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Chapter 330 Ears of the Partition

The night is hazy.

The gentle autumn wind, mixed with the cold autumn air, makes the chirping of insects gradually subside and becomes silent.

The autumn wind blows on the face, making people shiver, but it also makes people feel refreshed.

The secret room would have made people feel dull and depressing, but the people inside it at this moment had a completely relaxed attitude on their faces, between their brows, and in their words.

The refreshing autumn breeze must have contributed a lot.

Since it is a secret room, where does the wind come from?

The wind comes from the river.

There are nearly a hundred large and small houses in Jianglin Town, more than half of which stand along the river, and Yanhui Inn is one of them.

This secret room is only separated from the river by a wall.

There are ventilation holes half a foot square in the wall, less than a foot above the water.

Under the blue sky and white sun, even if someone stood by the river, they would only think that the dark hole was just a drainage outlet, and they would have no idea what was going on.

The hole was made with two right-angled bends and was three feet deep.

In this way, it is difficult to penetrate directly into it, whether it is scorching hot waves or biting cold wind.

Insulating from heat in summer and rejecting cold in winter, only the soothing spring breeze and rustling autumn breeze can flow unimpeded.

Taking into account the ventilation and ventilation, and deliberately avoiding the eyes and ears of others, it is obvious that this secret room is used frequently, and people often live in it. As for its purpose, outsiders must have no idea.

For at least the past two years, no one has been able to discover the existence of this secret room.

The secret room is about two feet wide, but its length is hard to figure out.

As far as the current place where the eight people are staying is concerned, the room is five feet long, but there is a wall behind the five feet.

There is a door in the wall. What is happening behind the door is unknown.

There are neither exquisite furnishings nor gorgeous decorations in the secret room, and even the walls are bare.

The light comes from the candlelight on the table.

The table is a long table with ten wooden chairs placed on both sides of the long table.

There are eight people sitting on wooden chairs.

The eight people were talking to each other about the harvest of the past few days, unaware that there were ears across the wall.

Behind the wall, Jiang Yichen naturally didn't know what was going on in the secret room. At this time, he had no eyes, only ears.

In the secret room, he could only judge how many people were there, who was there, and what they were talking about.

He has been listening for an hour.

This means that the eight people below also talked for an hour.

During this hour, in addition to the sounds of words, he also heard the sounds of pacing back and forth, the sound of angrily banging on the table, and the sound of pouring wine and water.

This moment was a torment for Jiang Yichen.

He had to do two things at once. While listening to the conversation of the eight people with all his concentration, he also had to allocate some energy to pay attention to whether anyone was approaching below or above him.

If someone wanted to come up from below, it would be easy to handle. He was sure that he would disappear before they reached the stairs without making a sound.

If someone wanted to come down from above, it would be a lot of trouble. He didn't know if there was another way to escape in the secret room. The top of his head was the only escape route. If someone came from above, he would definitely not be able to escape unless he was ruthless.

The worst possibility is that someone from below happens to want to come back up, and someone from above wants to come down at the same time. When the two come together, Jiang Yichen will probably have to fight one against ten. When this happens, nine times out of ten, it is

Gotta stay.

It can be said that the risk Jiang Yichen took by sneaking into the secret room of Yanhui Inn was no less than that of sneaking into the Nether Sect alone.

Of course, Jiang Yichen still had some backup options to deal with people like Tingyuge, but if he had no other choice, it would be better to not use them if he could.

High risk also means high reward.

In this hour, the information Jiang Yichen heard was enough to make up for the lack of information in the Nether Sect for more than half a month.

I learned from Xi Xia that Fenghuo Tower was in close contact with Jinyiwei. In a few days, the five Jinyiwei thousands of households never left Fenghuo Tower. They had detailed discussions with the owner and several elders. They seemed to have made plans for the future and promised each other benefits.


And those five Jinyiwei Qianhu are also the five Yin Yang people who appeared in Longyuan Gorge a few months ago. It is obvious that they represent the Jinyiwei and come to win over the Jianghu forces.

In the subsequent conversation between the eight people, Jiang Yichen also found out their specific identities and the general purpose of coming to Xijiang County.

As expected, the owner and waiters of Yanhui Inn are all from Tingyu Pavilion. The purpose of settling in this inn is to make it easier to find out information about various sects around Xijiang County, and to serve as a place for people in the pavilion to stay when necessary.

The boss's name is Feipiao, and she is a carefree-speaking woman. Several people below her call her "Apiao".

The middle-aged waiter with a deep voice is named Mu Shang, also known as "Boss Mu". It seems that this person was once a well-known businessman.

The young guy who was guarding the top was called Xiao Yan'er. From what they said, he was very good at running. His shortcomings were also very obvious. He was lazy and lazy. For example, now, they didn't even have to think about it.

This little Yan'er must be fast asleep on the bed, paying no attention to any movement.

These three people, Jiang Yichen, sounded relatively unfamiliar. They had probably never met each other before, and they had probably joined Tingyu Pavilion in the past two or three years.

Tingyuge is currently at the forefront of the storm, and it can be said that all forces in the world are eyeing it.

As people in Tingyu Pavilion, they are faced with various dangers all the time. These dangers come from all forces. They may be captured, tortured, or even in danger of their lives. However, except for those who survived the Shi Mansion back then,

In addition, those who were later recruited into the pavilion were still willing to stay with them. It is really puzzling what kind of magic and charm this Tingyu Pavilion has and can generate such centripetal force?

Jiang Yichen still has no way of knowing the answer based on tonight's conversations alone.

Among the remaining six people, the man whose words are as sweet as singing is undoubtedly Xi Xia.

The pair of master and servant are Guan Dadao and Zifeng.

The brother and sister are also Meat Moth and Ni Die.

The couple who have not returned yet are Si'er and Piao Ying.

As for the person who came here this morning, it was Li Zixuan, whom Jiang Yichen had met once before.

Li Zixuan is not a member of Tingyu Pavilion. He and Rou Mo are both disciples of the Shaolin family. He works hard for Tingyu Pavilion, which seems to be due to this relationship.

Li Zixuan came back from Kunlun Realm for two purposes.

The first is to bring back Luo Piaoling's next action plan.

The second is to understand the current progress of Tingyuge people's actions in Xijiang County.

When Jiang Yichen understood the purpose of Li Zixuan's visit, he was shocked, but it actually brought him closer to the truth about the theft of the Shaolin gold seal.

Although it is to deliver news, delivering news for Tingyu Pavilion is no different from going through fire and water.

He didn't think that Li Zixuan's relationship as a Shaolin lay disciple was enough to make Li Zixuan go through life and death for Tingyu Pavilion.

He seemed to see a line, a line hidden between Shaolin and Tingyu Pavilion.

The stolen Shaolin gold seal can be authentic.

Luo Piaoling's pirated seal can be authentic.

Tingyuge wants to gain momentum and become a leader in the world, but I'm afraid it's not true.

All this is to cover up the line behind it.

This line is not alone, there are several branches accompanying it. Wudang Emei is among them, Daoyi Alliance is among them, Jiuzhou Jieyi and Sihaihui Alliance are among them. I don’t know if there are gangs in it, but Jiang Yichen is almost certain that the next part of this line will

The target I want to involve is the Kunlun Sect.

Based on the available information, making such an inference is Jiang Yichen's limit.

Returning to the dialogue between the eight people, Ni Die, Meuchi and others all went to Xijiang County, each conducting overt and covert inspections in their respective areas, with the intention of finding out the details of the Jianghu gangs who often come to Xijiang County or are actually in Xijiang County.

It is related to gangs from all over the world, such as Fenghuo Tower, Yiqu Liunian Pavilion, Lengyue Temple, Zhuguang Baoqi Pavilion, Zui Hongyan, etc., as well as evil sects such as Tushita Gang and Netherworld Sect.

When Jiang Yichen thought about it carefully, what they did was almost exactly the same as his own.

His main purpose of sneaking into the Nether Sect was to learn the "Yin Feng Kung", but he was also waiting for opportunities to pry into the various secrets of the Nether Sect.

Knowing yourself and the enemy means you can fight a hundred battles without danger. Many people understand this principle, but this style of going deep into the enemy's territory is not something everyone dares to imagine.

Jiang Yichen's actions were guided by his old man, but what about Tingyu Pavilion?

Do they also listen to the old man's instructions?

Recalling the scene when Ju Yuan first met the people of Shi Mansion three years ago, and recalling Luo Piaoling's deep eyes, Jiang Yichen already had his own answer.

Jiang Yichen took a deep breath. There was too much information tonight, and he obviously couldn't digest it. He didn't hear that they meant to end it, so he had to brace himself and listen carefully.

Perhaps it was because the night was too dark and the weather was too cold. This breath made Jiang Yichen's nose itchy and he almost sneezed.

Although he suppressed his last sneeze, his elbow hit the wall unconsciously.

Jiang Yichen didn't know how much noise he made. He only knew that there was suddenly silence downstairs, and no more conversation could be heard.

Jiang Yichen listened with bated breath and was ready to rush back to the shopkeeper's bedroom in the next moment.

I heard a loud shout and a sudden explosion, "Who!?"

This chapter has been completed!
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