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Chapter 274: A late gift!

Henry reached over Edwards and grabbed the fax from the staff member's hand. When he lowered his head and looked at it, his breath suddenly stagnated. In an instant, Henry's heart went cold.

There are very few players on this planet who can refuse invitations from two clubs, Barcelona and Real Madrid.

If it were other clubs, Henry wouldn't be too worried, because even if those clubs were interested, they would not bring in Mo Yang's financial resources.

But they are just afraid that they will get what they want. There is no need to question Barcelona's financial strength, because they just made a huge fortune from Barcelona.

Edwards, who was next to him, was also a little nervous at the moment. He had an in-depth talk with Klopp. He knew very well that a large part of the reason for Mo Yang's failure to transfer was that some wealthy teams did not have strong enough demand for midfielders.

But Barcelona is different. Xavi has left, and this year Inesta has also left. Busquets is the only one left in the Habei-Bo combination that once dominated the entire European football. Now Barcelona's midfield needs a commander like Mo Yang.


And Mo Yang is simply perfect for Barcelona.

In terms of personal ability, Mo Yang's breakthrough is comparable to Iniesta's, his passing is as good as Xavi's, or even better, his defense is also very good, and behind him is a huge market of 1.4 billion people. This is simply a

The perfect player.

So Edwards is really not sure whether Mo Yang can continue to remain firm when faced with the invitation from Barcelona.

At this moment, Edwards' first thought was to continue to increase Mo Yang's salary and keep him with a high salary.

But then I thought about it, can they give Barcelona the kind of huge annual salary?

Looking at the dazzling quotation of 200 million euros on the fax, Henry's face was uncertain.

Suddenly, Henry's eyes lit up, as if he suddenly thought of something.

"Mike, when we sold Coutinho, did we have a restrictive clause?" Henry stared at Edwards with burning eyes.

Upon hearing this, Edwards looked overjoyed and said: "Yes, BOSS, when we signed the transfer contract with Barcelona, ​​we added an additional clause, that is, if Barcelona signs another player from Liverpool,

They have to add £90 million to the transfer fee!"


"Good!" Henry snapped his fingers, his face full of joy!

Edwards saw Henry's smiling face, and for a moment he couldn't tell whether Henry was happy because Barcelona couldn't take Mo Yang away, or whether he was happy that he could kill Barcelona again.

"Yang, I kind of doubt that Elena abused this old guy!"

"Look at this guy, does he look like a pig in a pigsty that has been hungry for several days!" In the Reed Manor Castle, looking at Reed eating like a hamster on the dining table, Pei sitting next to Mo Yang

Lei said quietly.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a snap, and a piece of Mapo Tofu landed on Pere's bald head.

"Uncle!" Perret calmly wiped the tofu off with a tissue and looked at Reid with a resentful face, "This is not the demeanor that a baron should have!"

"Then tell me what the baron's demeanor is like!" Reed swallowed the food in his mouth and stared at Pere with squinted eyes, as if his hands were itchy.

"Just like you! It's great! Every move is full of aristocratic temperament!" Feeling the murderous aura, Pere spoke faster and immediately gave in.

As long as you dare quickly, you have no excuse to hit me! Humph!

"Haha!" Mo Yang on the side looked amused, it was like one thing brought down another.

"Sir, Mr. Smith has arrived!" At this moment, the butler appeared in the restaurant.

"I know!" Reed picked up the napkin from his lap, wiped his mouth and threw it on the dining table, then stood up and looked at Mo Yang, "Yang, come with me to the study!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Reed strode away. Mo Yang and Pere looked at each other doubtfully and quickly got up to follow.

After going up to the second floor of the castle, Mo Yang almost got lost before he came to the study.

As soon as Mo Yang entered, he saw a middle-aged white man wearing a black suit and gold-rimmed glasses already waiting in the study.

"Sir!" Smith was not polite to Reed. It was obvious that the two of them were very familiar with each other.

"Tell him!" Reed smiled at Mo Yang, then went to his desk to cook and started to smoke the fairy smoke after dinner.

"Yang! Let me introduce myself, I am the lawyer of Mo's Fund Management Association! I am also the personal lawyer of Mr. Mo Shaoheng."

"Six years ago, before Mr. Mo Shaoheng passed away, he left a will..."

Half an hour later, Mo Yang, who looked dull and had red eyes, signed a dozen documents and then watched Smith leave.

In the study room, Mo Yang and Reed were silent.

Reed was leaning on the large chair, the cigar in his hand flickering in the breeze outside the window, his expression seemed to be lost in reminiscence.

After a long while, Reed spoke, his voice a little hoarse, and said: "This is the gift Allen prepared for you before he was alive. What he hopes to see is your smile!"

Mo Yang's expression was dazed. Hearing this, he lowered his head and looked at the document in his hand, which weighed as much as 10,000 kilograms, and continued to remain silent.

Seeing Mo Yang's appearance, Reed smiled, stood up, walked to sit across from Mo Yang, and said with a smile: "I originally wanted to deliver this will directly to you, but Allen changed it temporarily before his death.

He came up with the idea and put it in my hands, and asked me to give it to you when you get married, and treat it as a wedding gift from him to you!"

After finishing speaking, Reed was silent for a long time, and said with some emotion: "Alan is a successful businessman in business, but in terms of educating his children, he is undoubtedly a very failed father."

"So he is very worried that after you suddenly gain a huge amount of wealth, you will become like Fred and Frank, indolent and indolent, and develop all kinds of terrible bad habits, so he got this late gift!"

"I understand!" Mo Yang nodded, feeling uneasy, "Are they two okay?"

Speaking of the two cousins, Mo Yang really hasn’t seen them for a long time.

"No, in the past few years, they have destroyed the company that Allen left for them, and their bodies have also collapsed. If it were not for the relief from the foundation, I am afraid they would have died on a street in London!" Reed revealed his face.


"But, this is too much!" Mo Yang frowned and looked at the documents in his hand.

"Haha..." Reed was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "Alan wins again. It seems that he understands you!"

"Actually, this share was not as valuable at the beginning as it is now. Allen invested in Apple at my suggestion. The 0.3% Allen left you is only part of it!"

"Before his death, he divided the 1% of his shares into three shares, leaving me 0.5%. He gave the 0.2% to the family foundation for management!"

"Okay, now I'm going to tell Allen about your upcoming marriage. I think he will be very happy when he finds out!" Reed stood up and left immediately. He knew that Mo Yang needed time to calm down.

After Reed left, Mo Yang leaned on the sofa and became distracted.

Smith had just told him that Apple's current market value is US$1 trillion, and his 0.3% is worth US$3 billion.

This is 3 billion, not 30 yuan! And it’s still US dollars. According to the current exchange rate, it’s 20 billion when converted into RMB.

Mo Yang felt that he might not be able to earn 3 billion U.S. dollars during his entire career, but now he has 3 billion U.S. dollars in his hands. Thinking about it, it feels a little blurry and feels like a dream.

After a while, after offering incense to the grandfather on the second floor, he watched Mo Yang, who was a little lost, come downstairs.

When Pere saw Mo Yang's expression, he frowned and asked, "What happened? That old naughty boy won't let you run away with him again!"

Mo Yang was a little distracted and said casually: "Nothing, some personal matters!"

After saying that, Mo Yang went directly to his room to rest.

Perret was scratching his head with curiosity. When he saw Reed coming down from the stairs, he immediately went over to make some innuendo.


After a while, the castle echoed with Perret's suddenly high-pitched exclamation.


Let’s discuss it. Can you give me a 50% discount? Can I still owe one chapter for the two chapters yesterday? (??ω??)

This chapter has been completed!
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