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Chapter 526 Elimination of Existence

After listening to half of Yao Lao's story, Jiang Yichen indeed understood most of his biological father's past experiences.

A vague image gradually formed in my mind about the father I had never met.

Perhaps because of their blood connection, apart from paying homage to his father, Jiang Yichen felt mostly worried.

Although this concern has been overdue for more than 20 years.

He was worried about his father's situation at that time.

Because he associated it with Shi Mansion due to his father's experience.

Although his father is far inferior to General Shi, one of the Five Tiger Generals of Zhongzhou, they have extremely obvious similarities.

He was also an official in the court and had close contacts with Jianghu.

Just as Yao Lao said, what his father did violated the taboos of the imperial court. If he were still in his position, he would probably be killed in the future.

Fortunately, my father was not a military commander, but a civil servant. He did not have much military power, so he was less of a threat to the court.

Moreover, my father was quite determined to break away from the family, and his final destination was not to join the world, but to live in seclusion, so as not to become a thorn in the side of the imperial court.

In fact, if there had not been a full-scale invasion by foreign barbarians later, it is uncertain whether the imperial court would have settled accounts with his parents like it did with Shifu.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yichen couldn't help but curl up the corner of his mouth with a hint of sarcasm.

The imperial court was afraid of the power of Jianghu, but the solution was to use the power of Jianghu to deal with the power of Jianghu.


When Jiang Yichen noticed the faint sound of waving his hands and sleeves, he honestly admitted his mistake after being beaten.

Yao Lao pretended to be dissatisfied and said, "Do you still want to hear the story?"

Jiang Yichen nodded like he was pounding garlic.

"The other half of this story is naturally indispensable for another person."

"Mrs. Lin is your mother and the eldest daughter of Mayor Ning, Ning Sufang."

After hearing his mother's name, Jiang Yichen secretly wrote it down. He was also very clear that his mother's name had never been heard of in the past few years.

"Your parents have known each other since they were young. During the years when your father was a schoolmate at Ning Mansion, boys and girls of similar age could not help but play around. After living under the same roof for several years, they developed some good feelings for each other."

"Of course, this kind of good feeling is for friends of friends and above, but not lovers."

"Your mother admitted that she secretly fell in love with you after your father won the first prize in the provincial examination."

"But she understood that your father had lofty ideals, so she never confided in your father."

"Shortly after your father came to Beijing to take the exam, something happened in Ning Mansion."

"The mayor's wife, your grandmother, passed away unexpectedly."

"Your grandma was always in good health, but she passed away very suddenly. She died of illness and heartache. She died suddenly and suddenly. Mayor Yu Ning was hit hard."

"In just two years, Mayor Ning has not thought about food and tea, and his body and bones are getting worse day by day."

"One day, I will suffer from endometriosis, my limbs will be numb, my mouth and tongue will be crooked, and my consciousness will be unclear. I can only spend my days resting on the cave."

"As a result, the position of mayor was given to collateral relatives."

"The Ning Mansion has an excellent reputation in Wuxia Town, and is supported by some relatives of the same clan. Even without the identity of the leader of the town, it will not end up in the miserable situation of being pushed down by everyone."

"It's just that the mainstay of the family has finally been laid down. The only young master is still young, and the three sisters are not married, so it is difficult for them to be the mainstay. Even if the few servants are dismissed, the life of Ning Mansion will eventually become harder and harder day by day.


"Fortunately, your father did not forget the kindness of the old mayor after his rise to prominence. When he was transferred to Fuhang County, he found out about the plight of Ning Mansion at that time. He rushed to Wuxia Town overnight and obtained the consent of Ning Mansion to transfer the old town to the town.

The elder and his family will take him back to Fuhang County and take care of him together."

"It was during this period that your mother recognized your father and decided not to marry anyone but him."

"Unfortunately, at that time, your father was a fool when it came to the relationship between men and women. He only wanted to be a good official, but he neglected beautiful women."

"In the following years, Lao Lin's family moved many times, and the two of them spent less time together and more time apart."

"It's rare that these two people are still unmarried and the other is unmarried at such an old age. When they meet again, they are in the world."

"Speaking of the world, it is necessary to mention when your parents came into contact with the world, why they entered the world, and ultimately why they chose not to engage in the world."

"It was during that martial arts competition that your father really started to come into contact with Jianghu forces. Although Jianghu people may not necessarily like the strict constraints of the imperial court, there are always Jianghu people who go to the imperial rations for a more stable livelihood at home."

"It is said that there is no acquaintance without fighting. After a martial arts test, your father made friends with several martial arts masters, and many of them were defeated by your father. Your father's reputation gradually spread among the martial arts world.


"Before he was transferred to another place, your father also served as the instructor of the Imperial Guards for more than ten days as the second in the military rankings. It is said that no one obeyed his discipline in the first two days, but he beat those Imperial Guards into obedience."

"As he became an official everywhere, your father made a lot of friends in the world and got out of hand."

"Many people have asked me why I have to make so many friends. Although I was more famous than your father at the time, the two of us have a surprisingly similar view. The more friends we have, the more roads we can take."

"Especially your father, as a courtier, he understands that accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger. When he entered the world, in addition to preparing his escape route in advance, he also hoped to rely on his own efforts to make the world and the court be able to achieve a certain degree of stability.

Check and balance each other to repay the old emperor's appreciation."

"However, the incumbent has to seek more, and the checks and balances between the government and the opposition are extremely ridiculous in the eyes of the imperial power. When your father was an official in various places, he tested the old emperor's mind from time to time, and his repeated demotions all showed that the old emperor

The emperor’s attitude.”

"Your father finally realized that he was too wishful thinking, so he gave up on this idea and left disheartened."

"As for your mother, after your grandmother died of illness, your grandfather fell ill, and the Ning Mansion became increasingly depressed, she learned from the pain and decided to step out of the purdah to take charge of the entire Ning Mansion."

"Your mother sees clearly. In this world, you need at least one of the three to survive: power, money, and fists."

"Quan, your father has it, but firstly, your mother is not married to your father, and secondly, your mother feels that the entire Ning family should not be tied to your father."

"Therefore, after moving to Fuhang County, your mother, with the help of your father, took her younger brothers and sisters to run a silk business and learn martial arts from a master."

"It seems that all three of you in the family are very talented in martial arts." After Yao Lao said this, he saw Jiang Yichen's face showing shame and comforted him: "After all, your kid has the root cause of his illness. Although he has stumbled along the way, he is now as good as this at his age.

If your parents know about it, they will never think that you have embarrassed them."

Jiang Yichen said yes.

Yao Lao continued: "Speaking of your family of three having good martial arts talents, well, your mother only took less than two years to become famous in Zhejiang."

"At this time, your father has already led the old Lin family on his six-year journey to become an official."

"Sometimes when he was an official in a neighboring state, your father would bring the whole family to Fuhang County and your mother would take care of them."

"After a few back and forth, your parents have already recognized each other, and there is only one last step left."

"It just so happens that it gives us old guys a chance to step in and help your parents tie the red thread between the two of them!"

"However, in the past few years, your father has led the old Lin family around and has felt very sorry for the family. Now that the Ning family is tied to his belt, the day for your father to say goodbye to the court will come earlier."

"Before the festive day was over, your father started arranging the future of the old Lin family and the Ning family, and then he and your mother resolutely broke away from the two families and never interacted with them again."

"The two of them did not choose to join the world, but went to the ends of the earth to live a life of ordinary people no one cares about."

"That's where you brat was born."

"A small fishing village in the southeast bay."

"The last village chief of that village was named Jiang. He was the grandfather who carried you around when you were a child and finally went to Juyuan."

"You should understand what happens next."

After hearing this story, Jiang Yichen seemed to be still in the past of his parents, unable to extricate himself for a long time.

Yao Lao was not annoyed at all when he saw this. Instead, he felt pity for Jiang Yichen, whose life experience had been concealed for so long. He continued: "Your father is an expert at wielding a long spear. He is invincible with a spear alone. He was

Considered the best swordsman in Zhongzhou, your mother is good at using the sun and moon swords, and is quite famous in the world as a chivalrous person."

"They are both extremely remarkable people. You may have never heard of their names in the world over the years. It is indeed because the imperial court is cooperating with the Daoyi Alliance to conceal their names."

"The reason for this is related to the Japanese invasion that happened the year you were born."

"That year, in order to help the villagers in the small fishing village get out of trouble, your parents held down a large group of Ying bandits for seven days and seven nights. Although they were alone, they thought they had no chance of survival.

During an in-depth investigation in 2010, it was discovered that your parents may still be alive, and many evidences vaguely point to the high probability that they were abducted by Japanese invaders."

"Your father has been an official in Zhongzhou for nearly ten years. He is very familiar with the defenses in various places in Zhongzhou. Your mother is also very familiar with the southeastern coastal area. She has not given up on the invasion from the East and the West. Your parents will naturally face threats and inducements.


"Although the two of them have severed contact with their two closest relatives, there should be no fatal weaknesses left in Zhongzhou except you. To take precautions, before there is any evidence that your parents have betrayed the possibility and suspicion of betraying Zhongzhou, try to eliminate it as much as possible.

Their presence in Zhongzhou is a kind of protection for them and their loved ones."

This chapter has been completed!
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