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Chapter 663 The benefactor of Dyefang

"Yulin Long is not like Sha Qing who talks nonsense. Now that he has spoken harsh words, he is bound to cause trouble for us."

"Yes, the only difference is whether his revenge will last ten years or from morning to night."

"Huh, if you want to work from morning to night, you have to have that ability."

"I agree with what Brother Meng said. It is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. Even if Yulin Long is not a gentleman, he is currently alone. If he fights with us by holding his neck, it is no different than risking death."

"I also agree with this view. He will not seek death in recent days."

Every moment.

At this time on weekdays, the girls in the dyeing workshop would have finished washing and breakfasting, and began to methodically begin rinsing, dyeing, drying and other production work. It is a noisy and busy time.

At this time, except for the five voices of conversation coming from the central hall, the entire dyehouse seemed unusually quiet.

For the dye house in a remote corner of the town, the five people in the hall were guests from afar.

But at this moment, these three women and two men did not treat themselves as guests at all.

Sitting, standing, or pacing back and forth, everyone expressed their opinions, turning a deaf ear to the sporadic noises coming from outside the hall, not afraid of the ears through the wall.

The five people talking in the hall turned out to be Sanrenju's "Dragon Capture Team" led by Bing Yi, who came to track down the Yulin Dragon.

The middle-aged man standing with his hands behind his back and a small red mole between his eyebrows is Bing Yi, the veteran who founded San Renju with A Liang and Amei.

The short-handled square hammer is hanging by his feet, and the big horse golden sword is sitting on the chair with his head tilted back. The short-haired, square-faced man is Mengfang.

Sitting in the chair, Mrs. Wanqi, who is wearing a soap coat, is smaller in stature, but her graceful temperament can be vaguely seen in her bones. Before joining the world, she was probably the daughter of a prominent family in a certain county.

Tirelessly walking around the hall, with waist-length hair bouncing, and a pair of long autumn eyes that seem to be talking, the woman in azure robe is Nangong Hanyu, Nangong Yan's niece of the Daoyi Alliance, and she was also the daughter of the Nangong family in the past.

One of the only Nangong disciples who lives in the world today.

The woman in yellow with curly hair and a calm expression leaning on the back of the chair is Mo Li, who has just entered the house.

The "dragon" that the five people came here to capture and kill is the Yulin Dragon.

Perhaps the Yulin Long noble people tend to forget things, or it may be that the Sanrenju have attributed all the old and new grudges that some individuals have had against the Red Sect to the Yulin Long. In short, the Sanrenju, who are not trouble-makers but are not afraid of trouble, can dispatch five people specially.

To capture and kill him would really be a labor of war.

However, since the jade loach had prepared a retreat long ago, it was also a bit of luck that the five Sanrenju people were able to find this large dyeing workshop.

After the battle of Jiulian Mountain, the five men first retreated from Putian County to Youfu County with the large army, and rested for a day before setting off south.

I kept walking and stopping all the way, for fear of missing any clues, until I arrived at Luojiang Town yesterday afternoon.

When I was working in an inn, I heard by chance that there were many girls living in the big dyeing house in the southeast corner of the town, but they basically stayed at home and were rarely seen by outsiders. So I kept an eye out and came to investigate, but I didn't expect whether

It takes effort.

However, there was another unexpected discovery in this unexpected harvest. They discovered that not only the Yulin Dragon was hidden in the dyeing workshop, but also the former leader of the Wu Hall of the Red Clothes Sect, Sha Qing.

As for Wutang, who was once responsible for assassinations in the Red Sect, any gang in the former Kyushu, Four Seas and Two Alliances would more or less have members who fell into the hands of the Wutang killer.

, everyone in Sanrenju really couldn’t think of a reason to let Sha Qing go.

However, the five of them had just experienced a life-and-death battle and a long journey. In order to settle the matter, they did not dare to act in a hurry to scare the snake, so they thought that they would deal with the two of them after they had regained enough energy.

Everyone was also afraid of a long night and many dreams, so they didn't dare to sleep late, so they went out early the next day to prepare.

For this reason, the troops were specially divided into two groups. Bing Yi and Meng Fang, two men with slightly inferior Qing Gong, rushed straight to the outside of the dye house and squatted there.

Mrs. Wanqi, Nangong Hanyu, and Mo Li took a detour to buy breakfast for everyone.

But as the saying goes, God's calculations are better than those of man. The five people's efforts in tandem were coincidentally caught by the Yulin Dragon.

After Bing Yi and Meng Fang rushed to the dyeing workshop, they heard Sha Qing talking to himself in the courtyard, and the Yulin Dragon disappeared.

The three girls, Mo Li, cleverly discovered Yulin Long's whereabouts and organized a simple ambush.

In the end, they ended up with the same destination, both Yulin Long and Sha Qing slipped away under the eyes of everyone in Sanrenju.

The difference was that Sha Qing walked more directly. After seeing that the visitors were Bing Yi and Meng Fang, he walked away with a sneer on his face.

Although Yulin Long escaped from the alley, he still suffered a lot from the encirclement of Mo Li's three women.

Not only was the baggage cut open and several bottles of precious pills were left behind, but there was also a scar on the shoulder and it was poisoned.

To Sha Qing and Yulin Long, the five people were real uninvited guests.

But to the girls in the dyeing shop, the five people are great benefactors who save people in need.

The reason why the Red Clothes Sect can grow into a behemoth that shakes the economy of Zhongzhou is that there are only a lot of little-known private properties such as dyeing houses.

Among the fixed assets managed by Xintang, there are many private properties that have nothing to do with the Red Sect. Moreover, these private properties are built on plank roads and secretly stored in warehouses.

Yijiao constantly delivers fresh blood.

With the destruction of Xintang, Gengtang took over large and small assets, and Yulin Longbian also naturally took over many private properties.

This dyehouse is just one of the escape routes he has in hand.

If the Red Sect had not come to the point of fighting a decisive battle with Zhongzhou Jianghu, the life of the girls in the dyeing shop would have been ordinary. Apart from working at sunrise and resting at sunset, at most they would have suffered some hard training in martial arts, although there was no freedom.

However, he has no worries about food and clothing. As long as one year is up, he will have the opportunity to be called to join the branch in various places. The accumulated monthly money can still be spent on himself and will not be useless.

But in order to lay out the battle of Jiulian Mountain, Hongshang not only made full use of his people, but also spent all the resources of the entire sect without hesitation. The industries belonging to the Hongyi Sect in Fujian were the first to bear the brunt. Everyone knew that the salt cutoff was not done for

What everyone knows is that all the private cash has been squandered.

The dyeing workshop here is only engaged in production, and the finished products are collected and sold by dedicated personnel, about once every half month.

However, no one has come to transport the cloth for more than half a month, and the dyehouse with almost no working capital has gradually been unable to maintain daily operations. The girls in the dyehouse who do not know why have to pay out of their own money to ensure their basic livelihood.

At a time when people were panicking, the arrival of Yulin Long and Sha Qing allowed the girls to see the light for a time and not have to worry about the future of the dyeing workshop.

It's just that these two big bosses who came down from the top have encountered something big. Even though they often smile, they still can't hide the sadness between their brows.

The former even tortured more than a dozen girls several times, while the latter, although sympathetic, demanded a lot from her.

Precisely because of this, the appearance of the two of them made the girls sleepless and uneasy. No one knew whether they would be the next ones to be tortured all over their bodies and whether they would live or die.

It wasn't until the five knights and knights in the hall scared the two big shots away and told them that they could choose to disperse or stay and run the dyeing shop by themselves that the girls were sure that they had been saved and that they might no longer be in trouble in the future.

Being oppressed.

It's just that these changes are so big and so sudden that many girls will inevitably be confused and confused for a period of time.

But the five members of the "Capturing the Dragon Team" didn't have much time to waste time in Fujian.

"Before coming here, our gang leader said that with the approaching cold winter and the dying counterattack of the Red Sect, if there are no more big troubles in the near future, the days when the land of Zhongzhou will be besieged on all sides may be postponed a little bit, but if it doesn't happen again,

If there is a sudden big change, Zhongzhou will be in chaos anytime and anywhere. In other words, we only have one month to go out and capture the Yulin Dragon. This time we missed such a good opportunity, and we have less than a month left.

Can we really get this guy out of Fujian?"

Mengfang kept his head resting on the back of the chair and said in frustration. Apparently, he watched Sha Qing escape from in front of him, and heard that Yulin Long also escaped from the ambush of the three women, which severely damaged his fighting spirit.

"Besides, there is Sha Qing here, who is also an old cunning guy. If the two of them join forces, maybe our trip will be in vain."

Mrs. Wanqi disagreed with this and said: "We checked this morning and there is a ship heading to Japan earlier. What you heard also confirmed that Yulin Long deliberately left Sha Qing to block us.

, and Sha Qing knew full well that he chose to use his tactics to plot against each other. The two of them used each other to plot against each other. Will Yulin Long go to Sha Qing to join forces again? Aren't they afraid of being held back by each other? "

Mengfang retorted: "It's hard to say. Although there is a rift between the two, people like them put their lives first. There is nothing wrong with protecting themselves."

Nangong Hanyu was not happy when he heard this. He stamped his feet and said: "Brother Meng, why are you so pessimistic and letting other people's ambitions destroy your own prestige? They escaped this time. They are lucky. We are working hard, and they are waiting for work. Now

After all, both sides have fallen into the same situation. They are hiding, and we are also hiding. If we find out again, as long as Sister Mo uses her trump card, Sha Qing will not be killed because of his rough skin and thick flesh. Yulin Long's pretty face

Even if you don’t die, you still have to shed your skin!”

Bing Yi, who has reached middle age and can no longer hide the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes, listened to the "argument" between a few people, squinted his eyes and smiled and echoed: "Yes, yes, we have Ah Li here, so what if we are tired from running around, it is still the same now.

Let the jade loach shed its skin!"

Mo Li felt embarrassed, lowered his head slightly and waved his hands: "Brother Bing, don't praise me any more. If it weren't for the Gu that the gang leader got from Ji Qianlin this time, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to keep the Yulin Dragon in Zhongzhou.


Mengfang raised his head and sighed: "You are optimistic, the key is how do we find the jade loach next?"

Mrs. Wanqi said firmly: "Look for it with drugs."

Mengfang sat up straight and asked with doubts in his eyes: "Poison?"

Mrs. Wanqi explained: "Isn't the Yulin Dragon poisoned by poison? Ji Qianlin probably represents the Tusita Gang to express her goodwill to us. She has used up the poison that sealed her throat when she saw blood, and she was poisoned by Brother Gongsun.

There is also a heart. The effect of this flower-destroying poison is just as its name suggests. The poisonous insects are extremely small and have strong survivability. As long as the wound is infected, they will multiply rapidly and cause skin ulcers. If the infected area is not cut off as soon as possible or the right medicine is prescribed, less than one person will survive.

Moon ulcers will spread all over the body. If an ordinary person has skin ulcers all over the body, it is easy to be infected with other diseases and die. Although Yulin Long has a lot of cultivation, if he does not get rid of this poison before going to sea, he will become a useless person at sea.

, I don’t think such a careful person would take his own life for granted.”

Mengfang immediately clapped his hands and said, "You mean to find out the clues by visiting various drug stores!?"

Then he shook his head frequently and denied himself: "That's not right. The jade loach understands pharmacology. If we can find the corresponding medicinal herbs on the mountain, not to mention recovery, at least we can control the poison and go to sea first. How can you be sure about this guy?

Wouldn't you just cut off the meat from your shoulders if you have a sudden urge?"

Nangong Hanyu put her hands on her hips and said, "Brother Meng, can't you see this as clearly as we can?"

Mengfang knew that he would be laughed at by this lovely little girl for his lack of brain power, but he still asked cooperatively: "Oh, why did you say that?"

Nangong Hanyu continued: "Just because Yu Linlong is beautiful, he is a person who is reluctant to cut himself. Even if it is a little injury, he has to find the best medicine to make his wound heal as before without leaving any scars.

, even if it was a shoulder injury, if there was a chance to save it, how could he use the knife? And think about how his baggage was filled with precious elixirs and elixirs, and you will understand. Sister Mo's ability to kill two birds with one stone allowed him to

I’ve suffered enough!”

Mengfang couldn't even turn his head around to understand it. He secretly cursed in his heart that beautiful people are women, but he said: "I understand, I understand."

At the same time, he gave Mo Li a thumbs up and said: "Awesome, really awesome!"

Listening to the preliminary results of this "argument", Bing Yichong asked Mo Li, who had hardly expressed any thoughts: "Mo Li, what do you think?"

Mo Li said concisely and concisely: "Now that I'm here, I'd better continue to pursue it. If I don't get results in a month, I won't force it anymore."

Bing Yi said: "That can only mean that his life should not be taken."

"However, as Han Yu said, we don't need to be too pessimistic."

"Before you arrived, Mengfang and I also learned about the general situation of the dyeing workshop."

"Some of the fifty or so girls here were deceived, some were kidnapped, and there are also some who are poor at home and come here voluntarily to make a living."

"They are divided into four levels: stewards, dancers, dyehouse apprentices, and handymen."

"A steward has four dancers, six dyehouse apprentices, and three handymen."

"Normally, the four groups work in separate hospitals, work and rest, and have no contact with each other except for management. And because every year and a half, there will be people transferred away and new ones added, unless the girls who sleep and eat together basically don't see each other or know each other.


"They don't even know that their boss behind the scenes is the Red Cult."

"But there is a connection between the four stewards and the private property of the Red Sect elsewhere."

"After we arrived and explained the general situation of the Red Sect to these girls, some girls chose to leave, some continued to stay, and three others, including a girl in charge, chose to go with us. They were very impressed by the Red Sect's situation.

I hate them so much that I don’t want to let go of the remnants of the Red Sect like Yulin Long and Sha Qing.”

"I think with their help, we should be able to avoid some detours in Fujian."

While Bing Yi was speaking, the three girls he was talking about also walked into the hall and gave the five people a Wan'an salute.

The leader, the steward named Xiaoan, introduced himself and his two companions, and explained his intention to the five people, saying: "My benefactors, Xiaolian, Xiaoying and I are all ready. My benefactors can take a rest and use it briefly."

Have a meal before setting off..."

"No, no, they say drinking will delay things. I think eating will also delay things, which is harmful!" Before Miss Xiao An finished speaking, Meng Fang stood up to make plans. Regarding the matter of missing a good opportunity to arrest someone over breakfast, Meng Fang

I felt aggrieved, but I remembered that I had not expected this result at the time, so I said no more.

Bing Yi and others have not expressed their stance yet, but Miss Xiao An tried her best to behave neither humble nor arrogant in front of the big hero, and bravely said: "Everyone saved our sisters from the fire and water. We don't know how to repay them. Those breakfasts are

A little thought from the sisters..."

Upon hearing this, Mengfang looked at Bingyi and whispered in a questioning tone: "Then, don't be in a hurry right now?"

Bing Yi smiled and nodded.

Mrs. Wanqi also had no objection.

Nangong Hanyu had already walked over and held Xiao An's hand, asking her to lead the way.

Mo Li's gaze paused on the little shadow girl for a while.

Among the three girls, this one was the most miserable, with a wound on her forehead and a lot of linen wrapped around her clothes.

This chapter has been completed!
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