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Chapter 203: We are witnessing the birth of a miracle

Just when the Btsport trio were shocked, Real Madrid's formation once again pressed forward, with 6 players in the midfield and frontcourt performing high pressure on Liverpool, because every time Mo Yang left in front of the goal, the empty goal was too tempting.


Modric looked very greedy. He only managed to grab it once when Mo Yang came out of the penalty area, and they could kill the game immediately.

In the 90th minute of the game, Ronaldo suddenly rushed towards Mo Yang on the left side of the penalty area at the top of the arc, applying pressure.

Mo Yang took his time and waited for Ronaldo to get closer before calmly passing the ball to Lovren who was pulling to the wing.

When Lovren saw Ronaldo rushing towards him, he immediately spiked the ball and ran towards the baseline, then turned around and pushed the ball back to Mo Yang who was pushing into the penalty area.

At this time, Bell also pressed into the penalty area, and Benzema rushed directly towards Van Dijk.

As a result, Mo Yang didn't even look at it, as if he knew that Robertson on the left wing was unmarked, he raised his foot and made a long pass, directly breaking Real Madrid's high-position press.

This scene made Klopp burst into laughter in the stands and applauded wildly.

Zidane in the coaching area also looked like he had seen a ghost. He did not expect that the game situation would develop like this.

But they are ahead. Since Liverpool wants to control the ball, let them control it, back and forth, as long as it does not threaten their goal, it is just a waste of precious time.

"An amazing tactical strategy, a seemingly risky change that offsets the team's disadvantage of playing one less player!"

"I feel like after Klopp got Moyang, this guy is getting more and more crazy and has a tendency to move closer to Bielsa!"

"Hahaha..." Zhan Jun and Zhang Lu were amazed when they saw Liverpool's long possession of the ball.

What is top-level confrontation, this is it!

Guardiola and Mourinho were also frightened by Liverpool's boldness, but they also understood that if Liverpool didn't fight at this time, they would not be willing to do it.

There is no difference between losing one goal and two!

On the field, the two full-backs Marcelo and Nacho found that there were not enough people in the frontcourt, and they suddenly pressed through the center line from the side.

The number of people involved in Real Madrid's high-position press reached 8, which immediately made Liverpool's conduction extremely dangerous.

However, at the moment Marcelo and Nacho crossed the center line, Mane and Jota, who were standing on the left and right center lines of the center circle, between Ramos, Cross, Modric and Varane, almost at the same time

Start forward and kill diagonally behind Marcelo and Nacho.

The actions of Mane and Jota were like two drops of ice water falling into a boiling oil pan, causing the field to boil in an instant.

Ramos and Varane, who were behind Real Madrid, realized the danger. The two of them had a tacit understanding and ran a few steps forward in unison, moving Real Madrid's defense forward, directly putting Mane and Jota in an offside position.

, unable to catch the ball at all.

But the next second, a sudden change occurred!

At the moment when Ramos and Varane collectively took up their positions, Firmino, who had been behind Casemiro on the arc in the middle circle, suddenly turned around and pushed forward, passing Ramos.

Suddenly, Ramos and Varane's eyes widened, and they suddenly realized that they had been fooled.

"Back to defense!!!!"

Ramos roared at the top of his lungs, and then immediately started to chase Firmino, who had already ran a few meters away.

Varane, who was slightly behind, looked up to the sky and was immediately frightened because he found that the ball was flying in the sky, and the linesman who was running wildly outside the sideline did not even raise a flag.


Tens of thousands of Liverpool fans in the stands on all sides of the scene were stunned for a brief second, and then collectively went crazy, with everyone roaring until their faces turned red.

"Firmino!!!!!!!!!" Berglin was also going crazy.

"Not offside!!!!!!!"

"Firmino is not offside!!!!!!"

He Wei and Xu Yang also jumped up, put their hands on the table and stretched their necks to look at the miracle that was about to be born!!

"Mane and Jota are just smoke bombs. The real killer of Liverpool is Firmino who is ambushing behind Casemiro!"


"Yang's precision guidance!"

"He, he, he, he directly penetrated Real Madrid's defense in the penalty area!"

As far away as England, Gerrard, Lampard and Lineker couldn't sit still. Liverpool's attack was so shocking.



"Kill Real Madrid!!!!!!!!"

In the stands on all sides, Lu Han, Hu Ge, Fan Zhiyi and countless other domestic fans were cheering wildly. Even Peng Yuyan, who was confused by the sight, was infected by the terrifying atmosphere and turned red in the face.

Time seemed to have frozen at this moment.

At this moment, the eyes from all over the world are focused on Firmino.

Every Liverpool fan is praying in their hearts.

At this moment, Firmino carries the hope of Mo Yang and the hope of countless fans!!!

On the field!

Mo Yang's kick was not deep, it was right between the top of the arc and the middle arc, half and half, as if it had been measured in advance with a ruler.

But Navas seemed to have predicted it in advance. He rushed out of the penalty area in advance and was closer to the ball's landing point.

Zidane on the sidelines and the tens of thousands of Real Madrid fans in the stands saw that Navas would most likely touch the ball early, and their hearts in their throats suddenly dropped slightly.

When the ball landed on the field, Navas found that he would be the first to touch the ball. He was immediately filled with joy. He had already decided to drive the ball directly to the Liverpool half for a clearance.

So Navas saw exactly where he was going to hit the ball, and after meeting it, he directly raised his right foot and swung it.

But the next second, his eyes almost jumped out of fear.

Because he missed it!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, they saw that the ball with strong rotation bounced diagonally to the right the moment it hit the ground.

Just this small misalignment directly caused Navas's big foot to miss.

Seeing that the ball was about to bounce from the left to behind him, Navas no longer cared about the red card and was ready to sacrifice himself.

But when he hit the ball with his left hand, he was completely desperate.

As for Firmino, he did not compete with Navas for the ball throughout the whole process. He ran up to Navas as if he knew what was going to happen next, and directly changed direction and passed to the left, watching. It's like a ball being passed.

"Single sword!!!!!"

"Empty door!!!!!!"

“Empty door!!!!!!!!”

In the LeTV live broadcast room, Zhan Jun and Zhang Lu slapped the table and jumped up from their chairs. They shouted continuously as if they were crazy. The staff in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded. They had never seen these two guys so excited.

In the coaching area, Zidane was already kneeling, holding the braised egg in his hands, looking blankly at Firmino who was catching up with the ball again.

At this moment, the 70,000 fans present felt that the stadium at Nottingham University was completely silent, with only the sharp and long blast in their ears.

On the field, Firmino rejoined the ball in the penalty area after going around the corner.

At this moment, his mind was confused!

He had no idea that the moment the ball reached Navas, he would dodge it, as if it had been given life.

But it's not important anymore! He only knows now that the attack that Mo Yang discussed with them has really been completed!

At this time, the only sight in Firmino's sight was Real Madrid's goal, and the sight beyond the goal was darkness!

In order to prevent mistakes, this guy directly brought the ball into Real Madrid's goal.

After bringing the ball into the goal, Firmino didn't hear the referee's whistle to confirm that the goal was a goal, and he was heartbroken.

Looking back, what a guy!

Marzic in the middle circle is playing with a wooden man with a whistle in his mouth!

At this moment, in the stands on all sides, countless fans held their breath, and even though their faces turned red from holding back, they still held it back.

They are waiting!

Wait for that whistle that represents a miracle!


A second later, Ma Zhiqi came back to his senses, puffed his mouth and blew the whistle in his mouth.

Then Ma Zhiqi looked up to the sky and roared filial piety! Being able to officiate such a game will have no regrets in this life!

When that loud, long whistle sounded throughout the entire stadium, at this moment, for Liverpool fans, it was the true voice of God.



"Boom boom boom!!!!!"

There was an earthquake at Jipu Olympic Stadium!

With the huge noise rising into the sky, everyone felt as if they were on a volcanic crater mountain, their feet were shaking and shaking, and even the air they breathed into their mouths felt a burning sensation.




Beglin's eyes were bloodshot and he was roaring, his ears were ringing due to lack of oxygen, and his heart was broken. After a while, his voice stopped suddenly, and he covered his face and cried.

At this time, countless Liverpool fans were crying in the stands, venting the excitement in their hearts like a torrent.

Countless fans below the stands tried to rush onto the field!

On the sidelines, Klopp had already jumped down from the stands and rushed back to the coaching bench to celebrate with Salah and others.

At this moment, there is only madness and miracles in Jipu Olympics!

On the field, after Firmino scored, he turned around and ran wildly, took off his jersey, rushed to the sidelines, and celebrated with Klopp and others.

But soon someone discovered that Mo Yang was still on the court.

Looking back, I saw this guy sitting by the door leaning against the doorpost, grinning silly.

This smiling face has also been remembered by countless fans through broadcast cameras.

So under the leadership of Klopp, everyone rushed towards Mo Yang.

On Real Madrid's side, some players were already slumped on the ground.

Until this moment, they were in a daze, unable to believe that the score had been equalized and could be equalized.

Ronaldo stood in the center circle with his hands on his hips and silently watched the Liverpool celebrating crowd. At this moment, there was a crack in his confidence that they could win the final victory.

"How can you get the fragrance of plum blossoms without experiencing a bone-chilling cold?"

"Liverpool allowed us to see a miracle! It also showed us their iron and unyielding will!"

"At this moment, I am honored to be able to stand here and witness the birth of this miracle!" He Wei said excitedly while standing in the commentary stand.

At this moment, countless people were thinking about how Mo Yang's kick came out.

The answer is also very simple, it is nothing more than a strong rotation.

But knowing the principle is one thing, but the only one who can kick it out is Mo Yang! This kind of magic ball has no solution at all! It can only make people recall and sigh!

This chapter has been completed!
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