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Chapter 271: Shocked Perey! This kid is enlightened!

As for the expensive cost of private jets and daily maintenance fees, it is really not a big problem for Mo Yang.

Before returning to China in early June, Mo Yang held a morning-long meeting with the business team that Perre brought to him.

The report given by Perret is that Mo Yang's annual income this year has exceeded 50 million pounds, which includes his annual salary and various bonuses as well as endorsement sponsorship fees and some profits from the operation of image rights.

According to the estimated annual income in the report, as long as Moyang continues to perform well, it will only increase year by year, with an estimated annual growth rate of 30%.

Therefore, raising a plane is not a big problem for Mo Yang.

Mo Yang and Xiao Hongwen didn't chat for long. Soon the army of national team players led by Bai Lele arrived at the hospital and all poured into the ward.

"Oh! What a big pig's trotter!" As soon as Bai Lele saw Mo Yang's left foot that was in plaster, he immediately started teasing, making everyone laugh.

With this guy around, there is always no shortage of joy, and he can often make you laugh to death with just a few words.

"Don't worry, you are still young!" Zheng Zhi came to the bedside and patted Mo Yang's shoulder, smiling calmly, as if he was not affected by being eliminated.

"Yes!" Mo Yang nodded heavily, suddenly finishing his attack, and said: "Uncle Zheng, you can go with peace of mind! We will continue to fight with your will!"

"Hahaha..." Feng Xiaoting and others behind Zheng Zhi were stunned when they heard Mo Yangpi's words, and then they burst into laughter.

"I..." Zheng Zhi raised his hand to slap him. He couldn't help but laugh. He pointed at Mo Yang and said harshly, "If you hadn't been injured, I would have let you take a few blows from me!"

After saying this, Zheng Zhi also laughed. He will retire from the national team this year, but after these four World Cup games, he feels that he has no regrets.

Over the years, Zheng Zhi has been using self-discipline and unremitting scientific exercise to maintain his competitive status, but at the age of 38, he can feel that his body is getting worse every year.

Compared with other players of his generation, he is happy. His unremitting persistence paid off, allowing him to wait for what he wanted to wait for, and his dream came true.

Zheng Zhi and others did not stay in the ward for long, and were quickly taken away by Lippi.

The next day, at Pere's urging, Mo Yang was discharged directly from the hospital and pushed onto the plane by two bodyguards, while Xiao Di and others returned directly to China.

For Mo Yang and Xiao Di, there are too many things to deal with during this holiday, such as the wedding, which is already a bit hasty to prepare.

After Mo Yang arrived in London, he was directly taken to Elena's hospital by Pere, which was the hospital where he first met Elena. Now Reed has officially handed over this hospital to Elena.

in hand.

A few hours later, after Mo Yang's physical examination was completed, he immediately used the medical system's treatment and groaned in comfort. The painful and itchy feeling that he couldn't scratch in the past two days was really torturous.

After the physical examination, Elena gave a diagnosis. Like Li Ming's guess, she also believed that Mo Yang's unusual joint range of motion allowed him to avoid serious injuries and saved Mo Yang's career.

After hearing that he only needed to rest for one to two months, Pere's heart was completely relieved.

Seeing Mo Yang's terrifying inverted ankle on TV, Perret really thought for a moment that Mo Yang's career was over.

Because he has seen many injuries similar to Mo Yang's, and those people's ligaments were all torn, which directly led to the premature end of their careers.

"Yang, this is the endorsement I chose for you!"

In the first class cabin of the plane back to Liverpool, Mo Yang was about to close his eyes and take a rest, when Pere suddenly handed over three documents.

After Mo Yang was stunned for a moment, his eyes lit up and he took it all in one click.

This time it was Pere's turn to be stunned!

In the past, whenever endorsements were mentioned, Pere would see a certain expression of boredom and disgust on Mo Yang's face. How come he now looks like he is very interested in money? What a god!

"Yang! Are you okay?" Pere asked in surprise. He was a little suspicious that this little guy who was already a bit stupid was made even more stupid by someone.

"I'm fine! Better than ever!" Mo Yang opened the first document without even raising his head.


Contract term: 5 years

Sponsorship amount: 50 million euros

Endorsement area:Asia

After reading all the terms, Mo Yang frowned slightly. There was a bonus clause at the bottom, that is, if Mo Yang won a special award like the Golden Globe Award, this bonus clause of 5 million euros would be directly activated.

Seeing Mo Yang's eyes lingering on this document, Pere, who looked satisfied, raised his goblet and took a sip of red wine, and pointedly reminded: "Yang, I suggest you continue reading!"

No matter why Mo Yang's attitude towards endorsements suddenly changed, this can really be regarded as a huge good thing for Perret.

Perre has always had a headache because of Mo Yang's resistance to endorsement sponsorship.

It's better now, this guy seems to have figured it out.

Mo Yang said nothing and continued to look at the next file.


Contract term: 10 years

Sponsorship amount: 80 million euros

Endorsement area: China

Seeing that the contract area was limited to China, Mo Yang frowned even deeper.

What does this mean, do you dislike him?

This clearly means that he only values ​​the Chinese market behind him and pretends that he has never seen the money.

After thinking about it, Mo Yang directly put down the contract and continued to look at the third one.

Li Ning:

Contract term: 6 years

Sponsorship amount: 100 million pounds

Endorsement area: Global

Additional terms: Win any football award with a bonus of £500,000!


"So cruel!!"

Seeing this contract, Mo Yang was really moved. His own country's brand is so sincere, what else is there to say!

"Here!" Mo Yang directly handed Li Ning's contract to Pere.

Pere smiled like an old fox and asked, "Don't you think about it anymore?"

"What's there to think about!" Mo Yang spread his hands and shrugged, "One treats me as an idiot, and the other treats me as a retard. Is it difficult to choose?"

"Haha...ahem..." Perey laughed and squirted his wine after hearing this, "Yang, your progress in business is really very rapid, so fast that it surprises me."

When Perret first got the Nike and Adidas contracts, he was a little disgusted. It was not an insult, it was just a normal business contract.

He showed it to Mo Yang because the endorsement amount exceeded the limit agreed between him and Mo Yang, and they needed to decide together.

But in Pere's mind, the difference between the two contracts and Mo Yang's real value is so big that there is actually no need to consider it at all.

Let’s not talk about the impact of Mo Yang winning the Champions League this season, let’s just say that Mo Yang has shown phenomenal popularity in these four World Cups, and the commercial value behind Mo Yang is far beyond this price.

Among all the recent surges in endorsement contracts with Mo Yang, Perret only sees sincerity in Li Ning’s contract.

Pere's thinking now is different from before.

In the past, he felt that Mo Yang could improve his personal image through endorsements from certain brands.

But now Perret feels that if Mo Yang continues to develop, he may take a certain brand with him to new heights.

Endorsement is a business cooperation that emphasizes equality, mutual benefit!

However, Pere did not see the attitude that cooperation should have in the contract between Nike and Adidas.

The many harsh restrictive clauses in the contract made him feel inferior and inferior.

Perret knew this might just be a tentative offer from Nike and Adidas.

Businessmen always seek to maximize returns while paying the minimum price.

This is understandable! But it is unforgivable!

Pere can probably guess the reason why Adidas and Nike gave these two contracts.

It's just because I'm worried that Mo Yang is a shooting star and his time in the football world is too short.

Because Perret had this idea before signing Mo Yang. At that time, he was thinking, can Chinese players who have never had a star player really do it?

But now, that ‘?’ has been kicked to the Antarctic by him!

So once Mo Yang chooses these two contracts, he will try his best to stop them.

Because once signed, Perret can almost foresee that Nike and Adidas will squeeze Moyang's commercial value in China in the shortest possible time.

This chapter has been completed!
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