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Chapter 658 Blood Buddha Conquering Demons

"Make a statement in advance."

"My method comes from the secret scriptures of the Duzhu Tantric Sect. I have never practiced it, and I have never seen actual effects."

"To perform this method, one person must be the main body of the technique, and multiple people must cooperate wholeheartedly."

"The entire process of casting will greatly affect the vitality and blood of the leader and collaborators, and may even damage the essence of the participants and damage their health and longevity."

"If you are not sincere and willing to trust your life to the leader, do not participate to avoid harming others and yourself."

Everything is difficult at the beginning. Although his personal image has temporarily improved in everyone's mind, Smiling Maitreya has found out that when his own life is at stake, many people will still put him on the opposite side. If he gets straight to the point from the beginning, it will probably take a lot of time later.

Instead of using more words to explain, it is better to explain the disadvantages first so that everyone can be mentally prepared before making trade-offs.

After the Smiling Maitreya finished speaking, Master Qingku seemed to have guessed the general method of performing this secret technique of Poisonous Zhu. He put his hands together and said: "Amitabha, this poor monk who is in charge will not give in."

The smiling Maitreya no longer wore the smiling mask of Maitreya Buddha, and it was difficult to see a smile on his face. His withered lips were slightly opened, and he said bitterly and solemnly to Master Qingku: "This method is against the harmony of heaven, and the leader will

Bear the greatest backlash.”

Master Qingku nodded firmly and said: "If we can eliminate this evil obstacle, it won't matter if we even take the life of a poor monk. Please continue, Maitreya almsgiver."

Smiling Maitreya knew that it would be useless to talk too much, so he said: "I think you all have heard that Duzhu Tantric Buddhism has always believed that the human body has many mysteries and potentials that need to be explored. As long as you practice unremittingly through various secret techniques, you can realize your potential.

Become a Buddha and reach the state of 'connecting with heaven and earth, and becoming one with heaven and man' as the Taoist disciples say."

Master Qingku added: "In our sect, there is often a saying that one can become a Buddha in the physical body by acquiring the six Shaolin Golden Seal Secret Techniques. The indestructibility of Vajra is also based on this principle."

Smiling Maitreya said: "That's right. The foundation of tantric practice is the blessing of the three secrets. Making seals with hands is the secret of the body, reciting the mantra of the deity orally is the secret of the speech, and contemplating the deity in the mind is the secret of the mind. The three karma of body, speech and mind are pure.

, if you correspond with the body, speech, and mind of the Buddha, you can greatly strengthen yourself."

"It's just that tantric practitioners are not satisfied with this. In other words, most practitioners have limited talents. Even if they practice hard for decades, it is difficult to achieve the state they hope for. This is equivalent to the fact that there are very few people in Zhongzhou Buddhism who have mastered the three golden seals.

As for those who have mastered the secret arts of the six golden seals, there are only a handful of them throughout the ages."

"If you can't get it, you still want it. The ultimate fanatics who practice Tantra try to use various methods to get what they can't get."

Having said this, everyone knows that the next step is the key point.

"One of the 'Blood Buddha Techniques' contained in the secret scriptures is to gather the blood of many people into one body to forcibly achieve the three secrets of blessing the body and become a Buddha. The leader is the deity, and the leader is the Buddha. The deity Buddha can

Break all karmic obstacles and nothing can stop you."

"I think everyone is like me, trying all kinds of methods to find Tu Wanfang's Mingmen, but finding nothing."

"But as the saying goes, one force can defeat all laws. No matter what kind of Japanese secret technique Tu Wanfang used to create the living dead, after all, it is a structure based on the human body, so Qicun will never be able to escape. As long as he can break the first two parts,

One, it will inevitably be defeated in one blow."

Smiling Maitreya's voice is deep and hoarse, but every word is heard clearly in the ears of the public.

In the early years when the Tushita Gang was rising in fame, there were widespread rumors that it was involved with Du Zhu. Now, hearing Smiling Maitreya talk about this Blood Buddha technique, it is confirmed that the rumors were true.

Many eyes intentionally or unintentionally glanced at Hongshang in Longkeng Shoal, noticing that the face of the Hongshang leader who had always maintained a sarcastic smile was slightly stiff, but they didn't know whether it was due to the stiffness of his body or whether the solution proposed by the smiling Maitreya hit the mark.


The ghostly enchantress no longer took the dying man on the ground seriously. She blinked her beautiful eyes when she heard this. She was not surprised at all. Instead, she felt that this mysterious secret technique of the Poisonous Zhu Tantric Sect was not too evil beyond imagination.

Xie Fei generally held the same opinion and said: "It sounds similar to the blood sacrifice method of the witch and Gu family in rumors, but it is not as cruel and unethical as expected."

Smiling Maitreya shook his head and said with a smile: "No, what I said before is just an overview of Blood Buddha Technique. Blood Buddha Technique is also listed as one of the forbidden techniques in the secret scriptures of Tantric Buddhism. It is a secret technique with no end."

Long Duoduo quickly reacted and laughed at himself: "Perhaps this secret technique is similar to the way I grow up as a 'devil'. The more I kill, the stronger I become. The Blood Buddha Technique must also be able to get stronger by constantly sucking the blood of others."

Get stronger!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Zhengdao from all around Zhongzhou became extremely strange.

It seems that I just remembered the past events related to the Demon Palace and the current and last Master of the Demon Palace.

Fortunately, Long Duoduo stopped talking and had no intention of delving into the past and old grudges immediately. For now, we still agreed to talk to the outside world and discuss the rest later.

Smiling Maitreya nodded to confirm Long Duoduo's guess and further explained.

"It is true that the Blood Buddha Technique requires all collaborators to surrender their whole body and mind to the leader at the beginning of the technique. However, after the leader can more smoothly absorb the energy and blood of each collaborator, he basically controls the power of life and death over them.


"Once the leader crazily seizes everyone's energy and blood, the price he pays is that it takes some time to digest this power and endures the pain of integrating the energy and blood for a long time."

"As for those who cooperate, even if they react immediately and force themselves out of the magic formation, they will be affected by the decline of Qi and blood, and their life span will be halved, or the Qi and blood will not be able to supply their own organs in a short period of time.

The machine was operating normally and he died on the spot.”

Long Duoduo smacked his lips and said: "Therefore, Master Qingku, who is both well versed in Buddhist martial arts and upright, is the perfect candidate to lead the practice of martial arts here."

Smiling Maitreya continued: "On the contrary, if the leader of the technique only uses the Blood Buddha Technique to defend against enemies and does not take other people's energy and blood into his own body at all, then the leader needs to consume his own essence and blood to maintain the entire process of performing the technique.


Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, and then they understood why Master Qingku would say words worth his life.

Without waiting for anyone to say anything, Master Qingku took the initiative and urged: "Without further delay, if all the donors have no doubts and are at ease with the poor monk, please ask the Maitreya donor to teach the method of performing this Blood Buddha Technique, and let us try it."

Give it a try."

Smiling Maitreya simply said: "Yes. It is best to control the number of collaborators within fifty people. In this way, Master Qingku will not be too strenuous to control, and the damage to the collaborators' blood will not be too great. It is not recommended for those who are seriously injured.

Participate, otherwise your life will be at risk."

After saying this, the various gangs and factions did not express their positions immediately, and each carried out private discussions.

After all, it is a forbidden technique that will affect one's foundation and life span, and even Smiling Maitreya bluntly said that it may not be effective, so everyone still has some concerns and hesitations.

The first to stand up and express their stance were three Shaolin disciples and the lonely Long Duoduo.

The former Lord of the Devil's Palace, whose white shirt was stained with filth, stood beside Master Qingku in a carefree manner.

After discussing with the people in the pavilion, Meng Chaoge, the master of the Tingyu Pavilion, asked: "May I ask the Maitreya Gang leader, what are the requirements for the level of cultivation of those who cooperate with the magic?"

Smiling Maitreya glanced at Meng Chaoge and replied seriously: "Generally speaking, the higher the level of cultivation and the stronger the blood, the better to join the formation, but the martial arts foundation of everyone present is not too bad.

No illness or injury is the first priority.”

"Understood." Meng Chaoge responded, and immediately brought Shi Zhonghuo, Ji Zhe, Feipiao and other twelve people out of the queue.

Jiang Yichen, who had already stepped out, was pulled back by Xi Xia.

Xi Xia said solemnly, "If you don't want to lose your right arm, don't show off."

Jiang Yichen still wanted to argue, but Si'er glared at him so fiercely that he didn't dare to speak.

Not long after, gangs such as the Gods of Gods, Zangfeng Pavilion, Zui Hongyan, Xiaoyue Alliance, and Sanrenju also had many men led by their respective gang leaders.

However, counting the nine Emei and Wudang disciples except Xuan Xiao, the total number can reach forty.

There are still ten vacancies away from the fifty people that Smiling Maitreya said were the most suitable.

The Smiling Maitreya and the Shadow Buddha have finished carving the Sanskrit formation in the newly cleared space.

Seeing that the number of people has reached a large scale, he will call everyone into the formation.

Master Qingku stopped where he was and bowed his head in greeting to everyone.


"I would like to express my gratitude to all the benefactors who have accompanied our sect in this battle so far for their generous help."

"That time was due to today's consequences. Shaolin suffered this calamity because of the reincarnation of cause and effect."

"Senior Brother Qingming often laughs at the poor monk for his poor tongue. It is true that the poor monk cannot say anything big, nor can he make much promises."

"On the contrary, I would like to ask all the donors here. If the poor monk passes away here today, if the barbarian chaos will come to Zhongzhou again soon, if the spark of Buddhism in Zhongzhou still survives after the war, I also ask all the donors to be kind to the Buddhists you meet.


While talking, Master Qingku took a small package from a Shaolin disciple.

He unfolded the outer wrapping cloth and picked up a golden square-shaped object to show it to everyone.

"This is the Shaolin Golden Seal that all donors have been thinking about in recent years."

"It seems that these small gold seals are also one of the evils that cause frequent blood eucalyptus in Zhongzhou Wulin."

"The Shaolin secret technique related to this 'Xing' seal focuses on the integration of Zen mind and body. Those who have mastered it can be blessed by the Buddhist Mali branch. They have a certain degree of invisibility and freedom, and can kill ghosts and gods when they appear."

"The poor monk is not talented and has not been able to learn the secret method of 'Xing', but he can decide to give this seal to the donors after annihilating the demon."

"If the poor monk is still alive at that time, he can teach the Sanskrit language to the donors."

"If not, can you ask Maitreya Donor to keep it on your behalf and do the printing?"

Master Qingku turned to the smiling Maitreya.

How could the smiling Maitreya refuse to agree?

Master Qingku continued: "As for the true interpretation of the Sanskrit text, it is up to the donors to understand it on their own."

"The poor monk, like all the donors, are all from Zhongzhou. This is for no other reason. If I can help you kill more barbarians and use more means to protect yourself when your home country is in trouble, it would also be good."

Master Qingku's words from the bottom of his heart made the heroes feel pity, and they all joined hands and returned the greeting.

Ten more people volunteered to join the battle, making up the total of fifty people.

Only Hongshang sounded like she was about to gnash her teeth, but her facial muscles no longer fully obeyed her control.

Under the dictation given by Smiling Maitreya and Shadow Buddha one by one, and about a stick of incense later, the performance of the Blood Buddha technique was on the right track.

Master Qingku sat cross-legged in the middle of the Sanskrit formation, with fifty heroes and martyrs from Zhongzhou scattered around him in a radius of ten feet.

As Master Qingku changed his handprints over and over and chanted Sanskrit incessantly, the Blood Buddha formation glowed with a strange bloody light under the morning light.

After another long while, all the fifty-one people in the Blood Buddha formation had their eyes closed and sweating, and their masks were glowing red.

The red light was like blood mist, floating into the air, obediently accepting the guidance, and gathering in the center of the formation.

The originally dark-skinned Master Qingku was gradually enveloped in thick blood mist, and looked like a bloody man from a distance.

At the same time, Dong Qing, Wu Liang, and Cao Badao had cooperated with Tathagata's holy hands to put Tu Wanfang on the "gallows."

The limbs were spread apart and pressed firmly against the iron plate on the back of the two-pole soul-splitting cow.

Everyone outside the formation could clearly see that at this moment, many people with plump cheeks had lost some weight, while those who were originally thin had veins looming.

Unknowingly, the world here was filled with an extremely thick smell of blood.

This made Jiang Yichen unable to suppress the negative effects of Yin Feng Kung, and he was ready to move, wanting to open his mouth and suck in the bloody smell happily.

Hongshang's upper and lower teeth finally reunited with trembling teeth.

Tu Wanfang seemed to smell an extremely dangerous aura and twisted his limbs manically.

Fortunately, the four Tathagata Tathagata's hands had extraordinary grip strength, which only allowed their limbs to move slightly on the iron plate, but they were still firmly attached to the plate.

About half an hour later, everyone could see that a bloody light shot straight into the sky from the Blood Buddha Formation, turning a corner of the sky red!

Upon seeing this, Smiling Maitreya said: "That's almost it, Master Qingku. The rest is entirely up to you. The rest of you just need to relax."

Finished speaking.

The world is silent.

Everyone waited with bated breath.

As if Tu Wanfang was the most violent beast smelling the horror of life and death, he began to roar and struggle even harder!


Master Qingku opened and closed his lips and whispered the Buddha's name, the sound was like thunder.

Before he finished speaking, he saw the hand of Master Qingku with the word "Qian" printed on his body, turning into blood light, and in an instant he was more than ten feet away!

Then tie the seal with the word "Dou" and raise your hand to pick up the flowers!


Tu Wanfang roared in despair, and finally arbitrarily pulled his upper body off the iron plate of the Two-Polar Soul-Splitting Ox.

However, Master Ruzun, who was bathed in blood, came to succumb to the demons in Vajrasattva!

Three fingers that looked like they had just washed their hands in a pool of blood pressed on Tu Wanfang's left chest.

Tu Wanfang leaned his upper body back again, and his head hit the iron plate hard.

The three fingers did not stop their forward momentum and continued to dig deep into Tu Wanfang's left chest!

If you pick a flower with your fingers, you can break everything!

A bloody flower bloomed on Tu Wanfang's left chest!

But no one could see clearly whether there was a heart beating in the hole in his left chest.


Tu Wanfang looked up to the sky and roared loudly, the sound broke through the sky, like a sharp sword piercing everyone's eardrums!

Hong Shang, who was lying on the ground, clenched her teeth, clenched her fists, and widened her eyes, as if she had exhausted all her strength to survive the fate of death with Tu Wanfang!

I don’t know whether it was a coincidence or whether the two inhumans, separated by tens of feet, had the same mind. Tu Wanfanghuang let out a roar of resistance!


The blood on Master Qingku's body faded away in the blink of an eye, and the remaining strands of blood behind him were difficult to gather together, and it was difficult to make an inch further with your fingers!

Tu Wanfang seemed to have seized a glimmer of hope, once again arousing Peiran Moyu's strength, and successfully broke free from the control of Dongqing and Tathagata's hands on his hands!

Although the Tathagata's holy hand reacted extremely quickly and quickly hooked Tu Wanfang's neck and pressed him back onto the iron plate, it was unable to stop him from punching away Master Qingku, who was at the end of his crossbow!

Seeing that this Blood Buddha Technique was about to fail, the remaining threads of blood seemed to have received a new summons and continued to flow forward quickly!

In the astonished eyes of everyone, a black shadow suddenly appeared close to Tu Wanfang, raised his black spear and drove the blood-colored ice into Tu Wanfang's heart!


The four Tathagata Saints who were close to Tu Wanfang first felt an extremely cold breath coming towards their faces along with the black shadow, and then almost at the same time they heard an imperceptible sound originating from Tu Wanfang's body.

"Dismember the body!"

The Tathagata's holy hand gave an order.

Four men with extraordinary arm strength worked in unison.

Wu Liang and Cao Badao locked Tu Wanfang's feet tightly.

Tathagata's holy hands and Dongqing pulled Tu Wanfang's head and arms respectively!


Several sounds intertwined, making it difficult to tell whether it was the sound of the four people exerting force or Tu Wanfang's final scream.

With a swish, the red-clothed sect's arrogant human murder weapon, the number one warrior of Wala in the past, was separated from his family, and his arms were severed!

Hong Shang's clenched teeth became deflated, her clenched fists gradually loosened, and she opened her eyes wide, unable to close her eyes...

This chapter has been completed!
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