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Chapter 346 Two birds with one stone


At this moment, what came to Xue Qinghuan's mind was the word "Shifu".

These two words were once unknown.

Until Shi Xin came into the world, he was gilded and polished, and it was out of control.

In the nearly twenty years that followed, Shi Mansion received numerous titles and accolades.

Moreover, at the darkest time when foreign barbarians invaded the border areas, they guarded the last light in the southwestern region of Zhongzhou.

Although Shi Xin retreated from the rapids at the right time and returned to his hometown in glory.

But it has always been difficult for people with great achievements to achieve a good death.

What's more, after retreating to a corner, Shifu became too closely involved with Jianghu, resulting in his reputation becoming too great.

It's intimidating and even more terrifying.

In the end, Shifu was naturally swallowed up by the torrent of history.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the imperial court was behind the scenes.

The reason why Xue Qinghuan thinks of Shi Mansion is naturally related to Luo Piaoling.

In the past, the person who was closest to Shi Xin was Long Yao, Luo Piaoling's mentor.

Who is Long Yao?

A man who is an all-rounder in martial arts and is proficient in all eighteen kinds of martial arts.

Because of this, his attainments in swordsmanship were unable to break through the shackles and reach the point where he could challenge the four great swordsmen.

Such a person was willing to be used by Shi Xin, and he was even known as the number one master in the Shi family. The relationship between the two was evident.

What about Luo Piaoling?

When all of Shi Xin's direct relatives were killed and only one adopted daughter survived, can Luo Piaoling be regarded as the successor of Shi Mansion?

No matter what Xue Qinghuan thinks, at least most people in the world think so.

Otherwise, the "fact" that Luo Piaoling stole the Shaolin Golden Seal would lack a tenable motive.

Therefore, from the perspective of most people in the world, and even the court, Xue Qinghuan can label Luo Piaoling a "remnant of the Stone Mansion".

And what is the relationship between Raven and others and Shi Mansion?

The first is Shi Xin’s identity.

General on the edge of town.

After he resigned as an old man, except for a few of his former subordinates who were forced to continue to work for the court due to their livelihood, most of them were disheartened and quickly retreated from the court.

A large number of them went to Shifu, the capital of Chongqing, to seek refuge with Shi Xin.

Faced with a trust that he could not live up to, Shi Xin could only incorporate it into the Shi Mansion and purchase various industries to make a living for everyone.

This also directly led to the Shi Mansion becoming more and more powerful in the future, which subsequently caused disasters.

The few who were extremely capable followed Shi Xin's suggestion and were divided into various parts of the southwestern region of Zhongzhou to develop individually.

In this way, it can not only break away from the Shifu, but also build an invisible barrier on the southwest border of Zhongzhou.

When foreign barbarians invade the border again, they will have their own strength to fight bloody battles for their homeland in Zhongzhou.

Xue Qinghuan would never know about these things if she stayed in a corner and concentrated on running a fleeting pavilion.

However, things went against his wishes, because he single-handedly founded a fleeting time pavilion, and he was no longer alone.

For the sake of the gang, he couldn't stop, and what followed was all kinds of hearsay, including many stories about the glory of Shi Mansion in the past, or its collapse overnight.

At first, Xue Qinghuan couldn't distinguish the authenticity of the details, but after listening more, she could always get a general idea.

Even in this small town at the end of the world, there are stories related to Shi Mansion.

This must have been one of the reasons why Luo Piaoling and others came here to "take refuge" while traveling westward.

After the followers of General Shi dispersed in the past, they may be able to fight for Zhongzhou again at a critical moment. Can they fight for the destruction of Shi's mansion?

The answer is of course yes.

It's just that they lack a leader.

What is missing is a leader who is willing to brave pressure from all parties to demand justice for the tragedy of Shifu.

Not surprisingly, Raven and others are Shi Xin's old men.

After Shi Xin resigned, they chose to retire to the Kunlun realm.

The destruction of Shi Mansion failed to reach their ears in time. When they heard the news, they were helpless and at a loss.

Now, they are waiting for Luo Piaoling, the leader who can lead them to revenge!

So, they followed this new "general" and started taking action.

As for their exact identities, Xue Qinghuan didn't know much and couldn't guess based on it.

He doesn't know, but someone in this hall must know.

Luo Piaoling knows, and Yu Le must also know.

He had looked at Yu Le.

As if by coincidence, Yu Le was also looking at him, with a smile on his lips.

Yu Le raised his voice and said: "It seems that our Snow Pavilion Master has already figured out something."

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately fell silent.

Xue Qinghuan said: "I think Mr. Yu wants to tell me nothing more than two things."

Yu Le raised his eyebrows and said, "What two points."

Xue Qinghuan said: "Master Luo is from Shifu."

Yu Le nodded when he heard this.

Xue Qinghuan continued: "Brother Raven and the other eighteen friends are from General Shi's old team."

Yu Le was still nodding.

Xue Qinghuan said it calmly and calmly.

Yu Le defaulted to feeling calm and relaxed.

Xue Qinghuan's answer cleared everyone's doubts.

However, everyone was even more worried because of this.

After all, the word "Shifu" has been silent for many years. Now that it is making a comeback, does it mean a catastrophe?

As a result, everyone could no longer suppress the anxiety in their hearts and started chatting with each other.

The hall exploded in an instant.

"Shi Xin's old department!"

"Yes, I should have thought of this a long time ago."

"Oh no, no, no, there is a remnant of the Shi Mansion, a bunch of old Shi Mansion members, they are here for revenge!"

"Why are you panicking? No matter how powerful they are, aren't they just these twenty people? If they dare to step out of the building, they will have no chance of survival."

"What if they don't leave the building?"

"Being a coward for the rest of your life? Haha! That's up to them."

"Hmph! Have you forgotten the previous analysis by the Snow Pavilion Master? Luo Piaoling's ability to fight guerrillas with many Jianghu forces is probably the result of the help of General Shi's old troops from all walks of life."

"So, in the southwest region of Zhongzhou, no one can help Luo Piaoling?"

"I'm afraid, that's really the case."


Seeing this, Xue Qinghuan suddenly smiled.

He never thought that everyone would be so afraid of Shi Mansion.

He finally understood why Yu Le kept telling everyone the answer through his mouth so many times.

It is precisely the continuous foreshadowing that everyone can't help but think about.

There are both good associations and bad associations.

As the number of associations increases, the number of good and bad associations increases.

The number of the two may be almost the same, but as long as you give a little hint about the bad results, the good associations will disappear immediately, and the bad associations will completely occupy people's minds.

Negative results naturally bring negative emotions.

People will be nervous, hesitant, worried and afraid.

At this time, there are roughly two ways to eliminate this negative impact.

One is to escape.

Drink to drown your sorrows and have a good time. When you wake up tomorrow morning, you may be able to figure out that this trivial matter has nothing to do with you.

One is to face it.

For Jianghu people, it is natural to solve problems with fists, feet and swords, which is the most direct way.

To solve a problem, you naturally have to find the source.

Who is the source?

Naturally, it is still Luo Piaoling and the others, the remnants of the Shi Mansion and the old members of the Shi Mansion!

Who said that Mr. Yu is not cunning?

At this point, Xue Qinghuan was first brought into the pit, and any analysis came from his mouth.

At the same time, Luo Piaoling and his party were successfully made public enemies of the whole people, although there were still some people in the hall who had nothing to do with them.

This trick killed two birds with one stone, making Xue Qinghuan feel ashamed.

Xue Qinghuan let out a long sigh and said, "Young Master Yu has been in trouble for so long. It's time to tell us whether Brother Raven and the other eighteen people are the powerful force under General Shi, right?"


This chapter has been completed!
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