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Chapter 408: The Doubt of the Code

No matter whether it was a matter of discussion or a hasty matter, no one would think that Qingtianzhong and Zangfeng Pavilion would both withdraw based on a high sense of justice or a promise.

It is not difficult to imagine that the giants from several parties had already exchanged opinions on today's conference and reached a basic consensus.

The current move is more of a showmanship, and the real meaning is to emphasize the benefits that have been promised to each other.

Of course, no one is interested in these behind-the-scenes activities for the time being. Until the dust settles on the position of leader of the martial arts alliance, everything will just pass by.

Before the duel started, both sides signed a written agreement and established five additional rules based on the original agreement.

1. This contest has been expanded from a best-of-five-game system to a best-of-seven game system. Each game is still a one-on-one battle.

2. The list and order of players from both sides have been determined in advance. Anyone who does not follow the order will be deemed to have violated the rules and will be directly sentenced to lose.

3. Before each match has a winner, no courtside personnel are allowed to enter the venue to intervene. Otherwise, the winner will be deemed to have violated the rules and the authorities will directly declare the loser.

4. Anyone who intentionally interferes with the progress of the competition should be stopped by all factions. Those who fail to warn should be shot without mercy.

5. Swords have no eyes. When a fighter is defeated by his opponent, he will be responsible for his life and death if he fails to admit defeat in time.

Qingming, the respected abbot of Shaolin, was elected as the host of this event. If any unexpected situation or unknown change occurs, he has the right to terminate the duel. The gangs present are subject to orders and must not disobey.

This is destined to be a battle between dragons and tigers that will change the overall situation of the martial arts world. A serious and inviolable tone was set at the beginning of the duel.

The situation is becoming increasingly clear, but the doubts hanging over Jiang Yichen's mind continue to grow.

It's not that Jiang Yichen is looking forward to an accident, he is just waiting for an accident to happen, waiting for an inevitable event to happen.

"Mountain Tai collapses, elk thrive, winds and clouds turmoil."

He has not yet understood the exact meaning of this action code, or in other words, he has not yet understood the specific people, things, and things that "Taishan" and "Elk" refer to.

Accidents that may occur in a martial arts competition either originate inside the venue or are caused outside the venue.

The accident that occurred on the field was nothing more than an accidental killing, but today's conference is about the position of the leader of the martial arts league. In a head-on battle, bloodshed and death are inevitable. If you lose your life because of a soft heart or poor academic skills, you will only suffer the consequences.

Not an accident.

What can be considered an accident is a cold arrow fired secretly.

However, under the gaze of thousands of eyes, no cold arrow can escape - unless the "cold arrow" can be disguised as "accidental fire".

Although the Hundred Flowers Conference was scheduled a year and a half ago, no one is willing to host it, which means that this conference is different from the past. The process is grand and rigorous, the arrangements are detailed and appropriate, but simple and clear.

Today's business is finished today.

When the rules for the fight for the martial arts leader are set, in order to determine the result as quickly as possible, multiple gangs will compete on the same field.

In the first round of the showdown, eight gangs competed on the same stage. Any accidental injuries are excusable.

At that time, it was the perfect opportunity to launch a sudden attack, and it was also the stage where it was most likely to fake an accident, but it was passed without any panic.

As the process progresses further, there are fewer duels taking place at the same time, the lower the chance of accidental injury, and the lower the possibility of accidents.

At this point, there is only one-on-one competition on the same stage, and the possibility of accidents on the court no longer exists.

Compared with on-field accidents, off-field accidents cover a wide range of situations.

It can be as big as a sudden change in the sky, sudden heavy rain, or as small as intervention in the duel on the field. It can be described as unexpected.

Jiang Yichen had only heard of the heinous crime Luo Piaoling committed in Xunfeng Valley by using the weather as a cover to cause an accident.

But although the weather today is changeable, it does not have the geographical conditions like the Xunfeng Valley to trap and kill thousands of people in the world.

And small incidents such as intervening in on-field duels are not immune to turning into major disasters. As long as you hurt someone, it may intensify the underlying conflict. If you kill someone, it is the same as igniting a war.

But so far, there have been many small episodes, including Han Wuyue surrounding Wei to save Zhao Baosha and Wanhai's life, and A Liang suddenly saving his wife in danger.

The rules set before have extinguished the last trace of unexpected fire.

As for the back-up support prepared by various gangs outside Baihua Island, and the other forces that came after hearing the news and wanted to gain something, all of them could not be unforeseen factors.

It's just that these unexpected factors have too many variables and are difficult to control. How can they be used as the starting signal for this operation?

From the beginning to the end, Jiang Yichen did not think that the Nether Sect sent the three great judges here to try their luck and adapt to changes.

There must be something else missing!

While Jiang Yichen was racking his brains to think about all the possible scenarios, he had to be distracted to deal with the attention of the crying lady. For a moment, he was overthinking, his mind was buzzing, and he was confused.


A chant of Buddha's name echoed from Wujian Ping, solemn and solemn, clearing the universe.

The distracting thoughts in Jiang Yichen's heart were immediately cleared away, and his mind was clear and clear.

Only to hear Abbot Qingming say again: "Now the head of the seal and the master of Ji Palace have handed over the list and order of those who will go to war to the hands of the poor monk. The poor monk will read it out one by one here, so that all the donors can bear witness together."

"The list and order of the members of the Xiaoyue Alliance are Qin, Mo Shang, Yan Chenfeng, Yuchi Changkong, Poppy, Qu Tong, and Feng Chen."

"The list and order of the participants in the temples are Kuyou, Chujunhe, Yan Rufeng, Shanshi, Duo Mingze, Du Ziteng, and Ghost Demon Queen."

Although it was a duel between Jianghu warriors, from the previous rounds of wrestling when all parties mobilized troops and generals on the spot, it was not difficult to see the importance of arranging troops, so everyone listened carefully.

If the abilities, strengths and weaknesses of the members of both parties are well understood, then it is not difficult to judge the general direction of victory or defeat based on the order of appearances. If this conference lasts for a long time, some people will even use this to set up bets.

Jiang Yichen was not interested in gambling, not to mention that he had already participated in a game before and lost to the Crying Lady.

He has memorized the list and order of the personnel on both sides, and he is currently unable to glean any clues from them.

It can only be seen that the Xiaoyue Alliance bought two more rounds of rest time for Feng Chen, and the gods did not seem to be absolutely sure that they could capture the Xiaoyue Alliance within five rounds. The extra two rounds not only gave the opponent time, but also improved themselves.

After all, the error tolerance rate has reached this level, and no one wants to miss the position of the supreme leader of the martial arts alliance due to a momentary mistake. Abbot Qingming once again read out the rules of the competition, with the intention of making everyone respect the rules and act rashly.

During the reading, Abbot Qingming seemed to have gained some skills, and even blessed him with Sanskrit sounds. Apart from the solemn treasures, Jiang Yichen's mind was empty. But when the last chant of the Buddha's name was sung, Jiang Yichen thought about this operation again.

The signal came, "Mountain Tai collapses, the elk thrive, the wind blows and the clouds become chaotic."

This time Jiang Yichen's heart couldn't help but tremble!

Taishan...Taishan Beidou?

Could the word "Taishan" be the abbreviation of Taishan Beidou?

Even if it's not an abbreviation, doesn't the "Taishan" in "Have Eyes Not Recognized Taishan" also refer to an important figure?

Who are the important people?

When it comes to martial arts in the past, it has to be Shaolin Wudang.

Will their target be Master Qingming or Brother Xuanxiao?

No, it won’t be Senior Brother Xuanxiao.

Not to mention that Wudang is now advancing and retreating together with Emei. Even if Wudang is attacked, it is meaningless to use Xuanxiao's life to open the way. As long as Wudang Mountain is still there, Wudang will not collapse so easily.

But Shaolin...

Previously, just because the gold seal was stolen, there were many "loyal and righteous people" who wanted to interfere in Shaolin's family affairs. If Master Qingming really met with misfortune, Songshan Shaolin would be leaderless. Wouldn't those "loyal and righteous people" be more justifiable in the thousand-year-old temple?

Taking advantage of others by cheating?!

Jiang Yichen took a deep breath and turned his eyes involuntarily towards Master Qingming.

Although he pretended to be calm on the surface, Jiang Yichen's heart was already filled with ripples.

He and Master Qingming had never met before, so he shouldn't have had too many emotions.

But from Master Qingming’s conversation with Meng Chaoge, to the few words he just read out the rules, he seems to be able to sense his fearless spirit of “If I don’t go to hell, who will?”

Perhaps when he agreed to attend the Hundred Flowers Conference, Master Qingming was ready to sacrifice himself and even Shaolin. Although Jiang Yichen has not figured out the reason yet, this is what he can feel now.

Not only Master Qingming, but also Xuan Xiao and Lao Bo. Like the masters of Emei, Kongtong and Kunlun, they could stay out of the matter and do not need to personally participate in the grievances between the two alliances. Since they are here, they must also be involved.

Prepared for the worst.

But due to emotions and reasons, Jiang Yichen didn't want any accident to happen to any of them, and the one in the most dangerous situation among them was Master Qingming.

Mount Tai will collapse, which means Master Qingming will definitely die.

Is he going to save Master Qingming? How to save him?

Jiang Yichen was in confusion again. He had already learned the "Yin Feng Kung" from the Nether Sect. It was okay to take advantage of today's situation to draw a clear line with the Nether Sect in advance. But was it worth taking this step for someone who had nothing to do with it?

Five years ago, he would only choose to move forward, but what about now?

While he was thinking about it, a faint sigh blew into Jiang Yichen's ears, "Isn't Xiao Jiang worried about the old monk's safety?"

This chapter has been completed!
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