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Chapter 45: Like an egg!

In China, at around 10 p.m., Xiao Di drove Wang Rong and Zheng Li directly to the private jet terminal of Capital International Airport.

After entering the terminal and handing over a large amount of luggage to the staff for check-in, the three of them went to the rest area to wait for security check and boarding.

"You really don't need us to accompany you?" After sitting down next to Xiao Di, Zheng Li was still a little worried.

Hearing this, Xiao Di smiled and said: "Mom, there's really no need. I'm just like a normal person now. I haven't reached the point where I need anyone to take care of me yet!"

Thinking about this for more than a month, Xiao Di had a shudder, and realized firsthand what it means for your mother to think that you need to supplement your nutrition.

As long as she is resting at home during this period, Wang Rong and Zheng Li will inevitably show up. After you sing, I will appear on the stage and give her nourishment in the name of doing good for the child.

She originally weighed less than 95 kilograms, but her mother and mother-in-law took turns feeding her intermittently for more than a month, and her weight quickly exceeded 100 kilograms.

Fortunately, she was away from home most of the time, otherwise it would have been okay if things continued like this.

If the work hadn't been completed, she would have run away long ago.

Not long after, a staff member took Xiaodi through the security check and departure check-in procedures.

However, during the security check, Xiaodi requested manual inspection and refused the scanning wand security check.

After everything was ready, Xiao Di took the car to the tarmac. Under the leadership of two blond flight attendants, Xiao Di boarded the G700. Even though he had seen the photos, like Mo Yang, when he saw the real thing, he immediately fell in love with it.

London time, at 1 a.m. the next day, Mo Yang and Perret appeared at the empty Heathrow Airport.

Not long after, Xiao Di walked out of the VIP channel with a refreshed look on his face.

Seeing Mo Yang's dark and red face, Xiao Di immediately became happy.

Originally, he wanted to deal with this guy who secretly went out to hang out, but now that he saw this guy's miserable appearance, Xiao Di suddenly lost all his anger.

Mo Yang stepped forward and took the three large suitcases, pushed them towards Pere very naturally, then took Xiao Di's hand and left without even looking at them.

After Pere and Xiao Di said hello, he looked at the two people who turned around and left. He couldn't help but push his luggage to follow. If he had known that Moyang woke him up in the middle of the night to work as a coolie, he wouldn't have killed him.

will come.

"Are you tired? Let's go get something to eat!"

“Not tired, not too hungry!”

"Mo Yang, our flight is really fast. After eating and sleeping, we arrived in less than 9 hours. The most important thing is that it's not tiring!"

"Haha, it seems that the cabin pressure in the cabin is only half that of a passenger plane, and there is 100% fresh air." Mo Yang said with a smile.

Not long after, the three of them returned to the hotel and went back to their rooms.

After Xiao Di and Mo Yang returned to the room, they made phone calls to report back home to report that they were safe.

"Hey, Dad! Yes, Xiaodi is here..."

"I know, we will be careful..."




Mo Yang!

Come quickly!

!" As soon as he hung up the phone, Mo Yang, who was in the living room, heard Xiao Di's urgent call in the room.

Mo Yang's heart sank, he threw down his phone and rushed into the room immediately.

"Mo Yang, the child moved, I felt it."

Mo Yang rushed into the room and was stunned when he saw Xiao Di sitting on the sidelines, his face flushed with excitement and eagerly waving to him.

"Listen to see if it's moving!"

Hearing Xiao Di's words, Mo Yang, who was confused, immediately knelt on the bedside, leaned over and placed his ear gently on Xiao Di's abdomen, holding his breath and listening carefully.


"Gulu! Gulu!..."

The next second, Mo Yang's face darkened, he raised his head and looked helplessly at Xiao Di, and saw Xiao Di covering his mouth with both hands, laughing so hard that he almost rolled his eyes.

Suddenly Mo Yang was so angry that his breathing was disordered. There was no one with such a wife on the stall. If you were hungry, just say so! It shows that you can act, right?

Half an hour later, the two of them had a steak and fell asleep directly.

Maybe it was due to some drowsiness after pregnancy. Xiao Di said that he was full from sleep on the plane, but after lying down, he fell asleep faster than Mo Yang.

There was no talking all night, and at around 9 a.m. the next day, Mo Yang and Xiao Di showed up at the hospital.

【Elena's Hospital】

"The name of this hospital is so careless! But the environment is quite beautiful!" After parking the car in the open-air parking lot, Xiao Di got out of the car and was attracted by the surrounding scenery.

"It wasn't originally called this name. Reed changed it to please Elena, haha!" Mo Yang explained.

"So willful?" Xiao Di was amused, "But with Grandpa Reed's character, there is probably nothing he can't do."

The two walked into the main building chatting and laughing, and saw Elena already waiting in the star-rated hotel-style hospital lobby.

After a conversation, Elena led Mo Yang and Xiao Di in a car to a four-story building on the mountainside to start the prenatal check-up.

After running through it, Mo Yang felt that the physical examination was no more complicated than when he joined Liverpool.

Fortunately, Elena, the dean, was with her, otherwise the two of them would have been busy until the afternoon.

At around 1 p.m., Mo Yanghe accompanied Xiao Di into the B-ultrasound room.

When the little figure in Xiao Di's belly appeared on the ultrasound screen, Mo Yang experienced the excitement of becoming a father for the second time, and felt for the first time how close he was to his child.


Just when Mo Yang and Xiao Di were attracted by the image of the child, Elena suddenly let out a cry of surprise.

"Elena?" Mo Yang came back to his senses and saw some shock on Elena's face, and immediately became nervous, "What's wrong?"

"Mo Yang, look, what is this?" Elena put down the instrument in her hand and pointed to the screen in front of her with her left hand.

"Nothing?" Mo Yang bent down and took a closer look, and Xiao Di also sat up and looked over.

As soon as he finished speaking, the small black shadow on the screen suddenly moved to the left, and Mo Yang immediately saw what Elena was pointing at.

"Why do you look like an egg!" Mo Yang subconsciously blurted out what was in his heart.

On the bed, Xiao Di, who was smiling, turned black and kicked Mo Yang on the butt, causing Mo Yang to almost knock over the B-ultrasound machine.

"Hahaha!" Elena grabbed Mo Yang in time and laughed.

Elena did not immediately explain to Xiao Di and Mo Yang what it was, but after carefully observing it for seven or eight minutes, she said with a smile: "Mo Yang, Xiao Di, congratulations, this is your second

A child!"

"Really!!" Xiao Di and Mo Yang asked in unison.

Seeing Elena smiling and nodding, Xiao Di and Mo Yang were stunned for a moment. They looked at each other and saw the joy and excitement in each other's eyes.

Elena's eyes turned to the largest fetal sac again. Her eyes flickered a little. After careful observation, she hesitated several times, but in the end she said nothing.

After the inspection, Mo Yang and Xiao Di came to the office to wait for the results of other inspection items.

"You guys should rest here, it might take half an hour!" Elena left quickly. She had other things to be busy with.

"Ha ha……"

As soon as Elena left, Mo Yang directly hugged Xiao Di. Xiao Di looked at the smile on Mo Yang's face and laughed too. For the first time in the past few months, he was extremely sure of his decision.


Not long after, Mo Yang carefully put Xiao Di down and took out his cell phone with a silly smile, intending to call home to make his parents happy.

"No hitting!"

Xiao Di's eyes widened and he confiscated the phone directly, "If your mother and my mother find out, you will have to fly to our door tomorrow, do you believe it?"

"Isn't that great?" Mo Yang said with a puzzled smile.

"Okay!" Xiao Di threw the phone back to Mo Yang, "When the time comes, I will make some high-calorie food every day. Do you want to eat it? I won't eat it anyway."

"Then when will you tell me?" Mo Yang asked a little funny.

Xiao Di thought for a while and said with a smile: "Let me give it a rest for a month or two before talking."

"Honey, let mom and the others come over!" Mo Yang frowned when he heard this and began to persuade Xiao Di, "This is a big deal, we can't just follow our temper. Wan, uh, let mom and the others come over! Like this

When I go out to play with the team, there will be someone to talk to you with."

As the Champions League begins, Mo Yang has to travel all over the world with the team, sometimes for several days at a time.

If you want to go on an expedition, you have to go there in advance to adapt to the local climate. You go back and forth, sometimes for a week.

He was really worried about leaving Xiaodi alone in Liverpool.

After a while, under Mo Yang's persuasion, Xiao Di relaxed after asking about Mo Yang's Champions League schedule. The two reached an agreement to wait until the end of September.

Because before this, Mo Yang did not have to leave England to play.

But as soon as the two of them had reached an agreement, their phones rang almost at the same time.

Xiao Di picked up the phone and looked at it, and immediately glared at Mo Yang.

"No! It's not me!" Mo Yang immediately shook his head, "Elena must have told Reed, and then Reed told my parents, and my mother notified your parents."

The logic is smooth and there is nothing wrong with it!

"Alas!" Xiao Di sighed leisurely.

Mo Yang was secretly amused and secretly deleted the text message sent to Reed quickly.

This chapter has been completed!
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