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Chapter 466 Surrounded by enemies on all sides

Among the ten groups of people, some were in groups of two, and some were in groups of three or five.

The overall strength of each batch of troops varies. Some are slightly stronger than the duo of Sword Twenty-Three and Sword Fourteen, while others are much inferior to the three second-level killers of Kagewutang.

But regardless of their strength, these ten groups of people created a lot of trouble for Leng Mei and Jiang Yichen.

The first group of troops arrived at dinner time that day. In order to prevent the possibility of being worn down by the protracted battle, Leng Mei and Jiang Yichen had to eat their dinner and hurriedly responded to the enemy. After more than a stick of incense, they killed the four opponents one by one.

Sure enough, the next battle situation will develop in the direction of wheel battle.

The second group of troops was picked at midnight, when Leng Mei and Jiang Yichen were already asleep. After spending half an hour killing five people, the two of them had a chance to take a rest.

After the darkness before dawn, when ordinary people are most likely to relax, the third group of people attacked the two men with the faint morning light...

For a whole day and two nights, twenty-nine enemies came and were all killed.

Through the costumes and moves of the newcomers, Leng Mei and Jiang Yichen analyzed the origins of these people and found that they were like the killers of Yingwutang who came from the branch of the evil demon sect. Some were like Fourteen of Swords and Twenty-Three of Swords.

Among the small and medium-sized gang members from the Jiuzhou Sihai League, there are also former Kongtong disciples who defected from the sect and wandered around the world before being taken over by the imperial court, and there are also children of the Beggar Gang who have been in decline for many years and lack control. Overall, regardless of whether these ten groups of people

In terms of strength and reputation, both are below the second rate in today's world.

Different from the previous arrivals of the Yingwu Hall killers, the Amber Villa sword protectors, and the unknown number of people who died under Yun Xiaobai's sword, although these ten groups of people have different origins, their relationship with each other is no longer competitive, but cooperative.


They did not rely on numbers to crush them in a swarm, but maximized their numerical advantage as much as possible to prolong the war, making Leng Mei and Jiang Yichen sleepless and depleted of energy and energy in the constant battles. They were extremely organized and strategic.


Regardless of whether each group of people was employed by one party or multiple parties before coming here, or whether they communicated with each other, what is certain is that after arriving in Yin Yang Valley, these ten groups of people have reached a consensus, have a clear combat strategy, and precise tactics.

Time control.

It is not difficult to judge that these twenty-nine people are by no means a self-organized organization. They tried to defeat Leng Mei and Jiang Yichen through long-term wheel battles at the cost of their own lives. There must be a hand behind them that is promoting or even controlling their actions.

After all, every time they fight Leng Mei and Jiang Yichen, the next group of people will try their best to avoid or reduce the mistakes made by the previous group.

This hand may be the eleventh group of people whose overall strength is much higher than these twenty-nine people, or it may be the real employer of these people.

And to be able to organize and drive these twenty-nine people, it is unlikely that there is only one person behind the scenes, and it is more likely that it is a group of people.

It is different from the conclusion that Jiang Yichen and Leng Mei discussed. Including the various people before these ten groups, they did not attach much importance to the "Heavenly Sorrow Broken Plum Hand" or the so-called secret he carried, and decided to take action.

It was a killing move, aimed at taking his life.

Judging from various reasons, the person behind this can be ruled out as Ziyihou and others who pursued Jiang Yichen all the way to Yinyang Bridge on the day of the Hundred Flowers Conference. As for whether it is the Red Clothes Sect Wutang or Gengtang who is the leader, or the remaining master of the Disha Sect.

It’s not known yet if you come in person.

The only thing that is not difficult to deduce is that the other party will not stop here and all the previous efforts will be wasted.

It's early morning.

The quiet and peaceful morning light in the past was no longer visible in the sky above Yin Yang Valley, but instead there was a misty and misty atmosphere.

The entire Yin Yang Valley was shrouded in soft drizzle, making it hazy.

Within a ten-foot radius of the wooden house, dozens of dead bodies were lying on the ground. The blood and water everywhere had been submerged into the soil or gradually dried up, but it was melted into the accumulated rainwater and pooled in the lower areas to form shallow red puddles everywhere.

Outside the wooden house and within the fence, there was silence.

The chicken coop and duck coop were empty except for feathers all over the floor.

All the chickens and ducks had been slaughtered by Leng Mei. In half of the piled houses, three parts were in the pot, and two parts were in the stomachs of the two of them and A Bai.

According to the climate in the valley, the chicken and duck meat can still be kept good for three to five days, and the remaining dry food is enough to last another ten days.

In the wooden house, Jiang Yichen and Leng Mei sat cross-legged and meditated on their respective beds. While doing exercises to repair the damage to their meridians, they closed their eyes and rested their minds.

Compared with the food shortage problem that has yet to come, maintaining a good physical and mental state is the top priority.

After ten battles in one day and two nights, Jiang Yichen suffered many new injuries. This time, there were both external and internal injuries, and Leng Mei was not spared either.

In addition, during the battle with the fourth batch of opponents, the reed leaves on Jiang Yichen's eyes were torn off, and his eyes were unable to receive Qinglian colloid nourishment for nearly half an hour. Since the curative effect is already decreasing day by day, it will undoubtedly affect the subsequent recovery results.


As for the mental state of the two of them, they can still manage to support it by their own will, but if the other party is just in a stalemate with the two of them and continues to delay time, even if the two of them can take turns to rest, they will not be able to completely relax and rest their minds.

After two days out, your body and mind will eventually be exhausted.

Nowadays, the initiative is in the hands of the enemy, and the wooden house is the last stronghold for Leng Mei and Jiang Yichen. The two can still fight for the trapped beasts.

Fortunately, the opponent should not be able to provide any more help in a short period of time, and this protracted battle will definitely have an outcome within two days.


Fragmented sounds entered the wooden house.

The sound of footsteps contacting the moist soil is not loud at first, but when there are more footsteps, the movement becomes no longer quiet.

Coupled with the crisp sound caused by a pair of feet stepping on the shallow puddle, the silence outside the wooden house has been broken, and it is noisy.

Ah Bai hurriedly ran back and forth to the four corners of the house, like an ant on a hot pot escaping without knowing where to go.

Although he could only see the outside scene through the ajar door, his instinctive reaction allowed Abai to sense that there was more than one danger outside the house, but that it came from all sides.

The wooden house is surrounded on all sides!

"There are a lot of people coming."

Leng Mei still closed her eyes, seizing every opportunity to soothe the internal injuries she suffered two hours ago. It was only an hour after they defeated the tenth group of men.

"Nearly thirty people."

Jiang Yichen gave a more accurate answer.

"Compared to the people who came before, these people's murderous intention is a bit too serious."

Jiang Yichen further added.

Whether it was the Yingwu Hall killer, the Amber Villa Sword Protector, the ten groups of people from before, or the first Yun Xiaobai who arrived, the murderous intent displayed was not as high as the eleven at this moment.

In this situation, it can be said that those people in the front knew how to restrain their murderous intent, while the group of people outside the house now only let it go wildly.

It can also be said that those people in the past had more sense in their hearts. They would panic when they fought for a long time without results, and would give up when they were defeated. However, these people did not have too many complicated thoughts and feelings, and could only simply regard death as home!

In short, the group of people surrounding the wooden house were more like dead soldiers.

Therefore, even though they were separated by a wooden wall, the killing intent released by these dead soldiers would make Abai feel uneasy.

Therefore, Leng Mei and Jiang Yichen determined that these dead soldiers were not the last group of people in the wheel battle, but another killing move performed by the hands behind the scenes.

In less than twenty days since Yun Xiaobai successfully entered the valley, more than seventy people have quietly entered this place.

Although the cultivation level displayed by the group of dead warriors outside the house is difficult to match those of the previous ones, it has to be said that the arrangement of the person behind all this has suddenly increased the physical and mental pressure on Leng Mei and Jiang Yichen, and they can't help but feel worried.

How many trump cards does the opponent have yet to reveal?


Set a small goal first, such as remembering in 1 second: Shukeju

This chapter has been completed!
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