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Chapter 591 Where the Purgatory is

Xu Shi knew in his heart that he was doomed, so Liang Zimeng completely gave up his defense and allowed Jiang Yichen's "four stones and half a stone's power" killing move to mercilessly tear him into pieces!

A fierce battle finally came to an end.

Jinse and Xixia evacuated together, and were picked up by others from Tingyu Pavilion and returned to the pavilion for training.

Jiang Yichen and the other two, together with Si'er and Piao Ying who were wandering near Jubao Villa, rushed to the last battlefield - the Secret Cave of Purgatory of the Red Sect.

Their task on this last journey was actually much easier.

According to the plan set in the council hall of the pavilion that day, kill as many as you can, and retreat if you can't stand it anymore.

In the easternmost part of Pinghai County, where the coast connects, there is a beach stretching for ten miles.

It's said to be a beach, but it's not exactly a beach.

About every three feet square there is a tall tree "Crane" standing in the sand, which looks out of place.

The trees are evergreen all year round, and they are dotted on the beach.

Viewed from the sea during the day, the entire beach is reflected in turquoise, which is called a green beach.

The blue sand beach is also divided into north and south sides.

To the north is a perfectly normal beach.

On weekdays, children from nearby villages would come here to play and play. Occasionally, handsome men and pretty women would come here to cuddle up and express their feelings. There were also many knights, wealthy travelers, scholars, and scholars who came here to watch the sea, relax and express their thoughts.

The south has basically become the sect’s territory of the Red Sect.

There is no clear boundary between north and south.

But when people see Nan Fang, who usually only moves around or wears a red ribbon, or wears red pants, or a red mantle, or simply a red hat, red coat and red shoes, they will always retreat involuntarily.

, knowing that the place has been occupied by enclosures, and no one should approach it.

Of course, many people know that it is the mouth of Pinghai Bay, the bay specially set up by the Red Sect in Pinghai County.

Counting from the middle section of the Blue Beach, Pinghai Bay is extremely long and narrow, covering half of the Blue Beach and the sea cliff to the south, covering a total of eight miles.

The intersection between the sea cliff and the beach is called the mouth of the bay.

There is a large ship docked at the mouth of the bay all year round, with a draft of more than one foot. It is not used for transportation, but is mainly used for storage and residence.

From this, it is not difficult to see that whether it is a green beach or a flat bay, it is not suitable for berthing boats, let alone operating shipping here.

The reason why the Red Sect was able to occupy this beach resource was indeed given favor by the imperial court, but in fact it was because the development value of the land was limited.

However, in a place that even the imperial court looked down upon, the Red Sect would spend a lot of money to make up for the vacancies in the docks and berths between Lianyun Bay and Gusu, so as to facilitate the supply and rescue of their own ships going north and south.

Keeping boats and raising people?

Most people are not really stupid, but pretend to be stupid.

On the surface, the court did not make things too difficult for the Red Sect, but secretly it remained vigilant and suspicious.

At first, secret sentries of various identities were dispatched almost every year to find out the truth, but all failed.

This continued for one, two or even ten years, and the imperial court gradually relaxed its mind, but still maintained the three-year investigation.

At the end of June, on the day of the Baihua Conference, Zhan Lihua, the leader of the Proud Bloodthirsty Regiment who led his troops to besiege the heroes of Baihua Island, went into danger alone and went on a special trip, but still found nothing.

Many people believe that if there is a secret in Pinghai Bay, then the secret is either on the big ship, or on the cliff opposite the huge ship, or hidden deep between the bottom of the ship and the rocks on the sea surface.

As everyone knows, the more secretive a secret is in the world, the more suspicious it is, and the secret itself is often simple, direct, and unobtrusive.

The hidden secret is just north of the blue sand beach.

It is a place where children usually hide when they play hide-and-seek. When there is a storm on the beach, handsome men and pretty women will take shelter here. However, those knights, wealthy travelers, scholars, and scholars will never come in, and they will be disgusted even if they take a look at it.

In the cave.

That cave is an unfinished masterpiece created on the whim of some passing giant beast.

The height of the cave entrance is eight feet, and it gradually gets lower as you go in, but the depth is only three feet. It can barely accommodate an adult bear standing next to it, so it is no wonder that it is difficult to attract people to see it.

But it just so happens that this small, unwelcome cave is the only entrance to the secret cave of Purgatory of the Red Sect.

On the ground at the entrance of the cave, a slightly raised, palm-sized stone can be pressed down seven inches to open the secret passage to the secret cave of purgatory.

If you press less, the secret passage cannot be opened.

If you press a little longer, not only will the secret passage fail to open, but the alarm in the secret cave will be triggered.

If you run too slowly, you will only be caught by the big men in red and taken back to the secret cave to be served alive.

If you run too fast, no matter where you are in the world, the Red Sect will not let you go.

Even with such a deceptively designed secret passage, the Tushita Gang and Buji Island worked together to find it.

After Jiang Yichen and others descended from Lishan Mountain, they easily sneaked into the Secret Cave of Purgatory.

At the far end of the sea level connected to the blue sand beach, there is no trace of fish belly white.

Tonight is particularly long for the three secret caves of the Red Sect.

However, the secret cave of purgatory, which has not seen the light of day for many years, is no different.

The entire Purgatory Secret Cave is located three feet below the ground level of the Blue Beach, and the deepest walkable surface in the cave is 18 feet deep.

And where it is impossible to walk, there is enough magma flowing that can melt everything.

The Secret Cave of Purgatory, built in an underground dormant volcanic crater, is truly worthy of the word "Purgatory".

Originally, building a secret cave underground was more labor-intensive and labor-intensive than opening a mountain to build a mansion. The construction conditions of a secret cave in Purgatory built on a dormant volcano were naturally even more stringent.

Not only are the length, height and width of each corridor stone chamber limited, but they also need to be excavated according to the mountain shape, and no carelessness is allowed.

However, ordinary caves will not be damaged by earthquakes or external forces after they are built, and they will not collapse if left alone for several years. The Purgatory Secret Cave can take as short as three days or as long as five days, and it is necessary to inspect the cave surface to see if it has been melted by high temperatures, and to reinforce it in time.


Dare to spend a lot of money to dig a hole and build a nest under such conditions, which shows the determination of the Red Sect, and it has to be praised as "a man of great skill is brave".

Likewise, anyone who dares to trap himself in a hot and oppressive environment that is almost like self-torture for many years would be extremely dangerous in today's martial arts world as long as he does not die or go crazy.

Such an extremely dangerous person is definitely not someone that the Zhongzhou court and the Jianghu like to see, so the less, the better.

Fortunately, before walking out of the secret cave of purgatory, a more dangerous person had already entered first.

Although there are enough elixirs to treat injuries and a lot of food to replenish physical strength, people are not tools after all.

Dong Qing, Fei Piao, Jiang Yichen, Ni Die, and Zifeng, who had been fighting for most of the night, were not in satisfactory condition. Especially Jiang Yichen, who drained all his strength and gave Liang Zimeng a fatal blow, was the worst. Before entering the secret cave of purgatory,

, if the hands and feet are stretched straight, they will still tremble.

But time waits for no one. Ever since they sneaked into the secret cave of sacrifice, they have been racing against time.

Unless you decide to give up halfway, every moment of delay means more danger later.

Fortunately, the main vanguard in this last leg was not the five of them, but Piaoying.

The Secret Cave of Purgatory is similar to the Yinsha Underworld in Longyuan Gorge. The entrance and exit are in the same place, and there is only one place.

You can fight in with courage, but you have to fight out with skill.

Unfortunately, the long and narrow passage at the entrance of the secret cave can only accommodate three people walking side by side. Even if the defense is tight, it is still constrained by the terrain.

Piao Ying is like a heavily armed cavalryman wearing black armor. The first batches of elite members of the Red Sect are just sheep lining up to die.

Once he charged, it was just one blow, and a piece of his body from his heart to his armpits was missing.

If there really are evil spirits hiding in the secret cave of purgatory of the Red Clothes Sect, then Piaoying must be Qiongqi who comes specifically to devour evil spirits!

This chapter has been completed!
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