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Chapter 51: Dazzling Battle

After the game restarted, the Wolves seemed to be stimulated by Leeds United's goal, and the offense became more concise and faster under Moutinho's organization.

The most used attacking route is Traore's wing.

Mo Yang and the others knew that as long as they restricted this highway, they could contain most of the Wolves' offensive, but they couldn't guard Traore at all.

Traore, if there is no tactical foul, even if three people come up to surround him, he can sometimes use his strong body and explosion to initiate a breakthrough.

As for Leeds United, once they get the ball, they will launch a quick attack through Mo Yang, a turret that covers the entire field, and can often reach the front of the Wolves penalty area with just four or five passes.

The two sides staged a fierce offensive battle, which made the fans at the scene enjoy themselves, climax one after another, and scream again and again!

At 30 minutes and 5 seconds, Moutinho planned an attack in front of the Leeds United penalty area. He knocked down the triangle in the left rib penalty area, created a gap and then passed back. Neves, who came in from behind, fired a burst shot.


Silvestri performed exceptionally, leaping into the air and lifting the ball over the crossbar.

"Damn it! Phillips, what are you doing outside the penalty area? Don't let them kick easily!" Silvestri scolded.

Phillips smiled awkwardly and waved to Silvestri to indicate that he understood.

Moutinho took a left corner kick and went directly to Jimenez in front of the goal!

Jimenez took off with Koch on his back and hit the ball, which went over the crossbar.

"Yang! Catch the ball!"

At 37 minutes and 58 seconds, Phillips stole the ball in the midfield and handed it directly to Mo Yang in the center circle.

Mo Yang quickly dribbled the ball forward, attracting Neves and Seth to defend, and then suddenly passed it to Harrison on the left.

After Harrison received the ball, he did not stick to the ball and directly passed the ball diagonally to Bamford at the top of the arc.

After Bamford received the ball, he led Coady to defend and immediately pushed the ball forward to the right into the penalty area.

Hernandez stepped in from behind and got into the Wolves penalty area, taking away Boli and Doherty.

Boli and Doherty followed into the penalty area and were about to defend closely to prevent Hernandez from turning around. Unexpectedly, Hernandez ran to the ball, knocked his heel and passed directly back to Costa who was crossing behind him.

Doherty immediately moved sideways to block Costa's shooting path!

Costa did not release the ball quickly, but held it in the penalty area for a while. He glanced at Cody at the top of the key, who was marking Mo Yang. After Cody and Doherty came over, he passed the ball directly back to Mo Yang.

Moyang didn't even stop the ball. He had been waiting for it for a long time. He pushed the ball directly to the left side of the penalty area. Bamford was already in position and there was no one around him to defend him.

Bamford received the ball with his back, turned around and faced Wolves goalkeeper Patricio directly, raised his foot and pushed the shot, intending to go through the goal and the door, but Patricio magically stretched his foot to block it back.

"Fake!" Bamford knelt down and slapped his hands on the lawn to vent his anger!

The fans at the scene also let out a roar of annoyance!

Lu Han and others were stunned by this series of rapid passing and cutting, and the knowledge of several old people who didn't watch football very much was almost subverted.

"It's a pity that Leeds United played a gorgeous pass-and-cut game, but it's a pity that Bamford's close-range shot was magically blocked by Patricio!" Studio Andy Gray expressed regret. If this goal had been scored, it would have definitely been the best.

Good goal.

"Both these two teams, both in terms of the personal abilities of the players and the technical and tactical skills of the coaches, have completely transcended the scope of the English Championship."

"God! I thought I was commentating on a Premier League game just now!"


When he found that the ball had landed at Traore's feet, Mo Yang immediately roared, turned around and ran wildly towards his own half. When this devilish meat man charged up, he probably wouldn't be able to prevent him even if God came. He could only rely on the number of people to kill him, otherwise he would be killed.

It's dangerous.

From the wing, Traore strode to the ball, overtook directly on the outside lane, and passed Harrison without even giving him a chance to foul.

After crossing the midfield line, Traore ran into Dallas head-on. Without hesitation, Traore directly passed the ball to Jimenez who was approaching, and then ran forward with his head covered.

Jimenez met the ball directly in front of Traore, and passed Dallas directly with a tacit understanding of the one-two.

Traore was like a heavy tank equipped with a rocket engine, dribbling the ball directly towards the Leeds United penalty area.

"Damn it, this kid is a monster!" Dallas chased after him, but the distance was getting farther and farther, and the speed of the two was not at the same level.

After bumping into Koch on the right side of the penalty area, he directly stepped on his bicycle to change direction, and then attacked Koch alive. After rushing into the penalty area, he shot a shot into the near corner, and the ball went into the net with a sudden sound.

After scoring, Traore jumped up and roared, with blood vessels on his neck exposed and his face looking a little ferocious. He avoided his teammates and ran towards Mo Yang at the top of the arc.

After this guy came to Mo Yang's side, he took off his upper body jersey, exposed his gnarled muscles, did a few bodybuilding moves, and celebrated with his teammates in front of Mo Yang. Traore, who was surrounded by others, even provoked him

looked at Mo Yang.

Mo Yang rolled his eyes, was too lazy to pay attention to this guy, and walked away, but this guy followed him again, still showing off his muscles crazily.

"You are such an idiot!"

Mo Yang was so angry that he had a cerebral thrombosis in an instant. He hit Traore's chest with his head. Then he felt as if he had hit a stone. His head was buzzing and he stepped back again and again, covering his forehead and grinning.

"Fake! What are you doing!" Seeing Mo Yang's action, Moutinho rushed over and pushed Mo Yang brutally, causing him to roll around several times.

"Asshole, I'll kill you!"

Seeing Mo Yang being violated, Aylin was furious and knocked Moutinho down with his chest.

Immediately, the two sides were at war with each other, pushing and shoving each other, and taking advantage of the crowd to attack each other.

When Oliver arrived and separated the two teams, the players of both teams were seriously injured.

Bamford was punched in the nose, holding his red nose and yelling, giving the impression that he was about to die.

There was a bright red slap mark on Costa's right face, the corner of Harrison's mouth was cut, and Phillips' ears were turned red by someone who didn't know who.

The Wolves are not much better, but Phillips and the others are very smart. They hit people not only in the face but also on the body.

Moutinho was stepped on the stomach and rolled in pain. Traore was slapped on the butt several times and was rubbing it with a grin on his face, secretly cursing the Leeds United players for being so shady!

The fans at the scene were stunned by this sudden conflict!

But after seeing Mo Yang being violated, they immediately became angry and threw things in their hands towards the court. Some of them were so extreme that they even started to attack the security and wanted to get on the court.

Even Bielsa and Wolves coach Nuno on the sidelines were caught off guard by this turn of events, with extremely gloomy expressions on their faces.

The consequences of rioting on the court are very disastrous! These two bastards Mo Yang and Traore are going to be unlucky!

"Yang, you have to control your temper, otherwise I won't be so polite next time!"

"Traore, if you make a provocative move next time, I will send you off directly!"

In the end, the two sides separated under the comfort of their respective captains. Oliver each played fifty big cards, and Mo Yang and Traore each had a topaz card.

The commotion came and went quickly, leaving Xiao Di and others in the stands dumbfounded.

"Oh my God!" Wang Zulan muttered with his eyes wide open, "Are you so angry?"

"It was so scary, we almost started a fight!" Yang Ying's face turned pale.

"You have to do this to him! Let me provoke you!" Lu Han yelled!

Deng Chao, Bai Lele and others on the side all had the same hatred on their faces. Anyone with eyes could see it just now, but Mo Yang even dodged it, and that kid even came up to provoke him.

Soon, the five-minute interruption of the game started again!

After the game started, both sides seemed to be holding back their anger, and the confrontation became even more heated!

Various malicious violations such as falling to the ground and sliding shovels, putting shovels behind his back, sweeping his legs, flashing his shoe spikes, viciously stepping on others, etc. appeared frequently, making Oliver the busiest person.

"Yang! Control the rhythm! Control the rhythm!"

Bielsa stood on the coaching bench, stretching out and shouting to Mo Yang on the sideline. He looked at Mo Yang, who had no clean jersey on his face, with a look of distress on his face.

Mo Yang, who was dribbling the ball, nodded towards Bielsa. He also realized that the offensive and defensive rhythm of both sides in the first half was too fast, and it would be very energy-consuming to continue like this.

Mo Yang slowed down his dribbling pace and slowly advanced the ball from the wing in front of the north stand.

But he didn't pay attention at all. Traore suddenly rushed over from behind him on the left, without slowing down, and directly bumped into Mo Yang sideways.

Mo Yang groaned and flew out, then rolled out of the sideline and hit the billboard with a thud.

"Beep!" The linesman raised the flag to signal Traore for a foul!

When Bamford and the others saw this scene, they were frightened and immediately ran towards Mo Yang.

Bielsa was so angry that he quickly rushed out of the coaching bench and went directly to the fourth official to protest.

The incident occurred right in front of Lu Han and the others. Seeing Mo Yang being maliciously violated, everyone was filled with jealousy.

"You idiot, I'll pick up your chicken and throw you over my shoulder. I'll beat you to death!" Bai Lele was so angry that he put his foot on the guardrail and tried to climb over, but was stopped by him.

The tall security guard called back.


Mo Yang was lying face up next to the billboard, his chest rising and falling violently. Fortunately, he had to follow Elena's instructions to land on his back first, otherwise he would probably be injured again this time.

At this moment, a row of heads suddenly protruded from the railing, making Mo Yang tremble.

There were Leeds fans, Bai Lele and others, all looking at him very nervously.

"Silly boy, are you alive?"

"You're not hurt! Mo Yang!"

"Yang, are you okay?"


But before Mo Yang had time to look at the others, he saw Xiao Di again, and their eyes immediately connected quickly, and the others refused.

"Are you okay?" Seeing Mo Yang looking at her, Xiao Di, who was pale-faced, leaned out of the railing with his upper body and reached out towards Mo Yang to pull Mo Yang up.

Mo Yang reached out blankly to grab Xiao Di's hand, but his eyes were suddenly attracted by a white and round ravine. His face turned red after rubbing it, and he quickly retracted his hand, got up in a hurry, turned around and ran away.

"Hey! Can't you see that I'm here, your brother?" Bai Lele laughed angrily.

"Silly boy! Aren't you pretty?" Lu Han suddenly shouted towards Mo Yang's back.

"That's right! Silly boy! Aren't you pretty?" Bai Lele yelled.

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone saw Mo Yang slipping on his feet and changing from a trot to a fast run.

After being reminded by Yang Ying, Xiao Di realized that he had lost his money. Knowing the meaning of Lu Han's words, he laughed angrily, covered his chest and slapped the two laughing guys several times.

The Running Man family was whispered by Lu Han and Bai Lele, and then they all burst into laughter.

Traore was called to his side by Oliver, because this guy acted very similar and didn't look like he was targeting anyone at all, so Oliver couldn't give him another yellow card and send him off, but he also gave him a stern verbal warning.

"I bought it!"

After walking only a few steps, Bamford and Hernandez ran towards him and were shocked to find that Moyang's nose was bleeding.

Team doctor Turner immediately came over to examine Mo Yang and concluded that the fierce confrontation caused a surge of adrenaline, causing the capillaries in the nasal cavity to contract and rupture. There was no major problem and the bleeding could be stopped in minutes.

Mo Yang stayed on the sidelines to stop the bleeding, and immediately ran onto the field when he saw Oliver waving.

"Sister Di, Hanwazi has already shed blood for this, you have to be responsible for him!" Bai Lele leaned forward and looked at Xiao Di next door, his face full of fun.

"Fuck you! What does his bleeding have to do with me!" Xiao Di angrily yelled at Bai Lele.

"Hahahaha!" Everyone laughed!

This chapter has been completed!
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