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Chapter 109: Hateful and pitiful

"Old Fury, you are not kind!" Seeing Jiang Yichen approaching in the distance, Tie Wuxin fell to the ground. Fortunately, he was not frozen to death on the ground. Looking at the battle situation in front of him, Tie Wuxin was really depressed, and he felt as if he was struck by a thunderbolt of anger.

He was fooled and gritted his teeth.

"Hmph! I'm not good at martial arts, I've wasted my reputation." Tie Wushi was angry, but Ang Bao was even more angry. The three Tie brothers were domineering and boastful on a daily basis, but in a head-to-head competition, they were seen to be strong on the outside but capable on the inside.

They are really a bunch of losers. Of course, his biggest mistake was to underestimate the woman in front of him, Leng Mei. The number one female killer in the Demon Palace is so powerful that she only needs to make killing moves in the dark. Her fighting power in the open is actually so terrifying.


"Brothers, let's withdraw! You stinky bald man, you will be happy for yourself." During the fight, Tie Wushi had already seen that Leng Mei's main target was Angry Thunderbolt, and this woman seemed not to take them seriously.

Here, now that they were at odds with the angry thunderbolt, they had no need to risk their lives for this beauty who could smell the fragrance but could not touch the flesh, so they hurriedly asked the two brothers to retreat.

Tie Wuchang was amnesty, and he didn't want to stay there for a long time. Leng Mei was like a rose with thorns. He could only watch it from a distance, but it was difficult to play with it. He quickly withdrew from the battle group, came to the horse's side, and controlled Tie Wuchang.

Wu Xin rescued him and left with Tie Wushi.

Just as Tie Wushi expected, Leng Mei did not stop him and allowed the three of them to escape.

Jiang Yichen saw Leng Mei's attitude and expected that these three people would not be able to tell the story when they returned to the door. Therefore, he did not want to cause trouble and lure out the rest of the Tiesha Sect. He just let the tiger go back to the mountain, and he did not take any action to stop them.

"Tough-hearted, these three weaklings, what a mob!" Seeing the scene of the three Tie brothers running like rats and wolves, Angry Thunderbolt couldn't help but sneer.

With four against two, there was no advantage, and now with one against two, Jiang Yichen didn't think that this angry thunderbolt could do any tricks. However, he saw that the evil aura in the murderer's eyes was getting stronger and stronger, and the double ax dragon wielding in his hand

The roar of the tiger.

Could it be that he wanted to fight Leng Meiyu to the death and fight to the death?

The sudden power of the angry thunderbolt temporarily forced Leng Mei back. Sand and stones were flying on the ground, and smoke was billowing. Jiang Yichen could not see anything, but he did not dare to relax his vigilance, for fear that the angry thunderbolt would turn to attack him.

In the blur, it was vaguely visible that the huge body was gradually retreating and getting smaller, and only then did Jiang Yichen notice something strange.

This guy is trying to escape!

If Ang Pili's opponent was Jiang Yichen, he would have already left in the dust at this time, but his opponent was Leng Mei. As the pink light appeared on the ground, Nu Pili, who could not escape more than three feet, was actually displaced by the opening of the door.

The technique was brought back, and what awaited him was the death door of white light disillusionment.


The strong body did not fall down, but this battle was too exhausting, and the bombardment of the Death Gate was even more sudden. The wrathful thunderbolt's internal protection was broken. For a moment, he was dizzy and unable to stand. Then he dropped his axes to the ground and knelt down.


Jiang Yichen, who was very close at hand, would not let the big fish slip away this time. He stepped forward and put his sword on Angry Thunderbolt's neck. At the same time, Leng Mei, who was three feet away, also floated over.

Although Nu Pili underestimated Leng Mei in this battle, he was convinced that he lost, but he still refused to give in. He was looking for an opportunity.

"You know the reason why I kept you alive. This time I don't mind breaking your tendons and hamstrings first." Leng Mei looked down at the angry thunderbolt who looked up at her.

The soft words should have softened the ears and soothed the heart. However, at this moment, they sounded cold and chilly. Listening to their meaning, it seemed that they were on their way. Leng Mei had already subdued the angry thunderbolt once, but was defeated by him.

The deceiver escaped.

"Haha, the next life is to be feared, the next life is to be feared... I lost to a woman, but I cannot die at the hands of a woman." Angry Thunder lowered his head, but did not answer, just murmuring to himself.

A cold light flashed in Leng Mei's eyes, and just when she was about to raise her double thorns to slash at Furious Thunderbolt's hamstrings, there was the inaudible sound of horse hooves behind her.

The black horse that Jiang Yichen rode had quietly appeared at some point only three feet away from where the three of them were. After Leng Mei and Jiang Yichen discovered its existence, they rushed towards it in two steps at a time.

The black shadow is as powerful as lightning, and its speed is not much slower than that of a warrior.

Leng Mei reacted faster and hurriedly took two steps back, but suddenly discovered that the dark horse's target was actually Jiang Yichen.

In order to avoid the angry thunderbolt and escape, Jiang Yichen did not dare to retreat at will. He originally thought that the sword would not move, so he made a dodge action at the moment when the black horse approached him. Unexpectedly, the black horse seemed to have a good understanding of human nature and saw through his intentions.

Completely blocking his escape route, he moved forward without any hesitation and crashed directly into his body, making it impossible to avoid him.

Jiang Yichen was hit by the black horse, but he used his internal strength to counteract it, which made his body unharmed. However, he could no longer hold the sword, and when he was about to fly backwards, he was pulled back by a strong hand.

Angry Pili actually took the opportunity to stand up, then removed the sword from Jiang Yichen's hand with his left hand, and directly grabbed Jiang Yichen's throat with his right hand and lifted him up.

Jiang Yichen's vision went dark at first, then suddenly the world began to spin, and finally his breath was suffocated, and his neck was almost crushed.


Jiang Yichen reluctantly opened his eyes, only to see a blood-red bulge on the black robe where the heart of the bearded man in front of him was.

It was a sword tip dyed red with blood. He was very familiar with this sword, the Purple Jade Dragon Scale Sword.

The black horse cried sadly, adjusted its pace, and turned around to attack Leng Mei again, but saw an angry thunderbolt stretching out his left hand, swinging his palm up and down towards the ground.

Nu Pili originally wanted to threaten Jiang Yichen as a hostage and force Leng Mei to let him go, but he underestimated this woman again and took action decisively and decisively.

The black horse stamped its hooves on the ground frantically, panting like an ox, but it no longer came any closer.

Jiang Yichen regained his composure a little, and tried hard with both hands to open Ang Pili's hand to save himself, but his hand was extremely firm and not loose at all.

The sword was drawn.

Blood splattered like a splash.

The angry thunderbolt's fire of life was extinguishing rapidly, but he still maintained his posture of squeezing Jiang Yichen's neck, as motionless as a clock.

Seeing this, Leng Mei was about to gather her strength to cut off Wrath Thunderbolt's right hand, but was stopped.

This time, it was Jiang Yichen who reached out to stop Leng Mei, because he could no longer see any killing intent, hatred or anger from his angry eyes, only tears.

Seeing that his mouth seemed to be calling out the word "Wan'er", could it be that this tall and thick man fell into memories when he was dying?

He, Angry Thunderbolt, was named Zhang Nu, a name that few people know today.

Eight years ago, he was the second in the Zhongzhou martial arts rankings, and he had a beautiful and beautiful wife.

He is satisfied with his life, and he is satisfied with his ambition.

Seven years ago, he took his beautiful wife on a trip and met Lao Bai by chance, and the nightmare began.

Lai Bai, with fine features and beautiful eyes, was born with a good skin. She was the adopted son of a eunuch in the dynasty, and she was fond of happiness, wealth and lust.

Ten days later, he followed the imperial edict and went to the north of Liaozhou to recruit and surrender a nomadic tribe.

He was tossing and turning, and he had doubts in his mind.

Ten days later, the army was far away from Youjing. He received an urgent message, and before leaving, he asked his neighbors in the middle of the capital to help secretly take care of the letters at home.

"The noble lady had a strong temperament and could not bear to be humiliated. She hanged herself from a beam and passed away."

He couldn't believe it, and he was so jealous.

He abandoned the army and marched at night to fight his way back to Youjing.

What he saw was only a cold body and tears that could not be wiped away.

He was extremely remorseful, and there was nothing he could mourn more than the death of his heart.

At this point, Wu Bangyan Zhang Nu has died.

Before he killed Lao Bai, he let the pretty boy experience what it meant to be insulted.

He killed the eunuch's adopted son, he resisted the emperor's orders, he committed crimes, he deceived the emperor, he harmed the country!

He was wanted, fought his way out of the siege, and kept his name anonymous.

He fell into trouble and became a bandit, committed evil, caused trouble, and was full of evil deeds.

Someone finally recognized him as the former No. 1 in the military rankings. However, in order to avoid being brought up again, the imperial court looked for a bad reason, so they also followed his name and wanted "Wrath of Thunder"!

Time has passed, the other person is not dead, but his heart is dead. Over the past few years, he has disappeared.

Whenever it is quiet at night and I am alone, I am most afraid of the sudden silence of the air, and I am most afraid of memories suddenly rolling over and causing pain, which will be difficult to calm down for a long time.

When the world forgot about him again, he came back, but no one recognized him anymore, because not only did his appearance change drastically, but his temperament also changed greatly.

He could not forget his wife, and there was only room for that one woman in his life.

Alcohol can numb him, but it can't make him forget.

In order to satisfy his needs, he suppressed his nausea and tried to bully men again, especially young men with good looks.

At first, he felt nauseated and had trouble sleeping all night.

Later, he became addicted to it and could not extricate himself.

It's not that he no longer hates it, he just wants to let everyone in the world feel his pain and evil.

He joined the Tushita Gang because he had fallen, and the Tushita Gang did not have many rules and regulations to restrain him. He could still come and go as he pleased. As long as he worked hard, he could get what he wanted...

However, everything seems to be coming to an abrupt end today, at this time.

It wasn't until now that he realized that dying for him was the only way to escape.

He was finally able to meet the person he had longed for, and he was a little scared. He was afraid that his beloved wife would hate him.

He only wanted to lie down in the arms of the woman he loved, but this time he fell under the sword of another woman.

He actually shed tears. He cried out her name, and he knew she could hear it now.

Her name is Yu Waner.

This chapter has been completed!
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