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Chapter 464 Flying Swords and Chaos Swords

Open the door!

From Dao Twenty-san's point of view, Leng Mei had no other way to escape from the attack of his two willow leaves.

In the blink of an eye.

The pink formation light on the ground in front of him has long since faded away.

And the opening formation behind you is like a peach blossom in full bloom!

Leng Mei is right behind him, on the line between life and death, and there is no room for any hesitation or regret for Dao Twenty-San.

He turned around quickly, and at the same time as he turned around, Liuye's double swords turned into arcs of electricity and struck behind him!

This moment of effort is the same as before.

The previous moment was enough for Leng Mei to open the door and appear behind Dao Twenty-San, taking the advantage.

Although the current moment was not enough for Leng Mei to severely injure Dao Twenty-san, it was enough for her to cast thirteen bone-penetrating nails and bend to the side to dodge.


The sound behind him was extremely dull. Dao Twenty-Three felt like he had received a palm forcefully, and his heart sank.

With the strength of his body and the special copper plate, he would not be stabbed by the bone-penetrating nails, but he could feel that the bone-penetrating nails were placed extremely evenly on his back. There were exactly thirteen bone-penetrating nails, not too many, not too little.

It also happened to firmly seal the exits of the thirteen flying knives in the copper plate, as if sealing his left and right arms.

The bone-penetrating nails only sank into the copper plate and did not pass through. However, Dao Twenty-Three could not spare his hands to remove the thirteen bone-penetrating nails because Leng Mei had already caught the gap in his mind.

Completely switch from defense to offense!

The situation is under Leng Mei's control!

Sword Fourteen's hands silently rubbed his waist, and three flying swords suddenly appeared in his hands.

It is said to be a flying sword, but it is actually a specially made flying knife. It looks like a sword, but the whole flying sword is only about the size of a palm. The hilt actually takes up one-third of the length. It really does not meet the proportions that an ordinary sword should have. It is more appropriate to call it a dagger.

Of course, the blade of an ordinary dagger is not shorter than this flying sword.

The flying knives and flying swords of Sword Fourteen and Sword Twenty-Three are specially made. Therefore, the two of them pay great attention to the maintenance of the flying knives and flying swords in normal times. Even if they are used against the enemy, they are quite cautious and take action.

Then it will be a good example.

Sword Fourteen was not able to witness the scene where Jiang Yichen fought against the three assassins of Yingwu Hall with one man's strength. He only had a general understanding of Jiang Yichen's current combat power through the death of the three. At this time, the three flying swords he was holding in his hand did not mean to hurt him.

The enemy is just to test the opponent's reality.

Sword Fourteen is a little too cautious.

But his life was at stake, so Jian Shisi felt that no matter how cautious he was, he couldn't be too cautious.

Now that he has come here, Jian Shisi has naturally understood what Jiang Yichen has done. He appreciates and admires this peer who is only a few years younger than him. When he saw the deity with his own eyes, his appreciation and admiration only increased.

No less, even a little admired.

Ask yourself, if he, Sword Fourteen, had received so many poisons and jumped off the Yin-Yang Bridge, even if he could survive and get help from good doctors, he might still be calm a few months later with his eyes completely black.

Where to meet the enemy?

There is no doubt that he cannot do it with Sword Fourteen.

But Jiang Yichen can.

So, Jiang Yichen can afford him, Sword Fourteen, to use three flying swords to test how much of his insight into the surrounding environment he has when he is blindfolded.

Three flying swords came out one after another.

The three flying swords not only have different moves and speeds, but also have different flying methods in the air.

call out!

Among the three flying swords, this one is the fastest and has the straightest path.

The throwing method of this flying sword is simple, direct, and neat, as if it is the simplest way of bending a bow and setting an arrow to shoot, without any unnecessary modifications.

The most simple and direct power is the purest. This flying sword is the fastest and most lethal, but in the eyes of Jian Fourteen, it is the sword that is easiest to be blocked by Jiang Yichen. Jian Fourteen just wants to try Jiang Yichen with it.

degree of reaction.

The slowest flying sword was spinning in the air, drawing a hump-like arc and making a whirring sound.

In fact, unless the hand strength of Sword Fourteen was strong enough, ordinary people would never be able to accurately hit a target three feet away after throwing the flying sword in this way.

Sword Fourteen obviously did not expect this sword to pose any threat to Jiang Yichen. Even if Jiang Yichen made a slow and leisurely move to avoid the flying sword, the biggest effect of the flying sword was sound interference.

The two flying swords, one fast and the other slow, were thrown from Jian Fourteen's hands at almost the same time. The third flying sword was only slightly slower than the first two, but its speed closely followed the first flying sword.

It's just that compared to the straightness of the first flying sword, the twists and turns of the second flying sword, the arc drawn by the third flying sword seems to exist in nature. Everything is born in nature and returns to nature.

, silent and breathless, so it is not easy for people to notice.

Sword Fourteen intends to use the momentum created by the two flying swords to erase the existence of the last flying sword.

Although the force of the third flying sword could only cause Jiang Yichen to suffer some minor flesh injuries, if Jiang Yichen could not detect the existence of this flying sword, the fourteenth sword would be very sure that this would become Jiang Yichen's death anniversary.

The three flying swords whizzed out. Although they were shot in sequence and with different moves, they arrived in front of Jiang Yichen within a snap of a finger.

Jiang Yichen knew very well that Jian Fourteen was trying to throw out the flying sword as soon as he came up. He also quickly caught the three subtle differences that appeared when the flying sword came into contact with the air. However, he did not intend to do it honestly.

Inform the other party of the test result of Sword Fourteen.

Since the other party has doubts in his heart and is willing to test, then if this doubt is allowed to disappear, the other party will always be wary and find it difficult to let go.

Therefore, Jiang Yichen did not use Ximen to set up a wind wall to block the three flying swords. Instead, he used Open Door to avoid Jian Fourteen's three flying swords and appeared directly in front of Jian Fourteen to engage them hand-to-hand!

Jian Shisi had no idea that Jiang Yichen would be so "unreasonable" and would go straight to the truth without testing each other.

However, Sword Fourteen was cautious. When he saw his opponent close in front of him, even if his opponent was blind, he unsheathed his four swords extremely decisively and unleashed all his firepower!

Those who perform martial arts are either rough-skinned and thick-bodied, focusing on endurance and resistance to beatings, or they have quick eyesight and quick hands, focusing on flexibility. Sword Twenty-Three and Sword Fourteen naturally fall into the latter category, with quick hands and feet that can multi-task.

Nowadays, swords are most respected in the world, and enemies are mostly fought with one sword. It is rare to hold two swords. The third sword in the three swords is also an epee. When you can't win with dexterity, you can use fierceness to win.

A way out was found, but anyone would feel awkward holding the four swords in their hands, but in the hands of Sword Fourteen, the four swords seemed to have spirituality, becoming one with Sword Fourteen, completely natural.

Sword Fourteen and four swords came out at the same time. The left sword stabbed Jiang Yichen's ribs diagonally, the right sword took his abdomen, the sword in his mouth slashed horizontally towards his face, and the sword that circled along his waist slashed horizontally towards Jiang Yichen's waist.

It stands to reason that the strength of the mouth must be weaker, but when Ken Shishi was a performer in his early years, he pulled an ox cart and an iron horse from his neck to his mouth. His teeth are strong and his bite is strong, so the strength of the sword swing from his mouth should not be underestimated.

The sword on the waist and abdomen relies on the initial force and the force of the waist and abdomen to keep rotating. The strength is indeed much different. It will inevitably stop when it hits an object. No matter how sharp the sword is, it will at most leave some flesh wounds on the opponent. If it hits an opponent with rough skin and thick flesh,

I'm afraid it's hard to even leave any traces.

However, Sword Fourteen has quick reactions and faster hands. Just because all four swords are launched at the same time does not mean that all four swords will hurt someone. He can determine which sword or two swords can cause greater damage to the opponent in the moment the sword falls.

While maintaining the remaining power of the other swords, both hands will take over the most important sword or two swords and suddenly add force, causing the most fatal blow at the shortest distance and in the shortest time!

Of course, many opponents have tried to knock away the incoming sword of Sword Fourteen so that they could not maintain the offensive of the four swords, but few could do it because Sword Fourteen reacted too quickly. Before the sword was knocked away, he

It will definitely be able to stop the flying sword and stabilize it in the air.

The self-created turbulent sword technique of Sword Fourteen is like a torrent surging down from the mountain. In addition to being as pervasive as flowing water, even if it hits the ancient pines and boulders deeply rooted in the mountainside, there is no easy way to avoid and take a roundabout way.

As long as the torrent continues, it can carry up rocks and soil, crush ancient pines and crush boulders!


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