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Chapter 697: Imperial City on Earth

Chapter 697 The Imperial City on Earth

Drunk among the flowers.

Not just a windy building

It's not just a gangster.

When you are in Youjing, if you want to find a place to relax and have fun, your first choice is Huajianzui.

There is wine among the flowers.

All kinds of wines, wines from all over the world and even inside and outside Zhongzhou.

In the entire Zhongzhou, only the imperial palace has more varieties of wine than Huajian Zui.

However, in terms of the amount of wine stored, Huajian Zuiruo claims to be the second in Zhongzhou, but even Zui Hongyan Restaurant, whose main business is selling wine, dare not claim to be the first.

There are delicious food among the flowers.

You can drink wine from the same place in the flower room, and you can taste famous snacks from the same place in the flower room.

Even the dishes in the royal dining room of the palace can be presented to your table as they are at Huajian Zuili as long as you pay the corresponding price.

There is a casino among the flowers.

Gambling from day to night, from night to day, twelve hours a day without stopping, Huajianzui may not be the only one in Zhongzhou, but it is definitely the only one in Youjing City, the only one with official authorization.

For this reason alone, no casino dares to challenge Huajianzui.

Of course, women are indispensable for being drunk among flowers.

Women are also labeled as drunk among flowers.

There is a woman in Huajian Zui who can accompany you to do anything at any time.

The drunken woman among the flowers is not comparable to the ordinary woman in Fengyanlou.

The former Jiaofangsi is now just a part of Huajianzui.

And if customers have more unique preferences, Huajian Zuizi also has good resources to meet various needs.

There is wine, delicious food, casinos, and there is no shortage of women. The scale of Huajian Zui is definitely not small.

Youjing City is divided into four sides: southeast, northwest and northwest.

The south of the city covers one-third of the entire Youjing business.

Huajianzui sits on four of the long streets, monopolizing one-third of the commercial space in the south of the city.

It can be called the backbone of commerce in the south of Youjing City.

Among the huge Youjing City, only the Imperial City, which occupies the eastern two-thirds of the city, is not smaller than Huajian Zui.

Yes, Huajian Zui in Youjing City is also known as the "Imperial City on Earth".

Although this "imperial city on earth" does not recognize a husband by the size of his wallet, it is a real gold-selling den.

The longer you stay here, the money in your wallet will flow faster than the sand in your hands.

So when Jiang Yichen led Leng Mei into Huajianzui's Meise Street, one of the four streets of "wine, beauty, food, and wealth", Leng Mei, who had just promised Jiang Yichen to let go and spend money, was not worried about Xiao Jiang.

He was enjoying himself in front of others, but he also began to worry about the safety of his money bag.

Finally, just as Jiang Yichen was about to be welcomed into the "Spring Flowers and Autumn Moon" building by a plump girl dressed in red and purple, Leng Mei grabbed her sleeve.

He lowered his voice and glared: "Do you really want to sleep here?"

Jiang Yichen didn't notice Leng Mei's unhappy mood, so he nodded and said, "Just sleep here."

"Although Shopkeeper Xiaoyin is generous, you can't help but feel sorry for money, right?"

Leng Mei hugged Jiang Yichen's arm and tried to remind him of the origin of the silver coins on his body.

Their current possessions were all sent by Tingyu Pavilion through the Anbu before entering the capital. They are all Xiaoyin's hard-earned hard-earned money. They are generous and they will return them in full without asking. We should use them as we please. We shouldn't do it casually.


Only then did Jiang Yichen realize that Leng Mei was being diligent and frugal in running the household.

He stroked the back of Leng Mei's hand and said with a smile: "Don't worry, there is someone here to entertain us."

The implication is that you will not waste your money.

Then he turned to the girl who was greeting the guests and said, "Please tell Miss Narcissus that the guests she is waiting for have arrived."

Narcissus is an extremely beautiful and lovely woman.

If the beauty of the girls greeting guests outside the building is superficial, you will feel bored after looking at it for a long time.

Then the beauty of narcissus makes people more charming and want to see it more and more.

He even couldn't bear to look away, as if his soul had been taken away by the other person.

Leng Mei couldn't bear to take her eyes away from Narcissus's lotus steps and twisting waist, as if her soul had been seduced by the other party.

She understood that the other party was not deliberately flirting, but his natural charm was indeed very attractive.

Even if they are both women, she will be fascinated by the charm exuded by the other person.

On the contrary, after Jiang Yichen greeted Narcissus, his eyes did not stay on Narcissus' face for a moment.

It was precisely because of this that Leng Mei was willing to take her eyes off Narcissus and cast a look that was half sneer and half appreciative to her little ginger.

Even though the two of them had changed their appearance, Leng Mei could still feel that Narcissus's enthusiasm was different from the usual hospitality.

She also saw that Narcissus and Jiang Yichen were not familiar with each other, and it was probably just their first meeting.

As for why Jiang Yichen claimed to be a guest of Narcissus and others, it must have been Tingyuge's prior arrangement.

Fengyan Tower has always been an excellent place to gather information, and as Huajianzui is the premier Fengyan Tower in Youjing City, it is understandable to choose to come here.

When Leng Mei was the killer of the Demon Palace, she either disguised herself or sneaked into many Fengyan Towers secretly. Naturally, she also realized that Chunhua Qiuyue Tower should be a quieter and quieter place in this Fengyan Tower. It would not be noisy and was suitable for resting.


Ordinary Fengyan Tower would refuse female guests, let alone a couple enter the building, but Huajianzui never had such a rule.

Therefore, no matter where Leng Mei and Jiang Yichen went, the girls in the building always treated each other with smiles, without any strange looks or mocking looks.

In this way, Leng and Jiang, who had never had such a special experience before, felt a little less embarrassed about digging into the cracks in the ground.

Thanks to this, Leng Mei was able to maintain her usual calmness and attentiveness. In the elegant hall on the first floor, she found Qin sitting in the corner, tasting wine and listening to music alone.

The protector of the Xiaoyue Alliance, who was dressed in a plain robe and covered his eyes with white silk, noticed the gazes of the two men and raised his glass in respect from a distance.

Leng Mei nodded slightly, and Jiang Yichen held his hands in greeting.

Leng Mei asked: "Do you know each other?"

Jiang Yichen said: "I went up to Yuntian Temple and suffered a lot under the sound of his piano."

Leng Mei asked curiously: "If you cover your eyes and are ten feet away, can you 'see' who the other person is?"

Jiang Yichen thought for a while and said seriously: "It's difficult, unless the other party releases murderous intent towards me."

Following the footsteps of Narcissus, the two of them passed by the tea tasting pavilion on the second floor when they bumped into Mei Huaijin, who was shaking his head and reciting poems, and Egg, whose face was helpless and sleepy.

Leng Mei secretly poked Jiang Yichen's waist to inform him that an old acquaintance was present.

Jiang Yichen shrugged, saying that it was not appropriate for us to recognize people randomly in our appearance.

At the corner of the third floor, I saw Liandie walking out of a guest room.

The two of them passed each other, and Jiang Yichen never had any secret interaction with Liandie from beginning to end.

As they wandered around, the two met many well-known figures in the world, and everyone acted in a tacit understanding and did their own thing without disturbing each other.

As a result, Leng Mei could only follow Jiang Yichen and be led by Narcissus into a guest room called "Lingbo Xianju" with full of questions.

As Jiang Yichen had pointed out a moment ago, the food in Youjing is expensive and the portions are scarce, but the size of the store is by no means small.

This Lingbo Immortal Residence is only one of the four guest rooms owned by Narcissus. In terms of scale and elegance, it is no less elegant than the Eight Red Brands' exclusive fragrant nest in Yichun Courtyard in Suzhou City.

Leng Mei and Jiang Yichen knelt down on the silk cushions, with tea, water, melons and fruits at their fingertips. When they lay back, they found a warm, soft and comfortable bed.

Several layers of curtains isolate this area of ​​heaven and earth from the outside world. The incense is gentle and the air is quiet and quiet. It can be said to be a fairyland.

Narcissus had other important matters, so after settling the two of them, he asked for leave.

Teach the two of you to hit the chime and tell each other if you need anything, and someone will come in to serve you.

Leng Meiqing put down the jade mallet in her hand, gave up trying how long it would take for someone to come after the jade chime transmitted the message, and said, "Can we talk casually here?"

Jiang Yichen put on a lazy posture and leaned directly on Leng Mei's shoulder, saying: "At least with the volume you and I speak at, we don't have to worry about being heard through the wall."

Leng Mei stretched out her hand to push Jiang Yichen back, pretending to be disgusted and said, "Should you explain what happened to Narcissus?"

The two of them walked together, inseparable. Jiang Yichen waved the reins of his horse one more time, placed his chopsticks neatly on the bowl, or kicked a pebble into the corner of the corner, etc., all of which did not avoid Leng Mei.

No matter how natural the small movements that attract people's attention may seem, they are particularly redundant to Leng Mei who understands Jiang Yichen's behavior.

It's just that Leng Mei always turned a blind eye and never asked.

After all, Jiang Yichen would not keep silent about important matters, and the fewer people who know about the transmission of secret information, the better.

Now that she has arrived in Beijing, if she does not clarify some doubts, she is afraid that her actions will be delayed.

Now is the time to confess your heart.

Jiang Yichen quickly said seriously: "I don't know Narcissus."

Leng Mei raised her chin slightly, squinted at Jiang Yichen and said calmly: "I have never met her, but it doesn't prevent me from knowing that she is not an ordinary prostitute. Hua Taixiang's "Flowers Bloom Twenty-Four" is praised as

The most beautiful kung fu, the twenty-four flowers in the flower room, not only each one has a sweet voice, but also has good skills. In most gangs, they should have the power of elder to protector. Of course Narcissus is that one.

One of the twenty-four flowers."

Jiang Yichen said: "Yes, in addition to the Chunhua Qiuyue Tower, there are at least three properties in Huajianzui that are under the control of Narcissus."

Leng Mei said: "As far as I know, no matter whether it is Tingyuge, the Tushita Gang, Buji Island, or the Daoyi Alliance, it is absolutely impossible to have a drunken hookup with relatives and the court's flowers, so why do you

Find Narcissus?"

Jiang Yichen said: "Just because it was Narcissus who handed the poppies the dew of flowers at the Hundred Flowers Conference."

Leng Mei's eyelashes trembled slightly when she heard this, and she immediately remembered how she helped Jiang Yichen analyze the cause of Feng Chen's death in Yin Yang Valley.

"It seems that this matter is quite involved. Was it Hua Jian Zui who contributed to Feng Chen's sudden death?"

Jiang Yichen was not in a hurry to give an answer and only said: "I told you that before going to Putian County, I met your brother in Gusu."

Leng Mei said clearly: "Of course he is no stranger to Huajian Zui, so he helped you sort out the key clues that led to Feng Chen's death?"

Jiang Yichen nodded and said: "He can be sure that Hongchen Inn has no murderous intentions towards Feng Chen. Ning Xiaoyao and Feng Chen have never used any vicious tricks or secret hands in their fights."

Leng Mei followed her words and analyzed: "If there is no problem with the ghostly enchantress, the problem lies in the duel with Hua Taixiang."

Jiang Yichen said: "He also pointed out the white rose, which is too fragrant. It's not just a bluff."

Leng Mei said: "Is white rose poisonous?"

Jiang Yichen said: "It is not extremely poisonous, but it can easily absorb blood."

Leng Mei said: "Feng Chen failed to discover in time that he had been injured by the white rose with too fragrant flowers. He fought with Ning Xiaoyao again. His energy and blood were greatly exhausted, and he was exhausted. At this time, he was drunk among the flowers and offered Bai Hua Qiong.

Dew, helps him activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, accelerate the flow of qi and blood in the body, which is obviously a good thing. If Feng Chen stops using force, he can recover quickly, but he still has to compete with the ghost and enchantress for the martial arts leader... He decided before his death

I also want to understand that I have been plotted against."

Jiang Yichen sighed: "But it's too late. The imperial court was the mastermind, Hua Jianzui was the culprit, Hua Taixiang personally did it, Ning Xiaoyao and the ghost demon girl were all used, and they became accomplices unknowingly. Feng

Chen more or less ruined himself because of his excessive pride."

Leng Mei said: "Neither Feng Chen nor the ghost enchantress is a character who would surrender to the court. If Xiaoyue Alliance and Huajianzui hadn't both belonged to the Jiuzhou sworn alliance, the ghost enchantress Xiang Xiaoyu would have died.


Jiang Yichen said: "There were not many people who had seen through this level at that time, and Mo Shang was one of them."

Leng Mei said: "Mo Shang saw through it but didn't say anything and let Feng Chen die?"

Jiang Yichen said: "As you said, whether it is the Xiaoyue League or the various temples, the imperial court has decided to severely defeat one of them to establish its power, and the Xiaoyue League happens to be the most convenient to use for surgery."

Leng Mei said: "Mo Shang chose to sacrifice Feng Chen to save Xiaoyue Alliance?"

Jiang Yichen said: "Feng Chen died, Poppy went crazy, and Ruoyu ran away. Mo Shang used the frustration of some of the backbones of the Xiaoyue Alliance and the casualties of less than 30% of the gang to prevent the Xiaoyue Alliance from falling apart."

Leng Mei said: "Judging from the results, many people will understand Mo Shang's choice."

Jiang Yichen said: "This book is about breaking your teeth and swallowing it, and make the choice of compromise."

Leng Mei said: "Based on the current situation, it is Yu Tian who manipulated Huajianzui to force the Xiaoyue Alliance to this point."

Jiang Yichen said: "Yu Tian regards himself as a man, at least he has been a man before, so he knows very well how to control and deal with men."

After hearing this, Leng Mei blinked her beautiful eyes, cupped her chin and said, "What is a man's weakness?"

Jiang Yichen felt uncomfortable being stared at. He scratched his head shyly and said, "Control their lower bodies, and you can naturally lead their heads."

Leng Mei smiled and said: "There are not many men who are not controlled by the lower body."

Jiang Yichen said: "Men who are not controlled by the lower body always have other weaknesses, such as being tempted by money and intoxicated by fine wine."

Leng Mei said: "So, if you control one Huajianzui, you can control more people. Fengyan Tower can develop into the 'Emperor City on Earth' in just ten years. Yu Tian must be quite proud of his own

It is a masterpiece, and the income brought by Hua Jian Zui can undoubtedly be used to carry out many important things that cost money."

Jiang Yichen said: "If he was once an illiterate cook who only knew how to cook, his ability to teach himself to reach this level is both scary and admirable."

Leng Mei did not follow Jiang Yichen and sighed, but after thinking for a while, she said: "No wonder Egg and Liandie are here too."

Jiang Yichen said: "It is a big deal for Smiling Maitreya to deal with Yu Tianben."

Leng Mei said: "For such a big event, as an ally of Buji Island, Tingyuge will definitely not be absent, and Hongchen Inn is already in place."

Jiang Yichen said: "Sometimes as long as the chess piece is revealed, the enemy will throw a trap. The best result is that both sides stand still."

Leng Mei said: "It seems that your aunt has indeed completely excluded you from the plan."

Jiang Yichen said: "Perhaps a wise man will always make mistakes, otherwise I would not be able to become a dark man with freedom of movement."

Leng Mei said: "How can the others say that Qin is here on behalf of the Xiaoyue Alliance? Although Mo Shang once went to Tingyuge alone to make trouble and was under house arrest for a long time, this 'friendship' should not be enough. Rang and the Fifth Marquis are tied to

On a ship that is resisting the attack of the Oara people, the Xiaoyue Alliance sent a strong man to Youjing to help out, right?"

Jiang Yichen said: "You forgot a key person."

Leng Mei then remembered that Jiang Yichen had been talking about this for a long time, but had not yet explained the problem of Narcissus.

Then he said: "Narcissus is the one who delivers the knife at the Hundred Flowers Conference, and anyone can take her place. However, she was the one who handed over the Baihua Qiongdew to the Xiaoyue League, so it is not ruled out that the people of the Xiaoyue League will blame her.

body, so...Qin is here to avenge Feng Chen?"

Jiang Yichen couldn't help but smile when he saw Leng Mei coming to a conclusion that even he couldn't believe.

"No, there is another article in it."

Leng Mei said impatiently: "Don't show off."

Jiang Yichen said: "Mo Shang visited Tingyu Pavilion alone at that time, not for anyone else, but for Narcissus."

Leng Mei was greatly surprised and said: "I originally thought Mo Shang was a lone wolf, but I didn't expect that he also has someone he cares about."

Jiang Yichen said: "When Mo Shang was at his lowest level, it was Narcissus' guidance that helped him get out of the predicament. Only then did he become the leader of the North-Rejecting Alliance. In this world, Mo Shang only regarded him as a close friend and did not want to stay with him forever.

, I just hope she can stay away from the disaster of death."

Leng Mei said: "It seems that Mo Shang has more confidence in Tingyuge than himself."

Jiang Yichen said: "Well, there are not many people in this world who can make him surrender. He couldn't save Feng Chen, so he took up the Xiaoyue Alliance. He was not sure that he could survive in the world, so he hoped that Luo Piaoling could keep Shuixian safe. For this reason, he

I accompanied the Niu family's father and daughter on a trip to the Medicine Valley, and almost fell down on the Ning Terrace."

Leng Mei said: "So, the people arranged by Tingyu Pavilion here are not only to suppress the resources that Narcissus can mobilize, but also to take Narcissus out of Youjing after the incident, and Qin was invited by Mo Shang to ensure that

Narcissus escaped safely?"

Jiang Yichen smiled and said, "Compared to the superior Eunuch Yu, I seem to admire you more!"

Leng Mei hummed softly: "Glib-tongued. Your aunt must have chosen to get drunk among the flowers. Why don't you go see her?"

Jiang Yichen shrank his neck and said, "If she sees you now, I'm afraid you and I will have to sleep for several days!"

The lanterns come on.

Looking from the railing on the third floor of Chunhua Qiuyue Building, you can get a glimpse of the brightly lit and lively corner of Youjing City.

Jiang Yichen and Leng Mei saw Narcissus again, who looked slightly pale and looked tired, after enjoying the Youjing delicacies.

In order to avoid unnecessary accidents, the two did not reveal their identities to Narcissus.

From beginning to end, Narcissus only knew that this deal was made by Mo Shang, and that these two people were indeed arranged by Yu Ge, so he did not go into details.

Before exiting the guest room, Narcissus revealed to the two the information they wanted to hear most.

"Tomorrow at midnight, the gang leader will enter the palace to prune the flowers and branches."

(End of chapter)

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