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Chapter Twenty-Nine

Under the notice board in the city, a lot of people gathered again. Scholars, merchants, ordinary people, all kinds of people crowded here, the crowds were crowded, and they kept looking forward.

"What are you doing? Why are there so many people?" A man in fancy clothes and looking like a knight-errant asked, taking advantage of his tall body, while squeezing his way forward.

The people around him felt uncomfortable being squeezed by him and couldn't help but curse:

"Oh, why do you just follow me here if you don't know anything?"

"That's right, go, go, is this a place for you, a charlatan, to join in the fun!"

When the tall man heard this, he was even more unhappy. He looked like a wild boar, squeezing even harder, and said:

"What's wrong with us Jianghu people? Why don't you let us see it?"

Seeing that the situation was becoming increasingly chaotic, the Forbidden Army soldiers guarding the bulletin board did not dare to be careless and quickly stepped down to maintain order. They read the contents of the bulletin loudly and said:

"Don't be too crowded! His Majesty is so thirsty for talents today that he has specially opened the imperial examination system. On September 1st this year, he will hold an imperial examination ceremony to select talents for the country. Regardless of origin, age, or nationality, anyone can apply. If you have real talent

As soon as a practical scholar is accepted, he will become an official in the court!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the crowd of scholars crowded at the front burst into cheers.

"Your Majesty is wise!"

"We and other poor scholars will eventually find a way to serve the country. Long live Your Majesty!"

"Heaven has sent the Holy Lord to our Yun Kingdom. This is the great fortune of the Yun Kingdom and the great fortune of all the scholars in the world!"

"Long live! Long live!"

Loud cheers rang out, covering up the sound of the Forbidden Army soldiers reading the proclamation, so that the people crowded behind could not hear it clearly.

The Forbidden Army soldiers had no choice but to read the announcement again in a hoarse voice. After repeating this for many times, the Forbidden Army soldiers' voices became hoarse and weak, and finally everyone present knew the contents of the announcement.

When the lower-class scholars saw that the rumors of the past had finally come true, they were so excited that they burst into tears.

Every country in the world uses a recommendation system to select candidates for the country. Ordinary low-level scholars are not talented enough to be favored by nobles, and they have no connections to recommend them, so they have no way of becoming an official.

Xiao Cheng's move, although it was just a notice, finally gave these scholars a glimmer of hope. It was understandable that they were in trouble.

Several abbots, clad in cassocks and solemn treasures, who had just come out of the palace, were escorted by the imperial army and slowly headed towards Shanshiyuan. They happened to be passing by here.

Compared with these scholars who were running around telling each other with joyful expressions, the monks had gloomy and solemn faces, solemn eyes, and lowered their heads in silence, as if they were deep in thought. They had no reaction at all to the noisy and noisy activities outside.


After passing through a few more streets, a group of forbidden troops sent the abbots to Shanshiyuan, bowed slightly and then turned around and left.

When the monks saw Shanshiyuan in front of them, they woke up slightly and looked at each other.

But these abbots, no matter how many thoughts they had in their hearts, they all closed their mouths and stood there, as if waiting for someone to react first.

But before they could make up their minds, Zhitong led several disciples out of the Shanshi Courtyard, bowed slowly to them, and said in a deep voice:

"Zhitong, a disciple of Taning Temple, pays homage to all my uncles and brothers!"

Several abbots' hearts skipped a beat, and they quickly put their hands together to return the salute and chanted the Buddha's name.

At this time, Zhitong looked at the abbots of various temples who had slightly different expressions. He keenly felt something was wrong. He frowned slightly and immediately said:

"Uncles and brothers, Abbot Huiqi of our temple has just arrived in the capital today and would like to invite you all to come and have a chat!"

When two or three of the abbots heard this, they immediately lowered their heads and saluted:

"Please report back to Senior Brother Huiqi, I will go there as soon as possible!"

At this time, Zhitong felt the bad feeling in his heart becoming more and more serious.

Among the abbots of these temples, a few of them lowered their heads in tacit understanding after looking at each other, and stood there without any reaction.

This fashionable and silent monk, although he did not explicitly reject Huiqi's agreement, since he did not open his mouth to accept it at this time, he has actually shown his attitude.

It's just that none of these monks want to be the first person, so they are waiting for others to speak first!

Finally, one of the youngest-looking monks couldn't stand it any longer. He stepped forward and bowed to Zhitong and his party, and said bluntly:

"Uncle Huiqi invited me, I shouldn't have declined. But I'm exhausted from giving lectures to His Majesty today, so I have to pay another visit later!"

After that, the monk bypassed Zhitong, who looked a little ugly, and went straight to the Shanshi Courtyard.

The first one to speak was Abbot Zhimi of Xiangji Temple. Among all the abbots, he was the youngest. Young people always have bigger ideas and are more impatient than others.

Seeing Abbot Zhimui leaving first, after a moment of hesitation, two or three other great monks stood up, bowed slightly to Zhitong, then walked around him and left.

The meaning of these people leaving in front of Zhitong at this time is naturally self-evident.

This is because he wants to come forward and compete for the position of the great mage!

Zhitong's mind suddenly changed, his face suddenly turned livid, and he gritted his teeth to hold back, thus preventing himself from losing his composure.

Upon seeing this, the remaining abbots of the big temples immediately came to Zhitong quickly and said in a deep voice:

"Take me quickly to find Master Huiqi!"

Zhitong looked at the serious expressions and urgent tone of these abbots, and his heart suddenly sank. He vaguely guessed that something had happened after entering the palace to meet the current His Majesty.

Zhitong couldn't think of anything else and said quickly:

"Everyone, please follow me!"


In the Xuanzheng Hall, Xiao Cheng was wearing a black crown, with twelve crowns on his head, and his face was covered with drapes, making it difficult to see his expression.

The ministers lined up and bowed, and they felt that the person sitting on the dragon throne was becoming more and more dignified and imposing, making people fear him and not dare to disobey him.

Guest Cao Shangshu walked out of the queue, bowed to Xiao Cheng, and said:

"Your Majesty, after several days of negotiations, we have finally reached a consensus on the truce between our country and the Xia Kingdom. The Xia Kingdom will compensate the people of our Yun Kingdom for the losses and the funds for the departure of the army, including 100,000 taels of gold and 1.2 million taels of silver in cash.

, copper coins can be converted into 100,000 taels, and silk and treasures can be converted into 50,000 taels. The total amount of silver can be converted into 2,350,000 taels."

The bottom line Xiao Cheng set was two million taels of silver, which was equivalent to three or a quarter of the annual income of the Yun Kingdom. Even for the Xia Kingdom, it was estimated to be more than 10% of the annual tax. As a result, the officials who served in Kecao were quite successful.

I got an extra three hundred and fifty thousand taels.

Just looking at the method of compensation, gold, silver, copper coins, and silk were all used to pay off the debt. Even if the existing treasury of the Xia Kingdom was not emptied, it would probably be about the same.

It has to be said that because the situation in the southwest states and counties has been turned upside down, the Xia Kingdom Court is really anxious, otherwise the peace talks will take at least another ten days and a half.

Xiao Cheng nodded and said in approval:


Guest Cao Shangshu said quickly:

"This is all thanks to Your Majesty, I don't dare to take the credit!"

If Xiao Cheng hadn't insisted on asking for more during the peace talks, he wouldn't have been able to get so much.

"The envoy left for home yesterday. His Royal Highness, Prince Jin, the third prince of the Xia Kingdom, will personally lead the envoy here soon, so that the contract can be formally signed and the war can be stopped and repaired."

Xiao Cheng couldn't help but sneered when he heard this.

First, a mission was sent to seek peace and negotiate terms. After the two sides reached an agreement, the official came back to formally sign the contract. After going through such a complicated and formal process, the Xia Kingdom Court did not know how much more they would have to worry about the situation in the southwest.

"You, the guest, have full authority to deal with it. If I guess correctly, the Jin King of Xia Kingdom will arrive soon!" Xiao Cheng said casually.

"According to the order!"

After explaining the affairs of the Xia Kingdom, Xiao Cheng spoke again and said:

"The method of passing the examination has already begun to be implemented. Ma Minwen, the Order of the Chancellor, is personally supervising the process. Zhang Hong, the Right Chancellor of the Chancellor, and Cao Shangshu, will continue to be in charge of this matter. This is a trial implementation, so there is no need to worry about any mistakes or omissions!"

Qu Cheng, Zhang Hong, and the Minister of Civil Affairs all stepped forward, bowed and said:

"I sincerely obey His Majesty's decree!"

Xiao Cheng looked calm and continued:

"There is also the matter of the imperial examination, which is related to the selection of talents for the country, which is the most important matter today. I would like to add a Li Cao office under the Chancellor's desk, responsible for the five rites of Ji, Jia, Jun, Bin, and Ji.

Manage the national official schools, academies affairs, imperial examinations, recommend officials and other matters. All officials from Taichang Temple under Feng Chang's command will be appointed to the Ministry of Rites!"

At this time, there was no department of Rites among the Six Cao Cao. If anything, the responsibility of the Rites Department at this time, including offering sacrifices and selecting officials, was above that of the officials. In terms of etiquette and etiquette, Feng Chang, one of the Nine Qings, was in charge.

As for the original vassal vassal of the Ministry of Rites, Xiao Cheng still left the responsibility for foreign affairs in the hands of Ke Cao and did not choose to merge.

At this time, the officials in the court had long been punished by Xiao Cheng's methods and did not dare to say anything. Even Fengchang, one of the nine ministers who was directly deprived of all his powers at this time, no matter how much he complained in his heart, he did not dare to say anything.

Dare to stand up and speak out.

Ma Minwen was silent for a moment and said:

"To add a ceremonial officer, we also need a minister. Does your majesty have a suitable candidate?"

"The note for this imperial examination is the post of Li Cao Shangshu proposed by Zhang Zhao, so he will fill it!" Xiao Cheng said solemnly.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Zhao immediately came out of the queue and knelt on the ground, saying in a deep voice:

"My lord, thank you for your grace!"

Speaking of this, Xiao Cheng suddenly remembered something, looked at the minister's order, Qu Cheng, and said:

"Qing Qu, how is the reconstruction of Ganye Temple going now?"

Qu Cheng's heart skipped a beat, he quickly stepped out of the queue, bowed and said:

"Your Majesty, the craftsmen have now been transferred to Ganye Temple to start the reconstruction. According to the progress, it will take four months to complete the reconstruction."

Xiao Cheng frowned and said in a deep voice:

"It's too slow!"

Qu Cheng immediately knelt down in fear and apologized:

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for your poor management!"

Xiao Cheng pondered for a moment and said:

"I can't blame you for this! The affairs of the civil servants are too complicated now, and they can't mobilize the craftsmen under them. The young government is independent of the chancellery, which is really detrimental to the operation of the government!"

When all the officials in the palace heard what Xiao Cheng said, their brows jumped again.

Needless to say, His Majesty is about to withdraw from that yamen again!

As expected, Xiao Cheng paused and then said:

"I want to set up the Gongcao Yamen under the Chancellery, and integrate all the civil servants, officials and craftsmen in the Shaofu who specialize in construction. From now on, the Gongcao Yamen will be in charge of the country's civil engineering, water conservancy projects, weapons and armor. Mining, metallurgy, textiles and other government-run industries must be comprehensively managed!"

Since the Ministry of Rites has already been established, we might as well go ahead and create the Ministry of Works. After that, a system similar to the six ministries will be established, and a lot of obstacles will be reduced.

Ma Minwen's eyes moved and he continued:

"As for the post of Gong Cao Shangshu, does your Majesty have a candidate you like?"

Xiao Cheng shook his head and said in a deep voice:

"Let the current Shaofu Ling take charge of this matter!"

There are only a few civil servants at his disposal, so how can there be any suitable candidates? The current Shaofu Ling is considered to be Qu Cheng's man. He was quite effective in doing things before, so he will continue to serve.

Hearing this, the current Shaofu Ling was overjoyed. He suppressed his excitement, walked out of the queue, knelt down, and said loudly:

"Your Majesty, Shen Mao, thank you for your kindness!"

All the officials looked at the lucky man named Shen Mao with envy.

He was transferred from the post of Shaofu Ling, who was in charge of the taxation of mountains, seas, ponds and lakes across the country, and the skills of hundreds of workers, to the position of Gongcao Shangshu. In terms of responsibilities, it was a demotion.

But all the officials know that His Majesty now looks down on the old government system and wants to use the Shangshutai to replace the operation of the court. It is great luck to transfer the Shaofu Order from the Shaofu Order, which is destined to become a vacant post, to the real power worker Cao Shangshu!

Xiao Cheng looked at the new Gong Cao Shangshu Shen Mao and said in a deep voice:

"You are responsible for the construction of Jixia Academy. There should be no delay!"

Shen Mao immediately wanted to thank him, but suddenly he was stunned and couldn't help but say:

"Jixia Academy?"

The rest of the officials were also moved in their hearts.

Xiao Cheng looked around at the officials in the palace and said in a deep voice:

"I have issued an order to recruit talents before, but after thinking about it, it is still not enough. There are countless students in the world, and they all come from hundreds of schools, each holding their own opinions and wanting to prove what they have learned. So I decided to give these scholars a A place to display one’s own teachings.”

Xiao Cheng paused and then said:

"Therefore, I established Jixia Academy on the former site of Ganye Temple. Scholars from all over the world can come here. Regardless of their academic affiliations, ideological views, nationality, age, or seniority, they can express themselves freely. opinions and debate with each other to promote their respective academic progress. In addition, each school is free to recruit students and teach in the academy. Students from all over the world can also seek teachers and study in the academy. All necessary materials and financial resources All goods are provided by the royal family!"

In the past, the money used to support Ganye Temple was useless except for a few words of "Amitabha". The money used to support Jixia Academy could also gain some talents.

Among the officials, many people frowned.

Now His Majesty has selected scholars through the imperial examination and established Jixia Academy. So in the future, wouldn’t it be up to them to recommend people to the court?

If this is the case, how will the children of each family enter officialdom in the future?

Do we want the children of all families to go to some academy to study together with those poor peasants, and to take the imperial examination?

Ridiculous! Too ridiculous!

Immediately, an old official with gray hair and a stooped figure couldn't help but stood up and leaned over and said:

"Your Majesty, this matter of the academy sounds like it is about turning hundreds of schools of thought to one's own use, which will be of great benefit to the country. But how can things in this world be so simple? Just look at the Xia Kingdom's court, where hundreds of schools of thought are given equal importance. . Then officials from hundreds of schools criticized each other, which became a party dispute. As a result, the Xia State's national affairs were changed every few years, which served no other purpose except excessive loss of the court's prestige. Therefore, your Majesty, please think twice. !”

Xiao Cheng looked at the old official who stood up and raised his brows slightly.

Hey, how many officials have been captured by taking advantage of the momentum, and there are still some who dare to jump out at this time without risking their lives?

When all the officials in the palace saw someone jumping out first, their hearts suddenly moved.

The officials' eyes wandered and they met each other in private. Many people understood what everyone was thinking. Just when they were about to boldly speak out in agreement, they heard a voice and suddenly sounded.

"The minister is gentle and benevolent, and he has the foundation of Shen! Shen Taizhong's doctor has become a model of excellence, but he has no way to teach his grandson. As a result, his grandson is arrogant and domineering and has no ambition to make progress. He once rode a horse in the city and stayed in the land of flowers and willows every night, which is detrimental to the dignity of the court!"

Wen Tiren suddenly stood up at this moment and said righteously.

Xiao Cheng raised his eyelids and pretended to be honest:

"Oh? So, where is Dr. Taizhong?"

The old official who had just spoken with certainty, looking like he was serving the country and the people, now turned red in the face, hesitated for a long time, and then he handed over his hand and said:

"Your Majesty, I am Taizhong doctor Cheng Yingfan..."

Xiao Cheng nodded in a daze and said:

"Oh, so you are Doctor Taizhong! Does the Chengqing family know what Ting Wei Wen Qing said?"

Cheng Yingfan lowered his head, with a troubled expression on his face, and considered:

"I am busy with official duties and have little education for my children and grandchildren..."

Yes, there was little education, so I knew that my descendants would be ineffective. This worried me that after Xiao Cheng established the academy and the imperial examination system, his descendants would have no channels to enter the officialdom.

The compassion for the child is really touching!

Xiao Cheng's face turned cold and he said:

"In this case, I will allow the Taizhong doctor to retire and go back to teach his descendants!"

When Taizhong doctor Cheng Yingfan heard this, he suddenly froze and froze on the spot.

Feng Bao, who was standing on the steps, raised his head slightly and winked at the little eunuchs waiting in the palace. Immediately, the little eunuchs came forward, picked up Cheng Yingfan and dragged him out of the palace.

"Your Majesty, I...wuwu,wuwuwu..."

Cheng Yingfan woke up with a start and opened his mouth to scream, but the clever little eunuch covered his mouth and dragged him out.

After this incident, all the officials who were just eager to try suddenly stopped. Xiao Cheng glanced at them, and each of them had a look on their face that said, "Your Majesty, you are absolutely right." It was quite impressive to see.

Somewhat funny.

Even if the descendants cannot be officials, that is a thing for later. After all, they are still wearing official robes. But if they are dismissed by the emperor, then their own family will probably fall into decline from then on! These officials have always been good at weighing the pros and cons.

Xiao Cheng looked at the officials who were honest and did not dare to say anything, and couldn't help but look at Wen Tiren with satisfaction.

Look, how comfortable it is to have a minister around you who is able to guess the emperor's intentions, is shameless, and knows how to use various means to share the king's worries!

Feeling Xiao Cheng's approving gaze, Wen Tiren could not help but feel a trace of pride on his face.

Xiao Cheng coughed lightly and continued:

"If a ruler wants to rule the world peacefully and be famous, he must respect the virtuous and the inferior. I want to imitate the ancient sage kings and sage masters, who do not regard pearls and jade as valuable, but talents as treasures. Open the thoroughfare of Kangzhuang and build high

The gate is a big house to build the Jixia Academy. Regardless of their seniority and nationality, the school advocates to attract the respect and favor of the wise and outstanding people, grant them the position of "bachelor", and allow them to freely praise and criticize the state affairs. They can directly remonstrate before me and encourage them.

Write books and propagate ideas. All expenses incurred by the academy are supported by the royal family!"

"Draft an edict and pass this order to the world, so that everyone in the world will know that I am thirsty for talents!"

Feng Bao immediately bowed in response.

Wen Tiren in the hall took advantage of every opportunity and immediately fell to his knees with a thud and shouted loudly:

"Your Majesty appoints the virtuous and innovates, is kind and courteous to the virtuous, and is so virtuous, it is really a blessing to our country, and a blessing to the world! Your Majesty, long live, long live, long live!"

This flattery, to others, would naturally sound very disgusting, but to Xiao Cheng, it was quite helpful and he couldn't help but smile.

All the officials had no choice but to kneel to the ground and shouted in unison:

"Long live your Majesty, long live, long live your Majesty!"

The sound of mountain calls came from the Xuanzheng Palace and floated above the palace.

Unable to be seen by ordinary people, the giant purple bird on the Xuanzheng Palace fluttered its wings and flew straight into the sky. The sound of its cry was like the jingling of gold and jade, which shocked people's hearts.

This chapter has been completed!
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