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Chapter 443 I can't see clearly

Jiang Yichen knelt on one knee with his upper body bare.

There are reed leaves twined in front of my eyes.

In his hand was a sharpened wooden sword.

The wooden sword is four feet long and stabs into the void.

Half a foot to the right where the sword pointed, there was a person standing.

Before the third person sets foot in Yin Yang Valley, this person will naturally only be Leng Mei.

Leng Mei also held a sharpened wooden sword in her hand.

The wooden sword was three feet long, and the tip of the wooden sword was pointed between Jiang Yichen's eyebrows.

There was blood between their eyebrows, but their expressions didn't change much.

The cold charm and indifference remain.

Jiang Yichen's frown, which was mostly covered by reed leaves, was always furrowed.

Neither of them paid attention to the bleeding wound. They seemed to have gotten used to it or had something more worthy of their attention.

Feeling that the sunlight on his skin was only warm, and the breeze blowing beside him was getting colder, Jiang Yichen knew that it was almost sunset.

So, he stood up, sighed softly, silently followed Leng Mei's footsteps, and walked back in the direction of the wooden house, letting the blood slowly leak out from his eyebrows.

Although he was able to survive half a cup of tea, which was a breakthrough compared to the previous dozens of times, he still missed the decisive blow at the last moment.

If the stab is empty, it means that the opponent is not dead, or that the opponent dies one step later than him.

It is meaningless if the opponent is not dead, or if the opponent dies a step later, because he is already dead.

Although Leng Mei was not an enemy, she showed no mercy, and her moves hit the critical point, because a real enemy would not show mercy.

If the sword edge just now advanced one inch further, Jiang Yichen would definitely die.

Leng Mei is very strong. Even if Jiang Yichen fights to the death when he is at his peak, Leng Mei will probably be the one who survives in the end.

But the cold charm holding the sword is not very strong. If placed in the martial arts world, he would be considered a third-rate swordsman at best. If he competes with a master of swordsmanship, the power of a single blow is acceptable. However, in a long-term fight, it will inevitably be full of flaws.

Stung into a hornet's nest.

However, Jiang Yichen, who is considered a master of swordsmanship, has found it extremely difficult to survive hundreds of rounds under Leng Mei Sword these days. Doesn't that mean he is worse than a third-rate swordsman?

Twenty days have passed since the Hundred Flowers Conference, and March has quietly entered its final schedule.

Some time ago, because the poison from the blind sand in his eyes had not been completely eliminated, Jiang Yichen was bitten by a bunch of poisonous insects again. Of course, it was much less severe than the last time and he would not fall asleep again.

Other injuries have improved a lot. The bones of the right elbow have been restored, and the torn wound on the elbow has basically healed. It is no problem to wield the heavy hidden sword against the enemy in a short period of time. With the strong medicinal effect of Gu's Chinese medicinal herbs, it does not take many days.

Can be restored as before.

There are some exceptions for superficial injuries.

It's healed but hurt again, and it's hurt but it's healed again.

It hurts again when it heals, and it heals again after it hurts. It does not mean that the injury recurs.

It's just that the old wounds have just healed, and new wounds have been added. The new wounds have not healed, and new wounds have been added.

Ever since Jiang Yichen picked up the wooden sword, Leng Mei had stabbed fifty-four holes in his body and made fifty-four sword marks. Among them, there were a total of ninety-nine and eighty-one fatal wounds. Most of these wounds were punctured on the surface.

The plaster was applied firmly, and in part the plaster was criss-crossing the wound.

This is the new dilemma Jiang Yichen faces.

He was so blind that he was inferior to a third-rate swordsman, so how could he fight against a powerful enemy?

And the people who can come to the valley, how can they be just third-rate swordsmen?

Stepping into the shallow stream, Jiang Yichen stopped and let the flowing water wash over his insteps.

Although there are still two miles of road ahead, the wet feet will definitely be dirtier than before when they return to the wooden house. This move seems meaningless, but it seems that only in this way can Jiang Yichen's restlessness be washed away and he can move forward lightly.


Naturally, Leng Mei didn't have this thought. She thought she had lightly jumped across the stream, so there was no sound of feet falling into the stream before.

Jiang Yichen tried hard to clear his mind, but he couldn't stop his thoughts from lingering in his mind.

Following what Leng Mei said, he tried to use his ears, nose, mouth, limbs, hair and skin as eyes.

The ears can hear sounds, the nose can smell smells, and the hair and skin can feel cold and heat. It seems that from the beginning these are another kind of human eyes, just "seeing" the world in different ways.

It seemed that it only took him a moment to understand how to use his ears, nose, hair and skin to "see" the world, but he didn't seem to understand it at all.

So he went barefoot and practiced using his feet to "see" the valley beyond.

At first, he could only use the bamboo stick and follow the sound, walking with a stick and pestle one step at a time.

Walking extremely cautiously, for fear that the next step would lead to stepping into an abyss that does not exist and falling unconscious again.

day to day.

He stepped on the angular rocks like a needle felt, stepped into the flowers all over the valley and found out the withered flowers and leaves, fell into the soft and muddy wetland for a long time and couldn't extricate himself, and fell into the gurgling stream.

I washed away the dirt, but never stepped into the abyss.

When he fell among the rocks, there would be swollen bumps on his head, body and limbs, as well as white or red scratches.

He fell among the flowers, and the fallen flowers and leaves left their marks on him with a vengeance, and those marks could also be bloody.

He fell down in the dirt and took a big mouthful of muddy water. It didn't matter that his appetite was greatly affected for the next three or two days. What was most worrying was that his clothes and pants were stained and wet and difficult to wash!

He fell into the stream and inevitably got some bruises, but the dirt was washed away, which made him feel relaxed.

From beginning to end, he never fell unconscious.

Therefore, he gradually overcame the natural fear that arose deep in his heart after falling into darkness, and was able to relax his mind and body and embrace this piece of nature.

For the above reasons, he no longer wears a shirt, but still carries a bamboo stick when traveling.

But there was no longer any flinch in his steps.

At first, the pace became bigger and bigger, then he took long strides behind him, and then he walked like flying, and he actually started running!

After that, he no longer needed the bamboo stick and did not deliberately control his pace, but his walking became more and more steady and natural, better than strolling in the garden!

He can already run, he can jump, and he can "see clearly" the ten-mile radius outside the wooden house with his feet!

But, this alone is not enough.

He began to train his hands to "see".

The world in your hands is obviously much larger and smaller than the world under your feet.

The reason why it is much larger is that the world that can be stepped on by feet can also be touched by hands, and the world that cannot be stepped on by feet can only be touched by hands.

The reason why it is much smaller is because the world that can only be touched by hands needs to be touched very carefully and even to the smallest detail, and cannot be viewed casually like feet. It is a small world in the big world.

That small world includes everything, including pots and pans, tables, chairs, beds and stools, swords and other people.

Like most Jianghu people, Jiang Yichen is good at using a sword. The sword naturally needs to be held by hand, and the sword user needs to see clearly, otherwise he will not be able to use the sword well.

The moment Jiang Yichen grasped the hilt of the sword again, he knew that it was not difficult to see the big world clearly, but it was not easy to see the small world clearly.

Because the big world is very big, but people are very small, so compared to people, the big world is stationary or unchanging. As long as you have enough patience, you can always slowly see the appearance of the big world clearly and remember it in your memory.

In the heart.

Although the small world is small, it is rich and diverse.

There are ever-changing small worlds among countless small worlds.

Those little worlds are called other people.

It is difficult for people to remain still with other people, even relatively still.

Therefore, it is difficult to see other people in the small world unless that person is almost motionless.

Such people are either asleep, passed out, or dead.

It's a pity that Jiang Yichen's enemy will not be asleep, nor will he be unconscious, nor will he be dead before being killed by him or Leng Mei.

As a result, it was difficult for Jiang Yichen to see the small world clearly, and he couldn't use the sword well.

If he failed to use the sword well, Jiang Yichen would lose his greatest support, and his combat effectiveness would be greatly reduced.

The east wall has collapsed, maybe the west wall can be demolished to repair it?

If you don't use the sword well, you rely on improving your cultivation to make up for your combat effectiveness?

This is a choice, and it is also an extremely risky gamble. Jiang Yichen previously felt that he was short of a chance to make this choice.

At that time, he didn't feel that the opportunity had come. After careful consideration, he chose to inform Leng Mei first.

Being in the same boat as Leng Mei, Leng Mei could hide something from him, but he couldn't and didn't want to.

In fact, Jiang Yichen knew that he didn't have many secrets in front of Leng Mei.

After all, he had an encounter with the Demon Palace not long after he first set foot in the world. After several encounters, if the Demon Palace still knew nothing about him, then the Demon Palace would really have the reputation of being a big gang.

As the number one female assassin in the Demon Palace at that time, Leng Mei was naturally responsible for collecting intelligence from the world. In front of Leng Mei, some of Jiang Yichen's secrets were no longer secrets.

Therefore, Jiang Yichen gave Leng Mei the choice of whether to abandon the "Pointing Points and Cutting the Pulse Technique" and practice the "Wuxian Sitting and Forgetting the Heart Technique" which is also a wood-type technique but is more profound.

This chapter has been completed!
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