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Chapter 45: The first defeat in his career!

Looking at the Leeds United players celebrating wildly next to the goal post, Fulham interim coach Scott Parker kept rubbing his hands on his face, really afraid of what might happen.

Mo Yang's flash of inspiration almost blinded him. He was really helpless, but fortunately he was still one goal ahead. As long as he held on, he could still win.

Under the urging of the referee, Mo Yang and the others quickly returned to the center circle.

After the game restarted, Leeds United hit the offensive climax of the game.

Under the control of Mo Yang, the team's offensive rhythm appeared the wave of offense most familiar to Leeds fans, which was sometimes fast and sometimes slow, making it unpredictable.

But Fulham's defense, under the command of Byrne, faced the menacing Leeds United and resisted tenaciously.

In the 68th minute of the game, Fulham took the lead in making adjustments, replacing forward McCormack, replacing him with a defensive midfielder, and immediately started setting up the bus.

Leeds fans booed and cursed.

Scott Parker, the chief culprit, suffered directly. Hundreds of fans from the service gang headed by Allman, who were nearby, threw mineral water bottles at them, causing them to scurry back to the coaching bench.

Five minutes later, Bielsa also made an adjustment, replacing Hernandez with Wood, who had scored the goal. It was still the same routine, giving Leeds United a high point in the frontcourt.

Facing Daba's defense again, Mo Yang had no good solution.

It was simply impossible to disrupt the opponent's defense by breaking through again, and his physical strength was extremely exhausted.

Facing Mo Yang, Fulham's defensive players became even more aggressive. They couldn't guard Mo Yang several times and fell to the ground to make tackles.

Feeling the danger, Mo Yang restrained himself a lot, and instead kept kicking the ball from the two wings to find the three high points of Wood and Cooper and Koch who intervened from time to time.

It's a pity that Fulham's air defense ability is too strong, especially Bourne, who vividly demonstrated his positioning, grabbing points in the air and confrontation ability.

Wood was tightly guarded. Although he touched the ball several times, he deflected it due to interference.

Mo Yang even tried to shrink back, trying to lure the Fulham players out.

As a result, these turtles only came out symbolically, and would immediately retreat if there was any disturbance.

Mo Yang was at a loss as to what to do, he had never seen such a cowardly team.

At the 80th minute, the game took a turn, and the problem lay with Mo Yang.

This eighty-minute fierce confrontation almost drained every ounce of strength from Mo Yang's body.

Due to lack of physical strength, when Mo Yang tried to break through in the midfield, his knees suddenly softened, he lost his balance, and was picked up by Dembele who was dormant on the side.

This guy got the ball and knocked forward directly, trying to use his speed and body to eat the Leeds United defender alive and repeat the first goal.

But Phillips, who had suffered a loss before, was already on guard. He rushed directly towards the opponent and made a fierce sliding tackle, keeping the ball and knocking down Dembélé.


Phillips climbed up on his hands and knees, quickly handed the ball to Mo Yang in the center circle, and then roared at the top of his lungs.

This is Leeds United's charge, and it is also Phillips' outlet for this depressing game.

As a professional player, he really hates this bus style of play!

Mo Yang lowered his head to catch the ball and passed directly towards Fulham's right wing.

However, due to exhaustion of physical strength, Mo Yang's movements were somewhat deformed, resulting in the force being too strong and he rolled directly towards the bottom line.

Fortunately, Harrison had good physical strength and could still run. He slid and scooped the ball back before it came out of the line.

Fulham was seriously shaken by Dembele, and their formation pressed up with Dembele's advance. However, they failed to counterattack, and were counterattacked by Leeds United. Fortunately, their defensive counterattack did not require too much.

Multiple people participate.

Although the players who were pushed out could not come back, they still had four defensive players behind them who got back in place in time.

Wood and Bamford were in place in the penalty area, Costa also entered the penalty area, and Mo Yang ran over with his last remaining strength.

On the wing, Harrison's face was distorted. The high-speed running just now made his lungs almost burst, and his right leg had begun to cramp. But he still endured the pain and used his left foot to pass the ball. As for the quality of the pass, it depends on God.

Don't give me any face.

"Harrison passed the ball and fell to the ground with cramps, but the ball was still passed smoothly!" In the studio, Andy Gray had already run to the floor-to-ceiling window and didn't even notice that there was no microphone in his hand.

It's four versus four in the penalty area, and neither side has a numerical advantage.

Bourne is keeping an eye on Mo Yang. In his eyes, Mo Yang is the most dangerous one. Who knows what unexpected moves this kid will make.

Looking up and staring at the incoming ball, Bourne quickly judged the landing point, took three steps back, and was about to take off, but before he could jump, he suddenly felt that the jersey on his body was being grabbed by someone, and it felt like it was being treated like a tree.

The feeling of climbing.

When I looked down, I saw, good guy, this Chinese really thought he was a tree to climb.

Her legs were sandwiched between his body, and her hands were pulling on his shoulders. Her whole body was hanging on him, and she looked obviously out of strength.

But this kid didn't see him. He kept looking up and only had the ball in his eyes.

At this moment, Byrne was completely shocked, what kind of player this is.

In front of everyone, just before the ball was about to fly over the two people's heads, a white hand stopped in front of the ball. After stopping the ball, he pressed down, and a goal similar to a basketball dunk appeared.

Everyone was stunned at this moment, even the instigator Mo Yang was no exception.

He didn't know why he reached out. Just now, the only thought in his mind was that the ball had to go in, but when he realized that he couldn't reach it, he reached out in a daze.

"I should be guarding the goal instead of guarding the rebound!" Fulham goalkeeper Joe Lewis turned back and stared blankly at the ball bouncing behind his butt, with ten thousand horses running back and forth in his mind.


The referee Oliver was stunned for a few seconds, then quickly blew the sharp foul whistle, and then ran towards Mo Yang with a look on his face that didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

In the penalty area, Bourne gently placed Mo Yang on the lawn and walked away.

At this moment, as a player, he was shocked by Mo Yang's fighting spirit, and at the same time, Mo Yang's childish face was firmly engraved in his mind.

The referee walked to Mo Yang, who was surrounded by Bamford and the others, and then realized that the boy was out of strength, and immediately turned around and waved to the Leeds United coaching bench.

Oliver hesitated for a moment, but in the end he took out a yellow card and gave it to Mo Yang.

Although he was also shocked by Mo Yang's fighting spirit, rules are rules.


When Mo Yang was carried off the court by Bamford and Wood, the fans at the scene burst into warm applause.

Observing through the live screen, the fans knew that Mo Yang was out of strength when they saw Mo Yang's appearance, and they were shocked by this fighting spirit.

Even Fulham manager Scott Parker and the Fulham players applauded.

As a head coach, Parker is very envious of Bielsa for having such an almost perfect player.

He has seen a lot of talented players, but this is the first time he has seen such a talented player who is still playing hard despite losing his strength.

But halfway through, a dramatic scene happened again. The fans at the scene suddenly saw Mo Yang break away, then turned around and ran back.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Oliver stopped Mo Yang.

"Sir, I can still continue playing!" Mo Yang's face was full of reluctance.

"Yang, I believe you, but you should tell your head coach this!" Oliver looked incredulous, how could there be such a player.

On the sidelines, when Bielsa saw the gesture Mo Yang gave him, he directly covered his face with his hands. Even though he had a thick face, he felt hot now.

"It's over, it's over, Yang is sick!" Bamford and Wood looked at each other.

The fans at the scene saw this scene on the big screen and burst into laughter and applause.

Looking at Mo Yang's serious face on the screen, gradually no one could laugh anymore.

Bielsa signaled to Bamford and Wood to get this embarrassing thing off quickly.

So Bamford and Wood quickly walked up to Mo Yang, raised their feet and raised their heads, and directly lifted Mo Yang down by force.

When the game restarted, the camera frequently showed Mo Yang.

Then everyone noticed that Mo Yang's eyes were gradually turning red. When Oliver blew the whistle for the game, they saw Mo Yang slowly getting up and walking back to the locker room.

This scene shocked many people and was also recorded by the media.

Back in the locker room, Mo Yang slapped himself hard twice, not knowing why he wanted to cry.

If he had better physical strength, he might be able to hold on, and maybe he wouldn't lose this game.

But Mo Yang also understands that there is no possibility in football. All he can do is to engrave this taste of failure on his soul and always remind himself that only by becoming stronger will this bitter taste stay away from him.


[Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden mission "The Taste of Failure": the host will be rewarded with a professional platinum star bag!! Ta-ta-ta!!]

Mo Yang suddenly became furious. This dog system was even mocking, "Where is my knife! Where is my knife!!"

In the fifteenth round of the British Championship, Leeds United lost to farmer Fulham at home with a score of 1-2.

This game also set an example for many teams in the English Championship. Leeds United must play this way to win.

This chapter has been completed!
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