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Chapter 282 Sisterhood

Yun Longkui was obviously infected by Xi Weiyu's nervousness, and asked in surprise: "Didn't Senior Sister meet the three senior brothers and came back by herself?"

"No." Xi Weiyu shook her head, her heart already in a mess. It would be fine if she and Jiang Yichen happened to miss the three brothers when they were in the illusion, but if the Nether Sect had already laid an ambush on the way down the mountain, then

Didn’t the three of them just fall into the net of the Nether Sect?

Seeing the worried look on Xi Weiyu's face, Yun Longkui quickly held her hand and comforted her: "Senior sister, don't worry. The three senior brothers should have missed the senior sister by chance. Just ask the master to call them back tomorrow."

"Master...Master, do you still go to bed early these days?" Xi Weiyu hesitated for a while and asked.

Yun Longkui quickly replied: "Of course, the master and his wife are busy in the temple early every morning. Recently, they have been preparing to refine new elixirs. After a tiring day, they naturally rested early."

"Senior Sister, didn't you go down the mountain to buy herbs from Siliang Qianjin Hall this time?" Yun Longkui was still smiling when she spoke, but after she finished speaking, she could no longer laugh. She looked at Xi Weiyu and said this

She looked embarrassed and had these weird questions, and the doubts in her heart were written on her face.

Xi Weiyu naturally saw clearly the change in Yunlongkui's expression, and admitted with a wry smile: "Senior Sister failed to bring the medicine Master wanted up the mountain."

As soon as these words came out, Yun Longkui immediately sat up in shock and said anxiously: "Senior Sister, did you lose the medicinal herbs? Is it because of the heavy rain the day before yesterday? Don't worry, Xiaokui will go with Senior Sister to apologize to the master tomorrow.


Yun Longkui paused and continued: "If the medicinal herbs are lost, it is just a loss of some silver. With the heavy rain the day before yesterday, the master was worried about the safety of the senior sister, not the medicinal herbs. When the master saw that the senior sister could come back safe and sound, he also

I feel at ease, I will definitely not blame senior sister."

"Good junior sister." Xi Weiyu was moved when she heard this, and stood up and hugged Yun Longkui.

"As long as Senior Sister is fine." Yun Longkui hugged Xi Wei and comforted her.

After a while, Xi Weiyu pulled out, hugged Yun Longkui's shoulders, and said solemnly: "Junior Sister, do you believe Senior Sister?"

Yun Longkui was a little confused by Xi Weiyu's words, but she still nodded and responded: "Xiaokui naturally believes in senior sister."

Xi Wei said again: "Then can senior sister trust junior sister?"

Yun Longkui was stunned, not knowing how to answer, and said: "Sister, don't you believe Xiaokui?"

Yun Longkui actually lowered her head as she spoke.

Xi Wei said: "Senior Sister naturally believes in Junior Sister, but, what happens next, Senior Sister hopes that Junior Sister can keep it a secret for Senior Sister and not mention it to anyone, including Master and Master. Can Junior Sister do that?"

Yun Longkui raised her head again, her eyes were facing Xi Weiyu, her eyes were as clear and flawless as the clear springs in the mountains. She didn't understand what Xi Weiyu wanted to do. After entering the Yuntian Temple, she and Xi Weiyu

Weiyu gets along day and night. As far as she is concerned, Xi Weiyu and she are like sisters, but the master and master have not only the grace to raise her, but also the grace to teach her. She can't make a choice between sisterhood and master-disciple love.

Bian couldn't help but burst into tears, obviously in a dilemma.

Seeing this, Xi Weiyu hurriedly said: "Don't worry, junior sister. What senior sister is going to do is definitely not something evil, and it will not be detrimental to master and master. It's just that the situation is complicated at the moment. In addition to master and master, senior sister also needs a trustworthy helper. Senior sister

After thinking about it, I think you are the only one that I can trust."

Yun Longkui breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, but after hearing what Xi Weiyu said seemed to be an emergency, she couldn't help but become nervous and said: "As long as I don't hurt the Taoist master and my wife, and the senior sister doesn't let Xiaokui say anything, Xiaokui will definitely keep it secret!"

Xiwei said: "Okay."

Yun Longkui said: "What does Senior Sister need Xiaokui for?"

Before Xi Wei could speak, the door opened again, and Yun Longkui was startled. When her sight flashed past, the door had already been closed, and there was a person standing beside the door.

The person who came was a young man. He was wearing a white robe. On the left chest of the white robe, the word "four taels" stood out.

And the only thing he wore on his upper body was the white robe. In the increasingly cold autumn, it was really rare to wear just one coat.

In addition, his embarrassment was comparable to that of Xi Weiyu, and it seemed that he had gone through hardships with her before arriving at Yuntian Temple.

The man was naturally Jiang Yichen. After Tong Xi whispered to them and went up to the back mountain, they found that the mountain was quiet. They felt that the Nether Sect might not have taken action yet, so they decided to come to Yun Longkui first to understand the general situation.

Yun Longkui was no stranger to the clothes of Siliang Qianjin Hall, so after seeing the person's clothes clearly, she found that Xi Weiyu had a calm face, and she no longer panicked as before, thinking, could this be what the senior sister said?

The unspeakable secret?

Jiang Yichen bowed and cupped his hands and said, "It's disrespectful to disturb me late at night. However, I have no choice but to ask for Miss Yun's forgiveness."

"This is Xiao Jiang who went up the mountain with me." Xi Weiyu introduced Jiang Yichen in a very simple way.

With this introduction, Yun Longkui naturally did not doubt his presence and greeted warmly: "Master Jiang, please take a seat."

After the three of them sat down, Xi Weiyu was the first to speak: "Master's timing is very accurate. Two days ago, senior sister entered Cangwu Mountain with five medicine disciples from the Four Liang Qianjin Hall."

Yun Longkui couldn't help but glance at Jiang Yichen from the corner of her eye and said, "Five? What about the other four young masters?"

"Dead." It was Jiang Yichen who answered.

Yun Longkui said in surprise: "Dead?!"

She faced Jiang Yichen and guessed: "Could something go wrong because of the heavy rain?"

Jiang Yichen shook his head and said, "No, they were killed. Miss Yun's senior sister and I managed to escape through the rain."

Yun Longkui was shocked and turned pale. The tears that had been gathering in the corner of her eyes just now burst out of her eyes. She almost stood up again, but was comforted by Xi Weiyu.

Xi Wei said: "The four of them did not deserve to die. The enemy came just for Senior Sister."

Yun Longkui quickly turned around, looked at Xi Weiyu carefully, and said worriedly: "Sister, do you already know who the enemy is?"

Xi Weiyu nodded and said: "Netherworld Sect."

Xi Weiyu then said: "The Nether Sect is coveting the elixir recipe in our temple. They just took advantage of senior sister. Senior sister successfully escaped the trap they set. I'm afraid they will come directly to the temple to attack, so they took advantage of it."

At night, sneak back from the back mountain trail."

Yun Longkui is not stupid, but she is too inexperienced to guess people's hearts. Jing Xi said this softly, and then recalled the word "trust" she said before. She already guessed the general situation, and said a little unbelievably: "The reason why senior sister

By coming back so secretly, do you suspect that there is an informant of the Netherworld Sect hidden in the temple?"

"That's right." Jiang Yichen replied first. He didn't want to destroy Yun Longkui's beautiful thoughts about Yuntian Temple. What's more, he had no conclusive evidence to prove that there was a conspiracy between the inner ghost in Yuntian Temple and the Nether Sect.

Xi Weiyu followed: "Apart from Master and Master, the only one that Senior Sister can trust now is Junior Sister. If I don't come to you, who else can I turn to?"

This chapter has been completed!
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