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Chapter 38: Kill the Master!

"The Holy Grail War..." Tokiomi Tosaka sighed, reached out and took out a wooden box from the drawer of the table and placed it on the table. "After this Holy Grail War is over, Kirei, I hope you can take on the role of senior brother."

Teach Rin about your identity..."

Tokiomi Tokiomi once again took out a letter from his pocket and placed it on the wooden box, "Well, although the form is simple, it is my suicide note. It is just in case. It has agreed to transfer the position of head of the Tohsaka family.

Pass the signature to Rin, and designate you to be her guardian until Rin grows up..."

If it weren't for something wrong, Gilgamesh would have even wanted to laugh! It was truly a good show, and he even had a suicide note prepared. This was simply more interesting than the King's Banquet last night.

"Leave it to me, I will definitely take responsibility and take care of my sister when she grows up!"

Tokiomi Tosaka smiled and said, "Thank you, Kirei."

"What is this?" Kotomine Kirei looked at the wooden box on the table.

"This is my personal gift to you, open it and take a look..."

Kotomine Kirei picked up the wooden box, opened it gently, and found a delicate short knife lying in the box.

"This is the mercury sword. It is proof that you have practiced the Tohsaka family's magic ways and completed the apprenticeship course."

Mercury Sword, even among magic rituals, this weapon can be regarded as excellent, and it can be regarded as a fine product both in terms of collection value and use value.

"My disciple is not talented, but I have received such a favor. I can't thank you enough, teacher..." Kotomine Kirei's face was dull, and his eyes were blankly looking at the edge of the mercury sword. Although he said thank you in words, his expression did not show his gratitude.

But it's not obvious.

However, Tokiomi Tosaka thought he knew Kotomine Kirei very well and knew that Kotomine Kirei was just not good at expressing himself.

"It's me who should say thank you, Kirei." A slight smile appeared on Tohsaka Tokiomi's serious face, "It's precisely because I entrusted everything to you that... I can finally prepare for the upcoming battle with peace of mind.


Kotomine Kirei fiddled with the mercury sword in his hand, and the cold light from the blade reflected his cold face. At this moment, the man named Kotomine Kirei finally made up his mind...

"Unknowingly, it's already this time." Tokiomi Tosaka looked down at the watch on his wrist.

eight thirty.

Because we had an early flight scheduled, we didn’t have much time left.

"Although the rules do not allow the Holy Grail War to be conducted during the day, the rules can no longer restrain those ambitious people after the Holy Grail War has been held." Tokiomi Tosaka stood up and walked slowly towards the door, "Kirei, I

The King of Heroes will give you a ride to ensure that you can leave Fuyuki City safely. When you leave Fuyuki..."



Tokiomi Tosaka's eyes widened without any emotion, and he looked down at his chest. The sharp sword blade was stained red, and blood was dripping down his suit. Everything was so sudden.


Tokiomi Tosaka could no longer ask these words. With doubts, surprise, disbelief and anger, he left this world forever. Even though he was dead, his eyes were still wide open with an expression of reluctance that was permanently fixed...

"Teacher, it's not you giving me a ride, but I'm giving you a ride..."

Kotomine Kirei, who always seemed expressionless to others, laughed for the first time. Although he didn't laugh out loud,... that kind of laughter from the heart was so joyful...

Gilgamesh felt that the contract between Tokiomi Tohsaka and him had dissipated, and a pleasant smile also appeared on his lips.

Magicians are aliens. It can even be said that many magicians have broken away from the category of human beings. Many magicians also do not regard themselves as human beings, and even draw a line between themselves and ordinary humans...

Magicians are all mentally ill, the difference is only in the severity of the illness.

Kotomine Kirei, who was taught by a magician, is the epitome of this era... People are born pure and good, and they will take on different colors as they grow up. However, no one can deny that no one is born "evil"


Kotomine Kirei's life has been chaotic since he was born, like a puppet on strings, and he can't even feel the meaning of living.

Not only Kotomine Kirei, but most magicians are like this, including... Tokiomi Tosaka.

When life has no meaning, you have to find the meaning of your own life. Therefore, Tokiomi Tosaka’s answer is...the root!

Reaching the source is the ultimate goal of all magicians, and for this, they may even sacrifice everything they have.

Is Kotomine Kirei really unpardonable?

The so-called crime is nothing more than killing his master and his father. As a "villain", he has not killed an ordinary person except his master and his father. If he is not driven crazy, who would be willing to do this? If he doesn't kill his master and his father, he will do it.

Father, how can we live a normal life?

When a magician's child is born, his life is defined.

Just like Sakura, Tokiomi Tosaka can abandon her without any fluctuation in his heart. With the influence of the Tosaka family, how could he not know about the insect magic of the Matou family?

To put it ten thousand steps back, even if you don’t know, haven’t you ever doubted it?

I doubted it! Then what?

For magicians, inheritance is the most important thing! No matter what Sakura thinks, no matter how she will be treated, at least she has obtained the Matou family's magic seal. Then, no matter how she is treated, it will not be a loss...

As for the "villain" Kirei Kotomine, what happened after he killed his master and his father? He didn't have a broken personality and committed all kinds of evil! Instead, he was more like a human being than before, living an ordinary life and raising Tohsaka Rin meticulously.

.Thinking about it from another direction, if Rin Tosaka was raised by a pure magician named Tokiomi Tokiomi, would she be a normal person in the end?

The scarlet light slowly converged, and the cursed contract connected Gilgamesh and Kotomine Kirei.

After receiving the supplement of magic power, Gilgamesh raised his lips slightly, "So... Kirei, what are you going to do next?"

Kotomine Kirei slowly suppressed the smile on his lips and returned to his expressionless expression, "To be honest, I don't have any plans."

"Oh, are you satisfied with just such a small pleasure?" Gilgamesh opened the window, and fresh air poured into the house through the window, "Don't you want to pursue more pleasure?"

"What do you mean?" Kotomine Kirei frowned.

"Oh? Are you pretending to be stupid?" Gilgamesh smacked his lips disdainfully, "The next target is of course that priest. No matter what, you have to survive the Holy Grail War. You have seen that guy's power.

After that, you don’t really think that with the magic power you provide, I can keep up with that guy in the battle, do you?”

Kirei Kotomine naturally knows who that guy is. Although Assassian is not strong in combat, he is definitely good at gathering information! The guy who calls himself the Demon King of another world is indeed a powerful enemy...

This chapter has been completed!
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