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Chapter 555 Two choices

If he had to choose one of the four judges of the Nether Sect to decide life and death, the one Jiang Yichen would not want to face the most would be Lu Hao.

Although the two in the middle are powerful, they still belong to the category of ordinary people. Who lives and who dies is just a matter of who can hit the opponent's vital points faster, more and more severely.

The first and last two are actually half human and half ghost.

Jiang Yichen has not been able to understand the mystery of the ghost's external incarnation. If it were a life-and-death battle, he might not even have the time to figure out how he lost his life.

Fighting against Lu Hao can be said to hit an egg against a stone to a certain extent.

Of course Jiang Yichen was not so fragile that he could be easily struck.

It's just that compared to ordinary people with mortal bodies, Lu Hao is more like a stone man with two thick elephant legs and arms.

Regardless of whether Jiang Yichen was killed by Lu Hao or was stabbed by Lu Hao, all the bones in his body were beaten to pieces like eggshells.

As it is now.

Lu Hao was tall and looked older, but in fact he was only five years older than Jiang Yichen.

Compared with the other three judges, his life experience is the simplest, and he has few secrets.

Lu Hao is an abandoned baby.

Because he was born with green arms and as stiff as stone, he was regarded as an ominous evil and was abandoned in the mountains.

Fortunately, the first person this abandoned baby encountered was not the hungry wolf, tiger or leopard, but Styx, the leader of the Nether Sect.

After coming to Nether Sect, Lu Hao did not receive much extra care and was just raised like a normal child.

Po Meng treated the rare disease with medicine and poison, allowing him to use his hands as much as possible like a normal person.

When he was a little wiser, he began to feel inferior because he was different from ordinary people, weird and clumsy with his hands.

Then he thought of the fact that he had been abandoned, and developed a feeling of world-weariness and suicide.

At that time, Styx spoke to him.

"When you were still an infant, you were left to fend for yourself because of these hands."

"After living all these years, if I lose my life because of these hands, I will really live this life in vain."

"In this world, living is indeed harder than dying."

"This life is your own, and it is up to you to choose whether to live or die."

"If you choose to live, remember this sentence: Those who cannot kill us will eventually make us stronger."

Lu Hao obviously heard this sentence and kept it in his heart.

He was picked up outside Lugou Village in Sichuan Province.

Because he was an abandoned baby and lost his origin, he was given the surname Lu.

"Hao" is the name he gave himself.

He is willing to use his hands to open up a vast sky for Nether Sect.

He turned his flaws into weapons.

The most powerful weapon without any flaws.

His strange hands are known as elephant arms in the world.

There was once a separate ranking of weapons for those who used their hands as weapons.

Zi Yihou's purple magic hand and Lu Hao's arm are both in the top five.

The two have been in the same battle for several times, and it is only because the latter is more or less due to congenital factors that he lags behind.

Lu Hao's elephant arm is not like the purple devil's hand that can transform into swords, spears, swords and claws in various ways, but a pure force that can reduce ten times.

The punch is like a giant elephant lifting its leg and kicking it.

Swinging his fist like a giant elephant swinging its trunk to smash.

Simple and direct, specializing in the treatment of embroidered legs and fists.

Even so, this pair of elephant arms alone is undoubtedly too stiff and single, and lacks dexterity.

Lu Hao is well aware of this principle, but has no better way to improve it.

So he trained his whole body to be as hard as gold and stone, so as to avoid any chance of attacking his vital parts.

This is also what makes him different from Zi Yihou.

Because of this, he firmly believed that he had a greater chance of killing Jiang Yichen than Zi Yihou himself.

After all, the reason why Zi Yi Hou had his arm removed and his neck broken was because the Purple Demon Hand was what Zi Yi Hou relied on for his lifelong training.

But he is different.

His only shield is in his mouth.

It's not easy to get him to open his mouth.

Moreover, the reason why Judge "Howl" deserves to be called "Howl" is that the sound wave skill he uses after opening his mouth is also a killer weapon!

In this battle, Jiang Yichen was very injured and tired.

Normally, he would never ask for trouble like this.

But just as Lu Hao proposed an irresistible deal, he must settle this grudge.

He has an explanation in the Nether Sect.

In this battle, he was beaten from the beginning.

Because his offensive methods can basically only make a few shallow scratches on the opponent's skin, which is almost useless.

The Qingliu Movement Technique, which Jiang Yichen had always regarded as invincible in a single fight, could not consume much energy from a man twice his size.

Lu Hao has more patience to catch the flaws.

Occasionally, Fu Zhi's soul hit the mountain and broke the two ribs of Jiang Yichen who was trying to avoid him but was using all his energy to protect his body.

Under Lu Hao's heavy punch, Jiang Yichen felt a trembling sensation from his sword to his hands and even his whole body, which made Jiang Yichen lament in his heart several times, fearing that he was going to die soon.

Fortunately, the quality of the sword in Nangong Yan's private collection was extraordinary, so the revenge battle was not missed.

And if Jiang Yichen wants revenge, he has no other way.

Lu Hao must be forced to use his sonic power, and while his mouth is open and the door is exposed, he can deliver a fatal blow!

However, when it comes to forbearance ability, Jiang Yichen believes that Lu Hao is probably on par with him.

Both of them have been suffering from illness since childhood, so they are more tolerant than ordinary people, and they have strong restraint most of the time.

How could they take the risk of exposing their shortcomings to the other party when they have every advantage and are sure of victory?

Comparing his feelings with his own, Jiang Yichen didn't think Lu Hao would give him this chance.

There are no opportunities, only opportunities can be created.

The location of this battle was decided by Lu Hao, but the time was chosen by Jiang Yichen.

The two of them fought until the moon and stars were scarce.

Just like the clear sky and daytime.

It is said that on the day of the Xunfeng Valley massacre, there was no light, and the sand and dust were like tides. Panic quickly spread when one could not see anything, and chaos erupted at the slightest moment. Many of those who attacked their comrades were doing so as a subconscious reaction to protect themselves.

Jiang Yichen didn't know whether Lu Hao was one of those many people.

But he tried his best to bring Lu Hao back to the situation of that day.

In the process of defending and retreating, the sword edge cut across the wordless flat surface countless times.

When Wuzi Ping was almost three inches shorter, the wind finally picked up and we were done.

At that time, the sand and gravel dust on Wuzi Ping covered the sky and the moon.

No matter whether Lu Hao would fall into the memories of Xunfeng Valley that day, at least in this environment, his eyes would be dark and he would no longer be able to easily catch Jiang Yichen's traces.

The situation was reversed.

Jiang Yichen no longer passively accepted beatings, but actively harassed them.

Even though Lu Hao knew that Jiang Yichen was deliberately tempting him to use the sonic power, there was nothing he could do.

There are no clouds or stars in the sky, and the mountain wind is destined to be unstoppable tonight.

Wuziping is big enough.

There is also a large stone flat outside Wuziping.

Jiang Yichen's Qinggong is fast enough.

As long as Jiang Yichen spares no effort, Lu Hao will be trapped in the dense sand and dust wherever he goes.

When Lu Hao realized this, he had only two options left to break the situation.

Brake with stillness.

Ignoring Jiang Yichen's harassment exhausted Jiang Yichen's strength, but he was afraid of facing the humiliation of being naked.

Perform the Elephant Roar Kung Fu.

The sound waves can blow away most of the dust, and can also impact Jiang Yichen's eardrums, brain, and atrium, and even cause secondary trauma to his already bruised lungs, but it is very likely that he will seize the opportunity to attack the door directly.

The former needs to spend time and temper, but it will only lose face. Besides, there are only two of them on the stone flat tonight. God knows that after Jiang Yichen's death, no one will know about it.

The latter seems to be able to cut through the mess quickly, but there is a risk of losing one's life.

Lu Hao has no shortage of time and patience. It doesn't seem difficult to make a choice.

Just when Lu Hao made up his mind to torture Jiang Yichen to death, a black shadow shook in front of him.

Jiang Yichen attacks again!

This time, Lu Hao felt four cold fingers pressing on the Jieche acupoints below the earlobes on both cheeks and the Dicang acupoints on both sides of the mouth.

The force coming from the fingers was extremely strong, and it was obvious that he was trying to pry open his mouth by pressing these acupuncture points.

However, this idea is a bit too whimsical.

Jiang Yichen, who had both hands raised and no sword in his hand, even if he opened Lu Hao's mouth, why would he kill him?

This thought flashed past, and Lu Hao did not dare to let down his guard at all. He closed his lips tightly and swatted the dark shadow in front of him with his hands like swatting mosquitoes and flies.

The black shadow disappeared suddenly.

Lu Hao missed with one blow.

But those four fingers are still pressed in place!

Lu Hao quickly realized that Jiang Yichen just jumped into the air.

The elephant arms immediately grabbed the hands attached to the face.

But those hands left quietly, and the black shadow could not be found along with them.

The sound of sword energy grinding stones sounded again on the stone flat.

The dust, which had just become a little thin, became thick again.

Lu Hao wanted to waste time.

Jiang Yichen never expected it.

Lu Hao was passing time passively.

Jiang Yichen had to take the initiative to kill time, so he had to think more and use all his means.

After having his acupuncture points pressed with four fingers for the third time, Lu Hao had already discovered Jiang Yichen's sinister intentions.

Jiang Yichen's four-finger pressure on the acupoints was definitely not to pry open Lu Hao's mouth, but to do the opposite, gradually injecting frost and snow energy into his four acupoints and boiling the frog in warm water.

If Lu Hao failed to notice the fishy nature and remained passive, before Jiang Yichen ran out of energy, Lu Hao's entire lower jaw would be frozen to the bone and he would lose all consciousness.

At this time, the greatly reduced toughness of the jaw is further impacted by external force, and it is easy to close the mouth from ear to ear.

But if Lu Hao discovers the weirdness in time, the most effective solution is to use the sound wave technique in the abdomen, throat, and mouth.

There is no doubt that this is a conspiracy.

Rather than die a useless death, Lu Hao would certainly choose to give it a go.

Lu Hao opened his mouth.

Like howling, it failed to ring through the night sky.

Dumbness has penetrated it!

When he was dying, Lu Hao's eyes skipped his arms.

When he walked out of the Netherworld Cave, he had expected that it might end like this.

It's a pity that he couldn't use these hands to open up a broader sky for the Nether Sect, and only gained temporary peace.

This chapter has been completed!
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