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Chapter 6 A Coincidental Encounter in Gusu

After a full night's sleep, Jiang Yichen arrived in Suzhou.

After Yi Zhongren and his party got off the ship, they took the carriage and horses prepared in advance and rushed to Juyuan to discuss with the old man how to deal with the spies incident that happened on Xishan Island. At the same time, they also wanted to hand over the new troops brought from the island.

Old man uses it.

And Yi Zhongren really "kept his promise" and didn't talk to Jiang Yichen much. He told him to get acquainted with Jiang Yichen in Gusu City first, and then find a man named Liu Qi, who would arrange what he would do next. But

Without telling Jiang Yichen what Liu Qi did, what he looked like, whether he was a boy or a girl, he handed over the confused Jiang Yichen to this colorful world.

Gusu is the largest urban hub in the south corner of the Yangtze River. It has a dangerous geographical location. Even military forces as powerful as the imperial court cannot fully control the place. However, they have still set up military agencies here to command and intimidate the place. And other forces have also

They attach great importance to this local fortress and restrain each other. Therefore, Gusu City can be regarded as a rare safe island in the current precarious world.

And this is also Yi Zhongren's intention for Jiang Yichen to start his career here. It is a relatively safe environment and an important strategic hub. From here, he can become familiar with and gain experience, no matter whether he can be used by the old man in the future.

It is of great help to your growth.

Gusu City was built on the edge of a water bay, with water and land running parallel to each other, and adjacent rivers and streets. It has both the beauty of gardens and the beauty of mountains and rivers. The overall layout of Gusu City is roughly in the shape of a "back", with the magnificent Zixuan Palace standing in the middle of Gusu City.

Sioux City Center was a symbol of the powerful imperial court's local rule, with streets and shops surrounding it across the bay.

Jiang Yichen's current location is a small ferry on the outskirts of the southwest corner of Suzhou, which is a certain distance from the city center. Now he needs to find a person named Liu Qi. How to find him is a question, so just speak loudly here

Shouting Liu Qi's name? This is obviously something Jiang Yichen can't do. Or should he go along the street and ask pedestrians and shops one by one? Jiang Yichen doesn't really want to do this, but this is the only way that works for him...

Along the promenade along the river bank, I walked to a jewelry shop and said to the old woman with gray hair: "Auntie, do you know Liu Qi?"

She didn't wait for an answer, but instead received a rag to wipe her hands directly in front of her, and an angry roar, "Who is your aunt! You are the aunt! Your whole family is an aunt! Get out of the way.

Go! Don’t hinder me from doing business!”

After a bad start, the passers-by snickered, and Jiang Yichen hurriedly ran away in disgrace. This undoubtedly hit Jiang Yichen hard. He lingered by a stone bridge for a long time, watching passers-by pass by one after another, but he still had to bite the bullet and continue to look for people and ask questions.

Of course, the title can be particularly polite.

After most of the day, with the sun rising, Jiang Yichen asked almost all the shops in the entire southwest Gusu street and even every pedestrian passing by, but found nothing. There was no information about Liu Qi at all. He was exhausted and frowning, and planned to

Find a restaurant to rest and then continue looking for Liu Qi.

Unknowingly, I walked back to the ferry where I disembarked, and suddenly I found a middle-aged man wearing green clothes and a mandarin jacket on the ferry side, leaning on the bluestone steps and shaking his head. He seemed to have just woken up and looked sideways.

Jiang Yichen was looking at him and began to size him up.

Their eyes met, Jiang Yichen was not used to looking at others, so he avoided looking, turned around and walked deeper into the street. As soon as he took a step, he immediately realized that the boatman in green didn't seem to ask, and he had never asked before.

When he got off the boat in the morning, the boatman was there, as if he had missed him!

Sure enough, I was so stupid and careless that I missed the very first point.

He turned around to walk towards the boatman, but felt he bumped into something. The boatman was already behind him, looking at Jiang Yichen with half-smiling eyes, and asked in a questioning but affirmative tone: "Chen'er

?Are you looking for me?"

Looking at the smiling face in front of him, it was obvious that he saw the first time he asked the old woman selling jewelry in the morning. There was no doubt that this person was Liu Qi, but when he saw that he was looking for him, he actually

Sleeping here? Sleeping! Sleeping!

Anger was about to burst out, and sparks could already be seen in his eyes. However, Liu Qi did not give him a chance to vent his anger. He patted Jiang Yichen on the shoulder and said, "Chen'er, starting from here, we have entered Gusu City.

, it can be considered that you have entered the world, take care along the way. Also, the little brown horse over at the bridge will be your partner from now on, so take good care of it." After saying that, Jiang Yichen left without waiting for a word.

Jiang Yichen turned his head and glanced at the little brown horse beside the bridge. Looking again, Liu Qi had disappeared. Regarding the experience of half a day in the morning, Jiang Yichen was really speechless and asked the sky. He was gone, and his anger was nowhere to be found.

Sa, I can only suppress the anger in my heart and feel depressed.

After calming down and thinking, I recalled that everything today was ultimately my fault, alas!

Horse racing is prohibited in the inner city of Suzhou. Jiang Yichen still needs to go into the inner city to understand the situation, so he temporarily stores the little brown horse in the stable next to the ferry.

After tasting Gusu delicacies at Wanhe Tower, Jiang Yichen decided to go to the square in the inner city to find Bao, whom passers-by called "the know-it-all," and ask for information about his old man. He should not go looking for him like a headless fly.

Walking in the middle of the street, Jiang Yichen looked around and suddenly caught a glimpse of a bearded man wearing a red vest, with his chest exposed and a big belly on the first floor terrace in front of him.

Such a familiar body! Sha Qing!

It was indeed Sha Qing. At this moment, he was hugging a flirtatious woman with silver hair and purple clothes who was wearing scantily clad clothes. He was teasing and discussing something.

He bought a bamboo hat on the street and put it on his head to cover his figure. Jiang Yichen quickly approached the tavern named "Longquan" on the terrace where Sha Qing was located, at a pace that was closer to the pedestrians on the street.

People were coming and going on the street, and the noise was quite noisy. It was impossible to hear the conversation between Sha Qing and the woman clearly from one floor away, so he had to go upstairs to investigate.

There were not many visitors upstairs, so Jiang Yichen chose a table closest to the terrace and sat down. He ordered a few side dishes as a cover and listened carefully, and could faintly hear the conversation between Sha Qing and the two.

"Then it's settled, Mr. Sha." The silver-haired woman's silvery laughter came from the direction of the terrace.

"Don't worry, beauty, if you can use Taoyuan Town to succeed this time, the benefits will certainly be yours. I will also provide you with an incense master." Sha Qing pinched the flesh of the woman's body and uncovered it.

I put the oil on and then thought about the bright future, I felt very comfortable.

Taoyuan Town is the closest and largest village to Juyuan where the old man is located. Of course, it is also one of the hidden spheres of influence of the Daoyi Alliance. It is the source of some of Juyuan’s living supplies, and the supply chain to Juyuan will never

Few, but the most important and basic thing is this line.

It was originally decided by the Red Clothes Cult to let Sha Qing go deep into the enemy's hinterland to find the most critical refuge in the world, namely Xishan Island. He was the boss's reluctance. If not for the power of the leader, he would not have run away.

Go to the back garden of the Daoyi League to light a fire.

Sha Qing is a cunning and sinister person. His strength is to let him hide in the dark and control and command. He is extremely reluctant to let him go to the front line to reconnoiter intelligence and charge into battle. For him, he only has one life, which is for enjoyment.

It's not for taking risks. Maybe after so many years of being involved in the bloody world and enjoying so many years of romance, people will become timid.

And the fact is just as Sha Qing expected, he almost lost his life on Xishan Island last time. If Xishan Island had not been too comfortable for so many years and it was easy to sneak in, if it weren't for a young boy who came to explore the way, if it weren't for

The one who came to stop him was an old and sick man, and his fate had to die there.

The lurking den on Xishan Island was discovered, and Sha Qing managed to escape. He was finally free from that. He didn't have to worry about being found by the old man's people all day long, and he would be arrested and tortured.

After delivering the letter to the church, he decided to use the silver-haired woman's move to make a fortune and compensate himself.

As for threatening to deal with the brat and the sick boy, he had long forgotten about it, and maybe pointed at other people in the sect or other sects to confront them head-on. Sha Qing knew that the Xishan Island group was just lax, if

If you really fight, you will have to pay a huge price. It is enough for you to watch the fire from the outside, there is no need to get involved and get burned.

The femme fatale—Hong Yue, the silver-haired woman in front of him has been his subordinate for five years in the Thousand Bamboo Forest not far from Taoyuan Town, and has laid a good foundation. Now it is the poisonous snake that comes out of the hole.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, they used bamboo wine as a breakthrough. Step by step, they have gained the trust of the people in Taoyuan Town. Now, as long as they make a small move, they can turn the inside of Juyuan upside down!

By then, if you have achieved great success, you may be able to sit on the position of deputy leader and sit back and relax from now on.

This chapter has been completed!
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