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Chapter 105 Hot Potatoes

Seeing the scene around me, it was probably no longer in the Withered Vine Cave. I didn't expect that there was an underground river leading to the outside under the abyss of the rift valley.

Where is this place?

How is the situation of Hongye and Egg?

Jiang Yichen couldn't think too much about it for the time being. He had to deal with the situation first and then make plans.

The mark left by the claws of the God-given Spider can be vaguely seen on the wound on the left arm. The color is not black or purple, but it is normal. It seems that the Qinglingshen Powder is quite effective.

Jiang Yichen unlocked the acupuncture points and kept kneading his left arm, which was like a lump of wood, to dredge the blood in it.

After his muscles and bones could move smoothly, Jiang Yichen could take off the clothes that were clinging to his body. He was only half-dry, and he casually threw them on the stone surface to dry.

In order to reduce the burden, Jiang Yichen did not carry any bottles or jars with him. Therefore, the medicine powder wrapped in mulberry paper in his clothes was completely soaked by the water and fell into the stream.

Jiang Yichen frowned and smacked his lips as he took out the wads of paper bags. The necessary medicine for traveling in the world was wasted like this, which made him feel a little heartbroken.

In addition to the medicinal powder and a few broken pieces of silver, there was the blue-skinned internal skill "Frost and Snow Qi" that had been wet and slightly heavy.

In fact, Jiang Yichen had memorized the contents of Shuangxue Zhenqi. However, Weng Zhenhuai and Cheng Yin insisted that he carry it with him. He could not disobey them, so he did as he was told.

If a wet book is not spread out page by page to dry in the sun, it will be difficult to separate them, and the contents of the book will be damaged.

Jiang Yichen smiled bitterly. He had not even packed up yet, so he had to take care of the things outside him first. Although he had this idea in his mind, he did not dare to neglect his actions. He carefully opened the book and was about to place it in the sun, but he saw

There was writing on a page that was supposed to be blank.

"Sitting and Forgetting to Retract the Heart": The husband's heart is the master of one body and the commander of hundreds of gods. Silence brings wisdom, movement leads to coma. In the ecstasy and illusion, only words are true; there is something in the banquet, who can realize it?

Is it true or false? The mind is deranged, and the place where good things are entrusted..."

Jiang Yichen's heart trembled when he saw the word "Zuo Wang". As he read on, he realized that this was a chapter-by-part summary of the practice.

Could this be that sitting without form and forgetting one’s mind?!

But why is it happening to me?

"Yes, I forgot. Before I went to Danxia Villa, I asked Brother Zhangsan and Brother Situ to study the "Wuxian Sitting and Forgetting Mind Method". I didn't have any writing at that time, so Brother Zhangsan agreed to do it after returning from Danxia Villa.

He will leave the Wuxiang Sect's skills to me, but after he woke up from a serious injury, he practiced Shuangxue Zhenqi under the guidance of Mr. Weng and Mr. Cheng, and then forgot about it." Jiang Yichen suddenly understood.

"Brother Zhangsan is not one to break his word, but he used the ink that turned color when exposed to water to destroy the gang that had caused this. The legendary "Wuxian Sitting and Forgetting Mind Technique" with great potential was written in a low-grade water-based exercise.

"Shuangxue Zhenqi" is also a good cover. This is also the purpose why Mr. Weng and Mr. Cheng asked me to carry this book with me. Aren't you afraid that I will lose it carelessly? "

Looking back at the battle at Danxia Villa, it was not long ago, but the successive events that followed made people feel that the past was very long, and at this time, the book in hand felt like a heavy burden hanging on Jiang Yichen's shoulders.

The heavy "Wuxian Sitting and Forgetting Mind Technique" in his hand made Jiang Yichen inseparable from the Wuxiang Sect no matter what. Zhang San, Situ Zhong and him were considered brothers from life to death. If they died unfortunately, then he would not care.

How can he pass on the Wuxiang Sect, even if this hot potato in his hand will bring him endless trouble?

In the blue book, each single page of the paper still contains the cultivation tips and guidance illustrations of the "Shuangxue Heart Method", and the content of the "Wuxian Sitting and Forgetting Heart Method" is on the back page.

The text on the back appears when exposed to water, but becomes empty after it dries.

Jiang Yichen turned over from the beginning, separated the pages of paper more carefully than before, and dried them in the sun, fearing that the paper would be damaged if it was not done properly.

At the same time, in order not to waste time, I also read the content of the Wuxiang Sitting and Forgetting Mind method page by page.

"Sitting without form and forgetting the mind. Sitting and forgetting comes first, and then becomes formless.

Forgetting the boundaries between things and self, reaching a state of no self, no merit, no name, having nothing to rely on and wandering in infinity, this is called formlessness.

Zuowang subdivides the seven levels of realm, "one is to respect and believe", "two to break off the relationship", "three to close the mind", "four simple things", "five true views", "six peace of concentration", "seven to achieve the Tao", practice The practitioner should focus on sitting still and forgetting to collect the mind, focusing on calmness and eliminating desires. At the beginning of learning Taoism, one must sit quietly, withdraw the mind and leave the environment, without being attached to anything, and enter the nothingness. The mind will then be in harmony with the Tao. The environment is created by the mind, and the mind should be collected and spotless. , only by transcending the world can you obtain "quietness" and "emptiness", and return your mind and body.

Form, sound, fragrance, taste, touch, life and death, male and female are called the ten phases. There is no such phase, and no phase is achieved.


After reading it briefly, Jiang Yichen finally understood why Zhang San would say that the "Wuxian Sitting and Forgetting Mind Technique" was difficult to understand and difficult to practice, but everyone in the Wuxiang Sect could memorize it by heart. "Shuangxue Zhenqi" or the "Pointing Points and Cutting Pulse Heart Method" which is also a wood-based internal skill that he once practiced on Xishan Island. It has concise training tips and simple illustrations of the training methods. This "Wuxian Sitting" "Forgetting the Mind Method" not only does not have any illustrations throughout the text, but also seems to be preaching on scriptures and Taoism. According to the general idea of ​​the "Mind Method", it is obvious that if you want to cultivate this inner skill, you need to first understand the Tao, or be able to understand the Tao. Those who do will be able to succeed.

Jiang Yichen closed his eyes and sat cross-legged, appreciating the surrounding environment, trying to understand the vitality of all things in nature, integrating himself, and then gradually forgetting himself to achieve a state of selflessness.

After a while, Jiang Yichen found nothing, let alone communicated with all things in the world, but there was a strange sound.

Goo, go, go.

The sound came from the abdomen. Jiang Yichen opened his eyes, looked down at the unsatisfactory belly, and smiled to himself. He was too contemptuous of this legendary simplified version of the Xiaoyao Sect's inherited secrets, or he had not yet reached the state of mind of a practitioner. And I realized that at this moment, the right way is to first solve the problem of how to satisfy our hunger.

After freshening up, Jiang Yichen put on his clothes. Naturally, he threw away his night clothes. Walking in night clothes during the day would inevitably make others suspicious.

Putting the exercise book in his arms and identifying the general direction, Jiang Yichen picked up the purple jade dragon scale sword and left slowly.


When doing business, eye contact is particularly important.

When doing business in Xijiang County, people often draw swords on each other if they disagree. Therefore, those who can do business in Xijiang County and do it for a long time must have good looks.

Mr. Wei's real name is Wei Qian. He is nearly fifty years old and is doing business in Xijiang County. He is doing business with his whole family. He leads a family of seven people, old and young, to run a tea shop. He makes money in a wise way and knows the neighbors well. Everyone jokingly called him "For Qian", but although Mr. Wei is a layman, he is very serious about money, a big issue of right and wrong, and does not want to fall into the cliché, so everyone calls him "Mr. Wei".

The tea shop is located on a small hill in Pingjiangyuan. It occupies a large area, but it is only surrounded by a simple bamboo fence. The family of seven can only stay and open the shop under two large houses and an awning.

This small hill is next to the fork of three roads, so there are quite a lot of merchants coming and going. The business of the tea shop is not exactly booming, but it is enough for a family to live comfortably.

This tea shop has been open for more than ten years. Part of the reason is that Mr. Wei is a native of Xijiang, and more importantly, Mr. Wei and his family understand the basics of doing business under his words and deeds.

Eyes speak.

The tea and snacks sold in the tea shop only need to be delicious. If you want to run the business for a long time, you need to look at the eyes and speak, speak like a person, and be silent. Even if you are unarmed and have no fists, you will be in trouble.

I won't stare at them.

Although Mr. Wei does not hang out in the world, let alone be a member of the world, he is well versed in the rules of the world. Therefore, he has his own experience in running a tea shop. Anyone who does business can do it.

As a guest, don’t care about the guest’s status, don’t look at the guest’s dress and appearance, and be moderately enthusiastic. When you encounter provocative people, you can only retreat but not advance. When you encounter someone who is in trouble, help him if you can. Don’t care too much.

Stay as far away from troubled people as you can.

Although some of the rules conflict with each other, the most important thing is to follow the look and act according to the specific analysis of specific matters.

Today, although it is not yet noon, there are already four or five tables of customers in the tea shop, which is considered lively as usual. We have to thank God for such a scene. In autumn, the sun is blazing in the sky and it is scorching hot.

It's so frustrating that the merchants in the past couldn't stand the hot weather, so they had no choice but to come to this tea shop to enjoy the coolness and drink tea.

At this moment, there was a down-and-out young man standing in front of Mr. Wei. His expression was a little immature and dull. His clothes were not shabby, but the broken silver he took out was indeed a bit shabby.

This chapter has been completed!
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