victor rubbed his face with a frightened expression, "I miss Mr. Klopp's days as Yang's agent so much now!"

God knows what he went through last night, that guy named Pere is really a devil.

The bald man must have known that Leeds United had received offers from other clubs for Mo Yang, so he unscrupulously proposed various harsh conditions.

Thirty thousand weekly salary. When he heard this salary request, Victor almost flipped the table on the spot, took out a big water gun and killed the greedy bald man.

You really dare to say this, this is the English Championship, not the Premier League, and the average weekly salary in the English Championship is less than 6,000 pounds.

This is absolutely something that cannot be given. Let’s not talk about whether Mo Yang is worth it or not. If we just talk about the consequences of the club’s salary structure being broken, he can leave his job.

As a result, the two parties talked all night, and Moyang's weekly salary was raised from 5,000 to 20,000, and most other agreements were reached. However, on the clause of liquidated damages, the two parties refused to give in, and the new contract was immediately stuck.

In the end, Bielsa persuaded Victor, and after friendly discussions, the two parties set the default amount of the new contract at 50 million pounds.

In addition, two important clauses were added to the contract.

The first general meaning is that Mo Yang cannot leave the team before the end of this season, and the liquidated damages will only take effect next season.

The general meaning of the second article is that after the end of this season, if Mo Yang wants to leave the team, Leeds United cannot stop him for any reason.

These two clauses directly made the liquidated damages a decoration, because both parties clearly knew that it was impossible for Mo Yang to stay at Leeds United for another season.

This is the tragedy of small clubs. Even if they have trained outstanding players, once they perform well in a game, they will immediately be robbed by the giants of the major leagues. All small clubs can be said to be the supermarkets of those big clubs.

Small clubs basically cannot withstand this kind of money offensive, and even if they can, the club's financial system cannot afford it.

Modern football clubs are, to put it bluntly, a capital game. Players are both the club's heritage and its capital.

Leeds United is pretty good. It was acquired by an Italian rich man with considerable financial investment. Other small clubs are really miserable.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

Just when the two fell into silence, there was a soft noise outside the window. Bielsa suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the confused Victor.

Then they both stood up and walked to the balcony in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows to look at the training ground.

In the mist, a thin figure was seen limping slowly on the training ground, leaning on a cane, with a ball bouncing above his head.

"Fake, Yang must be crazy!" After Victor recognized Mo Yang, he cursed and stared in disbelief.

"Haha!" Bielsa had a gloomy face at first, but suddenly he smiled as he looked at it.

How diligent, how self-disciplined, what a great player, Bielsa's love for Mo Yang has reached its peak at this moment.

But it is a pity that this kind of player is destined to miss a small club like Leeds United. Thinking of this, Bielsa felt a deep sense of disappointment in his heart.

"Come on, Marcelo, let's go down and talk to this little guy!" Victor turned around angrily and was about to go downstairs, but at this moment, there was a noise.

"Oh wow! I found Yang, he's at the training ground!!" Koch exclaimed.

"Fake! Yang doesn't want his right leg!" Phillips.

"Haha, Yang's leg was injured and he couldn't hit the ball, so he used his head to practice hitting the ball! What a crazy guy!" Bamford, the spit cake king.

"Quick, Phillips, Bamford, you two, take him back to the dormitory!"


It was a holiday today, and they went home separately last night, but before leaving, at the initiative of captain Cooper, they decided to take turns taking care of Mo Yang's daily life.

In order to prevent Mo Yang from being too bored while recovering from his injuries, they even pooled their money to assemble a top-of-the-line computer worth 20,000 pounds for Mo Yang.

As a result, I brought my computer to the dormitory early in the morning and found that Mo Yang was not there. After searching around the training base, I discovered that Mo Yang was playing ball in the training ground.

Phillips and others were immediately dumbfounded. They had never seen such a strange player like Mo Yang, and he still had to practice even though he was injured.

Being able to become a professional player is almost entirely because I love football and I started practicing football since I was a child.

But when a hobby turns into a profession, it won't take long for you to get bored with the hobby. They are an example. Sometimes they feel really bored with training and competition, but they are so happy every time they take a vacation.

Mo Yang was actually woken up on time by his biological clock at six o'clock in the morning. He tossed and turned in bed and couldn't fall asleep. Fortunately, he came to the training ground with a cane.

Although he can't run, he can still walk for a while. His right leg is injured, but he still has his left leg. Anyway, he feels uncomfortable if he doesn't practice for a day. In other words, he is a bitch.

"Hey, put me down!"

Mo Yang's face turned red and he was carried to the players' dormitory by Phillips and Bamford.

"Yang, you should give up. We discussed it after the game yesterday. During the period of your injury, we will take turns taking care of you, whether you are eating or going to the toilet!" Cooper said with a smile to Mo Yang.

"Oh! Chris, you damn faggot, you took the opportunity to touch Yang's little ass again!"

"Haha, come on, you guys try it too, it's very elastic and feels very good!" Wood said and patted Moyang's butt again. The vulgar look was disgusting.


"Chris, you pervert, stay away from us!" Bamford was so disgusted that he kicked Wood next to him.

"Haha!..." Everyone laughed!

Mo Yang, who was being carried, also smiled, feeling warm in his heart. He has met too many good people over the years. Grandpa Reid, Mr. Klopp, Bielsa and his current teammates have all helped him.

These people made him discover that foreign lands are not all cold, sometimes they can also be warm.

On the second floor, Bielsa and Victor looked at this warm scene with smiles.

"Hey! Stop that bum!"

"Quick, quick, quick! He rushed over to Yang and the others! Outflank him from both sides!"

"Damn it, did this homeless guy climb over the wall?"


Just as everyone was about to leave the training ground, bursts of shouting suddenly came from behind.

Everyone put Mo Yang down carefully and looked back curiously.

I saw more than a dozen security personnel chasing and intercepting a burly man wearing a tattered pink suit and a dirty face on the training ground.

"Why does this person look familiar?" Mo Yang frowned and muttered, trying to see this person's face clearly, but this guy's face was so dirty that it was impossible to see clearly.


On the second floor, Bielsa was the most sensitive. He instantly noticed something unusual about this strong man, with a bit of surprise on his face.

"I'm afraid he's about the same height as Wood!" Cooper also noticed, with a look of surprise on his face, "This height can still have such speed, who is this guy!"

On the training ground, more than a dozen security personnel were running wildly behind this unkempt man, but they couldn't even touch a hair on his head.

Everyone found that this strong man had a bit of a bad personality. He would stop and wait from time to time, and then immediately start to throw away the security personnel.

The starting speed made the two forwards Bamford and Wood stunned.

Suddenly, the strong man running wildly on the training ground seemed to be tripped by something and fell directly onto the lawn. The nearest security personnel immediately pounced on him.

"Hey, it must be painful!" Seeing the two burly security guards pounced on the strong man, Phillips and others bared their teeth and felt the same.

But soon everyone was dumbfounded. They saw the strong man struggling on the ground for a few times, and before other security guards came up, he overturned the two security guards and escaped again.

"Shovel! I, Bai Lele, am running and chatting! Even if Jesus comes, he won't be able to resist me!" A roar full of joking and joy resounded through the training ground.

When Mo Yang heard this Trump sentence, there was a roar in his head. He was stunned on the spot as if he was struck by lightning. His lips trembled and he murmured: "Tie Wazi, it's Tie Wazi!"

When Phillips and others saw Mo Yang's face flushed and he walked quickly to the training ground with a cane, they were stunned. They couldn't understand what Mo Yang was talking about.

On the training ground, Bai Lele was stunned when he saw Mo Yang walking out of the crowd.

Then he turned a corner and ran towards Mo Yang, howling in mourning as he ran, "Silly boy, I finally found you to chat with!"

Then he hugged Mo Yang tightly and howled loudly, while Bamford and others kept clasping their ears beside him.

I naively know what happened to me in this short night!

I just came out of the airport and was going to find a better hotel to stay for one night, and then I went to Leeds to find Moyang. I didn’t know whether it was his poor English that caused the trouble, or whether the driver deliberately tricked him and actually got him into India.

Went to Ba District.

At first he thought it was nothing, so he found the most beautiful little hotel and stayed there.

But he didn't expect it to be a gun den. Before twelve o'clock, the whole hotel was filled with gunfire, which made him, a virgin who had been single for eighteen years, feel thirsty.

After being annoyed, he banged on the wall and yelled a very clever Fake sentence in the next room. Then he suffered a tragedy. He was hit by Fake in turn. The door was kicked open and someone used a gun.

He pointed at his head and robbed it clean.

Fortunately, those people didn't steal his ID, they just took the money and the courtesy.

So Bai Lele ran away all night, but he didn't expect that he encountered three waves of robberies before he went very far. Seeing that the emergency travel money hidden in the soles of his shoes was about to be stolen, Bai Lele was angry from the bottom of his heart.

Being fat and strong, he robbed her.

Then he stung a hornet's nest and was chased by gangsters all night long. If he hadn't run so fast, he would have ended up in the Indian-Pakistani area.


"Our village just happened to move collectively to New Happy Town at the end of 2012, so we didn't receive your letter. It's just such a mistake that everyone believed it to be true!"

"They, how could they do this!!" After Phillips and others left Mo Yang's dormitory, Mo Yang immediately pulled Bai Lele to ask about the situation at home. When Bai Lele told all the situation, Mo Yang suddenly became angry.

My eyes were red.

Mo Yang never expected that the reason why he had lost contact with his family in the past two years was because of his two uncles. Just because of the house left to him by his uncle, he actually called his parents specifically to tell him that he had lost contact with his family in the past two years.

Died in a car accident.

Through Bai Lele's narration, Mo Yang's heart felt as painful as a knife. For him, these two years were just a matter of not going home, but for his parents, it was a full two years of heartache after losing a son. Think about it.

Mo Yang hated those two bastards.

"Go! Godfather and godmother are waiting for you at home!" Bai Lele patted Mo Yang's shoulder, grabbed the pen and paper on the table, wrote a phone number and handed it to Mo Yang, "It was me and godfather who came here together.

, but I’ll come first as soon as my visa is issued.”

Mo Yang nodded with red eyes, grabbed the mobile phone on the table, and walked out of the dormitory with a cane.

Standing in the corridor, Mo Yang took a deep breath, and then entered the mobile phone number on the paper with trembling fingers.


"Hey! Yangyang! Is it Yangyang?!" As soon as the call was dialed, it only rang once and was answered quickly. It was obvious that he had been waiting for this call.

Mo Yang's eyes turned redder when he heard the eager and expectant male voice coming from the phone.


Mo Yang opened his mouth to speak, but his throat was so painful that his lips wriggled several times before he screamed out.


This chapter has been completed!
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