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Chapter 11 Exploring the Winery

As Jiang Yichen saw, at this time, more than 20 strong men were carrying wine jars that were big enough to hold a big man on a large carriage in the center of the winery courtyard, and were about to load the goods for export.

But a man who was half shirtless and half clad in green stood alone and yelled, sometimes pointing at the waiter. He must be the poisonous gentleman Yu Tao, the confidant of the femme fatale Hong Yue.

The boss's confidants were there, the assistants were there, but the silver-haired femme fatale was nowhere to be seen.

But resting in the room?

I don't know if there are anyone else in those three rooms.

What I learned from Ruolan is that the winery only has a dozen or so waiters on a daily basis, but now it seems that there are indeed a lot more.

What kind of trick they are doing, there are no clues from a distance, so we still have to go down and investigate.

Presuming that everyone was busy and would not notice the situation behind the house, Jiang Yichen observed the movements of everyone in the wine shop for a while, and after confirming again and again that the risk of being discovered was not high, he put on the gray mask given by Ruolan,

Then he approached the three houses.

Sticking to the wall and peering into the room through the wooden window, Jiang Yichen found out that all the people in the winery were outside the yard, and then he settled on the target he wanted to investigate carefully - the wine cellar.

According to the analysis of Yi Ruolan and Shen Xinling, if Hong Yue wants to take any action, she can only do it through wine, and the possibility of poisoning is low. As for other methods, she can only find out a few things from the wine cellar.

The door of the wine cellar was open, and Jiang Yichen seized the opportunity where no one was paying attention and stepped in.

The floor inside the wine cellar is much lower than outside, making it appear darker. It is filled with densely packed wine tanks and jars.

Jiang Yichen didn't understand wine, and he didn't need to. The strange thing he could see was that all the smaller wine jars were shoved into the inside of the wine cellar, while the ones placed outside were enough to fit inside.

Those big guys' big wine tanks.

Is there someone in the wine vat?

This thought flashed through Jiang Yichen's mind, but he immediately rejected it.

Juyuan is the heart of the entire Daoyi Alliance. It is such an important place. Shouldn’t the wine brought into Juyuan be opened one by one and inspected?

In addition to the abnormal distribution of wine vats and jars in the wine cellar, what Jiang Yichen could see, or what caught Jiang Yichen's attention, were two piles of dark pottery objects that were stacked up beside the door of the wine cellar and were higher than the height of an ordinary person.

Large bowl.

Big bowl?

Yes, Jiang Yichen couldn't determine the purpose of this thing. He could only tell that its shape was no different from the big bowl he used to eat and drink in daily life. The only difference was that the size of this bowl was exaggeratedly large. At a glance,

, the amount of urine and urine in the mouth of this bowl is about five or six times that of his face.

Jiang Yichen stood on tiptoes, leaned on the edge of the large bowl stacked on top, and peered into the bowl again and again. Before the large bowl almost ate half of his body, he was finally able to confirm that it was indeed just a bowl!

The only discovery that was not a discovery was that the bowl stacked on top had a hole in the bottom, as big as two fingers.

The corresponding picture immediately appeared in Jiang Yichen's mind.

Those strong men were all holding these big bowls and drinking. The first bowl spilled a lot of wine when it was filled...

Wouldn't it be tiring to drink from such a big bowl? Jiang Yichen pondered.

He didn't know that if he picked up the bowl above, he would find that the bottom of the bowl below also had a hole the size of two fingers. The bottom of each bowl in the two stacks of bowls had the same size hole!

The approach of footsteps interrupted his thoughts, and in the blink of an eye, he had ducked and hid behind the large wine vat.

The two guys walked into the wine cellar.

"There are four more cars today."

"Yes! There are still sixteen altars, it's really tiring!"

"Oh, forget it, we've been so busy these days. The boss has hired so many more people. Just move the two rows here. Let's move the two altars out first, and then take a break and come back again."

"Okay, okay, I'm really exhausted."

After finishing speaking, the two of them carried a large wine vat out each, leaving Jiang Yichen stunned.

Such strength, ha!

Jiang Yichen bets that this vat of wine probably weighs half an ox. A strong man is a strong man, so he has to admire it.

It was thought that the wine outside should have been moved almost before the two of them came into the wine cellar to move the wine.

It's not a good place to stay here for a long time. If everyone comes in later, he won't be able to escape.

After leaning close to the door and looking out to make sure no one was approaching, Jiang Yichen stepped outside the door and wanted to leave quickly.

I thought I could just slip away, but unexpectedly, a sound broke through the air from behind.

Jiang Yichen only had time to shrink down and roll to the ground when he heard a bang. When he looked up, he saw a head-sized bolas hitting the outer wall of the wine cellar where he was a moment ago.

"Hey! Stop leaving, little thief!"

Yu Tao saw that the wine outside had almost been moved, and was about to go to the wine cellar to count the wine. Who would have thought that as soon as he moved his eyes, he saw a shadow flashing out. His reaction was very fast, and he was sneaky. He was an enemy, not a friend! He didn't say anything.

He said, just throw out the meteor hammer tied to your waist first, and it will kill you. If you don't hit it, you will force the opponent to dodge, making it impossible to escape easily.

Sure enough, as soon as Jiang Yichen avoided the first meteorite, he realized that he couldn't get away because Yu Tao had already thrown another meteorite towards him.

According to intelligence information, Yu Tao and Hong Yue are masters of poison. In their early years, their martial arts skills were mediocre, but they also relied on various sinister means to kill people and loot in the world.

Eight years ago, Jinpen washed his hands and started a brewing business.

Five years ago, the two came to Qianzhulin in Jiangning County and opened a wine shop. The business was doing well and they rarely interacted with others.

Even if you do it, you should do it quietly, making people feel like they are dead, right?

Some people say that Yu Tao and Hong Yue are husband and wife, and others say that Yu Tao is Hong Yue's confidant, but insiders know that Hong Yue is just used to cooperating with Yu Tao, and for her, Yu Tao is just satisfying her special needs.

Just a sexual pet with a fetish.

After seven or eight years, Yu Tao's martial arts had not improved, at least in Jiang Yichen's opinion.

After blocking a round of rapid attacks, Jiang Yichen gradually turned the situation around, knocking off the meteor hammer in Yu Tao's hand with three strikes and five strikes.

Yu Tao's clerk was much smarter than Sha Qing's clerk. Seeing that the leader was at a disadvantage, he immediately came to help.

Whoosh whoosh!

Four or five wine jars flew towards them, and Jiang Yichen had no choice but to give up his offensive and raise his sword to block the wine jars. Seeing that the small wine jars were not working well, the man raised a larger wine jar and smashed it at them.

Wine jars and wine vats can only stop Jiang Yichen's attack, but they do not pose much of a threat to him.

Two large wine vats were smashed to pieces at his feet, and they were actually empty!

He glanced at the large wine vats in the courtyard. Some of them had their bases sunk deeply into the soil and should be full of wine, but some did not sink even half a inch, so it seemed they were indeed empty.

Jiang Yichen turned his attention back to Yu Tao and saw him yelling at the waiter, "Don't break the big ones" while taking out the small bag in his waist pocket.

After suffering the loss from Sha Qing, Jiang Yichen was obviously more alert to his opponent's little moves. He expected that Yu Tao would probably spread poison powder, so he quickly gathered his energy and swept a sword energy towards the bag.

Sure enough, a pile of dark green powder spilled out from the damaged bag.

"Damn it!" Poisonous Gentleman felt aggrieved. Fighting was not his strong point. He wanted to spread poison but he didn't expect it to be broken so easily. A master of poisoning had no chance of winning when competing with others with weapons.

A loud shout sounded out, and the poisonous gentleman smiled broadly.

Hongyue is here!

Looking for the sound, dozens of silver needles reflecting the dazzling light in the sun were already flying towards Jiang Yichen.

Jiang Yichen performed the Meteor Style directly in the direction of the dense forest, dodging the poisonous needle and flying several feet away.

There was no hesitation at the foot, no pause at all, just a little effort on the ground, and he slipped away.

"Stop chasing! Go take a look at the wine cellar!" After seeing Jiang Yichen's Qinggong movement, Hong Yue knew that it would be difficult to catch up, so she hurried into the winery courtyard and gave Yu Tao a sinister look.

, and walked towards the wine cellar with a few guys.

With a nervous mood, Jiang Yichen flew in one direction for nearly half the time of burning incense. After turning back several times to make sure that no one was chasing him, Jiang Yichen was finally able to slow down and take a big breath.

While muttering to himself, he found nothing, and instead alerted others, how should he go back and explain to Sister Shen and Sister Ruolan, while he continued to move forward unsteadily.

I don’t know how long or how far I walked, but Jiang Yichen walked out of the bamboo forest and walked onto a strange mountain road.

He was stunned for a moment, and quickly opened the map to look at it. He could only see that he was roughly in the southeast corner of Jiangning County, but he could no longer tell where he was. He could only continue to move in one direction, hoping to reach the map.

There are locations marked.

Exhausted and thirsty, Jiang Yichen finally saw hope when he almost collapsed on the roadside, a living person.

A man dressed in brocade was lying on his side under the shade of a tree in front of him, fanning himself.

This is not the point. The point is that there are several bottles of wine spread out in front of him.

Jiang Yichen's eyes widened at the sight of the water. He took off his mask, walked quickly towards the young master in brocade clothes, took out a piece of broken silver, and said politely: "Sir, I want to ask you for some water."

As if he heard someone making a sound, Mr. Jinyi slowly opened his eyes and didn't say anything. He just folded his unfolded fan and pointed it at a bamboo tube.

Jiang Yichen reacted immediately, put down the money, said thank you, picked up the bamboo tube and started drinking.

Gurgling, gurgling, a bamboo tube of water went down in an instant.

The entrance is mellow and sweet. Jiang Yichen swears that this is definitely the sweetest spring water he has ever drunk in his life! It has the comfort and pleasure of a meandering water cup in a green bamboo forest!

Seeing this, Mr. Jinyi raised his eyebrows vigorously.

Jiang Yichen noticed this provocation. Jiang Yichen suddenly realized that something was wrong. This person and the wine were both wrong!

However, his eyelids were so heavy that he could not control them. Contrary to the way Young Master Jinyi slowly opened his eyes, they slowly closed them, not allowing him to fight at all.

This chapter has been completed!
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