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Chapter 498 Super big lobbyist!

After a while, while Mo Yang and Ronaldo were having a heated chat, Perret suddenly appeared on the beach.

"Yang, there is someone you may need to meet!" Pere bent down and whispered into Mo Yang's ear.

Mo Yang frowned and said with a smile: "Who? If it is a very important guest, just ask Reed!"

"Not Reed's friend in the business world!" Perret said his name in a low voice, and then Mo Yang stood up, said hello to Ronaldo and left.

Half an hour later, Mo Yang and Pere appeared in a private room in a restaurant.

"Yang, happy wedding! Although you only invited Louis!"

As soon as they entered the box, Messi and Suarez walked up to them.

Seeing the bearded Messi coming up to him, he gave him a polite hug and made a little joke. Mo Yang, who was somewhat passive, was filled with astonishment. He never expected that Messi, a stranger to him, would come here on purpose.

After Mo Yang and Suarez said hello, Pere and Suarez left the box, and the next conversation will be between Messi and Mo Yang, who represent the Barcelona club.

As for Barcelona's purpose, Perre is very clear. It is nothing more than hoping to open a gap from Mo Yang. Only when Mo Yang agrees can they trigger the liquidated damages clause in the contract between Mo Yang and Liverpool.

As for the 90 million restrictive clause, Perret can't figure out what means Barcelona will use to solve it, but if it can be negotiated, Perret will be happy to see it.

Mo Yang joining Barcelona will be of considerable help in terms of financial benefits and reputation.

"Yang! You should know that Barcelona made an offer to Liverpool for you!"

Messi went straight to the topic when he opened his mouth, which made Mo Yang feel that he was not as shy and unsociable as the media made him out to be.

"I know!" Mo Yang nodded. He was curious about what Messi would say next, but the decision he had already made would not be changed easily.

"The transfer budget we have prepared for you this time is actually not 200 million, but 250 million euros!" Messi's third sentence was earth-shattering.

"Thank you very much for taking a fancy to me!" Mo Yang was surprised and laughed, but remained unmoved.

"Yang, I know what you are worried about!" Messi smiled and pointedly said: "Neymar!"

"Actually, you don't have to worry about me, because once you join Barcelona, ​​you will succeed me and become the team's priority core. We can write this condition into your contract!"

"Moreover, the club will try its best to fight for the Ballon d'Or for you! This can also be written into your contract!"

What Mo Yang didn't expect was that Messi would reveal all his cards right from the beginning.

At this moment, Mo Yang was really moved.

Mo Yang was silent for a while and then said: "Leo, what about you?"

"Me?" Messi was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "I will become the core organization in the frontcourt and wide. Only when you are severely restricted by your opponent will I drop back and take over your organizational authority!"

"Hiss!!" Mo Yang took a breath of air, this sincerity is not enough.

Seeing Mo Yang's obviously relaxed expression, Messi continued to speak: "Yang, I am 30 years old this year. Although I can still maintain a high physical function and competitive level, I can clearly feel that my

The competitive state is declining, but slowly."

"At the age of 30, for many professional players, this is already the end of their careers!" Messi said with sincerity, "Since Xavi left, I have had a very difficult time in the game and it is no longer as easy as before.


"Xiaobai also left Barcelona this year. The current Barcelona midfielder is in urgent need of a super midfielder like you!"

"As for the Ballon d'Or, the club will do its best for us at the same time!" Messi's words ended.

But Mo Yang understood. The implication of Messi's words was that Barcelona will work hard for them at the same time, but whoever wins and who loses will have to rely on their own abilities.

Mo Yang had no objection to this. If he failed under the same conditions, it would only mean that his skills were inferior to others, and there was nothing to say.

Looking at Mo Yang who was thinking, Messi laughed.

Regarding Mo Yang, he had to admit that he was a little mistaken at first.

When Suarez repeatedly mentioned Mo Yang in front of him, Messi always thought he was just a good young midfielder.

There are so many midfielders in football, and there are only a few who can have legendary attributes like Zidane, Pirlo, and Xavi. There are very few, very few, and most of them flash past like shooting stars, and then in major leagues.

Disappear quickly.

As for Mo Yang, he really made a mistake. There is no excellence, only better.

In recent years, as Mo Yang has been more and more exaggerated by the media, he has paid more or less attention to it, but the more he learns about it, the more frightened and excited he becomes.

He could see that Mo Yang was making rapid progress in the past two years, and this progress shocked him very much.

Especially the increasingly terrifying number of assists and goals, which made him feel numb and he even fell into a reverie several times, switching positions between himself and Salah.

This year, Messi watched the game between Real Madrid and Liverpool, and he had only one comment on Mo Yang's performance, and that was 'perfect'.

If such a midfield teammate can come to Barcelona, ​​it will be a terrifying help to him. Maybe he can return to the state of the game where he didn't care about anything and only focused on breakthroughs and goals.

Messi once compared Mo Yang and Xavi. Although he was reluctant to admit it at the time, from a comprehensive comparison, Mo Yang was obviously better than Xavi in ​​every aspect.

Xavi still has weaknesses, but Messi can't find Mo Yang's weaknesses. He can even do the job of a goalkeeper, and he does it better than most goalkeepers. It's simply incredible!

Another example is his body. He is much stronger than Xavi. He looks thin, but Ramos may not be able to withstand him.

The passing is not only as penetrating as Harvey, but also more thrilling.

Most of Harvey's passes were observed in advance, but Moyang and Messi once noticed that some sudden and fatal passes did not see Moyang turn his head to observe in advance, as if he had already known that there would be a gap there.

It made Messi feel extremely magical and at the same time very scary.

In several games of the Chinese team in this year's World Cup, Messi discovered that Mo Yang's frequency of thrilling passes had increased, which was obviously another increase in goals.

In terms of controlling the rhythm of the game, Mo Yang has super talent, which is not weaker than Harvey at all, or even stronger.

Even Xavi may not be able to withstand the combination of Modric and Kroos.

But Mo Yang did it. He stubbornly resisted Real Madrid in the tug-of-war and never allowed Modric and Kroos to disrupt Liverpool's rhythm of the game. At the same time, he still had the energy to attack Real Madrid.

He also has a strong ability to read the game. Liverpool's last offensive plan was simply a masterpiece of God, which made everyone spin around.

Of course, it is extremely imprecise and unfair to compare Mo Yang and Xavi, who are now under 22 years old.

But if we compare the 22-year-old Xavi with Mo Yang, Messi feels that Xavi will be thrown to the Pacific Ocean by Mo Yang.

Now Messi very much agrees with what the media said, that this is a monster like him and Ronaldo!

Iniesta had a deep talk with him when he left this summer.

Messi still remembers what Xiaobai said to him.

"Yang's breakthrough is better than mine. If he is not a midfielder, but a winger or forward, then he will be a nightmare for all defenders like you!"

"Since Harvey retired, we have been looking for a second successor, but we have forgotten that Harvey is Harvey. There is no second Harvey in this world, but there is a Yang, a unique Yang!"

"He had already appeared, but we chose Coutinho, a loser in the competition with Yang! It's simply ridiculous!"

Therefore, for the sake of the team and himself, Messi chose to sacrifice some of his own interests, such as his core position in the team, so that he could retire in Barcelona.

Now that he is 30 years old, he has actually won all the honors he deserves. What he lacks most now is the honor at the national team level.

"Sorry! I refuse!"

After thinking deeply for a long time, Mo Yang's first words made Messi stunned.

But soon, Pere and Suarez, who pricked up their ears as goalkeepers outside the door, heard the hearty laughter of Messi and Mo Yang.

No one knows what Mo Yang said to Messi after rejecting the offer. (To be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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