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[Gu Huaiying] Destiny Kefu

The ancient king was the leader of the clan village and was also called the clan leader by the people in the clan. He had eight sons and only one daughter.

For the last daughter, the ancient king regarded her as the apple of his eye. For the youngest sister, the eight brothers also doted on her. For the flower in the clan, the clansmen regarded her with seven points of awe and three points of admiration.

Gu Huaiying was the youngest daughter of the patriarch who was favored by many people in her family. Therefore, Gu Huaiying's childhood was extremely happy and joyful.

All this lasted for more than ten years, until the year when Gu Huaiying turned fourteen and came of age.

Only men can inherit the position of patriarch. Therefore, for each newborn son, the patriarch will ask the wizards of the clan to divine a fortune using ancient magic to know whether the boy is destined to be a leader. For a girl, it is

Not demanding.

However, out of love, the patriarch deeply hoped to know the life trajectory of his beloved daughter, and hereby asked the wizard to divine her fortune before Gu Huaiying's coming-of-age ceremony.

Of course, Gu Huaiying didn't know about these, and her brothers had no way of knowing. The only people who knew about the hexagrams were the patriarch and the wizard himself.

After that day, the wizard was bitten on the neck by the common bamboo leaf green in the Yue Gui realm at home, and died.

If the hexagram is Yi, those born on the day will see Bing Geng. The sun will be strong, the injured official will be heavy, the official star will be weak, and there will be no wealth star.

In terms of numerology, the wounded official is a woman, and if she is too prosperous, she is serious. The sun is strong, has a strong personality, and is extremely aggressive.

The official star is the woman's husband. If the official star declines, the husband's life will be controlled, which is usually a sign of decline.

The weak official will be helpless and helpless because there is no financial star to help him in the next life.

This is a hexagram in the ancient Huaiying numerology. At the least, it is easy for a partner to leave the heart, but at the worst, his life is in danger.

The wizard is not the only one in the clan, but he is also an old man who has been studying the art of divination for thirty or forty years. Therefore, the clan leader has no doubts about the wizard's divination results and has not looked for other wizards to perform divination again to seek the correct hexagram.

The image is correct.

From that day on, the patriarch made up his mind not to let anyone else know about his beloved daughter's numerology.

Without the permission of the clan leader, no one in the clan can perform divination for him or his family.

Minor men and women in the tribe are not allowed to walk across the Wind and Rain Bridge, and during the coming-of-age ceremony, they will walk across the Wind and Rain Bridge for the first time.

There are three explanations for walking the Wind and Rain Bridge for the first time.

1. Don’t look back, which means that all troubles and difficulties will not stop on the road of life, but will eventually be overcome and left behind.

Second, walking hand in hand with your family means that you will have your loved ones by your side in all the ups and downs of life, and you will not be lonely or helpless.

Third, striding across the Wind and Rain Bridge makes the bridge creak, which means that life is full of flavor.

Fourteen-year-old Gu Huaiying strode across the Wind and Rain Bridge with cheerful steps. Her father told her to stride across the bridge without looking back, so she did so.

Although in her impression, when the brothers crossed the bridge, their father, mother, or other brothers would hold hands and accompany them, but she walked across the wind and rain bridge alone, but she did not take it seriously at that time.

Marriage and love in ethnic villages are relatively free, but what is different from the customs of most ethnic villages and Zhongzhou is that women in ethnic villages occupy a dominant position here, choosing and dominating men, while men are in a subordinate position. After marriage, women follow their husbands.

Live and absolutely obey the will and leadership of men.

When an adult woman plans to get married, at least twenty unmarried young men need to stand in two lines for her to choose. The woman must choose the person she likes among them, bow her waist, and touch the chosen man with her buttocks.

If the chosen man also likes the woman, he will approach the woman in the same way. If he does not like the woman, then he has no choice but to obey.

At the age of sixteen, Gu Huaiying was already a graceful and charming young girl. She asked her father to choose a son-in-law.

On that day, the ancient king gathered more than forty young men from his clan for his beloved daughter to choose from.

A Luo was tall and handsome, and stood out among the young men. He captured Gu Huaiying's heart just by walking there.

It should have been a happy thing for the patriarch's daughter to choose him, but A Luo couldn't be happy at all. He already had his beloved, A Ye.

Ah Ye and Gu Huaiying are of the same age, and they are good sisters. However, due to their inferior status, Ah Ye is not allowed to choose a husband on the same day as Gu Huaiying, but only after him.

Even though Aye and Aluolang are in love with each other, as long as they are not married, they cannot have sex.

Although he was reluctant in his heart, A Luo knew in his heart that there was no possibility between him and A Ye, not to mention that this was the daughter of the patriarch. He had no choice but to submit.

Out of respect for the patriarch, A Luo turned back to Gu Huaiying, but he had other plans in mind.

No matter what, Gu Huaiying and A Luo got married. That night was the wedding night, and A Luo was completely obedient to Gu Huai Ying.

At first, the life of this couple was enviable by others. In front of Gu Huaiying, A Luo tried his best to cater to her, and the couple loved each other. After Gu Huaiying's death, A Luo did not give up on A Ye. After all, Gu Huaiying did not give up. Instead of being by their side all the time, the love between A Luo and A Ye still continues in the shadows.

However, after all, paper can't cover up the fire. One day, Gu Huaiying, who was out of the house, came back early and couldn't find her longing for her husband at home. So she looked around and came across A Luo and A Ye's affair.

No accident, the angry Gu Huaiying immediately killed the two of them, ordered people to throw Aye into the flowing water, float away with the water, and lost his identity as the son-in-law of the Aluo clan leader. He cut into pieces and threw them into the forest to feed the wolves, leaving the two A person's soul cannot return to the same place after death.

When Gu Huaiying was eighteen years old, she once again chose a son-in-law, and this time the person chosen was Ah Yi.

Ant, as the name suggests, is small in stature, but has skin as white as snow, making him particularly delicate.

Ah Yi was chosen not only because of his appearance, but also because when Gu Huaiying passed by him, she felt his burning gaze, burning with love.

She thought this was love.

Not only were they newlyweds, but also in the following year, Gu Huaiying and Ah Yi were having sex every night.

Under the nourishment of so-called love, one year later, Gu Huaiying became more and more charming in both figure and face, while Ah Yi gradually became skinny and pale.

One night, while the couple was loving each other, A-Yi died suddenly.

Ah Yi was expelled from the family by the clan leader and was hastily buried.

The ancient king shook his head and sighed in his heart, and took great care of his beloved daughter.

The King of Ancients originally thought that it would take a few more years for his daughter to recover from the grief, but he did not want Yourdan's appearance to make Gu Huaiying fall in love again.

Yordan is a foreigner. Due to the chaos among foreigners, he fled to the clan of the ancient king and fell in love with Gu Huaiying at first sight.

Although he was a foreigner, he was truly happy to see his daughter, so the ancient king had no objection and arranged the marriage for the two of them.

For the next three years, the couple stayed together and flew together, making the ancient king think that his daughter's marriage had finally come to an end, but he didn't know that the nightmare was still going on.

Yordan actually died in an assassination attempt by his own tribe while out hunting.

Furious, Gu Huaiying led his tribe to destroy Yourdan's tribe. However, he was dead and Ai Lang could never come back.

After that, Gu Huaiying became increasingly depressed and hungover all day long.

The ancient king felt pity and confided to Gu Huaiying about his divination in the past one day after drinking. After being drunk that day, he could never open his eyes again. There was a knife stuck in his chest. When he was dying, he

He could vaguely hear the cry of his beloved daughter in his ears.

"Abba, why didn't you tell me earlier? Why! Why did you hide it from me? It made me so miserable and painful... It was also because of this that when I crossed the Wind and Rain Bridge for the first time, neither you nor my mother

Hold hands with me to cross the bridge, and not let my brothers accompany me to cross the bridge? Isn’t it said that no matter how hard or difficult the life of our tribe is, there are family members who will stand by us through thick and thin? You abandoned your daughter just because of her life... I hate you

You! Hate...you."

Soon, there was a new clan leader in the clan village, an unprecedented female clan leader, Gu Huaiying.

The elder brothers who disobeyed her were all killed by her, and the remaining three elder brothers, at least on the surface, had submitted.

The new patriarch started choosing a husband within two days of taking office. No one dared or could resist. Most of her husbands did not survive more than two or three months, and the cause of death was unknown.

Some good people in the clan carefully examined the corpses that were thrown into the wild and found that they all died of excessive sexual indulgence.

Five years passed by. The fourth brother, who was still alive, had been secretly planning for many years and was finally ready to get rid of his biological sister.

However, on the day of the operation, it was discovered that Gu Huaiying had already abandoned her people and had been gone for a long time.

Gu Huaiying was tired of her family and her people, so she entered the world and made trouble.

She specifically selects young men to kill after having fun.

In the past thirteen years, Gu Huaiying was already over forty, but she was still charming and seductive. She was called one of the Fourteen Evil People in the Jianghu, a wicked and evil person.

Until one year, she abducted a young man with skin as white as snow and a delicate face, which always reminded her of Ah Yi, even though it was not a good memory.

When her clothes were taken off, a dagger pierced her heart deeply.

As his eyes gradually blurred, he saw that the person in front of him had three thousand black hair hanging down to his waist. He had a beautiful appearance and was undoubtedly a woman.

This chapter has been completed!
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