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Chapter 361 February Peach Blossom

As early as forty or fifty years ago, there was no such thing as Wuyahai in the land of Zhongzhou.

In this remote corner of the western part of Zhongzhou, although it is covered with yellow sand, you can still see green everywhere.

There is a village here with simple folk customs and everyone pays silently without asking for anything in return.

Because of this, the village is extremely wealthy and has everything you need.

Visitors passing by this place discovered that in this village, even if they are lazy and eat well, they will not starve to death or be shunned by others.

As a result, more and more outsiders became new members of the village.

It is conceivable that in the following days, there will be more and more lazy people in the whole village, the unhealthy trend of getting something for nothing will grow unchecked, and fewer and fewer people will give silently.

The prosperous villages fell into decline, the oases also gradually degraded, and the endless sea gradually took shape.

After thirty years, there are only about twenty people left in the village that originally had hundreds of people.

There are no old people among them, because no one has the energy to take care of the elderly in their dying years.

There were no children among them, because the children could not receive good care and died early before they grew up.

There were few women among them. The good-looking ones had already seized the opportunity and left the village with the passers-by.

This was almost the most miserable time for the village. Even during the period of foreign invasion, it was not necessarily so miserable.

Maybe even the foreigners don't like this place.

As the saying goes, the village is about to cease to exist. In that year, with the arrival of three men in a short period of time, everything changed.

The first man to arrive was short and unattractive in appearance. He brought a pretty wife with him, which made the villagers envious.

This man was both good at cooking and knew how to farm. In order to help the villagers survive, he mobilized everyone to cultivate their own crops according to local conditions.

The second man who came was a big guy with a bald head and a slightly arched nose like a pig. He was as honest as a pig.

Honest Man is good at carpentry and infrastructure construction. He can make many tools to improve everyone's working conditions. He can also make the dilapidated houses in the village look brand new.

The third man was a bearded man, and he came with nine soldiers. He brought serious discipline in the army, and also brought methods to control sandstorms, completely revitalizing the village.

Under the joint efforts of these three people, the small village has undergone earth-shaking changes in just two years.

The village was renamed Tianya Town to draw a clear line with the past.

The three of them have won the hearts of the people and are highly respected.

One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, only because people's hearts are greedy.

Perhaps just as Tianya Town is the only oasis in the boundless sea, Tianya Town is also a small boat in the vast sea in the hearts of these people. The three of them have been baptized in the world and no longer have too many ambitions, so they choose to work together in the same boat.

Or maybe the three of them were all in the military before coming here. Although the division of labor is different, their trust remains unchanged.

Of course, there is another possibility where the three of them can put aside all their grudges and get along peacefully.

That's a name - Shi Xin.

The short man and the honest man were both former members of Shi Xin, while the big bearded man had worked with Shi Xin and received several favors from him.

Since God arranged for them to meet here, they will not disappoint General Shi's expectations.

In the end, they naturally became the leaders of this small town.

As early as a month ago, Smiling Maitreya and more than thirty foreign guests tried to sneak away quietly at night, but they were stopped ruthlessly, and none of the three people showed up.

But now, these three people were standing at the entrance of the town, about to see off a group of twenty people.

As for Smiling Maitreya and others, they were already intoxicated in this beautiful night.

Big Beard’s current name is Hao Daguan.

Lao Shi's current name is Zhen Lao Shi.

Shorty's current name is Shorty Shopkeeper.

The short shopkeeper bowed respectfully to Luo Piaoling. He was originally a good talker, but at this moment his tongue was stiff for some reason, and he said: "Master, we old guys may not be able to keep you company."

Although the short shopkeeper forced a smile on his face, his tone concealed guilt and self-blame.

Luo Piaoling glanced towards the depths of the town, where there seemed to be seven or eight eyes looking in their direction with great concern.

He smiled at the three of them and said, "I understand."

The short shopkeeper pursed his lips. It was not that he had not expected this answer, but when Luo Piaoling answered so calmly, he finally couldn't help himself. His knees softened and he knelt down.

Luo Piaoling had no time at all and naturally couldn't react in time, so she could only hurry up and help the short shopkeeper up.

Unexpectedly, before one of them could be helped up, the other two also knelt down.

"Sir, we're sorry for General Shi, and we're also sorry for you!" cried the shopkeeper, unable to hold back his tears.

"Yes, Mr. Luo, we are sorry for you and General Shi." Hao Daguan and Zhen Laoshi said in succession.

Luo Piaoling said hurriedly: "The three of you are serious. The three of you are no longer alone. Instead, you have started a family, established a career, and have more important people and things to protect. In today's chaotic situation, are the three of you still willing to watch?"

Helping General Shi is the ultimate act of benevolence, so why should I say I'm sorry?"

After saying that, Luo Piaoling straightened his clothes, took three steps back, knelt down, and kowtowed, "It's Luo who should thank you."

After Luo Piaoling bowed like this, the more than twenty people behind him did not dare to neglect. They knelt down and kowtowed one after another, saying: "It's Tingyuge's turn to thank you all."

Seeing this situation, the three shopkeepers had no choice but to give up.

"Master, please get up quickly, everyone, please get up quickly, I can't bear it any longer!" On the contrary, the shopkeeper Xiao came over and helped Luo Piaoling up.

The short shopkeeper stared at the gentle and jade-like young man in front of him with endless emotion in his heart.

Four years ago, after they heard that Shi Mansion was destroyed, they made inquiries in many ways and learned that none of General Shi's heirs survived.

In addition to being sad and angry, they were helpless.

Later, they heard that Meng Chaoge, the adopted daughter of General Shi, appeared in Tingyu Pavilion. Most of the people in Tingyu Pavilion were old people of Shifu, so they saw a glimmer of light.

They speculated that General Shi knew that people with blood ties to him would not be able to save their lives, so he asked Long Yao to find ways to save Meng Chaoge's life.

This is done so that one day, when Zhongzhou needs Shifu again, there will be one person who, in his capacity as Shifu, can order these loyal and loyal old Shifu people to throw their heads and blood!

In their view, Meng Chaoge is undoubtedly the remaining flag after the destruction of Shi Mansion, and now it is Luo Piaoling and Tingyuge who are carrying this flag.

But when the person who holds this flag finally appears in front of them, they realize that the dangers of the world are beyond their ability to cope with. They are powerless and have no intention of bothering with it.

They can only try their best to help within their ability.

In the end, this man opened their eyes to solar eclipses, sandstorms, and sky burials one after another. These things sounded unbelievable at first, but after careful planning and calculation, they became feasible. When they finally realized them one by one, they were shaken in their hearts.


Reason tells them that if there is anyone in this world who can rival General Shi Xinshi, it is him - Luo Piaoling!

As long as Luo Piaoling opens his mouth, they will go through fire and water for him without hesitation.

But they can't ignore the feelings in their hearts. They have too many fetters now, and they can't fearlessly sacrifice their lives for righteousness.

When they came to say goodbye, of course they were conflicted in their hearts. They were afraid that Luo Piaoling would speak because they were unable to refuse, and they were also afraid that Luo Piaoling would remain silent because they would feel uneasy.

Shopkeeper Ai's eyes were filled with tears. He held Luo Piaoling's hand and said: "Old Ai cannot leave with the young master, but I can guarantee that if there is another crisis in Zhongzhou, those small countries will not dare to do anything."

Why not think about it, our brothers will definitely make it impossible for them to come back!"

"I believe it." Luo Piaoling answered concisely, but also very solemnly.

The short shopkeeper held Luo Piaoling's hand tightly, and the feelings in his heart were beyond words.

Luo Piaoling said: "However, there is still something I am worried about."

The short shopkeeper asked nervously: "What's the matter?"

Luo Piaoling said: "Naturally, no one will come to disturb you in the next half year, but after a year, there will be some blind people who will come to cause trouble. Are you afraid?"

Shopkeeper Ai understood what Luo Piaoling meant. According to the agreement, Yu Le, Smiling Maitreya and others will be free in half a year. When they join up with their fellow disciples, it is impossible to say whether they will come back to avenge today's humiliation and house arrest.


Hao Daguan took over the conversation and said: "Not to mention whether they can still find the town, but if they dare to do evil to Tianya Town, the brothers will definitely teach them that a tiger's teeth cannot be pulled out!"

Luo Piaoling smiled lightly when he heard this and said: "Okay. Then, we will see you later."

The short shopkeeper was startled, his hands froze in mid-air.

Isn't it a farewell message to see each other indefinitely?

But he thought carefully, if there is no chance to meet again in this life, it means that everything went well during his trip, which may be the best result for the people of Zhongzhou.

Since it was the best result, what else could he ask for?

The short shopkeeper cupped his hands and tried to squeeze out the four words "We will see you again" through his teeth.

The short shopkeeper suddenly remembered something and called someone over, saying: "Sir, this little friend is called Ning Kuang. He came to the town four years ago. According to what he said, he almost died at the hands of a bandit.

It was your senior fellow apprentices who saved him, and this time he wants to follow you."

Luo Piaoling looked at the ghost wrapped in darkness.

Ning Kuang took off his hood. The appearance of his forehead with bulging veins, round eyes, and sunken nose was truly unforgettable.


No one knows how much blood was shed, how many people were buried, and how much damage was caused to various gangs in the Xunfeng Valley Massacre.

First of all, this is not a glorious thing. If a shameful thing has bad consequences, no one will be embarrassed to talk about it.

Secondly, there is no conclusive evidence to prove who specifically committed this incident. Although various signs indicate that this incident is closely related to Luo Piaoling, more people are still willing to attribute the incident to an unexpected natural disaster.

It's just that for more than half a year after the Xunfeng Valley massacre, the world has become much more peaceful.

Perhaps only when injured, people will stop their busy pace and see if they are busy blindly.

Since the Shaolin Golden Seal was stolen, all kinds of information have gone viral. Even rational people have difficulty making accurate distinctions when faced with all kinds of overwhelming information that seems to be false and true. The safest way is to prepare with two hands and one with one.

Steady, grab it with one hand.

At the beginning, all parties were able to control their investment. As time went by, the snowball grew bigger and bigger, and the losses had already exceeded their respective expectations. It can be seen that the goal is in front of them, and no one wants to relax at the last moment.

In the end, it was the massacre at Xunfeng Valley that cut off their thoughts in a bloody way.

Although they hated Luo Piaoling, they had to be grateful to Luo Piaoling. If not, they would probably be out of control.

All in all, during the past half year, although there were occasional fights and quarrels in the entire Zhongzhou arena, all sects and sects were much more at peace, cultivating their health and recuperating.

Now, there is less than a month left before March 3rd, and all parties are busy planning. Just like the eve of a storm, the entire world is completely immersed in a quiet atmosphere.


A lock of mist locks clear eyes, and the peach blossoms in February do not bring sorrow.

This year's cold spring is more bitter than usual, but it cannot hinder the romance of the peach blossoms in Jiangning County.

After five years, Jiang Yichen set foot on this land again, and the haze in Jiang Yichen's heart was instantly swept away.

Biluo Lake was not the only way to the Juyuan Garden, but he still approached it by accident.

Looking at the towering peach trees in the center of the lake from a distance, I couldn't help but stop in silence.

I recall the scene when I came here at the beginning of last year.

Recalling the adventure of learning the water-bending sword technique under the guidance of Murong Jing and Liu Menghen.

Recalling the words of the peach fairy, "Flowers are ready to be broken when they bloom, but don't wait until there are no flowers to break branches."

He didn't understand love at that time.

The love between men and women.

What now? He thinks he understands.

He could notice that after rescuing Shui Rujing several times, Shui Rujing always had a different look in his eyes and a strange breathing every time he came close to him.

When they met again after three years, he could feel that the emotions coming from Shui Rujing's heart must be particularly strong.

He believed that as long as he held her hand, she might abandon the teacher and live and die with him.

He made it very clear that he could not accept this feeling, and he could not choose to be selfish.

Although he only had a one-time relationship with Leng Mei of the Demon Palace, for some reason, he could not forget her. When he heard about the changes in the Demon Palace and Leng Mei fell off the Yin-Yang Bridge, his life and death uncertain, he couldn't help but feel a sudden change in his heart.


He knew that it was heartache.

Perhaps, that is love, but this love seems to have withered before it has time to sprout.

Of course, there is Ruolan.

The woman who made him bump into each other when he first arrived in Gusu City, which made him so embarrassed.

The woman who did her best to take care of him when he was at his lowest point, regardless of her reputation.

The woman who showed all her weaknesses in front of him and embraced him during the thunderstorm.

Maybe she needs him to protect her more...

While Jiang Yichen was dazed, he seemed to see a figure moving under the peach tree in his field of vision.

His heart suddenly trembled, and his mouth and tongue went dry.

He suddenly wanted to see clearly who that person was.

He quickly rubbed his eyes, looking far away.

The man was wearing a long purple-gold coat, with his hair tied up, standing on the edge of a boulder with peach fairy trees, silently gazing at the blue lake.

It's really her!

This chapter has been completed!
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