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Chapter 429 The scars of the years

Why above the stream?

The woman in green looks up.

This was not the first time she had done this, but every time what she saw always made her feel unreal and dreamlike.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, I'm afraid no one would dare to believe that under the Yin-Yang Bridge that people say is not the dark and lightless underworld, but a different world.

As the saying goes, a leaf blocks the eye. The real darkness under the Yin-Yang Bridge only stretches for more than a hundred feet. However, because the cliffs on both sides are uneven and jagged, with murderous intent hidden inside, even those with excellent Qinggong skills will never be able to completely avoid unforeseen dangers. Not to mention that no one has survived after falling off the bridge, which is why people all over the world assert that "life and death are separated under the Yin-Yang Bridge".

Little did they know that there was another village full of bright flowers. Under the darkness that stretched for hundreds of feet, although the rock walls on both sides were still steep and straight, with strange rocks scattered here and there, the abyss of a thousand feet was like a high mountain. The morning light could be seen at sunrise until sunset. It fades into the night, so as long as you can survive that period of darkness, there is a glimmer of hope.

The rock walls on both sides of the stream are sunken inward, so the rock walls on both sides are much closer to each other four or five feet upward. The woman in green did not look up the rock wall, but went directly through the two sides. Rock wall, looking directly at the sky covered with a thin dressing gown.

She knew very well what kind of abyss there was under the stone bridge a thousand feet up, but she didn't understand why the abyss was completely black when looking down from above, but when she was at the bottom of the abyss, she could look up at the abyss. A line of sky.

The woman in green clothes was stunned for a long time, and finally shook her head slightly, giving up thinking about this problem that had made her worry several times. Perhaps the best explanation for this problem is the power of nature - and only the miraculous workmanship of nature. Only then can such a strange scene be created.

The woman in green clothes regained her concentration and returned her gaze to both sides of the rock wall. Sure enough, she saw a deep, vertical but slightly twisted notch on the upper side of the rock wall.

This carving continues upwards with no end in sight, and ends at the inward concave end of the rock wall.

Around the notch, the branches that originally grew between the rock walls have been broken, the grass that originally protruded from the rock wall has been flattened, and the moss that originally adhered to the rock wall has been wiped clean.

The woman in green's eyes fell back on the corpse in the stream for the second time. The corpse was located directly under the carvings on the rock wall. It was self-evident where the body came from. As for the deep carvings on the rock wall, it was A sword.

It was a dark sword, and it was out of proportion with the body shape, making it look a bit strange.

Half of the four-foot-long sword was stained with dirt and blood, and it had not yet been washed away by the stream. The countless large and small gaps on one side of the sword all showed that even if this sword once was, it would never be the same again. But it is no longer a sword that can cut iron like clay, but a broken sword that may break at any time during the battle.

The abyss is thousands of feet deep, and this sword can support a person sliding to the bottom of the valley without the person falling into a pulp. This shows that this sword is not only sharp, but also hard in texture.

The woman in green looked at the dark sword for a moment. Deep in her memory, although she had never seen this sword, she must have heard its name. However, living in such a comfortable and leisurely place for the past year and a half seemed to make her feel uncomfortable. She had long forgotten many matters in the world. For a while, she couldn't think of anything related to this sword in the past, so she had to give up with a sigh.

The dark sword was tightly held in the right hand of the corpse, and the right elbow was bent in the opposite direction, and the muscles and bones were vaguely visible in the damaged sleeve.

The woman in green approached the body and turned it over with her kick.


This splash caused water to fly everywhere, frightening Abai so much that he backed away ten steps, thinking that his master was angry with him. He looked at his master pitifully and was about to beg for mercy, but found that the woman in green's eyes did not fall on him.

Then he felt relieved and moved closer to the body to smell it.

Recognizing people's characteristics is the necessary observation ability to become a killer. This behavioral habit is deeply ingrained. Even if she has been away from the world for a long time, it has not changed for the woman in green who was once a killer. Now this corpse is in her body.

There is nothing special about the shape, and you can only get more information from its face.

The woman in green raised one foot lightly and used the sole of her shoe to push away the hair that was wet with water and stuck to her face, revealing a pale and thin face.

This is the face of a young man, who should be about the same age as the woman in green. After being soaked in the stream for a long time, this face looks fair enough, even a little transparent, so that the bruises caused by bumps in four or five places on the face are not visible.

It was frighteningly dark, but fortunately, looking at the man's tightly closed lips, one of the teeth was still intact.

The woman in green's gaze lingered on this face for a long time, and she felt a sense of familiarity inexplicably.

This sense of familiarity was not strong, but at least it made her certain that the relationship between her and this person was more than just a one-off affair.

But just like before, after all, she had been away from the world for some time. Her body and mind rested on the mountains and rivers here, and she couldn't remember much of the past, so she really couldn't identify the man's identity.

At this moment, A Bai, who had been groping for a long time to no avail, finally found the lower part of the mouth. He arched the man's waist and abdomen, opened his mouth and was about to bite it, but was stopped by the woman in green.

The body was pushed backward.

With confusion and anxiety, Ah Bai struggled at the feet of the woman in green, grunting, but he struggled for a while, and was hugged by the woman in green, sighing with joy at the sight of his flesh!

The part that A Bai was staring at was indeed a large piece of meat. The meat was right around the man's waist. The black clothes were torn, the skin and flesh were turned out, the flesh was white with black inside, and there was only a little blood.

The woman in green finally understood why Ah Bai had a special liking for this person. What she usually used to feed Ah Bai was some half-cooked minced meat.

The woman in green patted the little guy in her arms and said comfortingly: "This meat is poisonous and cannot be eaten."

After saying that, the woman in green was about to take A Bai away from here. Although she had nothing important to do, she didn't want to waste time on a dead body.

Just as her feet left the stream, the woman in green frowned suddenly, paused, and put her feet back to the original place again.

Although it was very subtle, even though it was undetectable, her keen insight allowed the woman in green to notice the change in that thin face - the man frowned slightly just now.

The woman in green clothed stared at the man's face for a while, but saw no movement from him. Instead, she sighed softly, squatted down, put Ah Bai behind her, and stretched out her hand to feel the man's breath.

The cold touch on her fingertips made her conclude that this person had fallen into the creek for at least half a day. Judging from the time alone, there was no chance of survival.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths...

Just when the woman in green was about to give up, a gossamer-like breath exhaled from the man's nostrils, lingering in the fingers of the woman in green, full of retention.

Feeling this touch of life, the woman in green finally made a decision - to save people.

She first opened the man's right hand that was holding the sword tightly, then took out a handkerchief from her arms, then tore off half of her sleeves, and wrapped the man's right arm tightly.

Immediately afterwards, he took the man out of the stream, tore off his shirt, and simply dried him.

Then he turned his hands into palms and slapped the bruised and bruised skin from top to bottom three or two times from the inside to the outside to activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, thus awakening the vitality of the whole body.

Tap acupuncture points on key acupoints to seal the pulse to prevent blood from flowing out of the wound.

Her movements no longer had any hesitation as before, and became concise and capable.

After doing the above, the woman in green began to inject her own inner energy into the man's Dantian.

The young man has not died yet. In addition to the credit of the sword, it is also because of the body-protecting Qi.

However, falling down the abyss was not as easy as imagined. If he hadn't already exhausted the last bit of his inner strength, why would he have broken his right hand?

If we want to save the man, we can only take him away. The road is bumpy and he is unconscious. Although this small amount of internal strength is of little use, it is better than aggravating the injury.

As the inner energy continued to enrich the man's Dantian, the woman in green couldn't help but raise her eyebrows. She could clearly feel that the man's Dantian seemed to be nothing, but the inner breath was condensed in it, as if the man's body was a "fake Dantian".

In her memory, she actually knew a young man who was able to practice internal energy by creating a fake Dantian. She seemed to have met that man four or five years ago. His appearance...

The woman in green had withdrawn her hand and looked at the man's face carefully. The appearance of the man in her memory seemed to be different. The difference was that the man's face was too thin...

Was it shaved off?

Some things deep in the memory seemed to be gradually awakening, and the hand of the woman in green came to rest on the man's left shoulder and neck at some point.

She could tell that the man's current skin had been washed by thousands of poisons, and his skin had become brand new. The edges and bruises were all new in more than ten hours, except for the left shoulder and neck.

There is an inconspicuous depression here and there.

This depression is not neat, only one inch long and one finger wide, and cannot be easily detected with the naked eye.

After stroking it with your fingers, it is not difficult to determine that the depression is a bite mark.

Over the years, the bite mark is no longer as clear and profound as it was at the beginning, but this person had the opportunity to completely erase the mark, but he chose to keep it...

The woman in green's thoughts drifted back to the dilapidated thatched house on a rainy night in Xijiang County five years ago. She already remembered who the man in front of her was...

This chapter has been completed!
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