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Chapter 9: Join Tangmen

The middle-aged man stared at Feng Zixi with shining eyes. You know... Feng Zixi's origin can be regarded as a direct member of the Tang clan. His family members have been members of the Tang clan for several generations. His talents are ridiculously high. As long as he doesn't

If you fall midway, you can definitely become an ultimate Douluo.

"Boy, your family has been a member of the Tang Clan for generations. Do you want to join the Tang Clan?" The middle-aged man's eyes were glaring.

Feng Zixi felt a chill in his heart. This uncle couldn't be gay.

"Well, I'll join the Tang Sect!"

"Okay! Okay!"

Witnessed by the regional minister of the Tang Sect, Feng Zixi officially joined the Tang Sect at the age of six. At the same time, Feng Zixi obtained all the secrets of the Tang Sect with the minister opening the back door, including the Xuantian Technique and Ghost Shadow Tracing.

, Purple Demonic Eyes, Black Jade Hands, Controlling Cranes and Capturing Dragons and Hundred Solutions to Hidden Weapons!

Although this is somewhat inconsistent with the rules of the Tang Sect, but... the rules are made by people! Their Tang Sect wants to train Feng Zixi to become the leader of the Tang Sect, can this be the same as ordinary members? Plus Feng Zixi

His background identity is a direct descendant of the Tang Sect, so he can be completely trusted, and there is no betrayal at all. For geniuses, the earlier they are exposed to these secrets, the greater the effect will be!

Feng Zixi naturally accepted the Tang Clan's investment. Although many people looked down on Tang San's Xuan Tian Kung in his previous life, to the current Feng Zixi, this thing is really delicious...

After finishing the busy work, it was already late at night. Thinking that Na'er was still waiting for her at home, Feng Zixi felt guilty in her heart. Originally, it was promised that it would be over soon, so Na'er should be anxious...

Wu Zhangkong was naturally assigned as Feng Zixi's bodyguard, and followed Feng Zixi back home with a dark face.

The room was dark. As soon as Feng Zixi opened the door, a petite body rushed forward. The soft body was so hot that Feng Zixi subconsciously hugged the small body.

"Old...Husband, you are finally back. Na'er thought you didn't want me anymore..." Na'er's little face pressed against Feng Zixi's face, making a sweet kiss.

"Na'er is so cute, how could I not want Na'er?" Fengzi kissed Na'er, "Are you sleepy? Come on, let's go to bed first..."

Feng Zixi pulled Na'er into her room. In the living room, in this dark night, Wu Changkong, whose face was darker than the night, could hardly be seen.

Finally, Wu Zhangkong randomly found a guest room and practiced all night. Feng Zixi hugged Na'er who smelled delicious and slept all night.

As for cultivation? There are cheats. Who among serious people can practice cultivation seriously...

Night came and went quickly. Before dawn, Feng Zixi was lifted up by Wu Zhangkong.

"Diao Min, do you want to harm me?" Feng Zixi waved her little fist and hit Wu Zhangkong painlessly. However, because her arms and legs were too short, she couldn't even touch Wu Zhangkong's body. Otherwise,

With his strength of more than 500 kilograms, Wu Zhangkong would definitely not feel that good if he hit Wu Zhangkong with a hammer...

However, Feng Zixi is still just a little chicken now...

"Now is a good time to practice the Purple Demon Eyes!" Wu Zhangkong slipped Feng Zixi to the roof before Feng Zixi could react, and said coldly: "Look at the purple energy, and the soul power will follow my guidance.


The next moment, Wu Zhangkong put his fingers on Feng Zixi's temple, and a pure soul power guided Feng Zixi's soul power to operate.

Staring at the purple blur on the horizon, Feng Zixi's mind suddenly felt cool, and the warm breath circulated in his mind and eyes. It lasted for several minutes before the vision slowly disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Zhangkong threw Feng Zixi off the roof. If Feng Zixi hadn't used the wind to drag his body, he would have been thrown to pieces.

Seeing Feng Zixi staring at him fiercely, the suffocation in Wu Zhangkong's heart was finally vented. He felt inexplicably refreshed and even wanted to do it again. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised in a rare way.

Feng Zixi pursed her lips, "Laugh! Why are you laughing! What time of the day are you going to buy groceries? No, no, no, no, someone really wants to eat and drink for free..."

The smile at the corner of Wu Changkong's mouth froze for an instant, and he turned around and left, mmp, I didn't eat any of the ingredients I bought yesterday, how can you have the nerve to say this today...

Feng Zixi flashed his fist at Wu Changkong's back and smiled. He hummed a tune and went to cook. He didn't want his little baby Na'er to wake up hungry.

With the speed of the Soul Emperor, Wu Zhangkong came back from shopping for vegetables in a short while. At this time, Feng Zixi and Na'er were feeding each other forgetfully. Wu Zhangkong really wanted to drop the vegetables in his hands and turn around and leave! However,

...the food is quite delicious...

Wu Changkong calmly went to the kitchen to get a bowl, and ate the rice with the bowl in the corner, huh? It smells so good! Smelling it, it tastes even better!

At first Wu Zhangkong ate leisurely, but later Kan Na'er kept stuffing rice into her stomach. Looking at the dwindling amount of food on the table, Wu Zhangkong also speeded up the cooking process.

Until he finished eating, Na'er was still eating. Wu Zhangkong remained silent on the surface, but in his heart he regarded Na'er as the second freak! As for the first freak, he was naturally the little devil Feng Zixi!

"Ahem." Wu Zhangkong coughed twice to attract the attention of the two little ones.

"Feng Zixi, your talent is good. As long as you work hard, you will definitely become a Titled Douluo or even an Ultimate Douluo in the future. However, you still lack a teacher to help you get started. From today on, you will practice with me!"

"Huh?" Feng Zixi was stunned for a moment, then raised the corner of his mouth and said in a strange tone: "No way, no way, no one really thinks that the Soul Emperor can be my teacher, right? No way?"

The fact is not that Feng Zixi looks down on Wu Zhangkong's strength, but... he is afraid that if he takes Wu Zhangkong as his teacher, Wu Zhangkong might find an opportunity to avenge his personal revenge in the future, and might beat himself up through training.


I have to say that Feng Zixi's guess was good, Wu Zhangkong did have that idea...

Hearing Feng Zixi's strange accusations against him, Wu Zhangkong's mood rarely fluctuated. Part of the reason was that he did not think he was qualified to be the teacher of the future Tang Sect leader. But on the other hand...who said he had to become a teacher?

Practical teaching? What's more, he was afraid that being Feng Zixi's teacher would make Feng Zixi angry to death!

"Don't worry, I don't mean to be your teacher, I just want to get to know you alone and don't let you waste your talent!"

The smile on Feng Zixi's face disappeared instantly, "No, no need..."

"Huh? How can you not use it?" Wu Zhangkong smiled half-heartedly, "We will start training in an hour. We will conduct a practical drill first, and then based on your actual combat performance, I will formulate a training plan suitable for you!



Feng Zixi: "Wuhu, it's over."

This chapter has been completed!
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