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Chapter 33 Punishing Evil and Eliminating Traitor

Ever since Yan Ming personally arranged food and lodging for the old man and his granddaughter, Jiang Yichen had put a lot of thought into this.

Following Yan Ming all the way through the night, Jiang Yichen finally took action and ended Yan Ming's life with the sword he had just stolen from the village.

After Yan Ming fell, within a moment, Jiang Yichen heard several footsteps approaching, and he already knew who was coming.

The few people who walked in couldn't stand when they saw that Jiang Yichen still had no intention of cutting off Yan Ming's head.

"If you don't want to do this dirty work, young hero, I can do it for you." One of them said, his tone full of sarcasm.

"Yes, young hero, you have a bodhisattva heart and a soft heart. If you can't do this, let us rough guys do it." Another person followed suit.

There was a cold snort, and before the third person could make a sound, a round object was dropped at the person's feet.

"Bring it to the old man for me." With just a few words, Jiang Yichen flew away without politely saying goodbye as usual.

"Hmph, why are you so arrogant? You stayed here for seven or eight days before taking action. Are you here to have fun or to kill?"

"That's right! It seems great to have an old man taking care of you! How can you pretend to be cold when you are so courageless?"

"Hey, stop saying a few words and deal with the aftermath quickly."

"You still have to wipe his butt, huh!"

Jiang Yichen naturally couldn't hear the sounds behind them, and even if he heard them, he wouldn't pay attention to them.

At this moment, Jiang Yichen had no scruples. He returned to his residence in a hurry and made some preparations. Then he went to the stables in the village to get a horse and galloped away. No matter how many people were disturbed, since there were people to deal with the aftermath, let them

Go ahead and mess around.

Jiang Yichen galloped towards Taoyuan Town at all times of the night. If the horse had not stopped because it could no longer bear it, Jiang Yichen would have reached Taoyuan Town within two days.

In the early morning of the fourth day, Qi Shanqing was awakened by the sound of the door being kicked open.

Qi Shanqing, who was pulled out of the nightmare, already felt that he would fall into a nightmare from which he could never wake up again.

These days, Qi Shanqing has always been uneasy. The incident at Qianzhulin Winery has come to light, and he doesn't believe that the old man hasn't found him yet. He was temporarily carried away by Hong Yue's temptation, and now there is no regret medicine to buy. Traitor,

Even if he was the nephew of the mayor of Taoyuan Town, he would still be dead. However, the delay in people from the Daoyi Alliance looking for him made him even more frightened. He hid in his room all day long and did not dare to go out. He was even more afraid of meeting his uncle.

One can imagine that his uncle could cut him to pieces with just his eyes.

Today, the "Black Impermanence" that took him to hell finally came, and he realized that he had been waiting for this for a long time.

Qi Shanqing couldn't see the figure of the person clearly. It was just a ball of darkness against the light, but he saw the person pull out his sword. Out of fear of death and attachment to life, he only had time to shout, "

Hero, spare your life!" He then died.

Although it was early in the morning, the voice of condemnation had already attracted many people.

People saw a young boy with a depressed spirit and bloodshot eyes walking out of Qi Shanqing's house. He was holding something wrapped in white cloth in his hand. The white cloth was stained red with blood, and blood was still seeping on the ground.


People screamed in exclamation, attracting more people. In their eyes, the young man in front of them was a young executioner!

Among the visitors were faces that Jiang Yichen had seen before, Liu Menghen, Qiu Yingchu, and the mayor Qi Tianwen.

Liu and Qiu were about to step forward, but were stopped by Qi Tianwen.

After Jiang Yichen recognized the people who came, he threw the things in his hands in front of them, said "offended", and left.

He could clearly see the anger in Qi Tianwen's eyes, but he didn't want to speak now, let alone explain.

The others who wanted to catch up were also stopped by Qi Tianwen.

"Let him go! Yingchu, take him to Juyuan and ask what's going on." Qi Tianwen tried hard to control his emotions, and the direction his finger was pointing was what Jiang Yichen had thrown on the ground.


"Yes. Then..." Qiu Yingchu originally wanted to ask, "Do you want to go with us, or if you have anything else to say?" After catching a glimpse of Qi Tianwen's murderous eyes, he immediately shut up and went about his business.


(Juyuan Taoran Pavilion)

After Yi Zhongren had taken care of the outside affairs in the past two days, he rushed to the old man in a hurry.

"I heard that Chen'er chopped off the heads of Yan Ming and Qi Shanqing?" Yi Zhongren asked.

"You know what's going on, why is Tankou Feng coming?" the old man replied.

"Didn't I hear that Chen'er didn't personally lift their heads to you? Does that still count?" Yi Zhongren asked directly.

"Can the severed head be reattached?" the old man asked.

"So, do you agree with him staying?" Yi Zhongren asked.

"What else can we do? When he comes back to Juyuan, let Wuyue take him. If he doesn't want to come back, then let him go." The old man sighed softly.

"Then I'll drag that kid back." Yi Zhongren said and left.

"Nonsense! Let him make his own decision. Give him some time to slow down." The old man scolded angrily.

(Yunbo Inn)

After Jiang Yichen left Taoyuan Town that day, he galloped day and night. When the horse got tired and fell off him, he ran away on his own. He couldn't stop for a moment, he couldn't close his eyes, and he didn't dare.

He closed his eyes, he was afraid that he would see the bloody scene after closing his eyes.

Late that night, Jiang Yichen had arrived in Suzhou. On the way there, he met a wine seller and ordered a bottle of the strongest wine. He drank a few swigs of it until he could no longer stand. After that, for some reason, he was able to walk to Gusu.

In front of the Yunbo Inn, the inn had already closed and the door was closed. Jiang Yichen finally couldn't resist the alcohol and tiredness, and collapsed on the stone steps in front of the inn. It wasn't until the next morning that he was discovered by the innkeeper and entered the inn.

Jiang Yichen slept for two days before waking up, and his appearance shocked Shen Xinling at a loss, forcing her to call in the doctors. After taking a pulse, she realized that it was due to excessive stress and drunkenness. After a good sleep, she would be gone.

Serious problem.

Five nights later, the inn was closed.

(In Shen Xinling’s room)

"Let me tell you, Xiao Lan'er, it's useless for you to come here every day and look at him through the crack in the door. Why don't you pull him out of the room and shake him around so that he doesn't have random thoughts in the room." Shen Xinling said.

"Sister Ling, what I don't understand is why this stupid boy is so obsessed with thinking. Why didn't he just kill two people? He just locked himself in the room all day long and kept silent. Don't do it.

I'm sick from boredom." Ruolan couldn't figure it out.

"Xiao Lan'er, killing and beheading are not the same thing. My sister has killed many people in her life. Your hands may not be clean, but we have never given anyone's head to..."

Shen Xinling paused and made a gesture of cutting her neck, "Just imagining that scene makes me tremble all over. And this kid has just been out for a long time, and he has to go through such a scene. If he doesn't torment himself to the point of exhaustion, I'm afraid he will

I don't even dare to close my eyes. If I can't survive this time and cross the hurdle in my heart, even if the old man allows him to stay, I'm afraid he will just be a walking corpse. The old man has been cruel to him."

"So serious?" Ruolan was a little worried.

"So, since our little Lan'er is so interested in us, let's take him out more often." Shen Xinling said teasingly.

"Who cares about that silly boy? He just looks so pitiful. And you, Sister Ling, too. How can you let this boy live and eat for free? He doesn't have so much money, we can't let him be so stupid. Go down and drive him out." Ruolan defended righteously.

"If this were not the case, sister, why would you come to my sister's place every day? Besides, if there is business, why would my sister refuse to accept it at the Yunbo Inn? This guy can't afford the money, so why don't you still give it to me? Let's just say it. He rushed to your boudoir, haha!" Shen Xinling teased Ruolan directly.

"Hey, Sister Ling, why! Don't make fun of me anymore if you don't do this!" Ruolan looked shy and took Shen Xinling's arm. She didn't know how stupid she was. What kind of emotions do young people have? Is it more about innocent pity?

"Okay, if we break in tomorrow, you can take him to your Yichun Courtyard and have a look." Shen Xinling suggested.

"What! Yichunyuan? Why are you taking him to Yichunyuan? He is still young!" Ruolan was very surprised when she heard this.

"Bah, bah, bah! What are you thinking about? Didn't the Jiuzhou-sworn Demon Palace spend a lot of money on your Yichun Courtyard, and tomorrow they will hold a banquet in Ya District to celebrate the birthday of their eldest palace owner, Mr. Long Erye? Your Yichun Courtyard's number one and the eight red cards are all going to perform on stage to cheer for them. By the way, take this silly boy to see the world and cultivate his sentiments," Shen Xinling explained.

"As expected of Sister Ling, she is really well-informed. But you also said that this elegant area has been booked. Where can I find a place for him?" Ruolan looked a little surprised.

"Can your Yichun Court's red card be fake? Is there anything you can't do?" Shen Xinling asked with her eyes rounded.

As Shen Xinling said, killing and beheading should not be confused with each other. In terms of killing, the number of "human lives" that Jiang Yichen ruthlessly killed in the Juyuan trial was not a small number, but when it was his turn to kill other people's heads and necks, When separated, out of reverence for life, not many people in the world can completely overcome such psychological obstacles and remain unmoved. Those who can really be so decisive are not those who stained their hands with blood on the execution platform and were envied by others. He is not a murderous executioner, but a demon butcher who makes people hate him. It is cruel to let Jiang Yichen, a newborn calf, face such a situation.

This chapter has been completed!
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