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Chapter 24: Downwind

"Okay!" It can be said that Irisviel obeyed Emiya Kiritsugu's words, but it is true that it is not in the ultimate interest to team up with Caster now.

"I'll cover your retreat first. If that doesn't work, I'll use the command spell to summon Saber back..."



The invisible holy sword struck down, and blood suddenly burst out.

Artoria took a few deep breaths, feeling her somewhat weak body, and her face became very ugly. Why?! Is this guy's magic power infinite?

Caster looked at Artoria with a smile, and the magic book in his arms exuded a coquettish blood light.

That book...is the source of his magic power?

Artoria said in a deep voice, "Is that book your Noble Phantasm?"

Caster didn't mean to hide anything, and said with a ferocious smile, "Yes, through the magic book left by my ally Prelati, I learned the power to drive the demon army..."

"How is it? Joan of Arc?" Caster raised his arm, "I really miss you, Joan of Arc. Everything is the same as before. Your noble fighting spirit and holy soul are undoubtedly the result of your being Joan of Arc.

Ironclad proof of virtue! But why don’t you wake up?”

Artoria gritted her teeth as she watched Caster grit her teeth. If she was really Jeanne d'Arc, then that would be fine, but... she was the King of Knights, Arthur! He kept placing unwarranted identities on himself! Artoria was furious.

It’s rising like crazy!

"Master, I request the release of the Noble Phantasm!"

In order to prevent Artoria from releasing the Noble Phantasm indiscriminately, Emiya Kiritsugu had previously reached an agreement with Artoria. Before Artoria wanted to release the Noble Phantasm, Emiya Kiritsugu had to obtain his consent.

"Saber, prepare to retreat. This is not the time to release your Noble Phantasm." Emiya Kiritsugu's voice reached Artoria's mind through the command spell.

"Why?!" Whether it was to vent his anger or to let the dead children rest in peace, Caster deserved to die! He just retreated, and Artoria was unwilling to accept it...

"When Caster arrives, there's a chance that Caster's master may be around. Don't risk Ellie's life."

Artoria gritted her teeth. She knew that although Emiya Kiritsugu was right, she... was really unwilling...

When Artoria was confused, countless sea demons suddenly swarmed up like crazy.

The tentacles full of spikes instantly entangled Artoria tightly, and then the tentacles suddenly tightened. If it weren't for Artoria's A-level magic resistance, this blow would have been enough to make her lose her fighting ability.


As the magic power surged, the breeze blew, and the A-level magic power was released and suddenly shattered the tentacles wrapped around the body!

Arturia stuck her sword on the ground, leaning on it and half-kneeling, breathing heavily in the air, her eyes filled with rage like flames!

Although she was very reluctant, she had to admit that she really couldn't defeat Caster without using the Noble Phantasm...

If it weren't for the Noble Phantasm like that book...

"What exactly is that book? Even if it can amplify magic power, it can't be that powerful, right?" Artoria's face darkened, "With so much magic power, why don't you use other powerful magic? You are humiliating me.

?Or...you don't know any other magic at all?"

The magic of summoning the sea devil cannot be said to be low-level, but if there is enough magic power, this magic cannot be put on the stage!

Just with the magic power consumed by summoning the Sea Demon just now, Artoria's Noble Phantasm Sword of Victory could be released twice!

"Oh hahaha." Caster didn't mean to explain. With a wave of his hand, a large sea demon appeared again, surrounding Saber from all sides!

This chapter has been completed!
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