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Chapter 324: First meeting, encounter, enlightenment, Hunyuan, six roots purified

 Chapter 324: First meeting, encounter, enlightenment, Hunyuan, six roots pure

"According to rumors, there are supreme flat peaches in the illusory heavenly palace. One smell can increase one's life span by thirty-six thousand years. If one eats one... tsk, it can add one hundred and twenty-nine thousand years to one's life."

A hundred years of life."

A slender white hand took the jade plate, took a crystal clear seven-color spiritual fruit on it, shook it in front of the young Taoist's mouth and nose, and said with a smile: "Yuanqing, although my seven-color fairy peach is not as good as

That day, the flat peach in the palace also had the word 'immortal' attached to it, do you really not want to try it?"

The young Taoist known as "Yuan Qing" glanced at the beautiful girl in blue in front of him, his expression became more helpless, and said: "Princess Hanchi, please stop teasing Xiaodao, and Xiaodao is not called


Princess Hanchi pinched a seven-color fairy peach at will and put it into her mouth, and said with a smile: "You once said that your master wanted you to 'enlighten the Tao of Hunyuan and make the six roots pure', so he took the 'Wujing' as a symbol for you.

Dao name, why can't I add two more characters to it and call you 'Yuanqing'?"

After saying this, she put down the jade plate in her hand, waved her little hand very coolly, and said crisply: "Here comes someone!"

A creature wearing a black robe entered the hall and half-knelt down in front of Princess Hanchi.

She glanced sideways at the sandalwood talisman sword on the young Taoist's waist, and said: "From now on, Taoist Yuanqing is appointed as the astrological messenger, responsible for praying for blessings and fortune for the princess's palace, and divining the stars."

The black-robed creature seemed a little surprised, but did not dare to directly disobey him. He could only think for a moment and said slowly: "Princess Hanchi, this person is just an ordinary ant who has just started to burn his heart. If he is appointed as a star messenger,

, it is inevitable that there will be some..."

Princess Hanchi frowned slightly, stood up suddenly, and threw the jade plate in front of her on the ground. The more than ten seven-color fairy peaches on it rolled to the ground.

"There's so much nonsense, eat all these seven-color peaches."

The black-robed creature knew the character of Princess Hanchi deeply, and his expression changed drastically. He couldn't help but regretted his garrulousness just now. He tremblingly picked up a seven-color fairy peach, raised his head and said, "Princess Hanchi..."

The shimmering aqua blue dress flew down like a butterfly. The girl walked in front of the black-robed creature, bent down, and said coldly: "Eat!"

The creature in black robe did not dare to speak anymore, so he could only put the fruit blooming with seven-color spiritual light in his hand towards his mouth.

"Wait a minute."

Yuan Qing stood up, stopped in front of the black-robed creature, and said in a deep voice: "Princess Hanchi, this thing is a fairy fruit to you, but it is a poisonous thing to others, why are you so aggressive?"

Princess Hanchi raised her little face slightly and looked at the handsome face of the young Taoist. The coldness in her eyes disappeared. In a moment, she smiled like ice and snow melting, and said: "On the official road the day before yesterday, you

For those despicable quicksand river clam monsters, they stand alone in front of my Suanni spirit beast, and they look so stupid."

Yuan Qing was startled for a moment and said: "Master has always taught me that there is no difference between the countless sentient beings in heaven and earth. Those quicksand river clam monsters are also living creatures, and there is no distinction between low and high."

"That's all," Princess Hanchi snorted, lowered her head and waved her hand towards the black-robed creature, "Get out quickly and make arrangements for Taoist Yuanqing's star messenger."

As if he had been granted amnesty, the black-robed creature quickly bowed to the girl and hurriedly left the hall.

"Princess, I have never promised you to be a star messenger," Yuan Qing said with a bitter smile on his face, "I came here with you because the person you sent to find me once said that you have '

News about Liushahe boundary', rather than..."

"You're lying!" Princess Hanchi blinked her beautiful eyes that were as bright as stars, and looked at Yuan Qing intently, "The half basket of pure spirit demon fruits you once sold to me is extremely precious, and it obviously has a great origin. Why?

Maybe you don’t know the so-called boundary of Liusha River?”

Yuan Qing rubbed his forehead and said, "Would you believe me if I said that half a basket of oranges was left by a strange old man under the tree?"

Princess Hanchi snorted and said, "Do you believe it yourself?"

Yuan Qing took a step forward, walked to the girl in aqua blue dress, lowered his head and looked into her clear and beautiful eyes, and said: "Princess, I don't know why you asked people to bring me here, but I am here to teach you."

As ordered by the Lord, I came to Zhuzi Demon Kingdom with only one purpose, which is to find the boundary of Liusha River."

At this moment, his eyes were firm and calm, clearly reflecting the girl's slightly blushing face.

Princess Hanchi looked away slightly, not daring to look at him, and muttered: "Who told you to get so close? Get away quickly."

Yuan Qing was stunned for a moment, then realized what was wrong, and immediately wanted to turn around and retreat.

In a panic, he accidentally stepped on the seven-color fairy peach left behind by the creature in black robes. His body instantly lost his balance and threw himself straight towards the beautiful and graceful girl in front of him.

After he came back to his senses, the light and pleasant fragrance of a girl filled his mouth and nose. Yuan Qing looked down and saw that she was leaning on his chest, her eyes slightly closed, and her long lips

The dark eyelashes trembled slightly, and the fair and delicate little face was already stained with an intoxicating blush.

Yuan Qing was not familiar with the world and had never experienced such a situation. His expression was a little dull for a moment, and he didn't even know where to put his hands.

In a daze, Princess Hanchi stood up on tiptoes, opened her mouth slightly, exhaled like blue, and whispered against his left ear: "I have often had a dream since I was a child. That dream told me that if

One day I will meet a unique person, and he will be my perfect husband."

Yuan Qing blushed, and the girl's warm breath made his left ear turn red. He moved his lips slightly, not knowing what to say.

The pretty girl smiled and continued: "That day on the official road, my Suanni spirit beast was afraid of everyone. No matter whether it was a demon or a ghost, it was impossible to avoid me. You were the only one with a heart.

Mortals from the Mysterious Realm stood up and stood in front of those quicksand river clam monsters."

"At that time, I felt a little funny. How could there be such stupid people in the world?"

"But later, my mind changed."

She turned her head slightly and looked into Yuan Qing's eyes, "Your Majesty told me that those beings who are truly willing to sacrifice themselves to help others should not be insulted at any time."

Yuan Qing stared blankly at the flawless little white face in front of him, almost losing his mind.

Princess Hanchi took a few steps back, returned to the throne, turned her head and smiled, and said: "How? Are you willing to be my astrological messenger now? If you are happy to serve me, maybe I will

I will inform you about the boundary of Liusha River."

The young Taoist subconsciously reached out and touched the sandalwood talisman sword at his waist, then raised his head and glanced at the girl's flowery smile, pursed his lips and said: "I...I..."

Princess Hanchi raised her eyebrows slightly and said, "Why, you dare not approach me?"

The young Taoist was aroused by her words and couldn't help but feel courageous. He said, "What if I do? But you are not allowed to call me 'Yuanqing' from now on. My Taoist name is Wu..."

Princess Hanchi came closer, stretched out her soft and warm hands to cover his lips, and chuckled: "Yuanqing, Yuanqing, Yuanqing."

The young man's mouth and nose were filled with the soft touch of her fingertips. His mind was buzzing, and his courage was exhausted. He lost his temper in an instant and murmured: "That's all, whatever you like."

This chapter has been completed!
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