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Chapter 194: The purpose of Sanxiao's worship to intercept the teaching

Watch carefully!

This man's name is Xiao Yi.

At this time, he was enduring all kinds of resentful looks from all directions.

But no one knows.

Xiao Yi's heart almost collapsed.

This wave of bombardment from Duobao is obvious.

He is going to dodge!

The result was no flash!

Instead, it made such a big noise.

It's better now.

The senior brother's position is saved.

But this time the level of high-profile is not inferior to exposing his dual cultivation!


"That's all, this is the energy in the dark."

"I never imagined that the main body would just accept the sword inheritance star completely."

"It seems that we have to prepare for the disaster in advance for the human race..."

Xiao Yi was thinking this in his heart.

His face regained its composure.

After all, things have happened, and they cannot be changed.

If we don’t harvest positive energy now, how long will we wait?


"Who else wants to challenge?"

Facing the resentful eyes, Xiao Yi said softly.

[Ding! Collected the negative emotions of [Mother of the Golden Spirit], positive energy 500...]

[Ding! Collected the negative emotions of [Lingya Fairy], positive energy 500...]

[Ding! Collected the negative emotions of [Golden Hoop Immortal], positive energy 500...]



He just finished speaking.

The beeps in my mind kept ringing.

"What a challenge..."

"Senior Brother Dingguang, Senior Brother Lingya, and Senior Brother Duobao are all so miserable, who dares to challenge..."

"Eldest Brother is so insidious that even I have to stay away..."

"Shut up! How many times have you said this nonsense since three hundred years ago! You know nonsense every day! Get away from you xx!"

"I even think that Senior Brother has been pretending to be a scheming man since three hundred years ago..."

"It's possible! Could it be that Senior Brother has already achieved righteousness before joining this sect, and has been pretending all these years..."

"!!! I'm going to blanch! Wouldn't it be terrible if this happened!"


For a while.

All Jiejiao disciples either muttered in low voices or exclaimed in low voices...

But obviously, although they were full of negative emotions, no one dared to challenge Xiao Yi.


It was at this time.

Seeing that no one in the audience spoke, the Water and Fire Fairy Boy exhaled, releasing all the surprise in his heart.

"Is there anyone else who wants to challenge Xiao Yi?" Water and Fire Fairy Boy glanced at the many Jie Jiao disciples and asked again.

Ask again.

The whole place remained silent.

And standing at the front of the list of outer disciples.

After hearing this, Fairy Bixiao gently pulled the corner of her eldest sister Fairy Yunxiao's clothes. Because she did not dare to make a sound, she sent a message and asked: "Sister, why don't you give it a try?"

"I think my sister's magical powers are not inferior to those of my senior brother..."

Fairy Qiong Xiao on the side felt something in her heart and couldn't help but nodded slightly to her eldest sister.

Yun Xiao, who was the eldest among the three Xiaos, looked a little dazed when he heard this.

Then she slowly shook her head, a trace of sadness flashed in her eyes.

And secretly sent a message to Qiong Xiao and Bi Xiao: "Alas, the matter has come to an end."

"I have to tell you some things."

"Actually, I brought you here to teach you. In addition to being able to become a disciple of a saint and receive teachings from a saint, and to practice cultivation with half the effort... there is another reason."

Hearing that Yun Xiao not only didn't answer whether he wanted to challenge the position of senior brother, but also said such words uncharacteristically.

Fairy Qiongxiao and Fairy Bixiao couldn't help but be stunned.

The two of them looked at each other with astonishment in their hearts.

At this moment, he had no intention of caring about who the senior brother was, but tried hard to calm down and wait for Yunxiao's next words.

And since Fairy Yunxiao started talking, she naturally didn't know how to be a eunuch.

After taking a breath, she said the following: "Don't you keep asking me who the elder brother was who treated us well, enlightened us, and taught us the Law of Cloud and Mist when we were born?"

"He is... Hongyun."

Upon hearing these words, Qiong Xiao and Bi Xiao's pupils couldn't help but shrink and their whole bodies were shaken.

"Sister, you mean...that brother...is the Hongyun Ancestor who is famous throughout the world?" Qiong Xiao asked eagerly, and the voice transmission was full of excitement.

Fairy Bixiao just froze on the spot, her face was full of sluggishness, and a complex emotion couldn't help but spread to her heart...

turn out to be!

The red-clothed brother who is of the same blood as them...

The elder brother in red who taught them all kinds of Taoism when they were born...

The elder brother in red who has a smile on his face all day long and warms them as they grow up...

The elder brother in red disappeared for no reason and the eldest sister said that he went out to travel around the wilderness and help more living beings...

It turned out to be the Hongyun Ancestor who was besieged and killed by many great powers because of the Hongmeng Purple Qi!!!

if that is the case...

Doesn't it mean that their brother is already... dead?


"He fell..."

"But we have a huge cause and effect with him, so we came to intercept him for two other reasons."

Fairy Yunxiao no longer paused, and said as if cutting through the mess with a sharp knife: "One is to hide under the saint, which can block those causes and effects outside the Jiejiao dojo."

"Another reason is that I want to know who was besieging my brother back then!"

"When I succeed, I will kill them one by one to take revenge!"

Finish this sentence quickly.

Fairy Yunxiao exhaled a heavy breath, as if a heavy burden had been lifted, as if she had put down a boulder that had been hanging in her heart for countless years.

That's right.

This is why they came to intercept and teach.

Everyone said that Zhao Gongming was their sworn brother.

But the world doesn’t know.

Before they met Zhao Gongming.

Ancestor Hongyun, who was transformed into a wisp of clouds from the sky and earth with them, is their elder brother.

In the past, her two younger sisters were still young.

Hongyun encountered a catastrophe and fell to his death.

For countless years, she took her two younger sisters to avoid the cause and effect with Hongyun, hiding this secret in her heart.

Now that I have become a disciple of Jiejiao, I have become a disciple of the saint.

The two sisters finally grew up, and she finally told the secret...

"Sister...this...this is impossible!"

"Brother in red cannot be the ancestor of Hongyun. His cultivation is not strong. You clearly told us that he was just traveling..."

Fairy Bixiao woke up from the shock, but tears covered her cheeks.

She hugged Yunxiao's clothes tightly, kept transmitting messages, and asked again and again.

"you have grown up!"

"Don't let others know! We have a relationship with him!"

"Do you know?! We have to survive to get revenge!"

Yunxiao held Bixiao's hand tightly and looked at Bixiao with stern eyes for the first time. The voice transmission was also full of solemn tone: "Don't cry!"

Bixiao was stunned for a moment, obviously frightened by Yunxiao.

Fairy Qiongxiao finally recovered from her shock and grief.

She raised her hand to caress Bixiao's head, looked at Yunxiao with sad eyes and said: "Sister, then why do you tell us at this time..."

"Because I want to tell you why I won't fight."

"Both the direct disciples and the inner disciples have too much karma with Jiejiao! We can't enter. Don't implicate the master and the sect because of hatred..."

"But the registered disciples cannot be taken seriously, so we must stand firmly in the top three of the outer sect."

"After that, I had the opportunity to ask Master personally about the cause of my brother's death..."

Yunxiao finally told all the answers.

After hearing this clearly, Qiong Xiao's face moved slightly, and she finally understood everything.

She closed her eyes slightly, not wanting others to see the sadness in her eyes, but her hand never stopped stroking Bixiao's head.

"I understand, sister."

Qiongxiao said.

Bixiao's voice also echoed in Yunxiao's mind: "Sister...I understand too."

Yun Xiao's heart was shaken, and a little sadness flashed in her beautiful eyes that had always been filled with starlight...

she knows.

The two sisters have really grown up...

I can take away the stress from her worries...

this moment.

The three sisters pretend to be strong on the outside and don't let outsiders see anything unusual.

In fact, they are holding back the grief in their hearts and comforting each other...

And all this.

It happened quietly.

The focus of all Jie Jiao disciples was on Xiao Yi and the Water and Fire Fairy Boy.

But no one noticed their temporary abnormality...

at this time.

The Water and Fire Fairy Boy who asked a question could not see anyone coming out to answer.

Then he said: "In that case, the position of Jie Jiao's direct disciple has been decided."

As soon as these words came out.

The whole place remained silent.

No one objects, no one disagrees...

So far.

The battle for the top disciple of Jiejiao was finally decided after the three inner disciples tested the waters...

"If that's the case, then I'll accept it as my brother."

Xiao Yi didn't wait for Shui Huo to speak and smiled first, showing his signature smile.

Many Jiejiao disciples couldn't help but roll their eyes...

"Then what's next."

"Let's decide on the position of Second Senior Brother Jie Jiao, the top disciple of the inner sect..."

At this time, Xiao Yi became the host again and spoke.

Having said this, his eyes fell on Duobao, who was lying motionless and lifeless in front of him:

"Can anyone challenge Duobao?"

"Oh no, Junior Brother Duobao, are you capable of accepting the challenge?"

"Missi Missi? Is Junior Brother Duobao here?"

"If you cannot accept the challenge, you will give up!"

As soon as these words came out.

Many Jiejiao disciples who had calmed down were once again ignited with resentment...

This chapter has been completed!
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