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Chapter 86 The Mo Family Arrives

Seeing this, Xiao Cheng stood up and walked to Cheng Bushi, helped him up with his own hands, smiled and said:

"Why did Cheng Qing come back early?"

When Cheng Bushi heard the words, he bowed with respect and said:

"Since you are returning to Beijing to resume your duties, how dare you keep your Majesty waiting for so long?"

Having said this, Cheng Bushi knelt down on the ground again, immediately took out the tiger talisman from his arms, raised it above his head, and said loudly to Xiao Chenglang:

"Your Majesty, I have been ordered by you to take charge of the army to resist the invasion of Xia Kingdom. It is all due to your Majesty's sage wisdom that all the soldiers in the army will work together to recover the northern border. Now that the war between the two countries has been decided, I should hand over my military duties and return my duties.

Tiger Talisman. Please also ask Your Majesty to send another trusted general to take over the northern army!"

When Xiao Cheng heard this, his brows moved.

Although with Cheng Bushi's temperament, it was inevitable that he would return the tiger talisman to Xiao Cheng. But now that he had just come back, he was about to step down from his post in the army without saying a word. I think it was because he was worried about his meeting with King Qi.

The news reached Xiao Cheng's ears, so he showed his loyalty in advance.

Xiao Cheng chuckled lightly, stretched out his hand, but did not take the tiger talisman. Instead, he raised his wrist and patted Cheng Bushi's shoulder twice to show his affection. Then he lifted him up again and said


"Although the war has been decided, the situation in the world has changed, and Northern Xinjiang also needs people to defend it. I can only rest assured if I leave it in your hands!"

The northern border of the Yun Kingdom was dangerous due to the favorable mountains and rivers. In the past, Emperor Taizu of the Yun Kingdom once again built strong cities to resist the Xia army and firmly guarded the southern land.

But before that, King Qi took advantage of the negligence of the northern counties and attacked Jianchang Mansion overnight, and then swept across the entire northern territory, almost causing the Yun Kingdom to be destroyed.

This incident obviously made Xiao Cheng suspicious.

There will definitely be a battle between Yun and Xia.

As for the vast northern border of Yun State, if the troops and supplies of various counties are not coordinated by generals, no matter how dangerous the mountains and rivers are, they cannot be said to be foolproof.

So at this time, one person needs to stay in the north and take charge of military affairs!

Cheng Bushi was not as good as Di Qing and Wu Zixu in terms of control. In terms of force, he was not as good as Yang Dayan. However, he was cautious in nature, marched and fought with strict rules, and never took risks to win.

The slightly dangerous mountainous terrain in the northern border is the most suitable for his performance. From now on, he will deploy the defense in the northern border, and even if the two countries fight in the future, it will be enough to ensure that nothing goes wrong!

Cheng didn't know what he wanted to say after hearing the words.

Xiao Cheng waved his hand and said with a smile:

"Don't think too much, I am very confident about you!"

Having said this, Xiao Cheng paused and then said:

"Don't pay attention to the matter of King Qi. If I have to abandon this handsome guy just because we met once and exchanged a few words, then if King Qi knows about it, I'm afraid he will go back to Zhongqing City immediately and drag him one by one.

My civil servants and military generals chatted."

Hearing what Xiao Cheng said, Cheng Bushi trembled slightly in his heart and subconsciously looked at Feng Bao, who was standing aside with a low eyebrow.

I have long heard that Dongjishi Factory’s rumors are pervasive, but I don’t want to take it seriously.

After meeting with King Heqi, Cheng Bushi rushed back to the capital without stopping, wanting to show his loyalty with his attitude. However, he did not expect that His Majesty had already received the news...

Seeing that Cheng Bushi was still a little uneasy, Xiao Cheng moved his eyes and said in a deep voice:

"There are people from Dongchang around you!"

When Cheng Bushi heard the words, his pupils shrank slightly and he quickly lowered his head.

Xiao Cheng continued to say in a deep voice:

"Placing people around you does not mean that I have doubted you or distrusted you before. It means that I know that you have a cautious personality. Even if some things are groundless and have no solid evidence, you will definitely waste time and energy.

Please explain and clarify to prevent my suspicion! At this time, Dongchang Fanzi’s words are more useful.”

When Cheng Bushi heard the words, he raised his head slightly and his eyes shone slightly.

"I trust you and entrust all the power of the Northern Territory to your hands, so no matter what rumors or rumors there are in the future, you don't have to pay attention to them. Someone will explain it clearly to you!"

Cheng Bushi stood upright, his tired face showing excitement.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

In the line of sight that no one could see, several lines of fonts suddenly appeared on the golden finger panel.

[Cheng Bushi, intimacy +1]

[Tip: The close minister event has been triggered, and the current intimacy level is 83.]

[General Zhenbei: Cheng Bushi (close minister), force 77, literature 60, wisdom 71...]

Well, close ministers are loyal ministers who are loyal to the emperor, hawks and dogs of the emperor, and loyal ministers.

Things that are inconvenient for Xiao Cheng to come forward can be handled by close ministers.

For ministers with low moral attributes like Wen Tiren, things like robbing civilian girls, falsely accusing ministers that the emperor didn't like, and taking the blame for the emperor, Xiao Cheng could handle all these matters very appropriately.

To become a close minister, in addition to the loyalty points, Xiao Cheng also needs to be personally summoned to gain intimacy points, as well as the occurrence of close minister triggering events, in order to become a close minister.

With Xiao Cheng's current status as emperor, his loyalty points are very easy to increase. In terms of intimacy level, it is not difficult to summon the ministers to accompany him.

Only close ministers can trigger events. This thing is very confusing and irregular.

So now, Xiao Cheng only has Wen Tiren and Cheng Buji on hand.

Xiao Cheng looked at the word "near minister" behind Cheng Buji's name and couldn't help but feel happy and said:

"Okay, I've been running around day and night to get back to the capital. It's been so hard, so I'd better go back and rest as soon as possible!"

Cheng Bushi heard the words, but he opened his mouth and said:

"Your Majesty, I have one more thing that I would like to report."

"What's up?"

"Your Majesty, when I was stationed in the northern border this time, some Mohist disciples came to recommend themselves."

Xiao Cheng's eyes suddenly moved and he said:

"Mo disciple?"

Nowadays, there are nine schools of thought in the world, namely the Mohist school, and the political and political schools have not yet settled in Jixia Academy.

Although these two families may seem inferior to Confucianism and Legalism, they are also the most influential among the nine schools of thought, and are not inferior to Taoism or Yin Yang.

Strategists have always been mysterious, let’s not leave that aside for now. However, the Mohist family is proficient in the art of making mechanisms and equipment. The sages of the Mohist family in the past generations were able to use metal and wood to create all kinds of weapons and mechanisms with astonishing power.

Most of the weapons and equipment for sieges and battles in the armies of various countries were made by the Mohists.

Such a group of talents, Xiao Cheng's Ministry of Industry is prepared for them!

Xiao Chenggang wanted to summon him, but paused slightly and said in deep thought:

"Let's arrange for them to enter Jixia Academy!"

Xiao Cheng wanted to use the power of hundreds of families for his own benefit, so he could not show special importance to any one family for the time being.

Besides, if you want to join the court of Yun Kingdom and increase the influence of your own school, it would be a bit shameful if the Mo family doesn't come up with something!

Cheng Bushi heard the words and immediately nodded in agreement.

A moment later, outside the palace gate, three young disciples of the Mo family, who followed Cheng Bushi and rushed back to the capital day and night, with tired expressions on their faces, heard that the young eunuch was sending them and others to Jixia Academy for resettlement.

But when the emperor summoned him, he couldn't help but frown slightly.

The youngest among them, the Mohist disciple named Ai Feng, was slightly confused and looked at the leading Mohist disciple in embarrassment.

"Senior Brother Dan Bai, let's..."

Dan Bai looked at the majestic palace gate in front of him, sighed slightly and said:

"Let's go, let's go to Jixia Academy first!"



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