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Chapter 79: The Wings Can't Escape

A prophecy.

Following the exclamation from the Emei disciple in front, dozens of eyes all looked to the heights.

I could only see dozens of black shadows appearing across a span of nearly half a mile from the peaks on the left and right sides, and then galloping down like wild horses.

In an instant, there was a rumble in the valley, smoke and dust billowing, covering the sky and the earth.

The possibility of escaping back and forth to the mountain trail has been almost cut off.

It is said to be a falling rock, or it can also be called a rolling rock. The current scene is mostly a powerful person hiding on the mountain peak, pushing the rock down, bumping against the mountain wall, and rolling down.

As the black shadows quickly enlarged in everyone's pupils, everyone could see that the fallen rocks were not round stones, but angular stones of different sizes.

There are many people who can make you brave.

Many of my peers have extraordinary martial arts skills, and everyone thinks they will have more confidence.

However, only at this moment, the large number of people will make their respective hiding spaces seem cramped.

It’s no wonder that the enemy would choose this place to attack. Only with the impact of the Rockfall Formation can the team composed of the powerful combination of the Zui Hongyan Restaurant and the Emei Sect gain a head start.

Fortunately, the official road is not narrow, and there is plenty of space for everyone on the road to dodge.

Boom boom boom!

No matter how small a stone falls from a height, its momentum can be enough to open a skull and break bones.

What's more, these falling rocks falling from the sky are mostly the size of a person, and their momentum can be said to be devastating and intimidating.

Everyone used all their energy to dodge, and those who still had some energy left would look after their companions around them.

Even so, as the falling rocks approached and hit the ground, the road was filled with dust for a while, making it difficult to see.

The sound of the wine vat breaking and the carriage smashing were interspersed with the wails and cries of the horses.

"Oh, the loss this time is not small." Ye Fengshan sighed.

"Stop staring at those drinks, be careful not to lose your life!" Ye Chaoya really didn't know what his brother was thinking.

After a while, the sound gradually died down, and the falling rocks finally stopped. Fortunately, these skilled warriors were all very agile and took care of each other. Apart from the skin and flesh bruised by the falling rocks, no muscles or bones were injured or the hands were damaged.

situation occurs.

But those horses were not as alert and agile as these heroes, and many of them were knocked unconscious by falling rocks or lay in a pool of blood.

The lucky little brown horse benefited from having a good owner. In addition to helping the people around him, he also took great care of him. If Jiang Yichen hadn't jumped up and knocked him down just now, he would have been lost like many other horses of the same kind.


A damaged carriage, a broken wine vat, a horse lying on the ground, and wine spilled everywhere.

In addition to the loss of goods and horses, this group of people can still stand well. This situation is largely due to the precautions and prompt decisions of Zui Hongyan Ye's brothers.

Xu believed that he would be favored by this so-called strange event, and also roughly guessed that these events would not be avoided by humans. When the Ye brothers were about to leave Jianglin Town, they prepared everything such as wine, carriages and horses, etc.

The subsequent recruitment with great fanfare on the streets of Jianglin Town was actually a temporary move. The purpose was to attract attention and give the secret opponents the illusion that they would stay in Jianglin Town for a day or two before leaving.


After the Emei sect came to invite them to accompany them, something unexpected happened. The two of them immediately decided to change their route to Wudang, and immediately stopped recruiting associates.

Set off on the road.

Acting in such a hurry is to avoid long nights and nightmares, and it is also to make a move against the enemy in the dark, to catch them unawares, to cover up their unpreparedness, so that the enemy is not fully prepared, and they have a greater chance of escaping from the unexpected event.

Facts have proved that the opponent's reaction was indeed unexpectedly fast. They were rushing so slowly, but the opponent was still able to reach the Kuying Ridge, which was the most suitable place to meet their large group of troops, and used falling rocks to pursue and intercept them. This was definitely not the case.

This is something that ordinary small forces can do, but after all, the other party acted in a hurry and was not fully prepared. Their manpower was not damaged, and they still had a chance to fight against them.

After the falling rocks, the valley regained a moment of calm. Everyone was on tenterhooks, always on guard against the opponent's next attack.

"If the fire arrow is shot down at this time..." Ye Fengshan suddenly said.

Everyone was a little panicked after hearing this. The spilled wine not only spread on the mountain road, but also splashed on them. If the enemy shot down the fire arrow at this time, the place would become a sea of ​​​​fire in an instant, and they would most likely be killed.

Sea of ​​fire, ashes and smoke.

"You stinky crow, stop asking for death!" Ye Chaoya yelled from the side.

At this moment, a thought flashed through Jiang Yichen's mind.

He had never been able to figure out the purpose of the Tushita Gang in ambushing the martial arts warriors before, but at this moment, the remains of the giant spider that had been lingering in his mind seemed to be to fill this gap.

The Tushita gang ambushed the martial artists without leaving any trace. If they were just going to kill them, there would be no need to clean up the corpses.

In addition to not letting others discover it, another possibility is that the Tushita Gang not only wants the lives of these martial arts people, but most likely also wants their bodies. As for what it is used for, could it be related to the giant spider?

The answer may be revealed soon. If the Tushita Gang just wants them to be wiped out, then they can drop the fire arrow without any scruples. If the Tushita Gang not only wants their lives, but also wants their corpses, they have ulterior motives, and

We will never give them a feast of fire arrows.

The people on the mountain road did not wait too long. On both sides of the mountain peaks, many black spots could be seen faintly moving downwards. As the figures gradually became clearer, it seemed that they were about to directly confront each other.

However, dense dots appeared in the sky, like black clouds pressing down on the environment. Upon closer inspection, it was indeed arrows swooping down.

"Fortunately, the opponent was not prepared enough." Ye Chaoya said thankfully when he saw that it was not the fire arrow that fell.

"Sure enough, the Tushita Gang wants more than just our lives." Jiang Yichen's heart skipped a beat.

Arrows rained down like rain. Although they were not fire arrows, they came very fast and were not as easy to dodge as rocks. For a moment, everyone's true energy surged and they used their strength to destroy the arrows before they could get close.

Either dealing with the falling rocks has cost everyone a lot of energy, or the arrow rain is too dense and airtight. This round of arrow formation is obviously more effective than the falling rocks. The newly recruited guys from Zui Hongyan have already

Five people were pierced by several arrows just because they were distracted for a moment, and no one else could save them. In an instant, the living people lay down on the ground like hedgehogs.

When the array of arrows was sparse, the black shadows running down from the mountains also showed their true forms and attacked them on horseback.

The crowd was crowded. At first glance, there were no less than three hundred people. Most of them were men in rough clothes and walking, carrying swords and guns. There were also some who wore armor and wore coats with ruthless horns that looked like generals.

"Kill me if you don't let me go!" A roar of thunder exploded in the valley, which was even more deafening than the thunder and falling rocks just now, which shows the depth of his inner strength.

In an instant, the shouts of killing shook the sky and resounded throughout Guyingling Ridge.

Looking towards the source of the thunderous shout, I saw a man with a heavy back and a heavy body, red hair flying, and a bronze-colored cracked sword on his shoulder, which was terrifying!

"The red-haired ghost Chang Kun!" Shui Rujing screamed. Obviously, she knew this Tushita Gang protector.

"It's actually the Tushita Gang!"

"Except for the Nether Sect among the evil demon sects in Xijiang County, I think the only one who is so vicious is the Tusita Gang."

"It's actually the evil man Chang Kun..."

Everyone suddenly understood why so many teams of people had failed on this official road. It turned out that everything was caused by the behemoth Tushita Gang.

"Chaoya, the enemy has a large number of people and cannot be reluctant to fight. The generals will rush out and disperse and escape." Ye Fengshan made a judgment on the situation.

"Brothers, rush over to where the Emei Heroines are, and work with them to fight a bloody path! The capable men can take care of the girl." The brothers were of the same mind, and Ye Chaoya immediately understood what Ye Fengshan meant.

, while leading the drunken and beautiful brothers to the side of the Emei disciples, he shouted to Liu Ruoyun over there, "Liu Ruoyun, we have to work together to break out of the encirclement to have a chance to survive."

"This is the only plan for now. If we have to spread out, I hope you can take care of these sisters. No matter what, please help me protect the life of at least one sister and let her go to Wudang. Please

." Liu Ruoyun saw the situation clearly and was a little pessimistic, leaving the matter to his family.

This chapter has been completed!
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