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Chapter 181: Outnumbered

It is not easy to still vaguely distinguish the ruts on the muddy road made by the heavy rain. It is too difficult to pick out the footprints of the swordsman in white from the intricate marks.

Besides, how could someone with extraordinary qinggong skills easily leave traces of his whereabouts on the ground for others to follow?

They would not be afraid at all if the white-clothed swordsman had a fight with everyone from the Disha Sect after the sneak attack. However, this cunning opponent just disappeared or hid, which really put them in a dilemma.


The rain was so heavy that they couldn't abandon a lot of goods and hit the road, but they couldn't wait where they were, braking quietly and competing with their opponents for patience.

After all, as the sky gets darker and darker, they will only fall into an increasingly passive situation.

Faced with a dilemma, they could only choose a compromise method, a method that coexisted danger and vitality, and plucked the swordsman in white from the woods on both sides of the road.

On the empty road, there was nowhere to hide except for the woods on both sides.

But if they enter the forest, under the cover of trees and heavy rain, the swordsman in white is much more agile alone than in numbers.

However, the Dishamen arrived in the woods with the advantage of being outnumbered and outnumbered. Not to mention that they were completely wiped out, that was a big discount.

Of course, this time, the dozen or so people from Disha Sect did not dare to separate easily. Xiu Kai chose a side of the forest and went in to explore together.

The forest was more muddy than the road. More than ten people kept their eyes open, tightened their strings, and trudged forward.

The injured Liu Mohan and Gou Luzi were also walking among the crowd, but they were protected in the middle and were slightly safer.

The sound of rain falling into the muddy water, the sound of raindrops hitting the leaves, and the sound of people rising and falling step by step in the muddy water, these noises not only made it impossible for everyone to calm down, but also made everyone worry about whether there would be a leak.

If you hear any noise, you will suffer disaster.

"Everyone, cheer up and keep an eye on him! Regardless of whether that guy is in this forest or not, if you want to survive, you can't relax even a little bit. That's all if that guy doesn't show up. If he dares to show up, we'll chop him to death with our knives."

Yes! Did you hear that?!"

Seeing that the atmosphere in the crowd was becoming more and more depressing and gloomy like the sky, Xiu Kai summoned some internal energy and spoke out to remind everyone, hoping to boost their morale.

"Yes! Kill this kid!"

"Chop him into pieces to avenge the dead brothers!"

"If this kid dares to show up, let's kill him one by one. Why don't we chop him into pieces?!"

"That's right, you brat! You can just come over here, but the knife in my hand is too long to wait for!"

"Hey! What kind of hero is he hiding in hiding? Like a girl, afraid of being embarrassed in front of others? Then why are you out in the world!?"

"You're right! Hey, is it possible that this person is really a bitch?"


First, several hall masters of the Disha Sect echoed Xiu Kai's words to build momentum. Then, all the guys started shouting, and in the end they actually laughed a lot.

The reason why people are human is that words between people can influence and drive the emotions of others. Fearful emotions will spread among the crowd, and excited emotions can also infect each other.

It was originally a panic situation. Under Xiu Kai's encouragement, everyone spread the word and gradually became more active. Their morale also increased a lot, and they were even a little arrogant and incomprehensible.


But in such a tense and breathless environment, having such a high mood is definitely not a bad thing. At least everyone has gradually calmed down and is no longer panicking.

Xiu Kai, who boosted everyone's morale, would naturally not be like those guys who got carried away after just a few words. They were doing it openly while their opponents were doing it in the dark. It can be said that their opponents had enough control both in terms of situation and psychology.

High advantage.

Xiu Kai had to admit that he didn't have much confidence in the current situation. Although it was somewhat opportunistic, being able to kill Bi E was enough to prove that this person was by no means a good person. In addition to the sneak attack just now and the incident described on Shangque's letter,

He was really worried whether they could see the rising sun tomorrow.

He was looking forward to two things in his heart right now. One was that the rain would stop soon so they could continue on their way, and the other would be that they could force their opponent to show up and have a clean and tidy fight, in which he would recognize whether he was dead or alive.

Instead, he hoped that Mr. Yi Wusheng would see the message they left at the pavilion and come to look for them earlier. Although Yi Wusheng had a weird temper, he had a close personal relationship with their deputy sect leader Bi E.

If you don't want to see them, for the sake of old friends, you shouldn't go to death without saving them, right?

If Xiu Kai can achieve one of these two things, he will be relieved. If both can be achieved, that would be even better.

After about half a cup of tea, God seemed to hear Xiu Kai’s prayer in his heart, and the rain gradually became lighter.

Everyone's vision has been slightly improved, and their hearts have become more stable.

After half a cup of tea, the rain became even lighter.

As time went by, everyone who was already uncomfortable staying in the rain gradually lost their morale and was replaced by anxiety, although everyone was still working hard to suppress this anxiety.

Just when everyone thought that the swordsman in white didn't dare to show up, there was a crash! Not far from everyone, a broken branch from the east fell down.

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but look towards the fallen branches, but they heard Xiu Kai's short exclamation, "The man is to the west!"

As soon as Xiu Kai heard a sound coming from the east, he went against everyone else's path and focused his attention on the west. This simple trick of making noises from the east and attacking the west was particularly effective at this moment, and he had to be on guard.

Sure enough, there was a sudden strange noise in the east, and everyone's attention was snatched away. At the same time, a figure appeared in the west along with sword energy.

In order to avoid further injury, after Xiu Kai shouted to be careful, he raised his silver spear and faced the swordsman in white.

When the enemy does not appear, he will keep guessing and hesitating in his mind, but once the enemy appears, he will not be timid or hesitant at all, and rush forward.

The silver spear waved, scattering the sword energy.

A bit of cold light arrived first, and then the gun went in and out of the dragon.


Guns and swords clashed again and again.

In an instant, Xiu Kai had already fired more than ten spears, unleashing the useless energy he had been holding in his heart at the enemy.

Xiu Kai, who was covered in silver, was like a silver sword that entangled the swordsman in white, making it impossible for him to escape and hide.

There is no doubt that the swordsman in white is Jiang Yichen. After taking Bi E's life, he saw the teardrop that stopped at the other end of the Lingxiao Crossing and screamed. After wasting some time and successfully taming it, he came up with a strange plan.

Got the drama just now.

He originally wanted to use the right time and place to cause more trouble for this group of people, to secretly weaken the opponent's combat power, and to add a few more winning chips to the head-on confrontation. However, as soon as Xiu Kai got involved, he had no choice but to fight hard.


Among the remaining dozen people, regardless of those whose combat prowess is not a concern, there are still seven hall masters alive. Although two of them were injured by him first, if the other five hall masters were mixed together, I am afraid he would really kill him.

If he can't deal with it, he will have to continue to fight guerrillas.

Xiu Kai wielded the silver spear and fought more and more fiercely. His moves were all very methodical. He not only wanted to entangle Jiang Yichen, but also consciously forced him out of the forest.

After all, if they go to a more spacious venue, Dishamen's numerical advantage is absolutely dominant. Without the intervention of those guys, the five hall leaders are enough to push Jiang Yichen to the ground.

After a fight, Jiang Yichen of course saw what Xiu Kai was thinking and would not let him follow his wishes.

He had great attainments in both swordsmanship and marksmanship. Although he had not used a gun for many years and was quite rusty, his skills in marksmanship were not vague at all. With the protection of the forest, he gradually became more comfortable dealing with Xiu Kai.

, even though Xiu Kai cannot escape, there is no serious problem in fighting and retreating.

Jiang Yichen's active avoidance caused Xiu Kai to lose control of his movement direction, because he could only block Jiang Yichen's approach, but could not block his retreat. What's more, his original intention was to force Jiang Yichen back, but he couldn't help it.

The other party saw through his purpose and started a Tai Chi fight with him.

If Xiu Kai could stand on top of a tree and carefully observe Jiang Yichen's retreat route, he would really be practicing Tai Chi.

Although it looks like it is constantly retreating, in fact it is gradually approaching a certain target by constantly weaving around the woods.

Finally, after bypassing a big tree, Xiu Kai lost Jiang Yichen's location.

Before he could figure out where Jiang Yichen was going, he seemed to realize something and turned pale with fright. He immediately turned his head and walked ten feet away behind him. His companions from the Shamen who were also chasing the swordsman in white shouted loudly: "Be careful! That thief is charging at you.

That's over."

Unexpectedly, before Xiu Kai finished speaking, there were screams from the crowd.

The white shadow emerged from behind a tree and rushed directly into the crowd, swinging its sword in all directions, falling flowers in colorful colors, and sword energy scattered in all directions.

Those whose martial arts were passable were only slowed down by the sword energy that burst into the center, while those whose hands and feet were a little less skilled were directly killed.

Before everyone could recover, the blue-white sword light came out again. The sword light came very quickly and without any delay. In an instant, it wiped several people's necks, and four or five more people fell down.

From this it can be seen that this person is not only fast in movement, but also faster in swordsmanship.

In the blink of an eye, ten more people from the Disha Sect lost ten more lives. Jiang Yichen did not rush to deal with Liu Mohan and Gou Lu, who were already sick, but slowed down his sword movement towards the other three.

The leader of the hall, Zheng Yi was also among them this time and was not spared.

Xiu Kai, who was hurrying up, saw this and his eyes were about to burst. After an angry roar, a gun roared out, heading straight for Jiang Yichen's heart.

After Jiang Yichen succeeded with two strikes, the remaining four hall masters in the crowd finally recovered. Liu Mohan, who had been feeling aggrieved for a long time, rose up and used Liu Ye's Eighteen Swords, and joined forces with the other three hall masters.

Blocking Jiang Yichen's way.

As a result, Jiang Yichen was caught off guard by Xiu Kai's angry blow and could only deflect the gun tip away from his vital point, and his left shoulder was severely punctured.

Dark red splashed everywhere, immediately dyeing half of Jiang Yichen's body. Under his white clothes, apart from the soil, there was only his own blood.

The real hard battle has just begun!

This chapter has been completed!
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