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Chapter 44: Artoria's Crisis!

"Zhaixiu, you have angered me!"


Gilgamesh directly gave up on Artoria, who was almost exhausted, and the flying boat rushed towards the retreating fighter jet.

Arturia stared blankly at the blue light and golden light in the distant sky chasing each other, "Whose Noble Phantasm is that blue fighter plane? Caster has disappeared. Could it be Rider? Impossible.

Rider’s Kamui wheels should have been damaged…”

"Saber, retreat, it's enough to witness Caster's exit tonight."

Emiya Kiritsugu's order reached Artoria's ears, and Artoria nodded slightly in agreement. Indeed, in this situation, there was no need for her to get involved because she was exhausted.

Just as Artoria was about to leave, a blue lightning bolt as thick as an arm struck in front of Artoria, blasting a small deep pit on the concrete ground in front of her. Artoria's eyes condensed and she vowed to win.

The sword instantly covered the Wind King's barrier, and struck the Wind King's hammer towards him behind him!


The tall figure formed a ravine from the ground, and the King of Conqueror grinned, "King of Knights, our decisive battle will take place today..."

Arturia felt her tired body, frowned slightly, and said in a slightly harsh tone, "Is your royal way to do things like this that take advantage of others?"

The King of Conqueror blinked his big innocent eyes, curled his lips and said, "So, I don't recognize your kingly way... How do you think I got the title of King of Conqueror? How could I conquer the world, conquer heaven and earth with only barbarism?"

So powerful..."

"Hey, it's useless to talk more, Rider, if you are sure to take me down, then come on!" Although Artoria's physical strength is exhausted, she still has a lot of magic power stored! The reason why King Arthur can suppress all the monsters

The Knights of the Round Table do not rely on martial arts, but the burst of magic power and the brilliance of the holy sword! There is nothing that a light cannon cannot solve. If there is, then use another one!

The Conqueror King looked at Arturia who was full of fighting spirit, and said, "Your back-up man won't be Lancer, right? However, I'm afraid, you should be disappointed. Lancer has just released such a powerful Noble Phantasm."

, even if I want to save you, I’m afraid I’m powerless, not to mention...I will try my best to shorten the fighting time..."

"Rider, don't wait any longer. Things will change later. Release the Noble Phantasm immediately and destroy Saber!"

The Conqueror King was not dissatisfied when he heard Kenneth's urging, because that was what he planned too!

King Arthur is still King Arthur no matter what, and his popularity is higher than that of the King of Conquerors. In order to prevent accidents, the Rider team even took out a command spell to kill her!

"Saber! Tonight, let me completely crush your royal rule!!!" The conquering king had a bloodthirsty and ferocious smile on his face.

The torrent of magic burst out instantly, the heaven and earth instantly collapsed, and endless yellow sand covered the entire world...

This is not the first time that the King of Conqueror's inherent barrier has been released, but Artoria has not lost her sense of proportion.

Although Artoria can still analyze calmly, but... facing the endless army of heroic spirits cannot be solved by analysis...

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The footsteps of the army were like a landslide, and the momentum alone made Artoria's chest feel tight!

"Surrender and exit with dignity, Saber, you have no room for resistance anymore..."

Artoria looked at the army in front of her. The Wind King's barrier covering the Sword of Victory slowly dissipated. The dull hair on her head stood up. She held the sword in both hands and charged towards the army with one sword at a time!

"Are you struggling to your death..." The Conqueror King raised the long sword in his hand, "In that case, then...soldiers, let's ravage!!!"


Artoria's frail figure rushed into the army. From the sky, it looked like a mantis using its arms as a chariot. However... Artoria's momentum alone could withstand the momentum of an entire army!

Although King Conqueror and King Arthur are both kings, they are very different!

The King of Conquerors leads an army to conquer the world as a human being, and is a soldier who leads an army, but King Arthur is a red dragon warrior who roams the battlefield wantonly!


The heart of the red dragon beat vigorously, and every time the Sword of Victory fell, it would take away the life of a warrior. Arturia was like a sharp spear inserted into the army of the King of Conqueror...

Although the oppressive power of the army is strong, the only ones who can really fight against Artoria are the circle of warriors surrounding Artoria. However, the advantage of the army is not just in terms of numbers.

When Arturia directly fights warriors who are injured, they will retreat to the outer circle, enjoy treatment, and be able to join the battle again after the treatment is completed. This is one of the advantages of the army!

Arturia naturally also discovered the army's strategy, so she struck directly at the vital point. If she could kill him with one blow, she would show no mercy!

Of course, facing so many heroic spirits, even King Arthur could not survive. There were countless knife and sword wounds, and it was impossible to tell whether the blood on his body was his own or the enemy's...

On the periphery of the battlefield, Iskandar looked down at the struggling Arturia in the encirclement and sighed, "He is indeed King Arthur, as brave as a lion and as dazzling as gold. If possible, I really want to

She is under his command..."

Outside of the inherent barrier, the moment Artoria disappeared, Emiya Kiritsugu thought of the inherent barrier of the King of Conqueror, but...even if he knew this move, Emiya Kiritsugu had no way to do it.

, the only way now is to give Artoria the support of the Command Seal, and what Emiya Kiritsugu can do is to find the master of the Conqueror King and kill him!

"Maiya, do you know the location of Kenneth now?" Emiya Kiritsugu calmly gave the order.

"I know, but... I'm afraid we are no match for him now..." Maiya's cold voice came from the headset, "He is standing in the square now, I guess... he should have turned the entire square into his own magic

It’s a workshop.”

Emiya Kiritsugu was silent. Indeed, neither an open field nor a magic workshop was a suitable fighting venue for him.

In the original work, Emiya Kiritsugu was able to defeat Kenneth mainly because the venue was in the Einzbern castle, with traps laid by Emiya Kiritsugu, and complex and familiar terrain...

As long as Emiya Kiritsugu is clear-headed, he will know that he is definitely no match for Kenneth.

"Maiya, Kenneth's previous heroic spirit was Lancer, right..."

After a long while, Emiya Kiritsugu said this into the headset.

Looking at the command spell in his hand, Emiya Kiritsugu made up his mind...

Since Kenneth can summon the Conquering King again through the Command Seal after losing his heroic spirit, then... there is no reason why Emiya Kiritsugu cannot summon a new heroic spirit!

When Emiya Kiritsugu asked such a question, Kuu Maiya already knew Emiya Kiritsugu's plan.

Even if all the command spells are consumed on Artoria, it may not be able to break the inherent barrier of the Conquering King. It is better to... abandon her and summon a new heroic spirit...

This chapter has been completed!
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