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Chapter Thirty: Total Repression

"No!!!" Andy Gray held his head with annoyance on his face, "Hell, this is a flagrant foul, I'm sure Friend did it on purpose!

"Damn it! He ruined one of the best goals in the Championship! He ruined Yang's wonderful through ball!"

In the stands, Wei Bowen and Wei Mingming also followed the Leeds United fans and continued to curse.

Mo Yang's through ball just now made his blood pressure feel like a roller coaster, and his blood vessels almost burst.

After just ten minutes, he has already seen Mo Yang's position in Leeds United. This is not the main force. This is clearly the absolute core of the team.

The entire Leeds United team is serving this kid, his teammates trust him unconditionally, and Mo Yang has lived up to this trust.

He handled every ball just right, firmly controlled the rhythm of the game through the midfield, and even contained Middlesbrough's attack.

Chinese players play the core role in a competition like the English Championship. Just thinking about Wei Bowen makes me feel a little drunk and light.

Now he can proudly say to his foreign counterparts that we Chinese are also good players!

In the hotel, seeing Mo Yang's wonderful arcing through ball being destroyed by the defensive player in such a disgusting way, Lu Han was so angry that he ravaged the pillow in his arms.

Next door, Xiao Di, who was hugging his knees and resting his chin on his head, was not as excited as Lu Han at all.

This girl was thinking in her head how Mo Yang could play that arc and bypass so many defensive players. This is really amazing.

On the field, the referee gave Leeds United a 20-meter free kick from an excellent position.

Friend was given a yellow card. If he hadn't let go quickly, he would have been sent off with a direct red card.

Leeds fans were extremely dissatisfied with the referee's decision and booed repeatedly.

On the sidelines, Bielsa had a gloomy face and kept talking to the fourth official.

On the other side, Middlesbrough coach Aito Karanka looked very happy.

"Yang, do you want to try it?" Bamford stood in front of the ball and raised his eyebrows at Mo Yang with a smile.

Moyang's head immediately shook like a rattle. What a joke, he sometimes misses the empty goal and even shoots difficult shots like free kicks.

"Patrick, are you sure?" Hernandez came over and asked.

Bamford shook his head and shrugged, saying: "I tried my best, but it was a little too close to the goal."

Mo Yang visually measured the distance, then looked at the human wall of Middlesbrough Row, and an idea suddenly came to him.

Since Leeds United doesn't have a free kick expert, why do they have to force the goal?

Hernandez nodded, turned around and was about to leave, but was pulled back by Mo Yang next to him, and then the three of them gathered together to whisper.

"Yang seems to be plotting something with Bamford and Hernandez!" Andy Gray said with a smile. He has been commentating on Leeds United games for a long time and knows Leeds United very well. It can basically be said that he is not particularly powerful.

Ball master.

On the left side of the penalty area, Mo Yang stood on the left side of the ball with his hands on his hips, Bamford stood on the right side, and Hernandez stood in the middle.

Mo Yang kept swinging his legs and put on a very intimidating posture. Those who didn't know thought he was going to take the free kick.

In the penalty area, Mildersbrough's defensive players were highly nervous.

During the opening period, the Chinese put considerable pressure on them in the midfield, which even made him feel like he was playing against a Premier League team.

And that arcing through ball that suddenly accelerated Leeds United's attack just now really scared them so much that they broke out in cold sweats.

Where did this guy come from? Their boss analyzed Mo Yang for them before the game. It is said that this guy has very sharp breakthrough skills with his feet.

In front of the penalty area, the referee blew the whistle!

Bamford made the first move, running slowly towards the ball, leaning slightly as he ran, and then jumped directly over the ball. After deceiving the wall, he jumped up and ran directly to the left side of the wall into the penalty area.

Then came the more realistic Mo Yang. He stared at the ball, his steps were uniform, his body tilted at a larger angle, making him even more intimidating. Then he jumped over the football and ran directly to the right side of the small penalty area.

Middlesbrough's defensive players and the wall were shaken continuously, and they were a little distracted. They didn't notice that Hernandez, who used Mo Yang as a cover, quickly kicked off and directly stuffed the ball to the right side of the small penalty area.

Where is Mo Yang.

Suddenly, the Mildersbrough players were shocked. No one could have imagined that Leeds United would dare to take a free kick like this!

Hernandez passed the ball just right, allowing Mo Yang to easily receive the ball. He swept the ball directly in front of the goal with his right foot. Bamford, who was well prepared, broke out from the defenders and swung his right foot to strike.

On the ball.

Immediately, the ball was like a cannonball and was blasted into the goal with a bang, making the whole net roar and tremble, which showed the great force.

"Ugh!!!" boos broke out in the riverside stadium.

The Leeds fans jumped up from their seats and cheered loudly in celebration.


Bamford roared after scoring a goal, jumped up, roared excitedly, ran to Mo Yang, picked up Mo Yang, and ran towards the Leeds fans in the south stand.

God knows how depressed he was during this period. There was criticism of him everywhere in the media, and it made him sick.


"Bamford broke the goal drought, and it was Yang who assisted him!"

"Now I know why Bielsa dared to start Yang just after he recovered from injury. Yang's state is no different from before the injury. He is still so efficient!" Andy Gray was also shown off by this free kick combination.


On the sidelines, Middlesbrough head coach Karanka looked with a complex expression at the Leeds players who gathered around Nanwan to watch the billiards and interact with Mo Yang to celebrate, especially the extremely conspicuous Oriental, which shocked him very much.

Before the game, he conducted a detailed analysis of Mo Yang, but now it seems that it is still too superficial.

This kid is not a Championship-level player at all. In the past ten minutes, the Oriental's ability to control the rhythm of the game in the midfield shocked him. You must know that this kid is only 18 years old, so he is a genius.

On the field, the game starts again!

But soon, Middlesbrough's players felt as if they were slowly falling into the quagmire again.

They couldn't attack at all. As long as they got the ball, the guys on the opposite side would immediately chase and intercept them in the midfield. They would either be forced to pass back or lose the ball.

And as long as you lose the ball, you won't be able to touch the ball again within three or four minutes.

Whenever Leeds got the ball, they controlled it firmly.

Either try to penetrate their defense from the wing, or rely on short passes from the front to slowly penetrate their goal.

Leeds United's style of play in this game was completely different from what the coach analyzed for them before the game.

Leeds United will launch a quick attack when they get the ball. Their backcourt is full of gaps. It's all fucking bullshit.

Especially the black-haired Oriental man, you can see him everywhere, his running range is simply terrifying, and his field of vision is also terrifying.

Once Leeds United's offense is blocked, Leeds United players will immediately pass the ball back to their own half, and each time it is handed over to the Oriental.

"What happened to Leeds United? Is this still the Leeds United we know?" Andy Gray in the studio was also very shocked.

In this game, Leeds United gave him a very strange feeling. The Bielsa-style crazy forward and never-return offense in the past disappeared without a trace.

Instead, there is a style of play that is as gentle as water and focuses on possession of the ball, but it does not look like a pass-and-control team.

But this style of play is even more deadly and terrifying. Just like the waves on the coast, they feel slow in the sea, but once they get close to the coast, they will become turbulent in an instant. You don't know when they will pick up speed.

, and then I’ll fuck you hard.

For example, the suddenly accelerated attack launched by Mo Yang just now.

Mo Yang is the force behind controlling Leeds United's wave. His huge vision and precise passing are the way Leeds United's wave comes ashore. Whether it is calm or turbulent, it is entirely up to Mo Yang to decide.

"Yang has become more mature after this injury!" On the sidelines, Bielsa rarely sat back on the coaching bench and said to Frank next to him with a smile.

Frank nodded and smiled: "I really didn't expect that nearly a month after Yang was injured, he could still be in such good condition, as if he was not injured at all!"

In fact, both of them had a high opinion of Mo Yang. The reason why Mo Yang controlled the rhythm tightly was because he wanted to save energy. His 64% physical strength could not cover the crowd.

If the first half was too intense, he would either be substituted in the second half or have to kneel for the entire game.

PS: I will not write about the entertainment industry. Some celebrities only appear as fans! Just as a diversion!

This chapter has been completed!
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